Holden for Congress

Holden for Congress

Democratic Candidate for NY 21st Congressional District I am seeking the Democratic Nomination for the NY24th Congressional seat.

Editorial: The Boston Tea Party 250 years later, and we're still fighting for democracy 16/12/2023

One of my mission priorities includes voting rights and access. 250 years ago, the fight for equal representation began, and as this editorial reminds us, it continues.

“The fight isn’t over. Court rulings have permitted racial and partisan gerrymandering that undermine the Voting Rights Act and weaken the principle of one-person, one-vote — itself a fairly recent principle in American democracy.”

Leaders in Washington squabble over things that don’t directly affect you or contribute to your well-being, keeping you distracted and hopefully unaware of the rights and freedoms they are stripping away from you. They cry over Donald Trump, who also, doesn’t genuinely care about your family, your job, your farm, your health, or your bank account.

Today, do not forget what we are fighting for in the coming election. We are fighting for the very foundation of a nation that was established by the people and for the people. It's time to take action and reclaim our democratic principles.


Editorial: The Boston Tea Party 250 years later, and we're still fighting for democracy The demand for no taxation without representation has still not been fully met as the United States struggles to reach actual representative democracy.

That Texas Abortion Case Is Even Worse Than You Think 16/12/2023

I am 100% pro-choice.

My opponent is out of step with the majority of citizens who want to protect women’s right to make their own reproductive choices.

Leaders in Washington and the state should not decide for a woman. What we’ve been seeing play out in Texas is abhorrent. Kate Cox and her family should have been free to make decisions without being burdened by the cruelty of Texas’ inhumane laws.

As your representative for NY District 21, I will stand to codify Roe, protect access to contraception, and return reproductive decisions to the parents and families. Politicians are NOT doctors; they have no place in the examination room.

The stakes could not be higher in 2024. It is time to send a message to elected officials everywhere. Trust women. Trust doctors. Reproductive rights are also human rights.


That Texas Abortion Case Is Even Worse Than You Think Texas has multiple abortion bans, creating a legal and medical minefield for Kate Cox.


🌟 Exciting News and Well-Deserved Congratulations! 🌟🎉

I am thrilled to share the incredible achievement of my former officer and dear friend, Ed Freeman, who was officially promoted to the distinguished rank of Colonel this past Wednesday. 🇺🇸🎖️

Ed's unwavering dedication, leadership, and commitment to excellence have not only earned him this well-deserved promotion but have also set a remarkable example for us all. As a fellow Syracuse University alum, I take immense pride in witnessing Ed's journey to success.

Let's take a moment to applaud Ed for this significant milestone in his career! 👏👏 Your hard work, perseverance, and leadership have truly paid off. Here's to many more accomplishments and continued success in your journey, Colonel Freeman! 🌟🥂

(All images do not imply or contain an endorsement by the Department of Defense.)

Rep. Elise Stefanik files complaint against judge who has ruled in Jan. 6 and Trump cases 15/12/2023

Elise wants her constituents to know that she is NOT focused on them. That’s the message we should be taking away from this.

Elise consistently aligns herself with the agenda of Donald Trump. This choice reflects the lack of her commitment to addressing the real issues that matter to the residents of her district.

The disconnect between her professed dedication to the community and her actions is a reflection of her failure to represent us. Steve will truly serve the people, as your representative he will prioritize his constituents above any external political agenda.


Rep. Elise Stefanik files complaint against judge who has ruled in Jan. 6 and Trump cases The New York Republican and staunch Trump ally is asking for an ethics investigation, arguing the judge has engaged in "highly inappropriate political speech."

Again and again: The school shootings since Sandy Hook 14/12/2023

Eleven years have passed since the tragic events of Sandy Hook. Families and friends continue to grieve the loss of 22 beautiful and innocent lives that were cut far too short. In this time since this tragedy, meaningful change to address gun violence and mass shootings in our nation has eluded lawmakers. Despite the collective grief and outcry for action, the necessary steps to safeguard our communities and prevent such senseless tragedies have not been taken. It happens, again and again.


As we remember the lives lost at Sandy Hook, we must renew our commitment to advocating for comprehensive measures that prioritize public safety and mental health, aiming to create a society where such devastating incidents are no longer a pervasive threat. We all deserve a future where every life is valued, and our communities are safe from the scourge of gun violence.

Again and again: The school shootings since Sandy Hook NBC News has tracked active shooter school shootings since 2013.


Johnson's warning against "single-party impeachments" highlights the fluid nature of political principles, subject to change based on convenience rather than unwavering values. The ease with which these principles are discarded is concerning, signaling a lack of consistency and commitment to the democratic process. As citizens, it's crucial to hold our representatives accountable for their actions and insist on a government guided by steadfast principles, not one swayed by political expediency. Let us champion integrity and unwavering commitment to democratic values in our political discourse.

Ian Sams, White House Spokesperson for Oversight and Investigations provided Scott Dworkin with this statement regarding GOP impeachment: “Marjorie Taylor Greene and the most extreme members of the House Republican conference are pushing ahead with this partisan smear campaign despite the fact that members of their own party have admitted there is no evidence to support impeaching President Biden. If they press onwards with this baseless fishing expedition, it only proves how divorced from reality this sham investigation is, and will come at the expense of meaningful work to actually address the issues the American people care about, like lowering costs, creating jobs, and strengthening our health care.”

Read it all here: https://www.dworkinsubstack.com/p/gop-impeachment-is-nothing-but-lie

GOP investigators say they will ‘initiate contempt’ proceedings after Hunter Biden flouts subpoena for closed-door testimony 14/12/2023

Why does the GOP insist on having Hunter Biden testify behind closed doors? What are they trying to conceal from the American people, especially when they've been vocal about demanding evidence themselves? The American people need to understand the proceedings in Washington, as our tax dollars fund these hearings.

To rebuild trust, Washington leaders should prioritize transparency. The GOP has long raised concerns about Hunter and President Biden; if they genuinely believe there's evidence of crimes, they should welcome an open forum. After all, when people have nothing to hide, they don't try to hide. Hunter is willing to be transparent; why aren't our representatives in Washington?

Let's ensure accountability and openness for the sake of the American public.

GOP investigators say they will ‘initiate contempt’ proceedings after Hunter Biden flouts subpoena for closed-door testimony The Republican chairman behind the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden said Wednesday they will start contempt of Congress proceedings against Hunter Biden for not participating in his closed-door deposition on Wednesday, after he demanded to testify publicly.

Fox News Hosts Say Republicans Have No Evidence to Impeach Joe Biden 12/12/2023

Speaker Johnson said, “This vote is not a vote to impeach President Biden…This is a vote to continue the inquiry of impeachment…”. Meaning, that House Republicans, with all the time and money they have spent trying to find evidence, remain empty-handed. Using your tax dollars for this effort over the things that their constituents NEED them to invest in. Like economic relief, infrastructure in rural communities, healthcare cost solutions, and job creation.

What is important to note here is that the same Republicans are taking their marching orders from Trump. Trump has promised to use the levers of government to enact political retribution on his enemies. Essentially, they are using YOUR money to satisfy the demands of one single, very flawed, man. Not to satisfy YOUR needs.

All this for the man who has been charged with close to 100 counts of illegal activity…Not charged by Biden, or the Biden administration, or orchestrated by Biden or his administration.

House MAGA Republicans belong to their branch of government, the Trump branch. If you want your representatives in Washington to start doing the business of the people, we must demand they stop doing the business of one person.

Fox News Hosts Say Republicans Have No Evidence to Impeach Joe Biden “Republicans have not shown…Joe Biden did anything illegally.”


This is a special event, suggesting it’s not meaningful or to use the event as a way to express your opposition of the administration cheapens Hanukkah itself. Let’s not come after holiday celebrations or the people participating. That is antisemitic. You can’t only support the Jewish community when it pleases your base. We support our Jewish friends, family and neighbors. Always.

Trump's vow to only be a dictator on 'day one' follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric 09/12/2023

Let’s be clear, joking about being a dictator is not funny, cute, or entertaining.

Please consider the gravity of such words. They normalize and trivialize authoritarianism.

Democracy thrives on the foundation of respect for its principles, and any hint of dictatorship, even in jest, undermines the very essence of our democratic values. Let's safeguard the integrity of our political discourse and uphold the ideals that define us. 🗽

Trump's vow to only be a dictator on 'day one' follows growing worry over his authoritarian rhetoric TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) — As Donald Trump faces growing scrutiny over his increasingly authoritarian and violent rhetoric, Fox News host Sean Hannity gave his longtime friend a chance to assure the American people that he wouldn't abuse power or seek retribution if he wins a second term. But instead...

November jobs report: US economy adds 199,000 jobs, unemployment falls to 3.7% 08/12/2023

Despite the addition of 199,000 jobs and a drop in unemployment to 3.7%, brace yourself for the inevitable GOP denial of the Biden Administration's economic achievements.

The partisan narrative often overshadows the positive strides we make as a nation.

Let's focus on the progress and the collective efforts that contribute to a stronger, more resilient economy for all. 📈

November jobs report: US economy adds 199,000 jobs, unemployment falls to 3.7% The US economy added 199,000 jobs in November, a uptick from the previous month as striking auto workers and Hollywood actors came back to the workforce. The unemployment rate was 3.7% down from 3.9% in October. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg expected job gains of 185,000 with unemployment holding...


🕎 Wishing everyone a joyous and illuminating Chanukah! May the Festival of Lights bring warmth, love, and moments of celebration to you and your loved ones. 🕎


🔴⚪🔵 Honoring the Brave: Remembering Pearl Harbor 🔴⚪🔵

On this solemn day, we reflect on the historic events that unfolded at Pearl Harbor. As a veteran, I am reminded of the profound sacrifice and courage demonstrated by those who faced an unanticipated and devastating attack.

December 7, 1941, serves as a reminder of the resilience of the American spirit. The heroes who stood firm in the face of adversity, paying the ultimate price for our freedom, will forever be eternally grateful.

Let us take a moment to honor the memory of those who lost their lives and express our gratitude to the veterans who bravely served during that tumultuous time. May their legacy inspire us to strive for unity, resilience, and a commitment to safeguarding the principles that make our nation strong.



Hate speech is abhorrent. No question. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that most of what would qualify as hate speech is legally protected speech under the First Amendment. That is not an excuse or an approval of such speech, it is just the precedent.

What we heard yesterday, while Elise questioned the presidents of Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Pennsylvania was her hypocrisy.

She claims THEY are morally depraved, but has ignored and accepted the depraved words and actions of Donald Trump.

Elise has repeatedly called for the gag order on Donald Trump to be lifted, citing freedom of speech.

She has also claimed to be a champion of free speech on campus. But apparently, that speech is only protected if it is “conservative” speech.

This is hypocrisy, and hypocrites cannot be trusted.

There is no doubt the tensions and divisive rhetoric must end. Our country is a melting pot of so many unique people and we should respect that. That being said, the line we draw between freedom of speech and criminalizing or assigning consequences to that speech is thin and we must navigate it reasonably and with due consideration. When someone is threatened or harassed, it is no longer free speech. That is what these leaders are saying, and they are not wrong.

Photos from Holden for Congress's post 06/12/2023

This past weekend Steve stopped by the Gouverneur Community Christmas Parade. Special thanks to the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce for the hot cocoa and for organizing the event. It was nice to meet and chat with some of the chamber members.

Gouverneur is a lovely community, but it still needs support from elected officials. It’s time for small-town America to have the support of elected officials who will help them invest in infrastructure. Small businesses need our support to compete against corporate behemoths trying to s***f out local shops and businesses.

Norman Lear, Sitcom Genius and Citizen Activist, Dies at 101 06/12/2023

🕊️ Remembering a Visionary: Norman Lear 🕊️

Today, we mourn the passing of Norman Lear, a true pioneer in American entertainment and a tireless advocate for democratic values. Beyond his remarkable contributions to television, Lear's legacy extends to championing civic and political engagement.

Co-founder of the nonprofit People for the American Way, Lear dedicated his life to fostering a diverse society, where everyone is treated equally under the law and empowered to pursue their dreams.

His commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and his work towards the vision of a vibrant and inclusive society is admirable.

In a remarkable gesture, Lear demonstrated his dedication to American history by acquiring an original copy of the Declaration of Independence at auction for $8.1 million. He embarked on a decade-long journey, taking this symbol of liberty on a nationwide tour. Lear's efforts aimed to connect people with the essence of democracy, encouraging active participation in the civic and political life of the nation.

As we bid farewell to this visionary, let us reflect on Norman Lear's enduring impact on shaping a more just and democratic America. May his legacy inspire us to continue the pursuit of a society where freedom, opportunity, and equality are accessible to all.


Norman Lear, Sitcom Genius and Citizen Activist, Dies at 101 The six-time Emmy winner had quite the résumé: 'All in the Family,' 'Maude,' 'Good Times,' 'Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman' and more.


Donald Trump is dangerous for democracy. We’ve already seen his authoritarianism and we cannot afford to go back.

Trump claims that the criminal indictments he is facing are politically motivated, but there is no evidence of this. He says this while also promising that he will go after political rivals.

He wants a Justice Department staffed with lawyers who only answer to him, not to the rule of law. Say something in opposition to him and he will absolutely come after you. Freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, are at risk. He will shut down any protest of him like a dictator.

Trump wants to revive his travel ban and plan "mass deportations" and to put those people in "sprawling camps" as they await deportation.

He also wants to end birthright citizenship.

We must remember the cost of his false election claims. January 6th became a turning point in our nation's history. His followers, driven by anger and loyalty to his falsehoods, ignored the evidence, and ultimately turned to violence, constituting a direct assault on democracy itself.

The 2024 election has the founding principles of our nation on the ballot. Donald Trump poses a significant threat to democracy. His authoritarian tendencies and disregard for the rule of law are evident, and we cannot afford another Trump term.


Elise is continuing her fear-mongering campaign against Gov. Hochul.

Re*****on has been struggling for some time now. They filed for bankruptcy in March 2018 and in July 2020. They paid $73 million in their settlement related to the Sandy Hook shooting.

On November 8, 2021, it announced the move of its global headquarters from Ilion to LaGrange, Georgia.
Hochul had only been in office since August, just 3 months. Re*****on's leadership did not make this decision because of Gov. Hochul and Elise is being intentionally misleading.

I certainly feel for the impacted workers, this is a sad moment. I have optimism that our community will help them and that the affected workers will find new roles that they will thrive in.


How does Elise vote on issues related to Healthcare?

She voted against the Mental Health Matters Act which supports the behavioral needs of students and youth by authorizing grant programs to support school-based al health services.

She voted against the Mental Health Justice Act of 2022 which provides funding and technical assistance to States, Indian Tribes, Tribal organizations, Urban Indian organizations, and local governments to hire, employ, train, and dispatch mental health professionals to respond in place of law enforcement officers to situations involving a person experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis.

She voted against the Affordable Insulin Now Act which caps out-of-pocket insulin prices under private health insurance and Medicare at no more than $35 per month.

She voted against the condemnation of the performance of unwanted, unnecessary medical procedures on individuals without their informed consent and for additional accountability, oversight, and transparency to protect individuals from such medical procedures while they are in the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

She voted against the Protecting American Lungs and Reversing the Youth To***co Epidemic Act which revised requirements related to the safety, sale, and advertisement of to***co products, including electronic ni****ne delivery systems.

She voted against the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) which preserves the right to give and receive abortions without state-imposed restrictions. She also voted against the Women's Health Protection Act of 2021.

There’s more including, her vote to eliminate the ACA, her advocacy for cuts to Medicare, and protecting Americans with preexisting conditions.

Stefanik claims to support healthcare, but her actions tell a different story. It’s time to hold Stefanik accountable.


Elise's voting record on several critical military and veteran issues raises concerns about her commitment to supporting our military and veterans. Here's how she has voted and why those votes are damaging to our nation and detrimental to our military and veterans:

Collective Bargaining for VA Doctors: Voted against collective bargaining for VA doctors. This hinders their ability to negotiate fair wages and working conditions, potentially impacting the quality of care they provide to our veterans.

Counting Service for GI Bill Eligibility: Voted against counting every day a reservist or guard member serves toward their eligibility for the GI Bill. This disregards the sacrifices made by these individuals and diminishes their access to educational benefits.

Services for Noncitizen Armed Forces Members: Voted against providing services to noncitizen members of the Armed Forces or facilitating opportunities for veterans' naturalization. This neglects the contributions of these individuals.

Compensation for Veterans Exposed to Toxic Substances: Voted against compensation for vets exposed to toxic substances. This fails to acknowledge and address the health challenges faced by those who have served in hazardous environments.

Automatic Enrollment into Veterans Health Care System: Voted against automatic enrollment into the Veterans Health Care System. This denies eligible members swift access to essential healthcare services.

Access to Contraception Without Copayment: Voted against allowing access to contraception without a copayment. This restricts the reproductive health choices of servicemembers, impacting their overall well-being.

Ban on Transgender Persons Serving in the Armed Forces: Voted to ban transgender persons from serving in the Armed Forces. This is discriminatory and goes against the principles of our nation, including equal opportunity for all citizens.

These votes collectively suggest a disregard for the well-being, rights, and dignity of our military members and veterans, raising questions about the representation they receive in Washington.

Your support of Steve Holden is a reflection of your support for our servicemembers and veterans. Donate today and join the mission to elect Steve Holden to Congress.


🟡 All about George | Semafor | Semafor 01/12/2023

George Santos has been expelled from Congress!

Today represents a significant stride in our ongoing commitment to restoring ethics and morals to our nation. It is a pivotal step in the effort to defend democracy and uphold the fundamental principles upon which our great nation was founded.

Expelling Santos is not just about addressing an individual's transgressions; it's about reaffirming our commitment to the core values that define us as a nation. It sends a clear message that actions contrary to the principles of democracy will not be tolerated, and those who betray the public trust will be held accountable.

Together, we stand united in our pursuit of a government that reflects the ideals of the people it serves. Today's expulsion is a reminder that the strength of our democracy lies in our collective dedication to upholding its principles.

🟡 All about George | Semafor | Semafor In today’s edition: Israel and Hamas extend their truce but the prospect of an Israeli operation in southern Gaza looms, Senate negotiators get closer to a deal on border security, and Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., may be ousted this week.

Believe in Steve 01/12/2023


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Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Best regards,
Holden for Congress

Believe in Steve Welcome to Believe in Steve! Thank you for stopping by to learn about Steve, his values, and his campaign and mission priorities. We hope we can count on your support in 2024!



Attention, urgent action required! This is NOT a drill! The battle to turn NY21 blue is reaching a critical juncture, and we must act NOW!

House Speaker Mike Johnson is descending upon New York this weekend. He is teaming up with the CEO of the world's largest private equity firm, and they're plotting to flood the war chests of key Republicans, including Elise Stefanik. Their reelection is pivotal for maintaining the majority, and the influence of wealthy mega-donors and Super PACs looms large.

We can't stand idly by while wealthy mega-donors and Super PACs tighten their grip on our democracy. The very foundation of our nation is under attack, and we must rise to the challenge!
Our fight goes beyond financial contributions; it's about combating the relentless attacks on democracy itself.

If you're unable to contribute financially, fear not – your voice is powerful. Share this urgent message far and wide on social media, through email, and via text. Let the nation hear the rallying cry – Elise Stefanik has a formidable challenger, one who will fight tooth and nail for the District, not the deep pockets of PACs and special interest groups.

Time is of the essence! Together, we can stem the tide of influence and ensure a brighter future for NY21.

Act now, share fiercely, and let our message echo across the nation!

Onward to victory!

Holden for Congress


Videos (show all)

Please head over to www.believeinsteve.org, Steve's new website! Learn all about Steve & his values! Sign up for campaig...
Steve Wants You to "Make it in America"!
Happy #ElectionDay everyone! Polls are open until 9pm tonight, let's do this, #NY24!
Steven Holden Fireside Chat: First Responders
Had a great conversation with Pete Dominick about the economic issues on voters' minds heading into the election. We mus...
Steven Holden Fireside Chat: Family Farms
Steven Holden Fireside Chat: The Economy
As Rep. for #NY24, I will be a champion for reproductive rights. It's imperative that women have control of their own he...
Steve Holden For Congress "Make It In America"
I’ve been humbled to receive the support of #NY24 voters of all political persuasions, including Republicans like Dee, w...
Republicans For Steven Holden
I am so grateful for the support of Dick Platt of Geneseo, NY, a lifelong Republican and retired Marine.Like so many Rep...