Friends on Hand

Friends on Hand

Who doesn’t crave more meaningful friendships? Find out more at

Join us for the Friends on Hand podcast where we explore the fine art of friendship and what it means to be a friend.

Photos from Friends on Hand's post 24/10/2023

Over the 3 days of the Breaking Bread Experience, I got 30k steps - all in about a 4x7ft space. 😂

Yesterday I got almost 20k getting ready for today - heading to Charleston to an in person business mastermind for the rest of rest of the week 🙌

Y’all. I’ve never been more ready to just sit in a plane!!

Heck, I might even be able to sleep this time! 🤞🤞


Woot!! Getting ready for day one of the Breaking Bread Experience!! if you were ever curious to know what the behind the scenes of a virtual live event might look like, well, this is one take on the process 🥖😎

This was our tech check last night. Not a full house but I expect one today!


What in THE world does sourdough have to do with communication and connection??

THIS - and it can change your life for the better 🥖

⏰ If you want in on this action, you have to TAKE action by Oct. 14th in order to get your kit in the mail!!


Breaking Bread Experience is MORE than bread alone - it's about connection!

Here is why YOU need to be there! 🥖


Looking for a delicious retreat in a world of stress?

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by chaotic communication, ignored instructions, and misunderstandings, Breaking Bread is tailor-made for you.

⚡️ Because you deserve a hefty dose of R&R - minus the guilt. It's time to work on yourself while having a blast. It FEELS like time off 🙌

👩‍🍳 Join a group of talented, hardworking entrepreneurs who, just like you, sometimes want to go off the grid and hide from people. Together, we're transforming sourdough into an opportunity for growth.

💼 It's not just baking; it's a unique blend of training, connecting, and de-stressing. Work that feels like play, with the insights to unlock the true freedom your business can offer. (The freedom you expected when you started out!)

🥖 You'll savor the heavenly scent, the tasty goodness, and the joy of skill-building through baking. Plus, you'll gain next-level communication and connection skills that'll be as ingrained as that perfect sourdough loaf.

🤝 Get the inside scoop on better connection, handling difficult people, and effective communication even when you'd rather disappear or let loose.

👨‍🍳 Secure your kit now (time is short!), and bake your own sourdough with me in real-time, from my kitchen to yours. All the while, you'll uncover strategies to enhance your connections in life and business.

🎙️ Our guest speakers, leaders in visual storytelling and personal/business branding, will unveil the secrets of brand congruence and elegant on-camera storytelling.

🌟 It's Fun. It's Interactive. It's Delicious. It's Transformational. 🌟

Oh, and like bread, this event is best shared with others - let your friends know!

Join us for the !
Link to the event in the comments!


Getting soooooo excited for the Breaking Bread Experience 3!!

Connection, relationships, friendships, and your professional network are key to success and happiness in life - and right now you need to be the best communicator you can be (because everyone else is distracted!).

Oh, and great news! Something IMPORTANT can also be FUN!! 💥

Join us for the Breaking Bread Experience October 20-22!

You'll discover the secrets to creating lasting, meaningful relationships - the kind that turbo charge your success and happiness - WHILE you learn to bake a delicious sourdough bread 🥖


See you there!


“Don't Cross the Streams.”

In the infamous words of Egon in Ghostbusters, "It would be bad."

But what if I told you crossing the streams – mixing with people who seem worlds apart – can lead to incredible connections?

Let’s back up a little bit. I love crossing the streams.

During my law school years in New Orleans, parties at our apartment (such a forgiving roomie!), would be a mix of law students, medical school students, coffee shop friends, musicians, neighbors, old friends, and whoever I met at on my walk that morning. I think a fire breather even showed up once!

The mix was always fun, and at least two forever couples (still married with kids) came out of a Nancy party (an artist/coffee shop barista + cyber security specialist, lawyer + electrical engineer). They would not have met but for that crossing of the streams.

Just like in Ghostbusters, crossing the streams turned out to be a great thing.

Still, what’s so easy and fun in your 20s can get more complicated with time. With a more established life, it’s easy to fall into a routine with the same people over and over and over again.

That actually means mixing things up is more important than ever, and you can approach it any way you like – curated, spontaneous, measured.

Just make sure you mix things up a bit. That’s where the magic happens! 🪄

Here are three keys to embracing conversations with brand new people (so fresh!) who seem to be completely different from you.

🚀 Prepare to Embrace the Mix: Diverse groups of people can lead to unexpected and wonderful connections. Before a gathering, meeting, or event, prepare mentally. Revisit times when you made fun, spontaneous connections. Remembering those past successes will help you connect and engage with people in a more meaningful way.

🎯 Find Common Ground: In any conversation, look for shared interests or experiences. Because I’m a foodie, this is usually my go-to. We all eat, right?

It's all about finding that sweet spot where your streams converge – and they DO converge.

🤝 Be Curious and Open: Approach every new conversation with genuine curiosity. Ask questions, actively listen, and be open to learning from others. Remember, the most fascinating conversations often arise when you allow different streams of thought to flow together.

Just like crossing the streams led to lasting relationships in my New Orleans years, embracing spontaneous conversations with unexpected people can lead to incredible connections and valuable insights.

So, go ahead, cross the streams 🌟


🚀 Just had a mind-blowing experience at Disney 🌐

This was my first “real” trip to Disney (there’s a great story for another time), and it was AH-mazing. Wow - especially the Guardians of the Galaxy ride. I mean...

If you don’t know, Spaceship Earth takes you through the history of communication – from cave drawings to today.

It got me thinking, in this digital age, are we truly mastering the art of communication? Are we connecting better than before? 📱💬

In some ways, maybe. In many ways, maybe not so much.
👉 Here are 3 tips to help you get back to basics and communicate more effectively:

1️ - Active Listening: Just like Spaceship Earth guided us through history, listening attentively is key to understanding others. Put down your gadgets, look people in the eye, and truly absorb what they're saying. It's the foundation of connection.

2️ - Be YOU: Embrace your unique voice, quirks, and all! Much like the ride's journey through time, we all have a story to tell. Being genuine in your communication can cut through the digital noise and create meaningful connections.

3️ - Storytelling Magic: In true Disney style, Spaceship Earth showed us the power of stories in human history. You can use that same magic by grabbing a story from your life to accompany your point.

Craft your messages like a compelling narrative. Share anecdotes, weave emotions, and watch your audience engage and remember.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE technology, and it can be an amazing tool to help you connect more fully. But the basics, the fundamentals, of connection cannot be replaced.

Focus on using technology as a tool to enhance, not replace, your communication skills. 🚀 Get ready to embark on a journey towards more meaningful relationships🤝


Strangers tell me things – and boyo, I’ve heard some wild stuff.

Like the infidelity confided to me on an airplane, the never-ending nightmares told to me at a birthday party, and an actual killing (in self-defense) dropped on me at a football tailgate. 😳 (Yes, that really happened, and it was something she was keeping very quiet in her new town).

At this point it’s rare for it NOT to happen.

Still, why me??

It’s probably because I am genuinely interested in what others have to say. My MO is to listen and let them talk and talk and talk!

Given the chance to be heard, people open up.

Maybe you’re like me, and this happens to you all the time. If not, and you are struggling to reach understanding, get to the “real” issue, or get someone to talk to you, there’s hope!

Listen up!

That’s it!

So easy, right? And yet…

96% of all professionals believe they are great listeners.

The truth (or research from 2013, anyway), is that 50% of adults almost immediately forget what their partner in conversation said. “Can you tell me your name again?” “Could you please repeat the question?”

I bet that percentage is much higher these days, especially with smartphones and the wisdom of the world so easy to access.

So, as we kick off a what will certainly be a wildly productive week, pay close attention to your attention. Listen up, and what you hear will amaze you.

“You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.” – M. Scott Peck.


Here's how I grew my network during the pandemic and how you can do it too - no matter what


It's the middle of the week, do you know where the "chill & relaxed" side of you is?

Probably lost in the busy, hurry, gotta get 'er done of the week - and your ability to connect might be suffering because of it!

We all connect better when we are calm, centered, and balanced. There are so many things you can do to take a beat and relax a little bit. Every little bit helps!

Here's a little waterfall we found on a hike earlier this summer. 🌳

This Study of 300,000 People Reveals the 1 Secret to Living a Longer, Healthier Life 14/08/2023

"So do this. Take a second and list your friends."

Not your passing friends. Not your friends for a reason/season.

List the ones who would fetch you if you had car trouble. List the ones you call what you have a BIG win...(or the S**t hits the fan).

List the ones who can come to dinner at your house any old time - even when you haven't tidied up - and the conversation just flows. 🥖

List the ones who will happily drink wine out of a coffee cup and pitch in to clean up. 🍷

Those are the relationships that sustain us - mentally, physically, and financially. Genuine connection is healthy!

I was looking for something else today and ran across this article from a few years ago. It's still a good one!

What do you love the most about breaking bread with your friends?

PS - Call a friend today! No reason is the best reason!

This Study of 300,000 People Reveals the 1 Secret to Living a Longer, Healthier Life It's not supplements or a certain diet or a fancy exercise plan that leads to a healthier life. Instead it's something we all can use: good friends.


One of my friends just connected me with someone in his network, (thanks, Alan!!) and it was such a perfect match! I’m looking forward to learning more about my new friend, and love being on the receiving end of an introduction.

The truth is, making introductions is one of my favorite things to do. Over the last month, I’ve connected 7 different sets of friends! And who better to make those introductions than a mutual friend?

Here’s hoping those relationships are a good fit and blossom.

PS – I usually use my own photos, but for this I decided to pull a stock photo of a handshake. There are so many ways to shake hands. My dad taught me to shake hands “like I meant it” – firm but not too firm, long enough but not too long, while looking them in the eye (and never *ever* floppy). How about you?


Nothing creates consistent success like meaningful connections - and nothing creates connection, community, and conversation like bread.

That's what makes breaking Bread so powerful, not to mention tasty and fun!


What are you trying to say?

Are you saying it with your face? With your body? With your energy and presence?

People tend to put an emphasis on verbal skills, but what about body language? It can make or break our connections with others.

As someone who has made a career out teaching connection and communication, I’ve shouted from the rooftop about the importance of nonverbal skills. They really are essential for success.

Your ability to create meaningful connections with others is essential for building trust, credibility, and empathy – but it’s a skill that’s been slipping away for some time.

I’ve held on to a copy of a 2009 (forever ago!) article from the Wall Street Journal called “Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Nonverbal Cues” because I wanted to see how this would all play out. Remember when Millennials were Gen Y?

The article highlighted how nonverbal skills, so valuable in business settings, are slipping 2009.

Here we are, 14 years and a pandemic later, and things aren’t improving.

I read an article today about how many in Gen Z are struggling with nonverbal skills in their communication. They are digital natives, and have less experience reading those sometimes subtle cues than previous generations.

Nonverbal communication is about establishing trust and conveying your message in a way that resonates with your audience. It's about showing empathy, understanding, and creating a connection that goes beyond words.

Research shows that nonverbal cues account for up to 93% of our communication, while the words we use make up only 7%. It can also be tricky to pick up on those cues through a computer screen.

The good news? Nonverbal communication can be learned at any age!

You can model clear nonverbal communication for the people around you by paying attention to your own body language. Try to maintain an open posture, be present and engaged, and match your tone to the message you're trying to convey.

We have five generations in the workforce for the first time in history! As Gen Z enters the workforce and looks for connection in an increasingly digital world, it's important welcome them with understanding and clear communication. That means remembering to use the power of nonverbal cues in building trust and rapport.

The best way to welcome your new team members and develop leaders who can connect and communicate?

A Breaking Bread event! 🥖

Breaking Bread evens are the ultimate ice breaker. They're not only fun, they're an inclusive, multi-sensory, and active learning experience with a solid win at the end of the day.

Pretty much everyone loves learning to bake sourdough. Along the way, participants learn connection and communication skills that help them create more meaningful and productive relationships at work and in life. Connection - Baked in.


Starter needs flour and water to survive.

Flour and water need starter to rise.

Your sourdough starter is the spark! It gives rise to the bread. It adds a unique flavor and personality to the bake. 🥖

And it needs to be fed consistently (with quality flour and filtered water) to be healthy and robust enough to create a well-developed loaf. That way, it's always ready to rise to the occasion.

Leave it too long in the back of the fridge, and it will either die or need critical care to get back up to speed.

What about your spark? ✨

Like the starter, YOUR spark need to be cultivated, nurtured, and fed - consistently and with quality self-care. Leave it to chance for too long, and it can be difficult to revive.

How do you take care of you? How are you nurturing your spark - right now, today?

As you go into the weekend, think about 1 or 2 ways you can treat yourself and develop your spark so that it's there for you when you need to rise to the occasion.

People need people to survive. People need people to rise.


One - it's the magic number.

Sometimes it takes a whole village to make things happen, to move the mountains, to make a huge difference.

Many times, it just takes one.

One: that's all it takes to score the dream gig - the one that changes everything. Let me tell you, that’s the best kind of story.

One: the person who can write that recommendation letter that will do the trick – for the job, school, club.

One: the someone who "knows someone" who can make that speeding ticket disappear. P**f! That’s always a great story.

One: the first person who starts spreading the word about your awesomeness and cheering you on from the rooftops. That’s a life changing story that can bring tears to your eyes.

One: the person at the party with an extra Taylor Swift ticket, an amazing seat available at face value. And guess what? It's a true story.

One: the number of people it takes to completely change the course of your career – one of the best stories out there.

Now, here's the truth: you walk among these "ones" every single day, and you probably have no idea about the connections, skills, and passions they have hidden up their sleeves - even the ones you know really well!

So, how do you find out? Connect! Say hi! Have a chat! Get to know the people around you!

As you head into this weekend, take a good look at the people around you. Approach them with a spirit of curiosity. And hey, you might just be the one that someone else needs to meet!

Photos from Friends on Hand's post 27/03/2023

It was such a treat to spend time with my amazing new friend, Mikhayla-Hughes-Shaw from Cincy Lifestyle today!!

We baked and had a great chat about my upcoming April 29 Breaking Bread event

Dough Burrow even made an appearance! 🥖
Special thanks to for the awesome behind the scenes pics and cutting boards!


Get the holiday blues? Know someone who does? 🎄🕎

Then this is for you!

This is a wonderful opportunity to find community and support during one of the most stressful times of the year.

Deana Mitchell with The Realize Foundation has brought together experts to talk about how to manage the different struggles we all face during the holidays.

I'll be talking about "The Lonely Zone" we often experience when we are going through major changes - in life, work, and personal growth - and what to do about it.

Please join us! (psst! And pass it on!)

is an event series that saves lives.... Share! Share! Share!

registration link in the first comment!

Photos from Friends on Hand's post 23/11/2021

How many times has the party ended up in your kitchen?

All the time. EVERY time.

It's where everyone wants to be! It's where the REAL conversation is.

It's where people spill the tea.

It's where great ideas are born and friendships crafted.

It's where family gathers to make memories.

This past Saturday I taught a virtual, live, sourdough class. It was a real event with attendees from as far away (from me!) as Australia. 🥖

My amazing attendees spent EIGHT hours with me in the kitchen and if felt like a party - a great party 🥰

21 people signed up and 17 were able to join me live, with 12 staying to the end to finish their loaves. Others finished throughout the day on Sunday and loaded me up with drool worthy photos. I'm so proud!

My process is usually stretched over three days, but we compressed it down to eight hours (8!) - and like magic, produced some beautiful loaves.


More than that, one of my attendees didn’t get her *dried* starter in Canada until 3 AM the night before the event.

I walked her through the process on the phone, and she actually baked with that sucker - from dry starter flakes to a loaf in less than 18hrs? That is a bready miracle!!

🥖 I would do this again in a heartbeat.

Right now, it would be such a great alternative to the company holiday party - a wonderful way to treat your family, work family, or team to something special for the holidays AND build REAL community no matter where they are in the world - the kind of community that only happens in the kitchen 🥖

Breaking Bread 06/11/2021

In that moment EVERYONE in the circle stepped toward me and leaned in to hear me better. Just like that…I had their complete attention.

We were having one of THOSE conversations. You know the kind I’m talking about, the “Annnd what do you do?” conversation.

My brother and I were at a small high school reunion/cocktail party fundraiser for our high school. There were people there from all grades, and the ages ranged from 20s to 60s.

Drinks were flowing, and a group of about 7 of us were chatting. As we went around the circle getting to know each other better, the conversation began to drone.

TBH, I found myself tuning out. Law, accounting, medicine, management, IT…

Then it came to me – “I coach, train, and consult. My specialty is in networking, building connections, and communication skills.”

Now THEY were tuning out. 🤦‍♀️

Then I added something that turned out to be a game changer…

🥖…”and I teach sourdough bread baking classes through Auburn Outreach”

In that moment EVERYONE in the circle stepped toward me and leaned in to hear me better. Just like that, I had their complete attention.

Questions came in rapid fire, and the conversation took off in the most magical, real, and warm way.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to know what people do for work and how business is going.


It was so much more engaging and joyful to hear about how someone’s grandma used to bake bread and the way her house always smelled. 🥰

It was more meaningful to hear about childhood trips to San Francisco and the “best sandwich ever.” Facades dropped, and the group connected in a much more genuine way.

I could rhapsodize for days about how much healthier sourdough bread is.

We could talk for hours about how much better sourdough tastes. 🤤

I could go on and on about the other wonderful things you can do with it with your sourdough starter.

And still nothing would be as profound and magical as the way sourdough soothes the soul, touches memories, and brings smiles to faces.

🥖🥖 Come learn this wonderful life skill, this connector, this gift!

💥 Join me *November 20th* to learn how to make this magic! 💥

In this virtual, live event you’ll bake your own healthy, tangy, delicious sourdough in real time, right alongside me – in your own kitchen 🙌

Get to know the dough - for the taste, the health, and the connection it brings.

❗️Time is running out to register! ❗️

Because you'll be getting my favorite secret ingredients and my exclusive starter kit, you must enroll by November 8, 2021.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please let them know right away!

Let's bake together!

Breaking Bread Get to know the dough, and make your own crackly, chewy, tangy, beautiful sourdough bread!

Fast, Easy, Delicious Sourdough Bread 04/11/2021

Y’all KNOW I love a hobby, right? 😁

In fact, when you cut out that special time to double down on work work work, performance starts to drop off. (There’s research about that!)

And for me? My writing, coaching, speaking, training…everything is better when I have a creative outlet.

Since I’ve been focusing more on friendship in networking, sourdough baking has become my dominant source of R&R. It’s SUCH a great connector.

Who doesn’t love freshly baked sourdough?? 💥

Join me and learn how to bake sourdough too - and enjoy the deliciousness and community it brings.

Plus, the holidays are coming and a fresh loaf of bread is magic!! It lifts the vibe and smooths the way to great conversation

This is especially for you if you have been intimidated by the Sourdough process or even gave up after trying. I’ll show you how I get consistently tasty, beautiful loaves in less time and with less effort. 🙌🥖

There are only a few days left to sign up, please grab your spot and share with your friends!!

Here is the registration link:

Fast, Easy, Delicious Sourdough Bread Y’all KNOW I love a hobby, right? In fact, when you cut out that special time to double down on work work work, performance starts to drop off. (There’s rese...

Breaking Bread 28/10/2021

“You’re the bread lady!” 💥

As we walked up, three or four people squealed and rushed towards us. A little crowd formed as they introduced me to everyone near.

Our new neighbors had invited us to a homecoming parade party hosted by one of their good friends. It’s one of those parties that happens every year, and it’s a highlight of the fall. Since we’ve only been in our new home for 4 months, they were astounded at how many new friends we already had.

You see, they didn’t know about my secret friend-making weapon: bread.

You all know I specialize in friendship, and I absolutely walk the talk. One of my favorite ways of connecting is through something that is delightfully universal: bread.

The holidays are almost upon us, and I would like to equip you with one of my best connection skills - the ability to create a delicious, tangy sourdough bread.

Every culture has a unique bread tradition. When you Tap into this magic you can forge your own bread tradition with a healthier, tastier bread.

And with any good tradition you can build in it and share it. You’ll rediscover the joy of breaking bread with REAL friends over a real loaf made with love.

I want you to imagine now…..arriving at your next gathering, people around you clamoring to see the bread you brought, that feeling of connection and care flooding through you. Feeling the excitement of easy conversation over bread.

Here is your opportunity to learn how!

Join me on Saturday, November 20, 2021, for a full-day, immersive, VIRTUAL event.

🥖 You’ll discover what makes sourdough so good, and understand why it is healthier and more nourishing bread.

🥖 You learn how it behaves in different environments.

🥖And you’ll be able to use that information to consistently create amazing loaves no matter where you are.

Click the link to register and bake with me!

Because you'll be getting a live starter (and more!) in the mail, you can only enroll up to November 8, 2021 to make sure you get everything in time.

Yours with Loaf,


PS - Please share with your friends!

Breaking Bread Get to know the dough, and make your own crackly, chewy, tangy, beautiful sourdough bread!


Down the research rabbit hole!! 🐰🐰🐰🐰

Friendships seem to drop off sharply in your early 30s, so I looked around to see if anyone had good data on that time in life. Found it!! 🐰

A lot happens between 25 and 40! One of the biggest things is the loss of meaningful, right fit friendships. How this will work out for Gen Z (which has been called the “loneliest generation”) is yet to be seen.

Considering the data on the myriad of benefits to having friendships (health, wealth, happiness, longevity), I'm surprised this isn't more of a topic. Hence my mission!!

PS - In 1985 people reported having an average of 3 non-familial confidants (ride or die friends), that has dropped to 2, possibly even ONE! oof.

Online Course Launching Tips from a Bread Baker 11/10/2021

Today, I’m sharing tips from my program launch on the For Your Success podcast with . Check out episode #162 on your favorite podcast app or head over to Be sure to let her know I sent you!


Online Course Launching Tips from a Bread Baker Online Course Launching Tips from Nancy Hand as she joins Katie Hornor today to share how a bread baker and relationship coach is launching a digital course...

Health & Wellness Week 06/10/2021

I’m so honored to be part of this event!! My first time presenting in augmented reality (that avatar Nancy tho!)

Friendship is indeed a wellness issue, and you CAN develop meaningful friendships at any age and any stage of life!

This is a great event, and there’s still time to get in on it!!

Health & Wellness Week A virtual retreat with health & wellness sessions about nutrition, brain chemistry, meditation, finding purpose, and more.

About Mentors... 04/02/2021

You know, mentors are a special kind of friend. Oftentimes they ARE your peers, your buds.

Such is the case with this fellow. Besides being a friend, he has ALWAYS been my chef on call. 👨‍🍳🔥

When I moved to Auburn from New Orleans, I was shocked to discover that there wasn't anything to eat!! Well, nothing good…

My taste buds were too used to mom's cooking and New Orleans food 🤤

Mom, Micah, Danielle, and many times Paul and Ann Naquin, taught me to cook over the phone. No kidding!

As a chef, Micah has experienced some extraordinary mentoring and has had the privilege of mentoring others. In this episode of Friends on Hand we explore the fine art of mentorship.




Google podcasts


About Mentors... True mentorship can be a powerful success driver both personally and professionally. Join me and chef Micah Martello as we take a look at how being mentored and mentoring others can enrich your life.


This weekend take some time to with YOU, with your purpose, with , with... Your 🙂

Friendship, Networks, and... Cuisine? 13/12/2020

When teams meet in the spirit of friendship to work toward a common goal, it IS magic.

This is the story of "too many cooks in the kitchen" working well together and how I (finally!) got into a cookbook :-)

Friendship, Networks, and... Cuisine? Guess who has two thumbs and photos in a cookbook? 👍👍 😁 This year has been a blur of change, growth, busy, and becoming - in every area of my life from my transformational coaching work to my hobbies (bread and photography!). My focus has shifted slightly from pure NLP/EFT mindset coaching ...

Videos (show all)

What in THE world does sourdough have to do with communication and connection??THIS - and it can change your life for th...
Breaking Bread Experience
Breaking Breas
Breaking Bread Experience
“Don't Cross the Streams.” In the infamous words of Egon in Ghostbusters, "It would be bad." But what if I told you cros...
It's the middle of the week, do you know where the "chill & relaxed" side of you is?Probably lost in the busy, hurry, go...
Nothing creates consistent success like meaningful connections - and nothing creates connection, community, and conversa...
Friends are WAY too Valuable!!!
Do Guys "Friendship" Differently?
Friends on Hand podcast love!!