5th Ray Healing Academy Videos

Videos by 5th Ray Healing Academy. Sophie St-Pierre Master EFT/Tapping Practitioner & Trainer Trauma Specialist Psychic Healing Guide

Happy New Year fabulous souls! thank you for sharing these past couple of years with me! I am so grateful for you. and as Joseph Campbell says; "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are". So thank you for loving me just as I am. I will continue to love you as you are!

love love love

Other 5th Ray Healing Academy videos

Happy New Year fabulous souls! thank you for sharing these past couple of years with me! I am so grateful for you. and as Joseph Campbell says; "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are". So thank you for loving me just as I am. I will continue to love you as you are! love love love Sophie

I am soooo excited about this mini-tapping workshop. Well, I love all the mini-tapping workshops I create, otherwise, I would not be offering them! LOL!! But this theme makes me vibrate with joy and excitement. It's called "Come alive and thrive" For this particular workshop, we will explore the idea of coming alive and thriving. Can you stand in your light and your brilliance with grace and majesty? Many times, healing workshops feel like work! Let’s change that. I will invite you to connect more deeply with your light. I will guide you to feel and experience YOUR light, your greatness that way I can see your soul and greatness when I look at you. We will also bring the energy of “joy” to the forefront. Look at the word “thriving” so it is clearer as to what that really means for you, Not how the world or the people in your life see “thriving,” but your own version of what that means. Wowser!! It will be an epic mini-funshop. Not workshop – funshop. Woohoo!! You can register through my website www.5thrayhealingacademy.com or click the link below: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie Love love love Sophie

What can I use EFT/Tapping on? When I took my training 12 years ago, we would hear Gary Craig say “Try it on everything!” You can use EFT/tapping for “In the moment support”: processing your emotions, stress, anxiety, overwhelm, etc. Everything in the way of you having a beautiful day! You can also go deeper if you are noticing patterns, you can heal those patterns. You can also heal fears, and phobias such as fears of heights, of snakes. You could also address emotional and physical pain. There are so many beautiful ways to support yourself with EFT/Tapping. Give it a shot, try it on everything making sure you feel safe! if you want more support come to “Tap with Sophie, Tapping circles.” or check my website at: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com love love love Sophie

Monthly FREE Psychic EFT/tapping session! The next one is this Thursday, June 15th. come come come and let's clear what is hiding your light and your gifts! To register click the link below: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/events-workshops/psychic-eft-tapping-clearings love love love Sophie

Tap with Sophie, Tapping circle tomorrow, June 6th at 7:30pm Pacific time. To register PM me directly on Instagram or Facebook. I hope to see you! Let's tap tap tap and clear what is in the way of your greatness! This week for Monday Morning Bliss, we were connecting to Harmony and creating Heaven on Earth. What do you need to feel more harmony within and around you? love love love Sophie PS or email me: [email protected]

How long do you Tap for deep self-healing?⁠ In the EFT/Tapping video “How long do I Tap”, I mentioned that the length of time you tap will vary based on why you are using EFT/Tapping and what is happening for you emotionally and physically and I give examples.⁠ ⁠ If you have not seen it, you can go and watch the replay. ⁠ ⁠ 💕When using EFT/tapping for Deep self-healing. ⁠ I recommend putting aside about 30-45min, no longer than 90min⁠ and Private, alone time to really honour you and your feelings and the issue being worked on right now such as limiting beliefs, fears, phobias, etc.⁠ ⁠ I also recommend a step-by-step system so you can experience the best results possible and permanent healing. I invite you to check out my upcoming EFT/Tapping courses or come to my monthly “Tap with Sophie, Tapping Circle” click the link below. https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie or email me at [email protected] ⁠ love love love⁠ Sophie

How long do you Tap?⁠ The time you tap will vary based on why you are using EFT/Tapping as well as what is going on for you emotionally and even physically.⁠ ⁠ A) If you are using EFT/tapping to get back to feeling more like yourself by using in-the-moment tapping techniques ⁠ ⁠ on average I tap about 2 to 5 min⁠ ⁠ B) If the emotions you are feeling are intense such as sobbing, lots of anger, overwhelm, still using” In the Moment EFT/Tapping” techniques the time tapping might be more like 5-10min ⁠ C) If you are triggered, which will be felt more deeply in the body than an emotional reaction to something, you might notice that you need to tap for a little longer like 10min-15min⁠ ⁠ What I suggest is, don’t worry about how long. Honour your feelings fabulous souls and tap tap tap until you feel more like yourself and ready to continue your day. ⁠ ⁠ love love love⁠ Sophie⁠ For more support with EFT/Tapping come to me "Tap with Sophie, Tapping circle" happening each month. To register click this link: https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie

EFT /Tapping if you need to make a decision⁠ ⁠ Start tapping and talking about the pros and cons of the decision you are trying to make. ⁠ ⁠ Don’t forget to include the emotions that are coming up as you tap. Tapping is about honouring our emotions, regardless of what they are. And when ready connect with more positive emotions and open yourself up to different possibilities. ⁠ ⁠ The tapping will bring you out of confusion, and reduce stress and anxiety right away so you can access all your mental faculties. It will help you get back into your heart center, reconnect with what is important to you and be in alignment with your values, your goals, and your highest self. ⁠ ⁠ Keep on tapping, and talking about the pros and cons around your decisions until you feel more grounded and ready to make that decision, or journal about it some more. ⁠ ⁠ This way of tapping is called "in-the-moment tapping"."⁠ ⁠ More EFT/tapping tips each week. If you feel this would benefit someone, please share this reel with them or invite them to my Instagram page. Make sure to follow us to get notified when more tapping tips are being posted.⁠ ⁠ love love love⁠ Sophie

EFT / Tapping if you are a Talker⁠ Some people need to speak out loud to process information/ emotions, and make decisions. They need to talk out loud to process whatever is going on for them. My youngest is one of those fabulous souls. With EFT/tapping, all you have to do is start talking and tapping at the same time. ⁠ ⁠ You can tap on all the points or one point and talk.⁠ ⁠ Tapping and talking, expressing the emotions coming up, expressing all the thoughts that could be going in a circle in your head. Say everything your mind/ everything your head is thinking, breathe, and keep tapping⁠ ⁠ Until you feel a shift. ⁠ ⁠ That shift can be emotional (you feel calmer), mental (feel you have more clarity in your thoughts, make better decisions, are not overwhelmed anymore, and know what to do first), or physical shift (where you feel you can breathe better)⁠ ⁠ This technique is called "in-the-moment tapping." ⁠ More EFT/tapping tips coming every week. Make sure to follow us to know when the next one is coming and share, share, share so more people can also benefit. ⁠ ⁠ Let’s all use our tools, and process our emotions beautifully so we can show up our empowered selves in the world. ⁠ love love love⁠ Sophie

EFT/Tapping if you don't know what to Say EFT /tapping will support you when you feel out of sorts and emotional No words are needed. Just tap tap tap until you feel a shift. That shift can be emotional (you feel calmer) or physical (there is less tension on your shoulders) and even spiritual ( hearing your inner guidance and feeling more connected to Source). Keep tapping, keep breathing until you feel that shift feeling back to center. This way Tapping I have been calling "In the moment tapping". More EFT/tapping tips coming up each week! Share with someone you love. Invite them to my Instagram page or this page. Make sure to follow us to see the new content. Let’s support each other. Let’s heal, transform, and use our tools in powerful ways. Let’s shine brightly! Love love love Sophie #tapping #5thrayhealingacademy #intuition #emotionalintelligence #emotionalregulation #eft #transformation #centered #calmness #trauma #healing #sophiestpierre #5thrayhealingacademy

Tapping circles are starting again. Why?!? Because is freaken awesome. Lol Date: April 13th and 27th at 7:30pm Pacific Fee: 20$ CAN through PayPal or e-transfer. Link to register https://5thrayhealingacademy.com/tap-with-sophie Love love love Sophie Ps if you send an e-transfer, let me know and I'll send you the private link.

An invitation towards deepening the connection with your soul, our higher self! There is a gift to that invitation at the end of the video. More than a Tapping course it's a blueprint to living a joyful empowered life! Love you all! Sophie PS If you have taken my course before and want a refresh, a deeper dive and deeper connection to yourself and the 4 key elements presented in the course as well as making those tools a bigger part if your life, You get to come in at 50% off. PM To reserve your spot!

Invitation to my FREE EFT/Tapping Q&A this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time. And a small introduction for those of you that don't really know me.

Psychic EFT/Tapping anyone! A reminder that it's tomorrow. Want to experience it, registration link in the comment. Woohooo Love love love Sophie

March 10th, come see me! Or register to be able to watch the video for 24 hours. Links in the comments.

I'm a guest on Cora Naylor's podcast "Crack the Code!" Woohoo! ⁠ ⁠ Cora is fabulous and I'm always happy to share EFT with more people, to explain what EFT / Tapping is, what it can do for us, and how it can help us heal from issues like depression and trauma.⁠ ⁠ Listen to Episode 24 here: https://bit.ly/3HINX6m . ⁠ Or look for "Crack the Code" on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music.

Love love love everyone!!! Happy Holidays

🙌 I want to invite you to pause, tap breathe and breathe... 🙌Start tapping on your favorite point. 🙌It could be the collarbone point, the side of the hand and breathe… 🙌Gently tapping and breathing….in and out… ✨️Allowing your body to enter into a deep state of awareness… ✨️Breathing in and out…. ✨️Gently tapping… ✨️And from that state, state: ✨️"I choose to walk the path of my soul, with ease and confidence."✨️ 🦋Do you know someone who could benefit from this today? Share this reel with them or tag them below! 💛Love, Sophie #EFT #EFTtapping #breathwork #pausetapbreathe #mentalhealthbreak #groundingpractice #meditation #tappingmeditation #ascention #soulwork