Citrine HR

Citrine HR

write your description here At CitrineHR, our focus is to provide a premium, independent bespoke service for everything HR.

We strive to exceed your expectations of the Human Resources function normally experienced within the workplace. Our team are highly efficient, detail-oriented professionals with over a decade’s worth of proven success. We provide large and small Businesses with HR support to help them navigate the most basic, to the most complex human resources tasks. We can cover all day-to-day HR needs such as;


As a small business owner, it is crucial to have an in-depth understanding of UK budget announcement to adapt and stay ahead of the curve. This post evaluates the key points of the budget and signifies their implications for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Here is a summary of the main announcements gathered from the BBC:

👉🏽Main rate of corporation tax, paid by businesses on taxable profits over £250,000, confirmed to increase from 19% to 25%

👉🏽Companies with profits between £50,000 and £250,000 to pay between 19% and 25%

👉🏽Companies able to deduct investment in new machinery and technology to lower their taxable profits

👉🏽Tax breaks and other benefits for 12 new Investment Zones across the UK, funded by £80m each over the next five years

👉🏽Cap on amount workers can accumulate in pensions savings over their lifetime before having to pay extra tax (currently £1.07m) to be abolished

👉🏽Tax-free yearly allowance for pension pot to rise from £40,000 to £60,000 - having been frozen for nine years

👉🏽30 hours of free childcare for working parents in England expanded to cover one and two-year-olds, in a bid to help them work more

👉🏽Families on universal credit to receive childcare support up front instead of in arrears, with the £646-a-month per child cap raised to £951

👉🏽£600 "incentive payments" for those becoming childminders, and relaxed rules in England to let childminders look after more children

👉🏽New fitness-to-work testing regime to qualify for health-related benefits

👉🏽Government subsidies limiting typical household energy bills to £2,500 a year extended for three months, until the end of June

👉🏽£200m to bring energy charges for prepayment meters into line with prices for customers paying by direct debit - affects 4m households

👉🏽£63m to help leisure centres with rising swimming pool heating costs, and invest to become more energy efficient

‼️Go to our stories for the latest updates

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💥Are you thinking of starting your own business?

We’ve got some tips for getting started on every important aspect of how to run a successful business. While it may seem overwhelming, with passion and dedication you could join one of the six million small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Here are a few things to consider when you start a business in the UK.
👉Research new business names.
👉Choose a legal structure.
👉Write your new business plan.
👉Secure funding and finance.
👉Plan your advertising strategy.
👉Buy your new business insurance.
👉Work out what you need to do for tax.
👉Create a system for keeping business records.
👉Hire a HR Consultant

Ready to go? Send us a DM and we can help you get started.
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💥 Here is a conversation that is most relevant more than ever.

👉🏽Women are not only fighting for their right to equally access flexible work options, but they are also showing that this type of working arrangement can pay dividends in terms of job satisfaction, improved quality of life, and reduced stress.

👉🏽We need to ensure that all women have the ability to access flexible work. This means more than just words; it requires action. We must continue to recognize the value of flexible work and make opportunities available to everyone who wants them.

👉🏽Together we can create a world where all women have access to a workplace that values their time and energy as highly as possible. This is something we should all embrace and strive for in order to achieve gender equality in the workforce as well as bring about a stronger economy for everyone!

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💕Happy International Women’s Day

Today and everyday marks an amazing celebration of the progress and success that women have achieved worldwide. This year’s theme is which encourages us to acknowledge and advocate for equality across all genders, cultures, and backgrounds.

At Citrine HR, we recognize the accomplishments of inspiring female entrepreneurs who have helped pave the way for others to reach success through their efforts in advocacy, mentorship and leadership roles.

We believe in investing in programs that provide tangible opportunities for women from all walks of life such as access to quality education, business funding support and management training.

We are proud to stand with those who strive for a more equitable future with fairness and justice at its core.

On International Women’s Day 2023 let us embrace equity together!

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Photos from Citrine HR's post 01/03/2023

Do you ever reach out to past clients? Why not? Swipe 👉🏽read the most common tips we’d recommend

As a small business owner, you know that it's essential to reach out and build relationships with your current and past customers. But instead of always targeting new customers, why not focus some energy on bringing back existing ones?

Even though someone may have already done business with your company, offering them incentives to come back can work wonders for customer loyalty—not to mention the potential revenue boost! Read on as we explain how easy and rewarding it can be for small business owners like yourself to reconnect with those who have previously used your services or products.

👌🏽Which one will you try?

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Are you ready for March?

When evaluating your business goals for the month, it is essential to identify the key objectives that need to be achieved in order to help your business grow and succeed.

1️⃣Define what success looks like for your business this month
2️⃣Evaluate your current progress and identify any areas that need improvement
3️⃣Set specific goals to achieve in the next 30 days
4️⃣Create a plan of action with specific steps to reach each goal
5️⃣Take action and track your progress along the way
6️⃣Celebrate your successes at the end of the month!

What are your top three business goals for the month?

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👋It's Friday. Are you ready to disconnect for the weekend? 👉First read this post.

Embark on a journey to strengthen your organisation from within - To engage and retain employees, you need to build a culture that honours the values of your organisation.

The culture of an organisation is the beliefs, customs, and behaviours that are shared by its members. It can be a powerful tool for motivating employees and achieving success. If you want to build a culture that honours the values of your organisation, there are a few things you can do.

🔸Make sure your leaders model the desired behaviours
🔸Invest in the people that drive your business forward f
🔸Create clear standards and expectations for employees
🔸Celebrate successes and recognise contributions made by employees
🔸Create an atmosphere of growth and opportunity by fostering meaningful relationships built upon shared values.

With a positive culture in place, you'll be better equipped to attract and retain top talent, foster innovation, and drive business success. By implementing these tips, you can develop a strong culture that supports your organisational goals.

👏🏽Now go and enjoy your weekend... See you back on Monday!

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👋It's Friday. Are you ready to disconnect for the weekend? 👉First read this post.

Embark on a journey to strengthen your organisation from within - To engage and retain employees, you need to build a culture that honours the values of your organisation.

The culture of an organisation is the beliefs, customs, and behaviours that are shared by its members. It can be a powerful tool for motivating employees and achieving success. If you want to build a culture that honours the values of your organisation, there are a few things you can do.

🔸Make sure your leaders model the desired behaviours
🔸Invest in the people that drive your business forward f
🔸Create clear standards and expectations for employees
🔸Celebrate successes and recognise contributions made by employees
🔸Create an atmosphere of growth and opportunity by fostering meaningful relationships built upon shared values.

With a positive culture in place, you'll be better equipped to attract and retain top talent, foster innovation, and drive business success. By implementing these tips, you can develop a strong culture that supports your organisational goals.

👏🏽Now go and enjoy your weekend... See you back on Monday!

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💥Simplify Employee Onboarding 💥
The onboarding process is an important time for employees, as they are starting their new job and getting to know the company. As a small business owner, it’s important that you take the time to create a good onboarding experience for your employees. This will help them feel welcomed and valued from the start, which can lead to better productivity and loyalty in the long run.

Here is a list to simplify employee onboarding:
1️⃣A formal orientation process that includes an overview of the company's history, values, and products/services
2️⃣Includes an overview of the company's history, values, and products/services
3️⃣Assigning a buddy system can help new employees get more comfortable with their co-workers and their new job duties.
4️⃣Giving new employees a project to work on from day one can help them feel productive and like they are contributing to the company right away

These are just some of the ways you can make your small business stand out as an employer of choice.

What tips would you add?

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✨Do you know how to manage an employee of the month program?
In order to successfully manage an employee of the month program and help accelerate a culture of recognition that drives employee engagement, there are several important steps to take.

💥Clearly communicate the goals and objectives of the program.
💥Set expectations for the program
💥Offer prizes and rewards for teams or departments
💥Ensure that all employees understand what is expected of them
💥Establish criteria and standards for selection
💥Managers to thank individuals personally for their hard work and accomplishment

By taking these steps into consideration when implementing an employee recognition program within your organisation, you will create a culture where employees know that their efforts are valued and appreciated which in turn will lead to greater levels of job satisfaction, motivation and engagement across your workforce!

☎️ Contact us to learn how to manage an employee of the month program and help you accelerate a culture of recognition that drives employee engagement.

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❤️ Share your special offer – like a discount for couples or singles, an exclusive gift with purchase, etc. – to spread the love and elevate your brand.

We're honouring all the amazing small business owners out there that bring so much flavour and spirit into our economy - from special discounts on their products or services, to simply finding a way to celebrate in such difficult times.

Get creative and make it enjoyable for customers! Tag us in your post so we can see what you come up with! 💕

Here's to showing some extra love this Valentine's Day.

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Photos from Citrine HR's post 10/02/2023

💡Don't forget that that it's week t's critical to take care of your employees and their mental wellbeing as much as possible. Not only does this have benefits for the organisation directly, but also keeps morale in check.

Mental health is more important now than ever before, especially with so much disruption caused by current events. However we can't forget that those same events likely cause upheaval in our employee's lives and the life of their children too-- so looking after the whole lot should be a high priority when caring for staff mental wellbeing!

❗️Let’s compile a list of strategies to help young people nurture relationships through kindness, care, trust, honesty, and respect.

🗣Drop yours in the comments🗣


👍🏼 OR 👎🏼- Supporting the mental health of our youngest employees is essential for creating a safe and inviting work environment.

👉TRUE and t's just the right time to mention that it's and we are raising awareness on prioritising the mental health of our youngest employees. It has become increasingly important over recent years due to rising levels of stress and anxiety amongst youth today.

For small business owners, this means actively contributing towards the wellbeing of these young people by offering support where networks and resources lack, engaging in conversation about mental health topics, and being proactive when addressing any potential issues related to emotional wellbeing among those working under us.

Taking such steps now can help ensure that we create safe and inviting work environments for our youngest employees now—and into the future!

🗣Tell us how you create a workplace that prioritises mental health.

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It's no secret that the quality of your team can make or break a company. The secret to a company’s success often lies in the people you hire. Right?

As a manager, you're responsible for making sure you bring in top-notch people - so it pays to get hiring right!

Knowing what to look out for is key:
have clear goals set before getting started;
find and vet promising candidates;
watch out for warning signs when interviewing them (and move swiftly if any arise)
Extend an offer tailored specifically to the strengths of the perfect fit person.

Finally, don't forget about onboarding: ensure they hit those first few all important days running with resources and support at their fingertips!
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Friday's here, and it feels like the weekend off can't come soon enough! This week was extra hectic as everyone gears up for half-term holidays. Now we get to kick back, relax and remind you why you need a dedicated Human Resources team.

A good HR team can help you manage your talent, keep track of employee roles and responsibilities, and help with compliance. They can also be a valuable resource when it comes to recruiting new employees. If you're not sure whether or not your business is ready for a dedicated HR team, consider contacting us to get the conversation started.

📞 Book a no commitment call with us 📞
🔗Link in Bio🔗

Have a restful weekend!
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Leading and motivating the people around you is one of the most important aspects of being an effective leader. When it comes to inspiring and motivating others, there are many different techniques that can be used. One approach is to focus on setting a good example and modeling the behaviour that you want to see in others. By demonstrating strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and positivity, you can help set a powerful standard for those around you. Additionally, recognising individual achievement can go a long way in boosting morale; try to highlight successes whenever possible during team meetings or 1:1 conversations.

Another great way to lead and motivate people is by providing clear direction and guidance. Try to communicate your expectations clearly - explain what needs to be done in detail and make sure everyone understands their individual responsibilities. Also strive to give individuals autonomy when possible; they will feel empowered if allowed to take initiative with certain projects or tasks. Additionally, offering constructive feedback rather than criticism can help build trust between a leader and their team members.

Finally, fostering an environment of collaboration is key when it comes to motivating others! Encourage team members to give each other support by collaborating on projects together or brainstorming ideas as a group; this will create an atmosphere of camaraderie which can be incredibly motivating for those involved.

Lead by example here too - ensure that everyone is heard without judgment or bias so that all perspectives are considered equally.

What strategies do you use to lead and motivate people?

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Photos from Citrine HR's post 30/01/2023

A strong workplace culture is not only engaging and supportive, but it can help improve productivity and company morale.

There are many ways to build a positive work environment, but some common methods include fostering open communication, encouraging collaboration, and supporting employee growth.

Do you have any tips for building an engaging work culture?

🗣Drop a comment below and let us know!


Small business owners understand that the success of their business depends on talented, motivated employees.

To develop, motivate, and retain these valuable assets, small business owners must take a proactive approach when it comes to employee relations.

The key is to:
🔸Create an environment where employees are empowered and can express themselves.
🔸Offer creative rewards such as learning opportunities or financial bonuses to recognise individual successes
🔸Offer team rewards to promote teamwork and collaboration.
🔸Continually engage in open communication and feedback with employees to ensure they feel appreciated, understood and valued.

Doing this will help small businesses attract and cultivate top talent that lasts long-term and ensures the continued success of their businesses. By taking a proactive approach to employee relations, small business owners can create an environment that attracts and retains top talent. This will help ensure the continued success of their business.

Do you have any tips for motivating employees?

🗣Let us know in the comments below.


👏Keeping open communication between team members is key to success.

Everyone needs to be able to express their opinions and views, while listening to and considering the ideas of others. Working together this way fosters collaboration and helps teams become more efficient by eliminating misunderstandings and conflicts.

Show an interest in all the ideas and work of your teammates, be encouraging while still providing honest feedback, and communicate clearly so that everyone can understand each other.

By staying ahead of potential issues and proactively keeping the channels of communication open throughout the project, you can find solutions quickly, stay on track with deadlines, and ensure a successful outcome.

Do you have any other tips for keeping team communication strong?

🗣️Share them with us in the comments below!

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👍🏼True OR False 👎🏼

Retaining a high-performing team is essential to the success of any business. The key to maintaining a high-performing team over the long term is to keep your employees engaged and motivated.

There are a number of ways to do this, but some of the most effective include providing opportunities for career growth, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and creating a positive work environment.

By keeping your employees happy and challenged, you’ll ensure that your company remains one step ahead of the competition.

🗣What are some other ways you have found to keep your team performing at its best?


Creating a successful team from scratch takes patience and perseverance but when it comes together it can become the cornerstone of success for any small business owner hoping for success in their venture.

🔸Properly assess your needs and consider the skills and experience necessary for the tasks that you wish to assign to your team.

🔸Make sure these skills are balanced; if one person has too much expertise then it may be difficult for them to work with someone else who does not have similar qualifications or knowledge.

🔸Think about the goals of your business and how each individual can help reach those goals.

🔸Start looking for potential team members and look for individuals who possess the desired skills and experience as well as those who have complementary personalities that are likely to be a good fit with others on the team.

🔸Check references thoroughly so you get an honest picture of what kind of employee they will be before making any hiring decisions.

🔸Create a comfortable working environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

🔸Look into incentive systems like bonuses or rewards for meeting certain goals in order to inspire motivation within teams and increase job satisfaction overall.

With careful planning, assessment, communication strategies, incentives, and proper evaluation techniques it is possible to assemble a winning team that will take your business far!

🗣Do you have any tips for training and developing new team members?


Making a plan of action for your goals is one of the most important steps you can take in order to ensure success.

A comprehensive plan should include:
1️⃣Desired goal
2️⃣Specific steps for achieving it
3️⃣Estimated timeframes for completion

Furthermore, it should be tailored to your unique circumstances, so that you have the best chance of achieving success.

You can achieve any goal you set your mind to, but it won't happen overnight. You need a plan of action with specific steps that you can follow and track your progress. Making a plan is the first step toward success.

What are some of your goals? How will you achieve them?

🗣Share your thoughts in the comments


In order to maximise team performance in 2023, it's important to set clear and reasonable goals for each team member.

1️⃣ Hold regular check-ins with each team member to review progress and ensure needed resources are available
2️⃣ Communicate transparently so that everyone is on the same page
3️⃣ Work closely with your team members to give them direction and feedback when needed -- letting them know their contributions are valued and their voices heard
4️⃣ Engrave a sense of collaboration by celebrating successes together, while allowing individuals space to take ownership of their work.

With thoughtful communication, meaningful collaboration, and realistic goals outlined from the start, teams can strive for higher heights in 2023!

What benefits do you think this will bring to the workplace?

Let us know in the
comments below!

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Photos from Citrine HR's post 02/01/2023

As we start 2023, remote working is still an essential part of running your own business. There are a number of new challenges that arise from remote working, but staying engaged and connecting with your team is paramount.

To support remote workers, managers should make sure to schedule regular check-ins and video meetings.

For those who aren’t accustomed to working in a remote capacity, providing resources for proper home office ergonomics can reduce the physical strain of sitting for extended periods of time.

Additionally, creating learning opportunities for your employees can help fill the void created by isolation; not only will this foster more meaningful connections among coworkers, it will also give them skills to help advance their careers.

Even something as simple as giving virtual recognition or pats on the back can go a long way toward making your remote workers feel appreciated and connected.

Do you have any tips for managing a remote team?

🗣Share them in the comments below!

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What will your goal be for 2023?

Many small business owners have already begun to look ahead to 2023, planning out the goals they want their businesses to accomplish.
Setting goals helps small business owners to stay focused and organized as they create their plans for success. Some small business owners may focus solely on increasing their profits, while others may prioritize growing customer loyalty or developing an innovative product line.

No matter the goal, it helps small business owners keep a 2023 destination in mind and work incrementally towards achieving it.

Making a plan of action can also be incredibly helpful when launching a new venture and small business owners should be sure not to overlook that important step in preparation for the year ahead.

🗣Let us know in the comments below!


Starting the new year with a bang is something that many of us strive for, as it can provide a much-needed boost of motivation and energy to propel us through the coming year. However, reaching this goal can seem daunting — after all, how do we make sure our plans are both effective and achievable?

We will cover four strategies that can help you start your new year off on the right foot: assessing employee performance, business change, creating personal resolutions, tips on setting SMART goals.

1️⃣Assessing employee performance
2️⃣Business change
3️⃣Creating personal resolutions
4️⃣Tips on setting SMART goals

Ultimately, starting off 2023 with a bang requires careful planning ahead of time as well as consistent follow-through during the months ahead — but regardless of what shape your plans take this New Year’s season, implementing these five strategies will get you closer than ever before toward creating tangible results!

🗣Watch our stories to learn more.

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00