Limitless with Krystal
Limitless is a dream accelerator for high achieving over thinkers by @KrystalChong, holistic anxiety
When I think of every decision in my life that brought me here, I’m so grateful that I let my intuition guide me…
Do you want to let your intuition guide you more? I’m doing a workshop serious to help you do just that.
Excited about the magic that you can create when you’re lead by your inner guidance system instead of being stuck in your head.
Reasons my anxiety has been a gift: It led to deeply craving a more fulfilling meaningful life versus one I was “supposed” to be leading. It made me crave more energy, alignment and peace.
But as someone with an active mind and a lot of emotions that can weigh you down if not used the right way…. it felt impossible to find and so far away.
But I figured… what do I have to loose?
And it’s been the most remarkable thing to connect to those things. And even more incredible to guide others to do the same and to witness what they bring into their lives through that process. And how it’s a skill they keep with them forever and ever after that.
Tomorrow I’m doing a workshop on the 3 Things Holding Back High Achievers from What They Want… the first step is really being honest with yourself and seeing the things we don’t even realize are in our lives that are keeping us from what we want.
We’ll also be doing some guided journaling so you can get even more clarity about HOW that’s keeping YOU from what you want. Seeing something takes away it’s power.
Message me if you’ve got any questions!
What’s the reason why we shy away from asking ourselves deeper questions?
There’s many reasons for this I see when working with my clients.
1. They’re perfectionists. They need to be in control. Asking yourself questions to uncover what’s inside is a process of exploring the unknown.
We’re afraid of what we may find.. afraid about what it may mean for us.
If it’s any reassurance, everyone I’ve worked has had this fear, but I’ve never once seen anyone regret asking themself the question. When they do, and they come to the truth behind it, the feeling they get is ABSOLUTE RELIEF.
Seeing the truth is always feeling. And what happens from there, is a magical journey toward a version of you, you crave so deeply inside but don’t know how to let out.
2. They don’t have the time. My clients are high achievers and have an already extremely full plate. They don’t have mental space for anything else. Ironically, that’s exactly why they need to.
Their life is pulling them, they’re trying to keep up on auto pilot doing all the things they think they "should do." Just like very successful companies, we need to take a step back and ask ourself strategically, where we want to go. Think about it deeply.
Not from a mental cognitive forced place, but from deep inside our soul, from the guidance of our intuition that knows what we’re truly meant for in this life.
If not, we run the risk of living out this exhausted busy life, and at the end of it never having had that fulfillment or the life we truly craved deep down inside.
A benefit, is by doing it, you create a more spacious life, so you have more time for joy AND can perform at work on a higher level.
(The third one is continued in the comments below) 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
krystalchong's profile picture
3. They don’t know how to. Growing up we’re not taught how to ask ourselves, or even others, questions that go really really deep.
In social culture we keep things light and airy. And that’s all fine. But it needs to be balanced with having the conversations that really really matter.
Getting comfortable being uncomfortable to answer them. Pushing through that discomfort and getting to the absolute jewel of a realization at the end of that, that forever shifts our lives for the better and prevents us from keeping ourselves stuck.
If you're ready to go deeper, ask better quality questions to lead the life you're ready to live, join me in an intimate live 3 part workshop starting next Monday! We’re going to be asking ourselves some life changing questions and work through some of the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. I can’t wait to have that conversation with you! Grab your spot at the link in bio!
We'll be going deep to get to your truth, and get you that momentum shift to bring what your heart has always truly desired into your life.
Are you preventing yourself from seeing the truth about something? Are you staying “safe” on the surface level? Here’s how that’s affecting you and why going deeper to see the truth is not as scary as it sounds ❤️…
So many smart, driven, beautiful, successful, social, well loved people block themselves from seeing the truth about things. There’s something in their lives that they want, and something is holding them back from it, but the fear of what that may be subconsciously manipulates them into things that prevent them from seeing the truth that will get them there.
I get it though, it’s scary, what might come up… what if it’s hurtful…. It’s not comfortable… it’s not what we’re trained to do, but I promise you, the thing you want, the journey to that begins by getting to the bottom of the very truth of things.
I’m considering hosting an invitation only session to walk a small group through this exercise we did that helped my clients get there on our LIMITLESS call this week. If you’d like to join me send me a message and say “I’m curious” so we can include you ❤️
Or if you’d like to find out more about LIMITLESS hit the link in bio - we’re doing so much LIVE together in this pilot RIGHT NOW, that will be pre-recorded material later - so it’s such a great time to experience it live with us! Hit me up with any questions!
I MADE THIS! 🥰 if you want more creativity and to feel more in flow, this post is for you ❤️.
I’ve been feeling a block with something I need to work on. I just couldn’t get my juices flowing.
For years I’ve wanted to do more art but I’ve just never made it a priority. This Sunday i just felt this really strong feeling to create this moss wall art. And instead of rationalizing why it wasn’t a priority, or it wouldn’t turn out well, or it would be a waste of money, I just fu***ng did it. I cleared the whole day and just let my intuition, which was tugging the hell out of me guide me.
And the experience of creating in a new way was wonderful! And then guess what!
Monday, when I sat down to work my creative juices were flowing out of control! And I’m juicing it all week 😂.
So just sharing that if you’re feeling blocked - see what’s calling you - even if it’s outside of that domain. See what your intuition is nudging you toward. And instead of entertaining all the reasons why you “shouldn’t.” Just give yourself some space and just do it! It’s a great investment of your time not just for in the moment joy but to feel rejuvenated when you’re back to work on something you had been feeling stuck on.
Also! Fly your artist flag high! I don’t care who doesn’t like this I fu***ng love it! 😂😂😂 And it makes me so happy when I wake up and see it every morning!
Tell me in the comments or DMs what has your intuition been calling you to do? What’s blocking you?
Quickie 3 Min Meditation for a Quick Recharge PLUS some support from the universe. 🌟
Let me know what came up for you?! I love hearing your stories!
For an extra out of your comfort zone challenge DM and let me know what you asked the universe for!
I’ll be sharing some more tomorrow and the next day! So try to do 3 in a row and let me know how you feel. They’re special mediations for people with active minds who have a hard time meditating and want support for their journeys from the universe 🥰
At the end of the meditation I give a quick preview of the workshop I did soon.
If you’re a high achievers who wants to bring something into your life but you feel like you may be blocking yourself, you don’t want to miss this!
It was ALL about getting that momentum to take action. Crushing those limiting beliefs. In a small group so we can really bust through blocks and make your action plan!
If you want to know more comment or message me and say “I’m curious” and I’ll share deets!
We need to rethink how we look at talk about ourselves. In one minute - this quiz will help you do just that. Link to quiz in bio ❤️
You’ll find out:
✨ Your Anxiety Super Power Archetype.
✨ Your unique Kryptonite - which will be gold to help you get to your next level.
✨ What you’re ready for next.
At the end there’s something special to help you release anxiety and manifest your dreams in 2022 ❤️🧚🏽❤️.
Comment and let me know if yours was accurate and what it made you realize! Xo.
TRUE STORY! For anyone who’s hesitant about investing in your personal growth but feeling the call to….
My beloved client shared with us that since we’ve been working together she’s:
💥Paid of 25 k in debt in 4 months 🤯
💥Bought her dream apartment in Manhattan 🤯
💥Found her incredible soul partner who is an absolutely beautiful human being. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 quadrupole boom on that one 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I’m sharing this because….
I know it can feel reckless or like everything else is a priority, I’ve been there.
I know it can feel like it’s more important to invest in something directly related to making more money.
I know it feels vague - what will you get back?
You get back EVERYTHING!
What I want you to know is that your mind, and you - who you are - is your biggest potential for everything you want to bring into your life INCLUDING income - but so much further BEYOND that! Peace, joy, fulfillment, family, health … the list goes on.
What do you want in your life? Where are you feeling an emptiness? You have the ability to bring that into your life my dear friend.
If you want to learn how, apply to LIMITLESS at the link in bio to get my free training on the 3 part frame work to transcend anxiety and manifest your deepest desires, in the most time efficient way possible.
You’ll also get information about how I can support you with that, but of course there’s absolutely no obligation to take that journey with me - it’s an option if you want the support. The insights in the training alone will be super valuable for your journey ahead!
Shir I’m NEXT LEVEL proud of you! And so honored to be on this journey with you! So excited about this next stage of life for you my super manifesting sweet friend ❤️❤️❤️
Message me if you have any questions!
Sending so much love!
What stories are you telling yourself that’s holding you back from giving yourself what you need to grow my dear friend? ❤️
Fear…. The Great Robber….
Challenge yourself with questions that force you to go deeper. What is fear holding you back from right now? Share in a message with me if you want an accountability partner ❤️
I thought my anxiety would always limit me. I thought it meant my big dreams weren’t possible…
That’s what doctors said. That what the media said. Mentally ill. A garbage person. A crutch to society.
And it felt that way. Things felt harder for me. Every time I wanted something, I would immediately think about why it won’t work, or imagine myself failing.
Every time I went for something and it didn’t work out I would get so deeply crushed it would be so hard to get back up again.
It just felt like a harder fight to fight for me.
I’d compare myself to others and Id just feel worse. It would feed more of that story about why “I can’t because I’m not like them.” Why I’ll never be able to do it. And I’d believe it more and more.
But the emptiness of not having that thing my heart wanted so badly was just too painful. I knew I had to figure out a way to get what I wanted despite the:
🧚🏽 Anxiety…
🧚🏽 Self Doubt…
🧚🏽 Emotional Intensity…
And then when I set that intention a beautiful thing happened. The universe really stepped up, like never before, to help me figure out how to do that.✨🥰
And the surprising thing is.. that process helped me not just learn to “manage” my anxiety, but to TRANSCEND it.
It helped me develop a relationship with my higher self who guides me with wisdom from a profound place. It helped me become a version of me I love being and am proud of.
And most exciting of all - it helped me bring those dreams that felt so far away, into my life. Not from FORCING it, but from accessing support from the universe which helped it unfold with beautiful ease and flow - better than I could have imagined.
My programs have been closed for months. But lately my soul has been craving taking people on this new journey, experiencing the fulfillment of seeing others recognize and use their unbelievable power. Not in spite of your anxiety or personal struggle but BECAUSE of it. ❤️✨
Apply at or Link in bio ❤️
The joy that comes from sharing in my clients joy is just beyond fulfilling ➡️ to see her joy from her engagement ❤️.
There are many dreams I have and things I want to do in my life. But if all I ever do is this, I’m so full. And that’s a really great place to create the rest from.
If 2022 was the best year of your life, what would need to happen to make it so? DM me and tell me - I would love to support you with making that real ❤️.
Join me Thursday for my live VIP private training on the 3 part framework for releasing anxiety and manifesting your dream life. Link in bio or message me for link or with any questions!
(Her photo at the end literally makes me smile and tear up every time I see it 🥰) love you!!! Excited about even more to come!
Feeling pressured to be perfect? Here’s how vulnerability is the solution..…. An interesting conversation came up on one of our coaching calls that had tremendous insight I wanted to share with you…
Here’s how vulnerability can lead to:
Self acceptance.
Deeper connections.
Better relationships.
Self love.
Greater awareness.
Solving problems faster with more ease.
More growth.
Less fear.
A more peaceful life.
If you connected with this let me know! Vulnerability nudge - DM me and let me know which area you’d want to grow in ❤️..
Sending love for your journeys! Wishing everyone a little more vulnerability this year - guarantee it will lead to more of whatever that thing is your heart desires! X
A Meditation For Self Love
Yesterday on my stories I shared on over whelm and burn, and I talked about coming back to useful tools. I wanted to share this mediation with you that I did for natural skin care line as a tool that’s free and can be used any time ❤️
————- Repost• Some of the most striking and attractive people do not fit the archetype for traditional beauty but they embrace and carry themselves with confidence - they don’t shy away from what makes them stand out. Why then is self acceptance so difficult for so many of us? Why do we judge ourselves more harshly than others? We're going to work on nurturing a little more self-compassion. We want you to refocus the lens through which you view yourself.
Our dear friend and holistic anxiety specialist, , has created a 10 minute custom guided meditation to help us tap into our higher selves. In doing so, we can generate more self-compassion through a higher state of awareness. Sometimes it takes stepping outside of ourselves to really step back in and make a change.
Take 10 minutes for yourself and do this meditation now or save it for later✨ Link in bio to learn more.
I have a private client who is literally a multi millionaire and is SO CYNICAL about working on himself and manifestation 😂….
We did the Soul Goals workshop together yesterday, and a hilarious sequence of events unfolded that I had to share with you!
This is for anyone who is sometimes cynical about working on yourself, or about manifestation, or “support from the universe.” Or even if you just want a little more belief ❤️.
It’s a funny story to remind you that in doing that you’re only robbing yourself of so much joy, and of unlocking so so so much potential for you and your precious precious life!
Even after I recorded this he wrote me to tell me about another “coincidence” that is just not possible it could be a coincidence and so feels certain it’s confirmation from the universe about what we envisioned yesterday in our session. And this is someone who would roll his eyes at the mere utterance of the word “manifestation.” 😂❤️
I’ve made the Soul Goals workshop available to everyone not just clients because I truly truly believe it’s the first most important step to living the life you truly want in the very depths of your soul. And I want that to be accessible to you ❤️.
In one hour and for $39 you can start that process today, and enter the new year with that new energy! Link to it in bio or message me!
If you’ve wanted to take this journey but are also not wanting to do a group, feel free to message me to see if a private setting would support you better ❤️. I’ve got two more private spots for the year. Lots of love!
The 5 Biggest MISTAKES People Make With Releasing Anxiety and Manifesting Their Desires.
I had to learn these the hard way!
But TIME is so important. We’ve only got so much of it, and we don’t need to waste any more of it feeling and being … we’ll…. not our very best 😁❤️.
Hoping this will help you find the fastest path to releasing anxiety and manifesting your deepest desires in 2022. If you’d like my support with that ➡️➡️➡️
Next Thursday I’m hosting a private VIP training on: How High Achievers Release Anxiety And Manifest Their Deepest Desires: The 3 Part Framework.
It’s only for accepted applicants to my new program LIMITLESS - For high achieves who want to Transcend Anxiety and Manifest Your Deepest Desire in 2022.
If you’d like to attend the live private training apply before next Wednesday to get your invitation. This training is going to be literally mind blowing and will chart the entire step by step process to:
🥰 Release anxiety at it’s root. FOR GOOD.
💃 Release negative patterns and step into your highest self.
✨Manifest Your Highest Life … with ease and flow.
Come live so I can answer any questions!
Apply now here: or there’s a link in my bio.
DM me for questions or to let me know you applied! ❤️ Sending love for your journey!
PS let me know which mistake resonated the most with you!
Welcome to LIMITLESS with Krystal!
Calling all High Achievers feeling stuck ❤️Announcing this live workshop I’m doing next week! Join us 🎉
High Achievers Blueprint To Your Deepest Desire.
Quit over thinking. Start taking aligned action.
I created this because we’re in April, and people are still feeling stuck with what they wanted to bring into their life … or the version of themselves they wanted to be this year. ❤️
But it’s ok we still got 9 more months! But we need to use them wisely. So listen up 🙂
Everyone is listening to books and podcasts but not able to take the actions or have the breakthroughs they need to get what they want deep down inside. But they’re not sure why or what to do. It’s not easy! But I can help make it simpler and easier.
This workshop series is laser focused on MAKING those changes and TAKING that action. Because action is where the real shift comes from! (Trust me, I know alllll about getting stuck in your head 😂)
On the workshop, you will:
1. GET CLARITY and a deep connection to your SOUL GOALS. Not just what you ‘should do’ but what your heart truly wants, that will make you fulfilled.
2. DISCOVER the 3 things blocking you from it. Super powerful!
3. ALCHEMIZE the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck, creating new empowering ones that propel you forward.
4. BUST through the blocks you’re having.
5. Have a DEEPER understanding of yourself and what you need REALISTICALLY to help you thrive. For real.
6. CREATE your roadmap to thrive from there!
This is a $350 value workshop, since it’ll be small intimate sessions. But I wanted to do something accessible for my community at least once a year. So it’s $38 😍 for my 38th birthday ❤️.
So if this is speaking to you grab a spot before we’re full! Link at bio under “Live Workshop Series”
Let me know which of these you’re most excited about!
Are you limiting yourself by thinking about the “HOW?”
This very interesting discussion just came up as we were doing some goal setting with my LIMITLESS clients today and I wanted to share it with you. Take aways for your at the very end.
I’m here to push you, so for an extra challenge message me and tell me what either resonated with you, or what your “WHAT” is!
I’m doing a small intimate hands on workshop first week in April to help high achievers get unstuck with the thing in their heart they want to manifest.
It’s not going to be a lecture. I’m going to share some strategies and we are going to do the work right there together and create your roadmap to thrive! It’s small groups so I can help work through any blocks and we can get you set up to thrive!
It’s not another masterclass or podcast or book (although not knocking those I’ve got many 😂) its hyper focused on taking the action and building that momentum shift!
Limited spots. If this is speaking to you, this is officially a message to stop limiting yourself and take that baby step! Grab yours at the link in my bio!