Dar Dixon

Dar Dixon

Author | Memoir of my years in a cult! 📚 (Dec. '24) | Help navigate your challenges | Consultant|Coach|Speaker


Maybe this is why men still laugh at fart jokes:

In the symphony of existence, life plays the lead role, and the occasional flatulence is merely an amusing background note.

Both are reminders that unpredictability and imperfection are part of the grand performance.

Just as we can't script every moment in life, we can't always anticipate when nature will compose a humorous interlude.

Embracing both with grace and laughter is the key to harmonizing our journey.


My Top 5 Strategies for Effective Public Speaking

1. Authenticity: Be yourself. My diverse background captivates audiences.

2. Storytelling: Use personal tales, like escaping Iran, to engage listeners.

3. Humor: A dash of wit makes any topic more relatable.

4. Clarity: Keep messages clear and concise - essential in Hollywood and beyond.

5. Passion: Speak on topics close to your heart for genuine impact.

What's your secret to captivating an audience?


Transformed A Decade Of Hollywood Struggles Into A Successful Career.

Here's My 5-Step Guide:

1. Embrace every role, small or big – it's your canvas.
2. Network genuinely, not just for gain – relationships matter.
3. Study the greats, then create your unique style.
4. Always be learning – acting classes, books, real-world experiences.
5. Reflect on rejections, they're lessons, not setbacks.

Your next role could be your breakthrough.
Ready to step into the spotlight?


Navigating A Dual Cultural Identity Can Be Challenging.

Here's How I Embraced Mine:

• Acknowledge both cultures – each is a part of you.
• Celebrate the unique traditions of each culture.
• Find common ground in shared values.
• Use your unique perspective to enrich your creativity.
• Share your journey to inspire others.

How does your heritage shape your worldview?


From Surviving A Cult To Mastering Persuasion – My 4 Key Insights:

• Question everything – healthy skepticism is crucial.
• Understand human behavior – it's the key to empathy.
• Learn from every experience, even the painful ones.
• Use your knowledge to empower, not manipulate.

Are you ready to turn your experiences into expertise?

Photos from Dar Dixon's post 15/12/2023

Transforming Pain Into Art: My Continuing Journey With "The Theriac Project" w/ Daniel N Marder & Joseph Ivacic

• Witness the Unthinkable: School shootings shook my core.
• Channel Emotions: Each artwork is a story of loss and hope.
• Spark Conversations: Art isn't just to be seen, it's to be discussed.

Art can be your voice in times of silence.
What story does your art tell?


Boomer vs. Zoomer: A Linguistic Standoff in Cringe Major

As a proud-ish card-carrying member of the Boomer brigade, I've seen my fair share of linguistic fads. From 'groovy' to 'radical', I've surfed the gnarly waves of vocab evolution. But nothing prepared me for the tsunami of 'cringe' brought ashore by the good ship Gen Z.

There I was, a veteran of the language wars, thinking 'LOL' was still 'bitchin', only to find out it's as outdated as my bell-bottom disco slacks. Now, the airwaves are dominated by 'cringe', 'No cap', and 'Dead ass' - phrases that sound more like a mad lib gone wrong than actual conversation.

Let's talk about 'literally'.

Back in the day, 'literally' meant... well, literally.

Now, it's tossed around like confetti at a New Year's Eve party.

"I literally can't even," sighs a teenager looking at a math problem.

If that were literally true, I think, my attempts at long division in the '70s would've been groundbreaking scientific studies.

But here's the twist – as much as I poke fun at these newfangled expressions, I've caught myself in the act.

Just the other day, as I was explaining a new concept to a young guy, I said "Now we're cooking with gas!"

He gave me that look – you know, the one that's a mix of amusement and pity, as if saying, "Oh, grandpa, that's so cringe."

And that's when it hit me – the generational boomerang always comes back around. We laugh at our parents for their outdated sayings, only to become the butt of the joke a few decades later.

It's a never-ending cycle of linguistic leapfrog where everyone's 'it' at some point.

So, to my fellow Boomers, let's embrace our 'cringiness'. Let's mispronounce 'Yeet', overuse 'LOL' in text messages, and misuse "S***t".

After all, we're the generation that survived disco, co***ne, gag me with a spoon, and leisure suits - a little 'cringe' is nothing we can't handle.

To the Zoomers, I tip my imaginary boomer hat. Carry the torch of linguistic creativity, but remember, one day you'll be in my soon-to-be-orthopedic shoes, telling your grandkids about the ancient days of TikTok and wondering why they're rolling their eyes at your use of 'sus'.

Dead ass, bro.

In conclusion, whether you're a Boomer, Zoomer, or somewhere in between, let's all agree on one thing – language is a wild, wonderful ride. And as long as I don't have to literally eat my hat, I'll be here, enjoying every cringeworthy, linguistically ludicrous moment of it.

Happy Holidays – where the lights are literally blinding, but only figuratively speaking - no cap, fam.



Goes for every “influencer”.

Deez Nutz


Laughter in the face of adversity is like an unexpected ray of sunshine on a cloudy day – it doesn't make the storm go away, but it sure does make standing in the rain more bearable.

It's about finding those moments of absurdity amidst the chaos, where you can't help but chuckle because life's script seems like it could use a few rewrites.

It's not about dismissing the struggle, but about embracing the resilience of the human spirit.

So, chuckle at the confusion, smirk at the setbacks, and let out a full-belly laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

After all, sometimes the best way to stand up to life's challenges is to sit down and laugh with them.

Remember: No One Here Gets Out Alive.


The Unraveling Of A Digital Town Square: How Elon Musk’s Acquisition Of Twitter Morphed Into A Platform of Disarray

In 2022, when Elon Musk announced his intention to acquire Twitter, I penned an essay, a forewarning of the potential descent of the platform into a haven for disinformation, hate speech, and a breeding ground for far-right ideologies. A screenshot of that essay, written before the acquisition, stands as a testament to a prediction materialized.

(Read It Here: https://medium.com//with-musks-history-of-lies-misinformation-twitter-will-be-a-right-wing-propaganda-machine-443e6f8f439b)

Fast forward to today, Twitter, now rebranded as "X", has not only lost advertisers but also credibility, becoming a cesspool of lies, racism, and fascism, and Far Right ideologies, just as anticipated. The platform, once heralded as the “global town square” by its CEO, now stands as a stark contrast to its former self, with its leadership using global crises as shields against public scrutiny and accountability.


The ongoing Israel / Hamas conflict has further exposed the platform’s dark underbelly, becoming a hotbed for fake videos, disinformation, and hate speech, with Elon Musk himself amplifying verifiably false information and notorious accounts.


Musk’s promotion of accounts like & , known for their disinformation campaigns, not only misguides his 150 million followers but also plays into the hands of larger, more sinister psychological warfare operations, reminiscent of Russian tactics and ideologies promoted by figures like Mike Flynn.


The question we must ask ourselves is:

• How did we get here?
• How did a platform, once a beacon of free speech and global connectivity, become a tool for promoting the very ideologies that threaten to tear our global society apart?

The answer may lie in the unchecked power and influence of tech moguls, who, under the guise of innovation and progress, perpetuate harmful narratives and ideologies that serve their interests, at the expense of truth, justice, and the collective good.

As we navigate through this digital chaos, it is imperative that we remain vigilant, critical, and unyielding in our pursuit of truth, holding those in power accountable for the platforms and narratives they create and promote.


The Cult of Personality: How Mainstream Politics Borrows from Cult Tactics

Ever wondered how cults keep their members so engaged?

It's not magic.

It's a mix of Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional control.
The BITE Model of Authoritarian Control.

And guess what?

These tactics aren't exclusive to fringe groups.

Deep Dive: Dr. Janja Lalich has spent 30 years studying this.

Her findings?

Disturbingly familiar.


Video Evidence: RSBN's coverage.

They call Trump "president" and his plane "Trump Force One".

Not just a slip of the tongue.

It's a narrative.

The 'Stolen' Election: Dangerous and divisive.

61 lawsuits dismissed.

Yet, the narrative persists.


Follow the Money: Joe Seales of RSBN found a goldmine in disinformation.

Fox News?

They're paying the price.

$787M to Dominion and counting.
(remember the Smartmatic lawsuit against them? - $2.7B)

Read Up: Seth Abramson lays it bare.

Trump's alleged collusion, corruption, and more.

amazon.com and sethabramson.substack.com

The BITE Model: Ever heard of it?

Steven Hassan, PhD breaks down the cultish behavior around MAGA and Trump.



Here's my question to you:

Are we, as a society, becoming more susceptible to these tactics?

And if so, how do we guard against them?

‘Sound Of Freedom’ Subject Tim Ballard Blasts Sexual Misconduct Allegations: “Baseless Inventions Designed To Destroy Me” 20/09/2023

Tim Ballard: From anti-trafficking “hero” to a nexus of questionable & criminal powerful connections.

• He stood with Donald Trump, navigating the choppy waters of politics.

• His recent excommunication from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints raises eyebrows.

• Ballard's ties to QANON and Mike Flynn: more than just casual associations?

• His Evangelical Christian movement connection paints a vivid religious backdrop.

When we dive deeper into a figure's associations, we often find a narrative richer and more intricate than first meets the eye.

‘Sound Of Freedom’ Subject Tim Ballard Blasts Sexual Misconduct Allegations: “Baseless Inventions Designed To Destroy Me” Tim Ballard, the former Homeland Security agent turned anti-sex-trafficking crusader whose life provided inspiration to summer box office hit Sound of Freedom, is slamming a recent Vice expose that…

The Oklahoma City boondoggle 19/09/2023

Let's talk about the Oklahoma City Thunder and its ownership. 🏀

Bought for $325M in 2006, now worth an estimated $1.875B.
Impressive, right?

But here's the kicker: despite this growth, the ownership (lead by Clayton Bennett) is demanding massive subsidies from Oklahoma City taxpayers for a new arena.

This isn't just about basketball.

It's about power plays and emotional manipulation.

It's about leveraging the deep connection fans have with their teams.

Using the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control, it's clear: the tactics mirror those of authoritarian leaders.

The Berkeley study nails it - these demands are power plays, exploiting the emotional ties communities have to sports teams.

Other NBA teams?

They've seen a mix of public and private financing.

But the Thunder's deal?

It's in a league of its own.

The Oklahoma City boondoggle The Oklahoma City Thunder and its fans have made Clayton Bennett and the other owners of the NBA team extraordinarily wealthy. Bennett purchased the franchise, then called the Seattle Supersonics, in 2006 for $325 million. He moved the team to Oklahoma City in 2008, where it became one of the NBA's....


🔥 Truth Bomb: We're living in an age of narrative manipulation.

The BITE Model of Authoritarian Control?

It's not just theory; it's the GOP's playbook.

Donald J. Trump's 91 felony charges & 4 indictments?

They're real, but the narrative is being twisted.

📺 Media's Role: Ever noticed how outlets like Fox News paint a different picture?

It's not by accident.

It's a calculated move to control Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotions.

🌪️ The Real Culprit: It's not about being naive.

It's about an emotional void.

My book, "Emotional Vacuum," dives deep.

We're not weak; we're searching, often in the wrong places.

🚀 Call to Action: Knowledge is power.

Understand the tactics.

Recognize our emotional triggers.

Let's not be pawns; let's be players.

💬 Engage: Felt that emotional tug? Been swayed by a narrative?

Share your story.

We're in this together.

Child poverty more than doubled in U.S. after expanded tax credits, stimulus checks ended 12/09/2023


As someone without kids, I've always felt a deep responsibility to help the younger generation.

It's heartbreaking to see the child poverty rate soar from 5.2% in 2021 to a distressing 12.4% in 2022 after the termination of vital child allowance programs.

🔹 I urge you to speak up! Contact your **Local Representatives** and let them know this matters.

🔹 Let's support **Child Advocacy Groups** like Save the Children or UNICEF.

🔹 Dive into **Community Organizations** that directly assist these young souls.

🔹 Engage with **School Boards**. Education can be their escape from poverty.

🔹 And let’s magnify our efforts on platforms like the **Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)**.

I don't just donate or volunteer – I use my voice, and I'm asking you to use yours.

Together, let’s make a lasting impact for these kids! 💪🏽

Child poverty more than doubled in U.S. after expanded tax credits, stimulus checks ended The end of expanded financial assistance from the Covid pandemic has wiped out progress made by the U.S. in fighting child poverty.


🚀 Big News:

My book, "Emotional Vacuum", is coming, backed by a top-tier publisher.

Think vulnerable equals weak-minded?

Prepare to have that myth shattered.

Alongside, I'm launching an exclusive coaching program.

Only 4-5 slots open for those ready for a deep dive.

Are you game?


September 11th forever changed the heart of New York and our nation.

As we remember, I reflect on the emotional voids tragedies leave behind.

In my upcoming book, "Emotional Vacuum," I dive deep.

How do these voids shape our decisions?

After 9/11, our collective grief led to complex actions.

Interestingly, while the hijackers were primarily Saudi nationals, our response was directed elsewhere.

Emotions can guide us in unexpected directions.

Today, as global relationships intertwine, understanding these emotional undercurrents is crucial.

The unresolved emotional voids within us?

They can be met in various ways.

By recognizing them, we can uplift everyone involved.

Stay tuned for more on "Emotional Vacuum."

Join the conversation.

Discover and address the emotional vacuums within.


In the wake of actor Danny Masterson's sentencing, a broader narrative unfolds. It's not just about one individual but the vast landscape of power, influence, and the organizations that often stand behind them, like Scientology.

How do we differentiate between genuine leadership and subtle manipulation? The BITE Model by Steve Hassan, PhD, provides a framework, shedding light on:

• Behavioral Control
• Information Control
• Thought Control
• Emotional Control

This isn't an isolated phenomenon. From political movements to covert operations, the threads of influence weave a complex tapestry.

As I've journeyed through this maze, I've encountered the concept of an "Emotional Vacuum". It's not just a fleeting thought; it's the essence of my upcoming book releasing in Spring '24.

If you've ever felt the pull of unseen forces or the weight of unspoken emotions, join me in exploring the depths of this vacuum. Your insights and experiences are invaluable, and together, we can navigate the intricacies of influence.


It's done... finally.

July 24th, 2023.

Streaming on Amazon Prime Video and other streaming platforms.

Dar Dixon stars as Dr. Francis Cyrus, in "DYING TO SLEEP"

Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Dar Dixon of The Theriac Project Is Helping To Change Our World 10/07/2023

Art has the power to spark conversations and inspire change. I'm humbled to be part of “The Theriac Project”, an initiative that uses art to address pressing social issues.

My partners Daniel N.Marder & Joseph Ivacic and myself are focusing on school shootings and gun violence.

We're not just creating art, we're creating a space for understanding, dialogue, and hopefully, change.

Here's to the transformative power of art and the conversations it can inspire.

Thank you, Yitzi Weiner and Authority Magazine for the opportunity.


Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Dar Dixon of The Theriac Project Is Helping To Change Our World Don’t let your doubts and fears stop you from taking action: When I first thought about using art as a medium for social advocacy, it felt…


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Reggie Pollard, Anthony N Tiffany Wise


Unveiling Musical Legends: Darek Jackson's Journey with Dar Dixon 11/06/2023

Unveiling Musical Legends: Darek Jackson's Journey with Dar Dixon

Prepare for an extraordinary encounter as music industry legend Darek Jackson joins Dar Dixon on "The Art of Being Dar" podcast.

In this captivating clip, explore the intertwining paths of these two remarkable talents, united through the captivating world of music. Discover the serendipitous connection that blossomed through the power of social media and their shared passion for creating soul-stirring melodies.

Be enthralled as Darek unveils his legendary achievements, humbly downplaying his contributions while leaving a lasting impact on the music industry. From unforgettable collaborations to iconic basslines, witness the magic that unfolds when musical legends unite.

Don't miss out on this incredible journey! Subscribe to Dar Dixon's YouTube channel and immerse yourself in the enriching podcast, "The Art of Being Dar - with Dar Dixon."

Remember to like, share, and support this video to celebrate the talent and artistry of Darek Jackson.

Thank you for your unwavering support!

Unveiling Musical Legends: Darek Jackson's Journey with Dar Dixon Prepare for an extraordinary encounter as music industry legend Darek Jackson joins Dar Dixon on "The Art of Being Dar" podcast. In this captivating clip, ex...

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