Friends on Hand Videos

Videos by Friends on Hand. Who doesn’t crave more meaningful friendships? Join us for the Friends on Hand podcast where we explore the fine art of friendship and what it means to be a friend. Find out more at

What in THE world does sourdough have to do with communication and connection??

THIS - and it can change your life for the better πŸ₯–

⏰ If you want in on this action, you have to TAKE action by Oct. 14th in order to get your kit in the mail!!

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Other Friends on Hand videos

What in THE world does sourdough have to do with communication and connection?? THIS - and it can change your life for the better πŸ₯– ⏰ If you want in on this action, you have to TAKE action by Oct. 14th in order to get your kit in the mail!!

Breaking Bread Experience
Breaking Bread Experience is MORE than bread alone - it's about connection! Here is why YOU need to be there! πŸ₯–

Breaking Breas
Looking for a delicious retreat in a world of stress? If you've ever felt overwhelmed by chaotic communication, ignored instructions, and misunderstandings, Breaking Bread is tailor-made for you. ⚑️ Because you deserve a hefty dose of R&R - minus the guilt. It's time to work on yourself while having a blast. It FEELS like time off πŸ™Œ πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Join a group of talented, hardworking entrepreneurs who, just like you, sometimes want to go off the grid and hide from people. Together, we're transforming sourdough into an opportunity for growth. πŸ’Ό It's not just baking; it's a unique blend of training, connecting, and de-stressing. Work that feels like play, with the insights to unlock the true freedom your business can offer. (The freedom you expected when you started out!) πŸ₯– You'll savor the heavenly scent, the tasty goodness, and the joy of skill-building through baking. Plus, you'll gain next-level communication and connection skills that'll be as ingrained as that perfect sourdough loaf. 🀝 Get the inside scoop on better connection, handling difficult people, and effective communication even when you'd rather disappear or let loose. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³ Secure your kit now (time is short!), and bake your own sourdough with me in real-time, from my kitchen to yours. All the while, you'll uncover strategies to enhance your connections in life and business. πŸŽ™οΈ Our guest speakers, leaders in visual storytelling and personal/business branding, will unveil the secrets of brand congruence and elegant on-camera storytelling. 🌟 It's Fun. It's Interactive. It's Delicious. It's Transformational. 🌟 Oh, and like bread, this event is best shared with others - let your friends know! Join us for the #Bestofbothworlds! Link to the event in the comments!

Breaking Bread Experience
Getting soooooo excited for the Breaking Bread Experience 3!! Connection, relationships, friendships, and your professional network are key to success and happiness in life - and right now you need to be the best communicator you can be (because everyone else is distracted!). Oh, and great news! Something IMPORTANT can also be FUN!! πŸ’₯ Join us for the Breaking Bread Experience October 20-22! You'll discover the secrets to creating lasting, meaningful relationships - the kind that turbo charge your success and happiness - WHILE you learn to bake a delicious sourdough bread πŸ₯– Winning! See you there!

β€œDon't Cross the Streams.” In the infamous words of Egon in Ghostbusters, "It would be bad." But what if I told you crossing the streams – mixing with people who seem worlds apart – can lead to incredible connections? Let’s back up a little bit. I love crossing the streams. During my law school years in New Orleans, parties at our apartment (such a forgiving roomie!), would be a mix of law students, medical school students, coffee shop friends, musicians, neighbors, old friends, and whoever I met at on my walk that morning. I think a fire breather even showed up once! The mix was always fun, and at least two forever couples (still married with kids) came out of a Nancy party (an artist/coffee shop barista + cyber security specialist, lawyer + electrical engineer). They would not have met but for that crossing of the streams. Just like in Ghostbusters, crossing the streams turned out to be a great thing. Still, what’s so easy and fun in your 20s can get more complicated with time. With a more established life, it’s easy to fall into a routine with the same people over and over and over again. That actually means mixing things up is more important than ever, and you can approach it any way you like – curated, spontaneous, measured. Just make sure you mix things up a bit. That’s where the magic happens! πŸͺ„ Here are three keys to embracing conversations with brand new people (so fresh!) who seem to be completely different from you. πŸš€ Prepare to Embrace the Mix: Diverse groups of people can lead to unexpected and wonderful connections. Before a gathering, meeting, or event, prepare mentally. Revisit times when you made fun, spontaneous connections. Remembering those past successes will help you connect and engage with people in a more meaningful way. 🎯 Find Common Ground: In any conversation, look for shared interests or experiences. Because I’m a foodie, this is usually my go-to. We all eat, right? It's all about find

It's the middle of the week, do you know where the "chill & relaxed" side of you is? Probably lost in the busy, hurry, gotta get 'er done of the week - and your ability to connect might be suffering because of it! We all connect better when we are calm, centered, and balanced. There are so many things you can do to take a beat and relax a little bit. Every little bit helps! Here's a little waterfall we found on a hike earlier this summer. 🌳 #selfcare #communication #stress #connection #calm

Nothing creates consistent success like meaningful connections - and nothing creates connection, community, and conversation like bread. That's what makes breaking Bread so powerful, not to mention tasty and fun!

Friends are WAY too Valuable!!!
Check yourself before you wreck yourself - and your friendships. πŸ€πŸ€œπŸ€› They are far too valuable!!! I'm getting a lot of phone calls about how to manage friendships in this weird time we're in right now. There's a huge migration off of Facebook which is understandable, but damaging to the overall conversation. Divided we fall. But we can get along! Part of that is a matter of *learning to communicate*, which is something hardly anybody ever does. (great stat: employee soft skills training yields a 256% return on investment for companies) πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° πŸ’₯ What would a 256% improvement in your social life and relationships mean for you?? πŸ’₯ Here is Something you can use right away today. It's a simple tip and a great start toward better communication. If this resonates with you, and you want to improve your interactions and manage conflict like a champ (and even keep it from happening), join me for the holiday social survival challenge I'll put a link in the first comment. Big hugs to you all from Memphis, Nancy PS - Be a good apple! 🍎 PPS - If you know anybody who's looking down the pike at an uncomfortable holiday, send them this link! We need more people who know how to de-escalate and manage communication in ethical, mindful ways.

Do Guys "Friendship" Differently?

Friends on Hand podcast love!!