Krista Williamson, RD

Krista Williamson, RD

Teaching women how to stop dieting and find balance with food so they can feel happier and healthier.

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 09/09/2024

🌼 Your body is unique to you. Your tastebuds are unique to you. Your resources are unique to you. Your job demands and schedule are unique to you. Your family, friends and support system are unique to you.

Here’s the thing: no matter what diet culture says, there is no one-size-fits all with nutrition. You need to find what works best for YOU - your body, tastebuds, resources, schedule and system.

All foods can fit into a balanced diet - some in bigger portions more often 🍓🥕🥬🍉🫐 and others in smaller portions less often. 🍟🍩🧁

[[**Just to be clear, I’m not saying it’s *wrong* to drink a protein coffee or eat a lettuce wrap - I’m saying that you don’t HAVE TO do those things to be healthy.]]

Health is not a one way street! ⚠️

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 05/09/2024

Let me know if these truths resonate with you!

In a world where we are bombarded with extreme opinions and quick fixes, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But here’s the truth: health isn’t about extremes. It’s about balance, mindfulness, and compassion.

Health is a journey. It’s the sum of our daily choices, our mindset, and how we feel. No single food will make or break your health on its own - no matter what diet culture says.

Let’s prioritize nourishment and peace over perfection 💛.

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 03/09/2024

👋🏽 Hello, I’m Krista!

I’m a dietitian mama to 3 boys 👦🏻👦🏻👼🏼 on a mission to show both women and men how to optimize their health without giving up the foods they love.

Gone are the days of restrictive diets, binge cycles, and all-or-nothing thinking. Welcome to a new era of balance!

Here’s the thing: it’s true, our bodies need vitamins, minerals, water, antioxidants, carbs, protein, fat and fibre - but health is not just physical. Every single food we eat does not have to be for the betterment of our physical health, some can be for enjoyment, social connection, or fulfillment. 🥑🩷🍦

That’s where balance comes in!

In this corner of the internet, my goal has been to create a safe and supportive space where we embrace a balanced approach to eating. No pressure for perfection, just a commitment to making choices that support our overall well-beings: body, mind and soul.

I’m here to support you on your journey toward a healthier, happier, more balanced relationship with food - always just a DM away! 💌



Just over here waiting for wellness culture elitism to chill 😅

Just because your wellness routine is different than that other person online, doesn’t mean yours is wrong or bad.

Health and wellness are not a one way street.

Everyone has a unique set of genetics, a unique history, different resources, and different needs.

Health and wellness are a holistic journey. It’s not just about eating well and exercising; it’s about finding balance and harmony in all aspects of life - mental clarity, emotional stability, physical vitality and spiritual peace. This looks different for everyone. 💛

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 19/06/2024

Early on in my grief journey, I’ll never forget someone telling me after I posted a meal I made: “wow you’re really okay with giving your kids processed foods”.

And while they may have had good intentions, it’s stuck with me all along.

First, if you’ve been here long enough, you’d know almost everything we eat is a processed food - yes, even super nourishing foods like bagged salad, canned lentils, or diced tomatoes.

But second, that was my best with where I was at that day. And there was nothing wrong with it.

The thing that the internet gets wrong about nutrition is that REAL life is happening. No one lives in a bubble. Not everyone can devote hours a day to being in the kitchen. Not everyone can shop at Whole Foods or Costco. Not everyone has an air-fryer or food processor. Not everyone has a backyard garden. Not everyone has a home.

So to say that everyone SHOULD eat the same way or else you’re wrong, bad, or unhealthy is mind-blowing, incorrect and ignorant.

Health is multifaceted. Improving your health is much bigger than your diet alone.

Anyway, I could make a list of 1000 things the internet has wrong about nutrition, but I’ll start with these 5 today and hope they end up on the right side of the algorithm 🫶🏽


You can redefine what “success” means to you.


Have a beautiful weekend!

Follow for more ☀️

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 10/06/2024


Stats show that more than 90% of us do not meet the recommended daily intake for fibre. 🚨

Yet, high fibre diets have been shown to have many health benefits like reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and some types of cancer.

If you missed my blog post on gut and nutrition, some dietary fibres act as prebiotics, meaning they feed the good bacteria (probiotics) in our gut microbiome. Our gut influences many body processes like immunity, energy production, nutrient absorption and mood.

Fibre is crucial to our overall health!!

Depends on the person, but generally, at least 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men.


1️⃣ When increasing your fibre, you want to go slow and gradually build up your intake. 🐌

2️⃣ It becomes extra important to be sure you're drinking enough water!🚰

3️⃣ Not all fibre-rich foods are created equal!!! Fortified foods with synthetic fibres (such as isomalto-oligosaccharides or chicory root fibre in Fibre One bars) will not have the same benefits as natural fibre sources like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

💛 If this was helpful, or you have more ideas to increase fibre - share below!! ⬇️💬

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 24/05/2024

Your weekend reminder 🫶🏽

Different foods provide your body with different nutrients! Yes it is a good idea to fuel your body with as many nutrient-dense foods as possible to get all of the micros and macros it needs to function well and feel its best ☑️

BUT that doesn’t mean eating a less nutrient-dense food makes you “so bad” or “unhealthy”.

Eating balanced is not about perfection. Balanced eating is putting thought into your food decisions to nourish your body well as often as you can, without being so restrictive that you miss out on enjoyable food. 💛



It’s okay to be human!

Social media is saturated with content about food and nutrition that is rooted in fear-mongering, teaching us that we all need to eat “perfectly” or else we’re not healthy.


Our diets matter but our health is based on much more than just what we eat.

Every single food you eat doesn’t need to improve your physical health. Some are for your body, others are for your heart, mind, or soul.

Before anyone thinks I’m a Dietitian promoting you to “just eat whatever you want all the time” - I’m not. I encourage a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods as often as possible. But not at the expense of your mental health.

It’s okay to take a break when needed! Consistency is NOT constant 🫶🏽

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 09/05/2024


Health is not just physical.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

If your “healthy diet” is worsening your mental health, causing you to avoid social situations, or depriving you of your favourite food - it’s really not that healthy.

You CAN improve your physical health without compromising your mental health or giving up your social life!

Remember: your eating pattern matters more than what you eat once in a while.

Aim for a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fortified dairy or alternatives, lean proteins and healthy fats most often - but enjoy soul satisfying foods too. All foods can fit into a long-term healthy, balanced diet 🫶🏽



Health is not just physical - it’s also mental, spiritual and social.

People giving “health advice” online often forget that (or simply don’t know that which is why they shouldn’t be giving advice 😂).

🍽️ Trying to consume as little calories (energy) as possible is not a healthy strategy! If weight loss is your goal, you can aim to achieve a slight calorie deficit - however, cutting your calories down to 1200, 800 or 500 calories a day (I’ve seen it all!) is NOT benefitting your body.

Calories are energy and fuel. Your body needs calories along with macronutrients (carbs, protein and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) daily. ☑️

🍞 Eliminating carbohydrates is a bad idea! Carbohydrates like breads, pasta, quinoa, barley, and oats can be wonderful sources of fibre, protein, B-vitamins, magnesium, antioxidants and more.

Carbs give us energy and they make us feel good! I encourage my clients to include carbohydrates at each meal. ☑️

⚖️ Obsessing over the number on the scale isn’t benefitting you. If seeing changes on the scale disrupts your day, makes you feel shame, guilt or angst - it’s not healthy. The act of stepping on the scale doesn’t “improve” your health. Instead, focus on your health habits that DO improve your health. ☑️

🛏️ Skipping rest days or pushing yourself when you need to rest always backfires. Throw that saying “if your tired, do it anyway” in the garbage. Rest is healthy and should be prioritized, too.

🥤Lengthy juice cleanses or detoxes may sound like a good idea to “jumpstart” or “reset” you diet - but they’re not. These plans are often severely lacking calories and are missing vital nutrients. They can lead to loss of lean body mass and actually slow down your metabolism!

🍕Avoiding foods you love is not a great long-term strategy. Your health and body are yours forever. And food is meant to be enjoyed! A balanced diet is a long-term strategy that includes the foods you love! 💛

I’d love to know if this resonated with you. Leave any questions below or send me a DM anytime!

🎉 Follow for more realistic nutrition advice!

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 19/04/2024

Nutrition is nuanced. It’s not a one way street. 🙃

Every person has unique genetics, different privileges, backgrounds, childhoods, behaviours, habits, health histories, preferences, schedules, the list goes on.

There is not ONE best diet we can all follow. Everyone’s best diet is different, working with a professional can help! 💛

That’s really all I have to say to be honest! 😂

Have a wonderful weekend 🫶🏽



⏰ Eating regularly through the day. It’s difficult to give your body the fibre, energy, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. it needs when you only eat one or two meals a day. I encourage a minimum of 3 eating experiences to be able to nourish your body well.

🥘 Aiming to consume mostly home-cooked, colourful, balanced meals as often as you can.

⚖️ Being aware that all foods can have a place in a balanced diet. There is no specific meal or food you can eat that makes you *unhealthy*. It’s your lifestyle patterns that matter. It’s crucial to find your balance and learn how to live with all foods.

Other ideas to nourish your well-being:

🍵 drinking your favourite cup of tea, coffee or matcha quietly, without feeling guilty
🥗 consuming more colourful produce
🧘🏻‍♀️moving your body in ways you enjoy regardless of whether they change the shape of your body
📝 writing in your journal
💊 taking your supplements
🥘 eating protein with each meal
📖 resting with a blanket and a good book
🥰 gratitude, prayer and/or meditation
💧drinking more water
💟 spending quality time with your partner, family or friend
☀️ waking up earlier to do something you’re passionate about
🛌 prioritizing your nighttime routine and sleep
🌳 spending time outside

What would make a difference for you?

Set aside time to nourish you 🪴
You are your longest commitment! 🫶🏽

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 08/04/2024

Do you agree or disagree? 🤗

What am I missing?!

[[Just want to make sure I’m clear that this is not directed at any one person or any specific thing. It’s more of a discussion of the overall trends that I see and is all based solely on my own opinion and shared opinions of some of my clients I speak to about their frustrations! That is all 🫶🏽]]

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 01/04/2024

Did any of these resonate with you today? 💛



You can’t have it all, do it all, be it all - ALL the time! Sometimes you’ll order a salad and sometimes you’ll order fries. Some days you’ll include movement and some days you’ll need rest. It’s about balance! 🥰

⭐️ Your lifestyle patterns matter so much more than what you do on a single day, weekend or week.

Consider your patterns:
🍓Are you eating fruits or vegetables at most of your meals?
🥑 Do you consume healthy fat sources regularly?
🍤 Do you eat lean sources of protein at most meals?
🥔 Are you consuming a variety of high-fibre foods often?
🌭 Are you limiting your overall consumption of ultra-processed foods?
🚰 Do you hydrate your body with mostly water?
🚶🏻‍♀️Are you interrupting long periods of sitting with movement?
🏓 Do you plan to include movement most days?
🛌 Are you consistently prioritizing rest?

I work with my clients to build healthier habits and patterns that fit with their REAL life 🤗👉🏽 DM me “services” to learn how we can work together!

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 25/03/2024


Wait first, did you think I was going to say bagels?!

1️⃣ Eating is a form of self-care. Use mealtimes as an opportunity to provide your body with fuel, energy, satisfaction, and nutrients 🥰. It’s difficult to give your body enough fibre, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals when you only eat 1 or 2 meals a day.

2️⃣ You don’t need to eliminate foods or food groups (unless allergic, intolerant, or you just dont’t like them).
I encourage always thinking about the long-term - can you avoid _____ forever? All foods fit in a healthy, balanced diet! ✔️

3️⃣ You don’t get advice for taking care of your teeth from your physiotherapist. Or tips to care for your eyes from your personal trainer. 😆 Be mindful who you’re accepting your nutrition information from!

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 12/03/2024


If you’re still looking for a new diet or quick fix to *get healthy*, you’re wasting your time. 💛

Let 2024 be the year you get out of the dieting cycle and start focusing on giving your body the nutrients it wants and needs!

➕ Focus on additions!
What can you add today to nourish your body better? Instead of stressing about what you need to cut out of your diet to be healthy, consider what you could add to improve your health. Maybe it’s more colourful fruits and vegetables, more water, more fibre, more protein, more healthy fats, more balance, etc.

When you provide your body with the nourishment it needs, you’ll:
✔️ feel better,
✔️ have more energy
✔️ feel more satisfied
✔️ have less food cravings and stop constant food thoughts

➕ Focus on longevity!
Instead of temporary habit changes, consider the changes that are realistic to continue forever. If your diet requires you to cut out a food - consider, can I cut this out forever? If not, don’t cut it out. Only make the changes that feel realistic to continue long-term ✔️.

If you’re ready to learn how to improve your health without restrictive diets - click the link in my bio or DM me the word “services” to learn about how we can work together 📲🤗!

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 20/02/2024

👻😈 Ingredient lists have become a scary place for many people.

Here are 5 ingredients that might sound scary, but aren’t and if this sort of thing is helpful let me know and I’ll make more 😊

Tell me below, are there any specific ingredients you want to know more about? ⬇️


That’s IT!

No wonder why you’re stressed 😅

Hello, I’m Krista an online registered dietitian who provides *realistic* nutrition advice to busy people. 👋🏽

If you need help with changing your habits to improve your health without sacrificing your sanity, I’m here for you 🫶🏽 you can comment below, send me a DM, or click the link in my bio to work together.


Who are you rooting for? 🏈🤗

A reminder for your weekend friends!

A balanced diet doesn’t eliminate foods or food groups - it teaches you how to include all foods and still achieve or maintain good health.

Remember: healthy eating is a pattern, not a single food choice!

Enjoy your weekend! 🥳

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 08/02/2024

To learn more, you can:
💌 DM me anytime
🔗 click the link in my bio, or
⬇️ check out my website

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 28/01/2024

Leave a 🤍 if these resonate with you.

I’ve been talking to my clients a lot this week about zooming out and focusing on the big picture of health. Often we zoom in too far on the snack we just ate, the number on the scale, or life getting in the way of our health intentions.

But health is big picture 🖼️
And your body is your forever home 🏡

Zoom out. What’s happening most often? What are the trends and patterns? Because that’s what matters most!

If you need guidance or accountability to build a more balanced mindset, diet, or lifestyle - apply for my services at the link in my bio 🔗


Honestlyyyy 😅

Sometimes I can laugh it off, but other times it’s maddening! Just because everyone eats doesn’t mean everyone is an expert in nutrition.

Be mindful about what information you allow into your space 🫶🏽

The good news is it gives me a whole lot of blog post ideas and keeps conversations with my clients and in the DMs interesting! 😁


When it comes to losing weight, people tend to think restriction is the answer. 💡

So you start cutting out entire food groups and drastically reducing your calorie intake.

But here’s the thing: your body needs a variety of nutrients to feel and function its best.

The dieting mindset may help you to shed a few pounds quickly - but it will also lead to feeling more irritable, more fatigued, more deprived and eventually 👉🏽burnout.

Depriving yourself of the foods you love and the nutrients your body needs is not the answer!!

Instead, let me help you find your balance with food 🫶🏽

💃🏽 Eating balanced helps provide your body with the nourishment it needs to feel it’s best and function optimally.
🥳 Eating enough calories, protein, fibre and fats help you to feel more satisfied and more in control of food.
😋 You don’t have to eliminate anything - all foods can fit with balancing strategies.

Remember this: if the plan is not sustainable, the results are not sustainable.

In order to lose weight and keep it off you need a plan that is easy and enjoyable so you can actually stick to it 🤎.

I’m here if you need help with that! You know where to find me 🥰

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 15/01/2024

ALL-OR-NOTHING thinkers ⬇️

Save this reminder!

I find many people who are all-or-nothing thinkers also struggle with losing weight or changing their habits.

So many times I hear people convince themselves they “blew it” because of one night or one weekend of eating. Or that they’re “not doing it right” because one week the scale went up.

So they quit or “fall off the wagon”.

I’m here to remind you: lack of perfection is not failure.

In my online coaching, I help clients change their habits, find balance, and stop the all-or-nothing thinking so they can improve their health and lose weight.

If you need help with this, click the link in my bio and apply for coaching! I’ve got one Transformation spot left to start in January or we can set you up to start in February! 🤍🥳

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 11/01/2024


Whatever changes you make to lose weight, you have to be able to continue to keep the weight off.

So if your change ideas are too intense, too demanding, too expensive, or rely on too much willpower - they won’t last and the weight comes back.

You need change ideas that you can actually stick to.

You can’t realistically avoid pasta, or sugar, or eating out forever 🤪 and even if you could - what kind of life would that be.

Make this your year for gradual, realistic and sustainable change.

And I’m here if you need help 🤗 click the link in my bio to work with me.


Perfectionism is the enemy of progress.

Save this reminder!

Whatever your goals or intentions are - know that you won’t do it perfectly and be okay with that. 🤎

Progress >>> Perfection

Who’s with me?

Photos from Krista Williamson, RD's post 29/12/2023

2024 is the year for more balance 💁🏻‍♀️

Less short-term fixes and resets
More building realistic health habits

Less strict diet rules and restrictions
More balanced eating strategies and additions

Less guilt
More grace

Diet culture is going to come in hot 🔥 these next several weeks making false promises with short-term solutions to a lifelong thing. Never forget your health and your body are with you forever. Which means we need long-term strategies to care for our health and bodies! 💪🏽

The way you eat should feel:
1️⃣ enjoyable
2️⃣ easy to do
3️⃣ realistic to stick to

If your diet is costing you too much money, time, stress, willpower, or sacrifice - it’s not going to work for the long-term. 🚩

If you need helping finding realistic long-term strategies for your health or body goals, apply at the link in my bio 🥳🤗


This year I encourage you to slow down, breathe, water your intentions, and focus on you - your whole being, not just the physical you🤍

Restriction doesn’t last.
Eliminating food groups doesn’t last.
Cutting out everything you love doesn’t last.
Trying to eat *perfectly* and workout daily doesn’t last.
Spending tons of money on shakes, bars and pre-made meals doesn’t last.

If you’re looking to make any changes to improve your health, fix your relationship with food, or lose weight and keep it off, I encourage you to think long-term. Is this change realistic with my life/budget/schedule long-term? Because your health and your body are with you forever.

And if you want help, I can help you with this. When you’re ready to prioritize your health in a way that you actually enjoy and can stick to - click the link in my bio or send me a message! 📲

I’ll be honest, I’m not usually a goal setting girly, but this year I’ve set some personal, family, work, and health goals to be more intentional with my time. The past year I’ve been working on growing, healing, moving me up the priority ladder ( ), and living my life more intentionally in a way that pleases God and myself!

Are you setting any health, family, personal or work intentions this year?

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