Limitless with Krystal Videos

Videos by Limitless with Krystal. Limitless is a dream accelerator for high achieving over thinkers by @KrystalChong, holistic anxiety

Other Limitless with Krystal videos

What’s the reason why we shy away from asking ourselves deeper questions? 🌟 There’s many reasons for this I see when working with my clients. 🌟 1. They’re perfectionists. They need to be in control. Asking yourself questions to uncover what’s inside is a process of exploring the unknown. 🌟 We’re afraid of what we may find.. afraid about what it may mean for us. 🌟 If it’s any reassurance, everyone I’ve worked has had this fear, but I’ve never once seen anyone regret asking themself the question. When they do, and they come to the truth behind it, the feeling they get is ABSOLUTE RELIEF. 🌟 Seeing the truth is always feeling. And what happens from there, is a magical journey toward a version of you, you crave so deeply inside but don’t know how to let out. 🌟 2. They don’t have the time. My clients are high achievers and have an already extremely full plate. They don’t have mental space for anything else. Ironically, that’s exactly why they need to. 🌟 Their life is pulling them, they’re trying to keep up on auto pilot doing all the things they think they "should do." Just like very successful companies, we need to take a step back and ask ourself strategically, where we want to go. Think about it deeply. 🌟 Not from a mental cognitive forced place, but from deep inside our soul, from the guidance of our intuition that knows what we’re truly meant for in this life. 🌟 If not, we run the risk of living out this exhausted busy life, and at the end of it never having had that fulfillment or the life we truly craved deep down inside. 🌟 A benefit, is by doing it, you create a more spacious life, so you have more time for joy AND can perform at work on a higher level. 🌟 (The third one is continued in the comments below) 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 2w krystalchong's profile picture krystalchong 3. They don’t know how to. Growing up we’re not taught how to ask ourselves, or even others, questions that go really really d

Are you preventing yourself from seeing the truth about something? Are you staying “safe” on the surface level? Here’s how that’s affecting you and why going deeper to see the truth is not as scary as it sounds ❤️… . . . So many smart, driven, beautiful, successful, social, well loved people block themselves from seeing the truth about things. There’s something in their lives that they want, and something is holding them back from it, but the fear of what that may be subconsciously manipulates them into things that prevent them from seeing the truth that will get them there. . . I get it though, it’s scary, what might come up… what if it’s hurtful…. It’s not comfortable… it’s not what we’re trained to do, but I promise you, the thing you want, the journey to that begins by getting to the bottom of the very truth of things. . . . I’m considering hosting an invitation only session to walk a small group through this exercise we did that helped my clients get there on our LIMITLESS call this week. If you’d like to join me send me a message and say “I’m curious” so we can include you ❤️ . Or if you’d like to find out more about LIMITLESS hit the link in bio - we’re doing so much LIVE together in this pilot RIGHT NOW, that will be pre-recorded material later - so it’s such a great time to experience it live with us! Hit me up with any questions! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #SeeTheTruth #Uncover #ExploreYourMind #ExploreYourSoul #TheAnswerIsWithin #JournalPrompts #ChangeYourMindsetChangeYourLife #JournalInspiration #JournalingCommunity #AnxietySolutions #ManifestationCourse #ManifestationCoach #AnxietyCoach #AnxietyCourse #KrystalChong #LimitlessMindset #LimitlessByLumna

I have a private client who is literally a multi millionaire and is SO CYNICAL about working on himself and manifestation 😂…. . . We did the Soul Goals workshop together yesterday, and a hilarious sequence of events unfolded that I had to share with you! . . This is for anyone who is sometimes cynical about working on yourself, or about manifestation, or “support from the universe.” Or even if you just want a little more belief ❤️. . . It’s a funny story to remind you that in doing that you’re only robbing yourself of so much joy, and of unlocking so so so much potential for you and your precious precious life! . . . Even after I recorded this he wrote me to tell me about another “coincidence” that is just not possible it could be a coincidence and so feels certain it’s confirmation from the universe about what we envisioned yesterday in our session. And this is someone who would roll his eyes at the mere utterance of the word “manifestation.” 😂❤️ . . . I’ve made the Soul Goals workshop available to everyone not just clients because I truly truly believe it’s the first most important step to living the life you truly want in the very depths of your soul. And I want that to be accessible to you ❤️. . In one hour and for $39 you can start that process today, and enter the new year with that new energy! Link to it in bio or message me! . . If you’ve wanted to take this journey but are also not wanting to do a group, feel free to message me to see if a private setting would support you better ❤️. I’ve got two more private spots for the year. Lots of love! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ManifestationIsReal #ManifestYourDestiny #ManifestYourDreams #ManifestationCoach #LiveFully #Cynicism #ChangeYourMindChangeYourLife #DreamBigDreams #ManifestationCourse #ManifestationProgram #AnxietyCourse #AnxietyProgram #BelieveInYourselfAlways #AnxietyCoach

Are you limiting yourself by thinking about the “HOW?” 🌟 🌟 This very interesting discussion just came up as we were doing some goal setting with my LIMITLESS clients today and I wanted to share it with you. Take aways for your at the very end. 🌟 🌟 I’m here to push you, so for an extra challenge message me and tell me what either resonated with you, or what your “WHAT” is! 🌟 🌟 I’m doing a small intimate hands on workshop first week in April to help high achievers get unstuck with the thing in their heart they want to manifest. 🌟 🌟 It’s not going to be a lecture. I’m going to share some strategies and we are going to do the work right there together and create your roadmap to thrive! It’s small groups so I can help work through any blocks and we can get you set up to thrive! 🌟 🌟 It’s not another masterclass or podcast or book (although not knocking those I’ve got many 😂) its hyper focused on taking the action and building that momentum shift! 🌟 🌟 Limited spots. If this is speaking to you, this is officially a message to stop limiting yourself and take that baby step! Grab yours at the link in my bio! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #LimitingBeliefs #LimitingBelief #LimitingBeliefsBeGone #LimitingBeliefCoach #GetItGirl #GetItTogether #GroupCoaching #GroupCoachingOnline #ManifestationCoaching #LiveFully #DreamAccelerator #OverThinker #OverThinkers #AnxietyCoach #AnxietyFree #AnxietyTips #ChangeYourMindsetChangeYourLife #groupprogramming

Are you limiting yourself by thinking about the “HOW?” 🌟 🌟 This very interesting discussion just came up as we were doing some goal setting with my LIMITLESS clients today and I wanted to share it with you. Take aways for your at the very end. 🌟 🌟 I’m here to push you, so for an extra challenge message me and tell me what either resonated with you, or what your “WHAT” is! 🌟 🌟 I’m doing a small intimate hands on workshop first week in April to help high achievers get unstuck with the thing in their heart they want to manifest. 🌟 🌟 It’s not going to be a lecture. I’m going to share some strategies and we are going to do the work right there together and create your roadmap to thrive! It’s small groups so I can help work through any blocks and we can get you set up to thrive! 🌟 🌟 It’s not another masterclass or podcast or book (although not knocking those I’ve got many 😂) its hyper focused on taking the action and building that momentum shift! 🌟 🌟 Limited spots. If this is speaking to you, this is officially a message to stop limiting yourself and take that baby step! Grab yours at the link in my bio! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #LimitingBeliefs #LimitingBelief #LimitingBeliefsBeGone #LimitingBeliefCoach #GetItGirl #GetItTogether #GroupCoaching #GroupCoachingOnline #ManifestationCoaching #LiveFully #DreamAccelerator #OverThinker #OverThinkers #AnxietyCoach #AnxietyFree #AnxietyTips #ChangeYourMindsetChangeYourLife #groupprogramming