Jude Justice

Jude Justice

This is the way God made me and how God wants me to do things


God knows it will be hard for us to live righteously on our own that’s why he sent his only begotten son to redeem us and his spirit to help us live righteously. The same bible that says no one is righteous also said be holy as your Heavenly Father is holy, indeed we are imperfect beings but when they’re looking for those traveling through the road of perfection and holiness we should be found among and also in the part of righteousness. HALLELUJAH!!

Photos from Jude Justice's post 22/07/2024

Have you fell? indeed do not panic soldiers do fall sometimes. What makes a soldier unique is they always pick themselves up in the place they have falling. We are not here to condemn but to strengthen humanity that they be in Christ and align them to the promises of God, when ever we forget this, God pauses everything to remind us the true reason we came. The devil think he is winning but he forgot God is a master planner soon the table will turn 😂🔥

The fear, pain, trials and storms that are suppose to weaken and make men fall will be the same instrument that will make men strong and valiant.


No matter what don’t go back even though it’s the only option don’t!
A bridge you once fought so hard to cross, is not worth going back to.
Don’t forget the reason why you started and why you got those scars and bruises. Sometimes it feels like all hope is lost but don’t forget whom we serve, even though you’re taken to a deep forest Ebenezer will always find you to favour you.


Why are people taken this word jesus said in another way
Jesus said give what belongs to ceaser to ceaser and what to belongs God to God.
He was referring to paying of tax not going to serve idols. This word has been manipulated and it has destroyed many souls because they decoded it the wrong way. Even men of God are still opening their mouth telling souls to go and serve idols instead of breaking down the scripture for them to understand and let them know the true meaning of what Jesus was saying. He meant pay your tax to your earthly authorities who are the authorities? The kings, and the leaders of the country.
While give what belong to God means pay your tithes as well to God.
Not serve demons and God together, what business does light has with darkness?
Please be guided lest you be deceived by the devices of the devil
Wake up oh Brethren the war has begun
Be guided!
Only God will preserve and protect the elects in this era, don't ever feel it is finished if you fall into temptation instead quickly call yourself to order and repent and make sure you don't go back to that sin, and judge no one.
Don't forget


Following the crowd is good but don't follow blindly cus you might not know what your strength is.
Before following the crowds die alone a thousands death.


Don't live a religious life it will do you no good and it will only deceive you. The world today will call you foolish, some will say you're mad, others will say you're wasting your time just because you're living a life beyond their religious beliefs and expectations. You cannot be a Christian and still be in charge its not possible, it is written i am no longer the one who lives but christ who lives through me. If christ lives through you that means he is the boss of your life.
So where does this mindset came from among you that Christianity is in the heart and not in all roundification of life, and yet you always confess the Bible verse that says i am no longer the one who lives but christ who lives through me? You're only a self deceiver. How will it even sound to the devil's hearing, he will just laugh and know you don't even know what you're doing and even his demons will make joke of you
You have to come down from that train because it's leading you to a wrong direction. Turn now and seek the part that feels lonely a part you hardly see any traveling through and that part is Jesus Christ of Nazareth the only way to life. If you want to go through him you will have to make him not only your personal savior but also the lord of your lives. LIVE A LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN NOT A RELIGIOUS LIFE.
JESUS THE ONLY TRUE WAY. choose JESUS today, tomorrow and forever more


God is good
Monday 1st 2024


Happy new year 🎉✨ 🎉


Happy new year to y'all 🥰🥰🥰


Our strength doesn't make us a Christian what makes us a Christian is our weaknesses for if we say Christianity is all about being strong why then do we still call ABBA FATHER, a strong person doesn't need help from anyone. But we do need help we can't tame the flesh on our own or be a Christian by our own strength for we are weak in nature.
I am glad in my weaknesses for the strength that comes through my weaknesses isn't mine for it is written; i am no longer the one who lives but christ who lives through me and it is also written when we are weak he becomes stronger, so therefore the strength that comes is not mine but of christ jesus. If we go all day being strong how then can we see the handwork and moves of God in our lives. For our faith is made strong in our weaknesses.



Rip to heaven is better than Rip to hell,
You said you are a Christian but you still obey the laws of the earth, the law of canal living, you can’t host the holy ghost and you’re still living canal this is to show your Christianity is not anchored on the spirit but on paganism. The next question people will ask are you holy for the scripture says no one is holy but don’t forget it is also written be holy just as your Heavenly Father is holy, if I am not striving to live a holy life or not in the road of being holy then i am just an hypocrite standing as a gateman that opens the gate for men to come in and deny my own self of entry.
I have no right to tell you to follow the road of holiness if I myself is not traveling through it. We should stop lying to ourselves about most things we confess with our mouth but not with our hearts. Are you truly what you say you are, and many will answer only God knows, Yeah only God knows all things but don’t forget you are the one who confessed with thy own mouth. If ask a congregation if you know you are a Christian stand up, don’t be surprised the whole church will stand and if you ask again, if you know you are a Christian and you will make heaven sit down it will shock you the number of people that will sit down will be so scanty than the number that stood at first,
If you confessed you are a Christian and can’t defend it and doubt if you would receive the reward you were told you will receive at the end, then you don’t know why you are a Christian, apostle Paul said something that surprised me, he said I have run my race to the finish line I now await to receive the reward which is the promises made to us by Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


One thing you should know it is not all about picking the pen from the ground, but to learn the process it takes and the reason why you want to pick it up at first.
A scientific man will not just go straight in picking up the pen from the ground, first he will go through series of calculations and see how he could generate a new formula. Same thing as a man who sees his destination just miles away from him , but he still have to journey through another route cus the journey is not all about reaching his destination, but to learn and see reasons that made him embark on the journey. Don’t travel just for pleasure sake but travel to learn.justice.754



Happy new month
Don’t forget for we to be forgiven we need to forgive.
Therefore I say unto you extend it to all who have in one way or the other has offended you.
Forgiveness is a great confession, confess it today. JESUS LOVE YOU, stay blessed 😇



Is there anything too hard for we to do for God?





Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
Ephesians 4: 26,27


God is still on the throne!.justice.754


The Devil is a very serious business man and very serious with his own business,but when is comes to our own business he never wants you to be serious with yours.

His business is to destroy, steal and to kill.
But ours is to band, loose and to cast him out of our lives and equations.justice.754


Jesus has paid the price!

Photos from Jude Justice's post 28/08/2023

One of the most important thing you should never do in life
Is don't give up.
Don't forget even if the ship got damaged you still have hands to swim over and God will provide a backup plan just like how the pirates take some few emergency boat with them.
Have the mindset and courage of a pirates. See every storm as an opportunity.



2 Corinthians 12:8-9
For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

As humans there will always be that time in life when you will face challenges, situations and trials and tribulations. When your heart will be heavy and the burdens too much for you to bear. And apostle cried unto him good three times expecting to receive healing but all the lord said unto him was my grace is sufficient.
Today how many of us will wait just like apostle waited for God to say something about his infirmities?, Whenever we go to his presence we always love doing the talking, we always love to tell him about our troubles and pains but i have you ever said lord what are your conclusions or what are you saying about this, God might have been speaking to us about our problems but we are too impatient to listen to what he is saying concerning our troubles.

Father in heaven we come before you this morning, we give you all the glory for you alone is worthy to be glorified we come asking for your grace for us to wait for your word and we ask oh lord that you should open our ears to hear your word. Help our faith to endure and open our eyes to see through the storms in life, help us to see you even in trials and tribulations. Through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. AMEN 🙏


Psalms 37:8
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.justice.754


Matthew 11:28-30
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Today JESUS is calling us to come unto him.
No matter the situations that's acting as a protocol in your life and though a mountain standing before you and it seems impossible to climb over. Today JESUS is telling us to drop that heavy loads that has made it so difficult for people to climb over and take his yoke upon you and for his yoke is easy and his burdens is light,
And in verse 29", he said; "take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for i am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. He said learn, don't forget God himself has tasted the trials and tribulations of your kinds and know fully well how to pass, climb through every mountains and difficulties because he has tasted all tribulations, trials and has climbed all protocol mountains. For this he became a mortal man that ye who come unto him should not face it alone but face it with you for he is the master teacher of all.
And after he has fought a good fight and run the race to the finish line, and has he was leaving his disciples he said," i will be with you even to the ends of time i will be with you, what so ever thing you are going through know fully well that you are not alone, all you need to do is to come unto him who made you and you shall find rest, for there's no other genuine rest except the one that comes from our lord JESUS christ of Nazareth.
Heavenly father we thank you for your love shown to us in john 3:16 and for the kindness and compassion you have for us all, we pray that you grant us the grace to come unto you and receive the peace that you have instored and prepared for us all, thank you for today and thank you for your provisions.
In Jesus name, Amen.



Happy Sunday 💙


Feeling like given up? Take a look at this picture 👆


✝️ There's a name that's above every other name and by the mention of this name every kneel must bow and every tongue shall confess that he is lord
There is no way we can be saved and there's no other name in heaven and on earth that we could be saved except by the name JESUS!

Heavenly Father, thank you for today and thank you for your grace and mercy, thank you for your kindness and compassion towards us all, thank you for the name Jesus that you have given us. We bless your holy name Lord Jesus you alone is worthy to be praise and adore.
We call upon your name this morning that we might be saved even though we are not worthy to have you under our roof but only say a word and our souls shall be saved. Give us the grace to call upon your name with FAITH AND NOT WITH FEELINGS.
In Jesus name, Amen.

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