5th Ray Healing Academy

5th Ray Healing Academy

Sophie St-Pierre
Master EFT/Tapping Practitioner & Trainer
Trauma Specialist
Psychic Healing Guide

limited, private Healing and transfomational packages are also avaialble.


Hello fabulous souls! I missed all of you. If you are free tonight, Psychic EFT/Tapping today!!! Intimate group healing for 1hr at $22.CAN only.

5pm Pacific/ 7pm Central/ 8pm EST
Register at www.5thrayhealingacademy.com or pm me for E-transfer and to get the link.


“Come back my soul, do not waste time with the cold-hearted. They do not know your worth. Why do you seek water when you are the stream?” -Rumi
..and breathe.

May your soul lead the way this week./ this year/ this lifetime.
love love love


Hello Fabulous Souls, what energy are you bringing into your new year? This energy will be the foundation for what you create throughout your year. When I read these words, "I choose to create from a place of grace and wonder,+', I breathe with more ease.

Take a moment to pause, breathe, and tap (if needed. lol) and connect with the energy of grace, wonder, inner harmony, and serenity... then send that fabulous, glorious energy in all directions. Yes yes yes.

Let's all create from grace, wonder, Inner harmony, and serenity.
Love love love

PS Register to "Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circle" coming on January 25th at 7:30 pm Pacific. Allow yourself to be supported and guided in clearing negative blocks in the way of that inner harmony, in the way of creating from a place of wonder and grace. woohoooo

Go to https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 17/01/2024

Tap with Sophie Tapping Circle for January 25th at 7:30 PM-9:30 PM⁠
(Pacific) 2 gorgeous hours. ⁠

Title of the workshop: “Focused, Enlightened Intention”⁠
This tapping workshop will explore having focused intentions and setting your sights high.⁠

Are you playing small? ⁠
Are you creating from fear and lack?⁠
Are your intentions enlightened, helping you create your highest possible 2024? ⁠

We will also connect more with the essence of you, with your dreams, goals, and higher aspirations for 2024, and bring all this fabulous energy into February.⁠

To register for the January 25th "Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circle" ⁠
click my Link in Bio or visit my website at 5thrayhealingacademy.com⁠

or https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie⁠

Hope to see you there!⁠
love love love⁠


Monday Morning Bliss LIVE on Instagram @11:11am Pacific ⁠.⁠
Join us! ⁠

I LOVE combining an Oracle card for my week's guidance. Then, amplify the message with Tapping, and all this in 11 minutes. ⁠

⁠Wowser, right!?! ⁠

Come come come or watch the replay and comment so we can connect all together more deeply! ⁠

Love love love⁠
⁠PS The replay will be available right after the LIVE call. ⁠
PPS If it feels right, share my Instagram page with friends and family members so they can benefit from the content shared here. Thank you for being here with me. love ❤️


Wowwwww So profound! "Only when are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light." -Brené Brown

Just beautiful. You don't have to explore that darkness alone, fabulous souls! You can do it with us during psychic EFT/Tapping clearing sessions (once a month) and/or Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circles at the end of each month, or one-on-one sessions with me.

You can register for these events and one-on-one sessions on my website at: www.5thrayhealingacademy.com, send me a private message on Facebook or Instagram or even email me to: [email protected]. yes yes yes!

You're loved, you are supported, and allow yourself to feel and to truly embody the infinite power of your light.

love love love

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 09/01/2024

Did you know that,
EFT/Tapping has been shown to significantly reduce the psychological distress of PTSD.

A study titled “Psychological Trauma Symptom Improvement in Veterans Using Emotional Freedom Techniques: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, found that EFT/Tapping showed tremendous efficacy in treating PTSD symptoms and its lasting benefit.

The study consisted of two groups of veterans. One group assigned to EFT treatments with standard care and the second group, the control group, assigned only standard care. Over 6 weeks, each participant in the EFT treatment group received 6 hour–long EFT coaching sessions along with their standard care. (1hr sessions over 6 weeks)

After 6 weeks,90% of the participants who received EFT sessions no longer met the criteria for PTSD. They would not even be diagnosed with PTSD.

In the standard care group, only 4% of the participants no longer met the criteria for PTSD. Meaning 96% of that group remained clinically diagnosed with PTSD. Fortunately, after the study, they received EFT treatments and experienced results in line with the study’s findings.

The other aspect I find exciting about this study is that the participants in the EFT group kept the healing benefit of EFT after 6months of receiving the treatments.

You can read more about this research study at:

Want to know more? Come and experience EFT/Tapping for yourself
in my live online event, “Tap with Sophie, Tapping circle.”


Subscribe to my newsletter for free EFT/Tapping scripts,
tools & inspiration. at: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/newsletter

love love love


As we are moving into the new year, we are being invited to set new intentions which, for me, is like starting to plant new seeds I will harvest later.

As you get clear about your intentions, feel them in your heart, not your mind, as Gary Zukav suggests. This will ensure that you are growing seeds from your heart and soul and what you will create will actually be what you really really really want. yes yes yes "

I wish you a beautiful heartfelt Sunday
love love love

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 05/01/2024

A Soulful Year Ahead 11-card reading is back!
Set your sight higher and get the guidance you need to move forward with confidence and excitement.

Discover signs, symbols & messages that will support you along the way.

Create magic when you know:
-your next powerful steps,
-what to release,
-what your soul wants for you,
-what gifts to develop for 2024.

You will get:
1. 1 11-card reading session
2. 1 Personalized 8-page PDF of the Reading with pictures of the cards & corresponding messages
3. 1 1hr Zoom call to review the Reading together & expand on the messages received
4. 1 Recording of the call for your reference

Say yes! yes! yes!
to an enlightened future!

PM me to schedule your reading or for more info. Or email me at [email protected]

Can't wait to connect with you, your soul, and the guidance that wants to come forward.

love love love

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 05/01/2024

First Psychic EFT/Tapping of 2024! Come on January 11th at 7:30 pm (Pacific) to this Live Online Event. yes yes yes

Let’s create a path to a powerful, joyful, fun, full of light

We will:
-Release 2023
-Honour your journeys, your ups and downs.
-Connect with the energy of 2024 and what your guides want to help you co-create.

This Psychic EFT/tapping corresponds with our first new moon too called “The Wolf New Moon.” Let’s use the new moon’s energy and add extra goodness to our manifesting powers.

To register for this online event, follow the link in my bio,
or visit: 5thrayhealingacademy.com

Can't wait to see you all.
love love love


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it. In my family, the celebration starts on the 24th and we wait until later in the evening or early morning on the 25th to open our presents. Since the movie Klauz came out in 2019, it is another of our traditions to watch it together, usually on the 24th, and have a charcuterie board while we watch it. We did our tradition before I left Vancouver for my across-Canada trip with my mommy.

Growth for me during the holidays is about allowing myself to be flexible, releasing traditions that no longer serve me while honour those that still do.

I am sooooo grateful that you are here and I can share my love for EFT/Tapping and my points of view with all of you. thank you for being part of my traditions.

love love love


There is a stillness we can access in nature like no other places. And it is so true that you can walk in nature discombobulated and walk out feeling soothed, healed and your senses put in order. ⁠

let's all breathe in the healing properties of nature. ⁠

love love love⁠

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 11/12/2023

“I choose to be me!” Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circle. December 17th at 9:00 am-11:00 am (Pacific)

Do you have a double mission? Are you ready to serve the world by being you?

Can you allow yourself to JUST show up as you and feel safe?
Can you connect more with the essence of you, your natural abilities & what makes you uniquely YOU? You are Fabulous. Brilliant. Amazing, here to serve and love by being yourself!

Register on my website at www.5thrayhealingacademy.com or

love love love


I love the simplicity of this quote. Isn't it true though, everyone is taken. How can I be myself with ease and joy? For me, I am now able to be myself with more ease because of all the fabulous personal deep healing I have been doing. woohooo

Let's ponder the question this week; How can I be myself with more ease and joy?

What comes up for you? let me know.

love love love
PS Let's do some deep healing with my 2-hr mini-tapping workshop, Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circle for $44. The theme is "I choose me!" yes yes yes Register on my website: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 07/12/2023

Be You (During the Holidays Too)
Psychic EFT, Live Online Event. December 14th at 7:30pm (Pacific)

Do you want to be YOU all the time? Do you find that being yourself can be challenging, especially during the holidays? Psychic EFT/Tapping can help you clear what is in the way of you just being YOU!

To register for this online event, follow the link in my bio,
or visit: 5thrayhealingacademy.com or

love love love


Your essence is your greatest gift. It is your original blueprint, your true self. Take a moment today, pause, breathe, and imagine walking inside the cave of your heart. There, in the deepest part of yourself, you will find your essence, lovingly welcoming you. Allow yourself to be welcomed and know yourself at such a deep level. Take the time to have a beautiful conversation with that old friend, your essence.

love love love
PS Next Psychic EFT/Tapping is about being yourself and creating a deeper connection with your higher self! How perfect is that?! Come come come December 14th at 7:30 pm Pacific Click the link to register: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/events-workshops/psychic-eft-tapping-clearings


Yes yes yes !!! This is my favorite part: "I feel good because I am alive! Life is a gift and I revel in it."

Have a phenomenal Sunday.
love love love

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 23/11/2023

November 25th: Mini-nTapping fun-shop!!! Come Alive & Thrive!
9:00am-11:00am (Pacific)

Can you stand in your light and your brilliance with grace and majesty? Many times, healing workshops feel like work! Let’s change that.

In this mini-tapping EFT/Tapping workshop, I will invite you to connect more deeply with your inner brilliance. We will also bring the energy of “joy” to the forefront, and We will look at the word “thriving.” What does it really mean to you?

lastly, we will set powerful intentions for December!

Come and join us, heal, and start December vibing high!
Register on the website: www.5thrayhealingacademy.com or

love love love
PS Tell your friends and bring them with you. and let's have a coming alive party! yes yes yes


It is so true. Many times I have set a plan that came from my ego rather than my heart and soul. To have the life that is waiting for us. Healing and releasing my "old skin" has allowed me to be able to co-create a life with Source/Divine and my soul. This life will bring you joy, and prosperity in all aspects. It will be in harmony with all that you are!

yes yes yes to that Life!

love love love

PS Tap with Sophie Tapping Circle this Saturday, November 25th from 9am-11am. I am so EXCITED about this one. The mini-tapping workshop is called "Come alive and thrive!" come and join me and let's tap tap tap, release that old skin so you can come alive and thrive. woohooo Register: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie


Happy Sunday Fabulous Souls! ⁠
What I love about what I can do is my ability to see someone's soul and be witness to their light and greatness. It is such a humbling experience. I want to invite you to see what I see when I look at your soul, and "stand tall in the greatness of you!"⁠

love love love⁠

PS Psychic EFT/Tapping Tomorrow Monday at 7:30pm PDT. Let's stand tall in the greatness of you by releasing blocks on your light! yes yes yes! register through my website: www.5thrayhealingacademy.com
or https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/events-workshops/psychic-eft-tapping-clearings

Photos from 5th Ray Healing Academy's post 12/11/2023

FREE 30-minute Information Session!!! yes yes yes. ⁠ ⁠
Are you already an EFT/Tapping Practitioner?⁠ Are you passionate about your healing practice and have a calling to support people through their worst experiences so they can heal – and thrive? ⁠

Do you want more trauma knowledge and concepts supporting your EFT/Tapping practice and maybe you also want more EFT/Tapping trauma techniques?⁠ ⁠ If so, I invite you to a free, Information Session about my upcoming EFT/Tapping Specialized Certification for Trauma course. ⁠ ⁠

Once you register for this FREE event, you can choose to come to the LIVE event either November 16th 8:00pm (Pacific)⁠. You can register through my website at www.5thrayhealingacademy.com or https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/eft-tapping-info-session

I really hope to see you there, and if you know someone who is a practitioner and has been wondering about trauma, let them know about this FREE information session. Woohoooo⁠ ⁠

Below are some of the points covered in the FREE information session so you, the EFT/Tapping practitioners can see if this course is the right one for you, for your practice, and for the fabulous clients you serve. ⁠ ⁠

love love love
___________________________________ 💕_________________________ Example:⁠
-Differences between being trauma-informed, having trauma protocols/ practices, and being trained to use EFT/Trauma techniques. which one would you benefit from adding to your practice?

-Benefits of having more trauma-informed knowledge and trauma EFT/Tapping trauma practices, specifically as an EFT/Tapping practitioner,⁠ ⁠
⁠ - What are some of the Trauma concepts that specifically support EFT/Tapping as a trauma-healing modality,⁠ ⁠

-Advanced EFT/Tapping trauma techniques that allow you to guide your clients in healing their trauma effectively, effortlessly, and with compassion and how that looks like in a session,

-Types of trauma that EFT/Tapping might not be suited for, Examples of trauma EFT/Tapping practitioners might not be qualified to address and why, including examples of the types of trauma that I choose to refer to other professionals.

Videos (show all)

Happy New Year fabulous souls! thank you for sharing these past couple of years with me! I am so grateful for you. and a...
I am soooo excited about this mini-tapping workshop. Well, I love all the mini-tapping workshops I create, otherwise, I ...
What can I use EFT/Tapping on? When I took my training 12 years ago, we would hear Gary Craig say “Try it on everything!...
Monthly FREE Psychic EFT/tapping session!  The next one is this Thursday, June 15th. come come come and let's clear what...
Tap with Sophie, Tapping circle tomorrow, June 6th at 7:30pm Pacific time.To register PM me directly on Instagram or Fac...
How long do you Tap for deep self-healing?⁠In the EFT/Tapping video “How long do I Tap”,  I mentioned that the length of...
How long do you Tap?⁠The time you tap will vary based on why you are using EFT/Tapping as well as what is going on for y...
EFT /Tapping  if you need to make a decision⁠⁠Start tapping and talking about the pros and cons of the decision you are ...
EFT / Tapping  if you are a Talker⁠Some people need to speak out loud to process information/ emotions, and make decisio...
EFT/Tapping if you don't know what to SayEFT /tapping  will support you when you feel out of sorts and emotionalNo words...
Tapping circles are starting again. Why?!? Because is freaken awesome. Lol Date: April 13th and 27th at 7:30pm Pacific F...
An invitation towards deepening the connection with your soul, our higher self! There is a gift to that invitation at th...