Willie's Vegan Forever Videos

Videos by Willie's Vegan Forever. I’m Willie, welcome to Willie’s Vegan Forever.

Immune system

The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells and proteins that defends the body against infection, whilst protecting the body’s own cells. The immune system keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again.

How do you improve and boost your immune system?
Eating well, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, not smoking, and avoiding excessive alcohol use.

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Immune system The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells and proteins that defends the body against infection, whilst protecting the body’s own cells. The immune system keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again. How do you improve and boost your immune system? Eating well, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, not smoking, and avoiding excessive alcohol use.

I HAVE A QUOTE BY ANTHONY WILLIAM , “CELERY JUICE BINDS TO THE VIRUS, WEAKENS IT, BREAKS IT DOWN AND ESCORTS “ Top Benefits of Celery Juice Detox drink. High in water content. Hydrating and alkali zing to the body. Can reduce overly acidic conditions. Cleanse and flush out toxins. Raw celery juice, especially when immediately consumed after juicing is also high in living plant enzymes which may further assist in the breakdown of indigestive and encourage their release. For many, including ourselves celery juice consumption following the 16 ounces daily portion but I take 32 ounces daily portion. I’m glad Anthony William Medical Medium was alive so I can take celery juice. Celery juice does many things and/or increase bowel movements. Celery Juice alleviates bloating. Celery Juice heals and activates the gut by restoring hydrochloric acid. Celery Juice lowers cholesterol. Celery Juice is a natural -inflammatory. Celery Juice lowers blood pressure. ‘ Celery Juice aids the liver. Celery Juice improves digestion. Celery Juice fights infection. Celery Juice contains powerful anti-oxidants. Celery Juice is alkalizing. Celery Juice is highly nutritious. Celery Juice is the most powerful medicine in the world because the juice activates special sodium. OUT OF THE BODY.” ANTHONY WILLIAM MEDICAL MEDIUM. CELERY JUICE KILLS EPSTEIN BARR AND SHINGLES VIRUS. NEUTRALIZES FLUSHES TOXINS OUT of the liver OF THE LIVER. CRITICAL FOR CHRONICS ACID REFLUX. HELPS RESTORE ADRENALS. FIGHTS AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. HELPS ERADICATE STREP BACTERIA. CONTAINS UNDISCOVERED SODIUM CLUSTER SALTS THAT ARE CRITICAL FOR THE BRAIN.

5 types of types of people to surround yourself with… The inspired as if resulting from or influenced by inspiration. The motivated desire or enthusiasm to accomplish or achieve something. The open-minded having a mind that is open to new ideas, free from prejudice, full of passion. The passionate having or showing strong feelings. The grateful feeling or expressing gratitude, thankful, appreciative.