A New Me Face Yoga

A New Me Face Yoga

🌿Turn back time with faceyoga
🧘‍♀️Unveil a younger you
🌟Grab your free at-home guide below⬇️

Certified Face Yoga teacher| Danielle Collins| RTT 200 hrs multi style yoga| YACEP 75hrs Yin & Meditation


My friends didn’t believe me when I told them that I have been colouring my hair naturally for the past 7 years , this video is for them to see the whole 2 step process!! Try it !!


I have personally experienced a huge difference in massaging my hair with this hair loss remedy highly recommend you try it

🌟Stimulates Blood Circulation: Scalp massage helps increase blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth and preventing further hair loss.

🌟Nourishes the Scalp: Oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil are rich in nutrients that nourish the scalp and hair follicles, providing essential vitamins and minerals for healthy hair growth.

🌟Strengthens Hair: Massaging the scalp with oil helps strengthen the hair roots, reducing breakage and hair fall.

🌟Moisturizes the Scalp: Oil massage helps to hydrate the scalp, preventing dryness and flakiness, which can contribute to hair loss.

🌟Relieves Stress: Scalp massage with oil can be relaxing and help reduce stress levels, which in turn may help reduce hair loss caused by stress-related factors.

🌟Improves Hair Texture: Regular scalp massage with oil can improve the overall texture and shine of the hair, making it look healthier and more vibrant.

🌟Encourages Hair Growth: By promoting a healthy scalp environment and stimulating hair follicles, oil massage can encourage the growth of new hair strands.

Overall, incorporating scalp massage with oil into your hair care routine can be a beneficial and enjoyable way to support hair health and combat hair loss.


🌟Dandruff is a scalp condition characterised by the excessive shedding of dead skin cells that are visible.
🌟Dandruff can be caused by many possible factors eg : hormonal imbalance,poor hygiene, allergies, excessive use of hair sprays and gels
Excessive use of curling irons , cold weather infrequent shampooing .
🌟Many specialists believe it is caused by
yeast-like fungus called Malassezia.
‼️essential oils mentioned in the remedy is purely from Doterra certified medical grade essential oils !


Exercising the tongue is as important as exercising any other part of our body. In fact the tongue 👅 is one of the first muscles to start aging


🌟Skin Moisturization:🌟Aloe vera gel is rich in water content and acts as a natural moisturizer. It pe*****tes the skin without leaving a greasy residue, making it suitable for all skin types. Its hydrating properties help to restore and lock in moisture, leaving the skin soft and supple.

🌟Soothing Sunburn Relief🌟Aloe vera is renowned for its ability to provide relief from sunburn. Its cooling properties soothe the skin, reducing inflammation and redness. Additionally, it contains compounds that may aid in repairing damaged skin cells caused by excessive sun exposure.

🌟Wound Healing🌟Aloe vera gel possesses compounds like polysaccharides and gibberellins, which stimulate skin repair and promote wound healing. It can be applied to minor cuts, burns, and abrasions to accelerate the healing process.

🌟Acne Treatment🌟Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera gel may help combat acne. It can reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation associated with acne while also preventing bacteria buildup on the skin.

🌟Anti-aging Properties🌟Aloe vera contains antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, along with enzymes that contribute to collagen production, which helps maintain skin elasticity. Regular application of aloe vera gel may reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a more youthful complexion.

🌟Scar Reduction🌟Continuous use of aloe vera gel on scars, particularly those from acne or minor burns, might help diminish their appearance over time. It aids in the regeneration of skin cells, making scars less noticeable.

🌟Hair Care🌟Aloe vera gel is beneficial for hair and scalp health. It acts as a natural conditioner, moisturizing the hair without leaving a greasy residue. Its enzymes can help remove dead skin cells from the scalp, promoting a healthier environment for hair growth.

🌟Anti-inflammatory Properties🌟Aloe vera gel has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects, making it useful in soothing skin irritations, rashes, and allergic reactions.

natural beauty .


🌟The many benefits of castor oil on the skin ❤️

🌟Castor oil is rich in fatty acids that deeply pe*****te the skin, providing hydration and helping to prevent moisture loss. This makes it beneficial for dry or rough skin.

🌟Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties can help combat bacteria on the skin, reducing acne and inflammation. However, it might not be suitable for all acne types, so patch testing and consultation with a dermatologist are recommended.

🌟The oil's antioxidants can support the production of collagen and elastin, aiding in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

🌟Castor oil has been used traditionally to aid in wound healing due to its ability to stimulate tissue growth and reduce inflammation. It may help in healing minor cuts, abrasions, or sunburn.

🌟Some individuals use castor oil to reduce the appearance of dark spots or pigmentation due to its moisturizing and antioxidant properties, which can help even out skin tone over time.

🌟The thick consistency of castor oil makes it a popular ingredient in lip balms or treatments, providing hydration and protection against dryness and chapping.

When using castor oil on the skin, it's essential to perform a patch test to ensure you don't have an adverse reaction. Also, consider using cold-pressed, organic, hexane free and in a glass bottle for the best results. .


🌟Exercising the tongue is crucial, especially as we age, due to several reasons:

🌟Maintaining Speech Clarity: Tongue exercises help in preserving speech clarity and articulation, which may otherwise decline with age due to muscle weakening.

🌟Improved Swallowing Function: As individuals age, swallowing difficulties can arise. Tongue exercises can strengthen the muscles involved in swallowing, aiding in better swallowing function and preventing potential issues like dysphagia.

🌟Alleviating Sleep Apnea: Certain tongue exercises can help in reducing the severity of sleep apnea, a condition that becomes more prevalent with age.

🌟Preserving Dental Health: Tongue exercises can assist in maintaining oral health by promoting proper tongue posture and preventing issues like tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.

🌟Enhanced Taste Sensation:Regular tongue exercises can potentially improve taste sensation, which may diminish with age, contributing to a richer dining experience.

🌟Facilitating Chewing:Strengthening the tongue muscles can aid in better control and movement while chewing food, thereby promoting better digestion, particularly as digestive efficiency can decrease with age.

🌟Reducing Speech-related Issues: Tongue exercises might mitigate issues such as slurred speech or difficulty in enunciating words, which can become more prevalent as one ages.

🌟Supporting Facial Muscle Tone: Tongue exercises can also indirectly contribute to maintaining facial muscle tone, potentially minimizing the appearance of sagging or drooping around the mouth and jawline.

🌟Enhancing Oral Motor Skills: Engaging in tongue exercises can help maintain or improve oral motor skills necessary for proper communication and interaction, crucial aspects of daily life.

🌟Preventing Cognitive Decline: While the direct link is not fully established, some research suggests that maintaining oral health, including tongue exercises, may contribute to a lower risk of cognitive decline in older adults.

Regular tongue exercises can be a simple yet effective way to support overall oral and speech health as one ages.


🌟Turn back time with FACE-YOGA magic .
🌟Look younger even in your late 50’s!

🌟Grab your free at home guide by clicking the link .


Write a caption... 🌟A blocked tear duct can lead to several health hazards and uncomfortable symptoms, including:

🌟Excessive tearing: A blocked tear duct may cause tears to build up and overflow, leading to watery eyes and blurred vision.
🌟Eye infections: The stagnant tears in the blocked duct can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to recurrent eye infections.
🌟Eye irritation: The constant presence of tears on the surface of the eye can cause irritation, redness, and discomfort.
🌟Mucus discharge: A blocked tear duct can result in the accumulation of mucus or discharge around the eyes.
🌟Swelling and inflammation: The area around the blocked duct can become swollen and tender.
🌟Risk of complications: If left untreated, a blocked tear duct can increase the risk of more serious eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis or even damage to the eye’s surface.

It’s important to consult with an eye doctor if you suspect a blocked tear duct to receive appropriate treatment and prevent these health hazards. Treatment options may include warm compresses, massage, i personally prefer a natural remedy , that have no side effects doterra’s lavender oil application around my eyes daily has not only helped my blocked tear duct but also floaters in my right eye .



🌟Most people think after 70+ face yoga is not going to make a difference.

🌟Here are some before and after photos of this beautiful lady in her mid 70’s , who has proven that practicing face yoga regularly can make a great difference!!

🌟face yoga is not about looking 20 years old … it’s looking and feeling your best at no matter what age you might be .

# faceyoga # facehealth # natural face health # look great at 70 # 70 years # confidence # self health .


🌟 A must watch video …Harjit shares her journey after suffering 2 mild strokes and how face yoga helped her regain her facial health .
🌟Thank you once again Harjit for trusting me , and wish you the bestest of health!!


Best face mask .. good for all skin types … give it a go !!

Banana peels have long been used as a traditional remedy for skin ailments and issues, such as acne, wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. The peels contain several vitamins and minerals that can help nourish and moisturise the skin as well as antioxidants that can help protect the skin from free radical damage that can cause premature ageing.

Additionally, banana peels contain enzymes that can help to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells as well as help reduce inflammation and redness. The peels can be used in a variety of ways such as in face masks, face scrubs, or can be simply rubbed directly onto



🌟A very effective natural remedy for watery eyes

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My friends didn’t believe me when I told them that I have been colouring my hair naturally for the past 7 years , this v...
😨My colleagues couldn’t believe I’ve been coloring my hair naturally for 7 years! But here’s the truth: 🌟tired of harsh ...
. 🌟Natural Facelift: Face yoga exercises can help stimulate blood circulation and increase collagen production, resultin...
BANANAS OFFER SEVERAL BENEFITS FOR THE SKIN. . 1.🌟Moisturising: Bananas are rich in water content, helping to keep the s...
1. Increased Nutrient Content: • Vitamins: Sprouting increases the levels of vitamins, such as vitamin C, B vitamins (B1...
“Twinkling lights adorned the streets, London Christmas markets and beautiful streets .#christmas #christmasdecor #chris...
Exercising the tongue is as important as exercising any other part of our body.  In fact the tongue 👅 is one of the firs...
🙏🏽Thank you Harjit for this amazing feedback, this brings me immense joy and gratitude that I was able to help you someh...
⭐️look younger at age 57 reverse your age naturally..                                                    #faceyogainstru...
🌟Turn back time with FACE-YOGA magic .🌟Look younger even in your late 50’s! 🌟Grab your free at home guide by clicking th...