Videos by Well, Honestly Podcast. Living Inflammation Free
In this week's podcast we are going to talk about inflammation, what it is and what can be done about it, baby steps count! Join Aaqila and me as we explore ways to help you help yourself. Take a listen on Apple podcast, watch on YouTube- , and don’t forget to like and subscribe so you can get the new episodes airing bi-weekly. #inflammationfreeliving #dietjourney #healthyfood #healthyliving #busymomlife #brownwomenstrong #brownwomenwellness #inflammationrelief
"Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking." – Steve Jobs
This episode is about expanding your mind to change your palate and ingredients so that you can live longer. We talk about: [5:26] Making healthy food choices, the key is in your seasoning [6:59] Swapping your favorite ingredient with a healthier version [9:02] Healthy morning routine swap [12:33] Some breakfast swaps to help you conquer your day [13:39] Lunch swap: stay away from troublemaker foods. Download a list of troublemaker foods [14:53] Eggs: why they are inflammatory. Read the scientific study in Cleanse to Heal book page 62 [20:09] Dinner substitute: how to prepare healthier chicken. Click the link #podcaster #healthyingredients #healthyliving #cookingtips #dietjourney #healthydiet #brownwomenwellness #wellhonestlypodcast #healthylifestyl
Do you struggle with brain fog? Listen to episode 67 of the Well Honestly podcast where we shared how you can overcome brain fog. #brainfog #healthybrain #mentalfatigue #brownwomenwellness #WellHonestlyPodcast
In this episode, we talk about toxic heavy metals and how they are the cause of most of the viral infections that affect our brains. We also share kitchen swaps you can make to minimize your exposure to toxic heavy metals. Click to Listen: #podcasting #toxic #toxicheavymetal #toxins #foodismedicine #wellhonestlypodcast #brownwomenwellness
In this episode of Well Honestly Podcast, Andretta and Aaqila sit down with Dr. Ivana Parker on her revolutionary research on the prevention and cure for HIV/AIDS. Dr. Parker also gives us the tea on if we should really be scared to take the vaccine and what it means to keep your body healthy against viruses and diseases. Listen #autoimmunedisease #autoimmune #psoriasis #healthygut#healthbody #healthybrain
In this episode Andretta and Farrah share how continuous loss of family members, businesses and more forced Farrah to truly get in touch with her competitive side and grow out of the shell that others designed for her as she was growing up. Listen now
In this episode we sit down with a long time family friend Farrah Bledsoe and talk about how life will offer you the chance to build a story of resilience. During our chat Andretta and Farrah share how continuous loss of family members, businesses and more forced Farrah to truly get in touch with her competitive side and grow out of the shell that others designed for her as she was growing up. Link in bio to listen #execising #WellHonestlyPodcast #wellnesscommunity #brownwomenwellness #healthandwellness #healing
Hey brown babe, Your past experiences won’t stop you from having a successful future. You got this and we're here for you. #dailyaffirmations #mentalhealth #mentalfitness #healthyliving #blackbeauty #brownwomenwellness #WellHonestlyPodcast #healthandwellnessforlife
While dealing with transitioning to an empty nester and challenges within her marriage, Pamela saw the Double Dutch club as something all her own that gave her mental peace and support. A random jump rope in the trunk of her car led to a national movement encompassing over 12 thousand women. Her goal to provide a safe haven for physical exercise, connection and accountability has assisted in redefining what age appropriate past times are. She saw a chance to create a space and opportunity to work out that made being healthy a priority. Pamela sees the 40+ Double Dutch Club as a way to support and galvanize minority communities under the umbrella of physical activity worldwide. Listen to this week's rerun 👇
A systemic cleansing and detox are the way to go after each holiday. It is the key to fighting high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other health-related illnesses. Lee Haney #cleaneating #detox #healthyfood #brownwomenwellness #brownwomenstrong #WellHonestlyPodcast
Nearly 50% of all American adults may have elevated blood pressure, but the unfortunate truth is that many may not even know it. This is why high blood pressure is often referred to as the “silent killer” because the symptoms can be so subtle that most people don’t even notice them. In this week's episode, we dive deep into high blood pressure, the causes and effects, how to know you have blood pressure, and how to lower blood pressure using natural means. We also talk about the side effects of LISINOPRIL, a high blood pressure medication, on black people. Listen now #highbloodpressure #hypertension #naturalremedy #WellHonestlyPodcast #brownwomenwellness #brownwomenstrong #healthyliving
While the experience of being Black in America varies tremendously, there are shared cultural factors that play a role in helping define mental health and supporting well-being, resiliency, and healing. This week, we share factors contributing to our current mental state, some black mental health statistics, the barriers to mental health care, and how to seek culturally competent care. #blackmentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
This is our HOT TOPIC episode where we comb the earth to find topics related to wellness that we need to discuss! The Hot Topic of the week is the Baby Formula Shortage, three factors driving the U.S. baby formula shortage, and how to make a home-based formula. #brownwomenstrong #antinflammationdiet #eliminationdiet #glutenfree #dairyfree #cleaneating #eatclean #healthyeating #healthyfood #autoimmuneprotocol #paleo #guthealth #autoimmunedisease #nutrientdense #autoimmune #babyformula
In this week's episode of Well Honestly Podcast we talk about chemical oriented air fresheners and their healthier alternatives; Root canal, how to take care of your teeth so that you don't have a root canal because they have been associated with a host of chronic, systemic health problems; And how to choose organic tea. Link in bio to listen #rootcanal #airfreshner #diffuser #healthyliving #podcasthost #organictea #brownwomenwellness #WellHonestlyPodcast
This week episode is all about natural home remedies for problems we encounter every day. We share remedies for cracked heels, how to make homemade oven cleaner and how to detox your body. Link in bio to listen. #podcasting #podcasthost #homeremedies #homemade #detox #brownwomenwellness #brownwomenstrong #WellHonestlyPodcast
Health tip of the day Shut off electronics at least an hour before bedtime. Lights from screens can give your brain the signal that it is still daytime and that it's not time for rest yet. #healthylifestyle #restfulsleep #brownwomenwellness #busymomlife #womenwellness #WellHonestlyPodcast
Did you know that over 97% of vitamins and supplements you are using contain toxic ingredients in them? In today's episode we explore the role of vitamins and how you can choose the right one. Listen now #podcasting #podcasthost #vitamins #supplements #healthyeatingabit #wellness #healthyliving #brownwomenwellness #WellHonestlyPodcast