Joel Wilson Fitness

Joel Wilson Fitness

Online health and fitness coach
Nutrition and exercise advice

Photos from Joel Wilson Fitness's post 09/10/2022

4 week challenge

I’ll be running a 4 week program to help set you up to improve your relationship with yourself and breakthrough the barriers that are in your way.

Too often the biggest obstacle in our way is ourselves. Jump in and become comfortable and confident with yourself and surround yourself with a team of people wanting the same!

This will be 100% free all I’m asking for is a 4 week commitment, you owe it to yourself!

If you have any questions shoot me a message.


Real talk

The last year has been extremely tough for myself as I know it has been for a lot of us. As a coach it would’ve been easier to continue spreading my message and giving out advice to free yourself from the fear of being vulnerable. But this would’ve been pretty contradicting as I have found it extremely difficult myself. I found that my coping mechanism was to help others instead of dealing with my own problems ‘actually Tiffany J. Williams] picked up on this well before I did’

But….. I found this the perfect opportunity to practice what I preach. When ELITE Health Club] posted about their lifting club focusing around mens mental health I had to jump in. Starting is the hardest part, even though is a good friend it still took me 3 deleted message’s before I finally sent him one. 2 minutes later I got an energised response with him more excited then I was (of course this pumped me up)

I had trained a handful of times all year and by the end of the 8 weeks i had either equaled my PR bench and my 3RM squat and 5kg PR deadlift.

I reached out
I surrounded myself with a positive environment
I stayed consistent

I can’t stress how important it is to talk about what’s going on in your life, there will always be people there to lift you up! You’re important!!

Special thanks to Tiffany J. Williams] for constantly pushing me
for delivery an amazing 8 weeks and ELITE Health Club] for hosting us.
You guys are all the real heroes ❤️


New Years resolutions are a great for setting yourself some goals and getting started.

For some it’s all they need to get the ball rolling and that’s amazing.

For others it is much harder to keep it going and that’s okay. Don’t give up completely, there will always be another way you just have to find it 👊🏻👊🏻


Everyone take a moment to really digest these words.


The fear of vulnerability often leads to anxiety, being closed off and isolation. It will impact beyond your fitness goals and hold a tight grip over the decisions you make. It gives you every reason to say no.

Eliminating that fear and accepting vulnerability will have significant emotional benefits, enabling you to make the decisions you want to make, free of fear.

Photos from Joel Wilson Fitness's post 30/09/2021

How many times have you started a training/ nutrition plan only to last 2 weeks before giving it up?

Here are a few considerations to take into account.


With the recent news of gyms opening back up potentially mid next month I have decided to keep access to JWF ACADEMY free. This will remain right up until the day they open.

These programs are more than enough to keep you pushing through.

If you would like to get involved, follow the link in my bio or send me a dm.

We’re almost there! 🔥



I’ve said it before and I’ll continue saying it.

When it comes to our health and fitness goals, often the immediate answer to the questions is ‘I want to lose / gain weight or I want to win’

Don’t get me wrong, these answers are all fine but I can guarantee you that the true answer lies deep within and is so much more powerful.

Ask yourself why?
Why do I want to achieve this?
Is it to gain confidence? Is it to know the empowering feeling of winning?

This is just scratching the surface.
For each answer ask yourself again why?

The deeper you go the stronger your reasoning becomes.

If you’re struggling to find your why, dm myself and together we will dive deep.


I’m not going to lie, Kaya has made us get outside and go on walks a lot more than we would if we did t have her.
She has made us keep somewhat of a routine.

The last few months has been mentally draining, but if I’ve been lazy this sassy little dog will tell me it’s time to go out side.

This is why I’m offering free access to the JWF academy for all September. Try something new, join the team and get moving.



As many people out there have been struggling to get out and get motivated to exercise during this lockdown, I have decided to offer my programs for free until the end of September.

DM me and we can get through this together 💪🏻


To anyone and everyone who is struggling through this whole lockdown. My DMs are open, if you just want to rant or get something off your chest that’s been getting you down.

Lockdowns suck for us all but that’s the thing, we’re all in this together, you’re not alone.



There are so many situations that we shy away from simply because we are afraid of failing. So we choose the safe option and protect ourselves from failure.

But what if we looked at failure in a positive way. As the note in my coffee order said “you never fail, you either learn or win”

That got me thinking, if you learn from your failures is that really a bad thing?

The more you fail, the more you learn.


Your mind can be your biggest enemy, sometimes the hardest part is overcoming all the negative thoughts in your head. Once you show up, training becomes easy. 👊🏻


You can achieve much more than you think. But you’ll never know until you push the boundaries.



When you feel vulnerable you often find yourself putting up walls and create a comfort zone. A comfort zone that you feel safe in and nobody can harm you.

You will do anything and everything to keep up these walls that protect you.

You will stop socialising with friends, family and work colleagues. Even when you do go out you find yourself constantly on edge.

How can we combat this? It all starts by expanding your comfort zone.

Here’s some tips 💪🏻

Instead of texting, pick up the phone and call someone. By checking in with a friend or family member, you’re actually checking in with yourself at the same time.

Be your own leader. Take yourself out for a walk and become comfortable doing things for yourself.

Sit down for 5 minutes, with no distractions and just breathe.

Most of all, ask yourself “what’s the worst that can happen?” and then think about what’s the likelihood of that happening?

You are capable of much more than you think 👊🏻


There’s something about the ocean that makes you feel free.

Have you ever floated in the water, relaxed and felt all your stress fade away?

How good would it be to feel this way all the time, to actually look forward to a social gathering and enjoy it rather than dreading going, getting there and being so overwhelmed that you want to leave straight away.

Overcoming the fear of being vulnerable is the biggest challenge that many people face, but you’re not alone.

we’re in this together.


As Sydney’s lockdown restrictions have tightened, there are a lot of people out there that are struggling.

Here are a few things that could you make the most of the situation.

1. As we are still aloud to head out for essential exercise, a walk with some fresh air can have a really positive impact on our state of mind.

2. Read a book, if you struggle staying focused while reading try audio books (or audiobooks whilst exercising)

3. Creating a checklist of all the things you just never have time for. Catching up on these things can give us a sense of accomplishment.

4. Learn something new. That can be anything from a magic trick to a new language.

5. Most importantly check in with friends and family and don’t be too hard on yourself.

These are just a few ways you can try to find the positive of a crappy situation.

Stay safe.



When your self esteem is low, how hard does it make every single decision in your life? Does it stop you from eating out? Treating yourself? Wearing nice clothes?

Imaging how much easier your life would be and how much more you would get out of life if you felt confident. Now this is easy to say and much harder to action.

Check-in with yourself, is it time to build your confidence?

JWF now has a few coaching spots open.

Inquire at [email protected] or direct message 👊🏻


Has anyone ever wanted to change the way they feel and look but have struggled or felt anxious about starting?

I have a short questionnaire for you to fill out. Click on the link to fill it out.

Photos from Joel Wilson Fitness's post 15/06/2021

The best aren’t always fancy.
They just show up time and time again.

Think about that 🤔


As I am back playing football, my training has been more specific to this.

This has been one of my favourite exercise, working the glutes whilst putting more emphasis on the hamstring.


Here’s your reminder to get out and enjoy some fresh air people


The time has come again to participate in the push up challenge. Over 25 days I will be doing 3318 push-ups as this number sadly reflects the amount of lives taken by su***de.
By doing this I hope to raise funds and awareness to support mental health.

I’m stocked to have my beautiful partner .williams joining me alongside and

All of the money I raise will go to ( the link is in my bio)

Remember no matter how hard times get, there is always someone there for you. So together let’s spread the word, check-in on each other and work through it.


It’s not uncommon to here ‘I want to exercise but it’s boring’ more often than not this is when someone associates the exercise with only the gym.

Exercise comes in many forms, from team sports (any sport in general) to the gym and everything in between.

If you’re a social butterfly or just want to have fun whilst incorporating a bit of exercise. Think about joining a social team sport.

Majority of the time you will be having more fun then exercise and hey who doesn’t like to have fun 👊🏻

Photos from Joel Wilson Fitness's post 16/02/2021

7 years between and 8kgs these two photos.
From training 12x week to 3/4x week. In the frost photo I was super insecure about my body especially being short. I remember training literally every single day and having my life revolve around my training.

Flash forward to now. Being more educated around training and nutrition and finding the perfect balance for myself I can say that I am in a much better place and I’m enjoying every bit of it.

My point here is that training to look a certain way because of what other people may think is never going to end well. Find out what you want regardless. It may be having more body fat but being strong as f**k, or might be to drop a little bit of fat to feel better about yourself.

The reason WHY is much stronger looking a certain way 👊🏻


When .williams tries to stitch you up with the walk challenge but you nail it and reply ‘that’s how power walkers do it’

Enjoy the little things in life with the ones you love ❤️


I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it.

Changing your body composition takes time and is a slow process. Next time you get down that you’ve ‘only lost 1kg this week’ remember that you still lost 1kg. That’s a massive achievement 👊🏻


I’m not one to use this machine for rows but this felt surprisingly good, who would’ve thought 🤔


Feeling good, training well, enjoying life 👌🏻

Photos from Joel Wilson Fitness's post 22/01/2021

In line with my last post.

My physique update to go along with it.

5.5 weeks apart.
Over the Christmas and New Years celebrations the only change i made was adding weighted chin-ups 2 x a week.

Final result was 10kgs added to my chin-up, 2.3 kgs added body weight and an even worse singlet tan.....

Videos (show all)

The fear of vulnerability often leads to anxiety, being closed off and isolation. It will impact beyond your fitness goa...
FIND YOUR WHYI’ve said it before and I’ll continue saying it. When it comes to our health and fitness goals, often the i...
FREE YOURSELF……When you feel vulnerable you often find yourself putting up walls and create a comfort zone. A comfort zo...
As I am back playing football, my training has been more specific to this. This has been one of my favourite exercise, w...
