PG-ish Parenting

PG-ish Parenting

Personal development for parents to create a life worthy of emulation.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 13/05/2024

Motherhood sure isn’t easy, even on the easiest day, yet I don’t know who I’d be without these two.

As the lines blur from my birthday to Mother’s Day this week, from traveling sans kiddos to back to work and single mommying, I’m grateful for all of the love, hugs, notes and crafts I received.

I’m certainly not equipped for the job but was entrusted with these little ones, and I hope I can be the person they need, in the good times and bad. They’ll never know how many tears are shed, fears analyzed, dreams dreamt, but I hope they feel a little bit of my love.


Modeling to our children starts from day one – they’re watching and learning from our every move. From kindness to perseverance, to nutrition and exercise, we’re their first teachers and laying the foundation for who they become.

My circuitous path (like most people) has been diverse but rooted in one thing: empowering others.

I’m still a newbie per se, only a little over a decade into this mom gig, but I’m here to be your biggest fan in this crazy thing called motherhood.

I geek out on all sorts of things, including travel, food, mental health, neuroscience, and all things wellness. Ask me anything!

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 16/04/2024

🤔 We all experience hard things and off days—but how often do we realize we have a choice whether to be happy or not?

As parents, we want our children to be happy, but we can’t teach them something we’re not living out ourselves.

👉🏼Today’s PG-ish episode featuring Connie Podesta offers some stories and insights into how to be a happy role model.

🎧 Listen in and tell me your biggest takeaway or struggle.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 08/04/2024

That’s a wrap on in Nashville!

Sadly very few pictures were taken as I was focused on being present - connecting with so many amazing people, learning and being inspired to grow, and soaking up tools to implement in the next few days, weeks and months.

Having started with a pitstop in Austin to work and play, and chase all of the hearts (tune into PG-ish episode 303 to learn more about that), this wee ambivert has hit her limit and the tank is empty 😮‍💨

Note to all of the mamas who get both their fill from people and solitude, be sure to rest. Soaking up the California sunshine at the beach today was exactly what this mama needed! Recharge to take more inspired action. The world is ready and waiting for us to speak up!

Funny that the only picture I took with friends, whether new or old, was at the airport. Shout out to who I met virtually at my first Mom 2.0 in 2020 👊🏼


In my experience, pushing past the uncomfortable feelings of stepping outside of your comfort zone and into the unknown pays off in dividends.

Meeting with female podcasting powerhouses has been a fun and enlightening addition to my monthly rhythms and podcasting journey. Each of us have fascinating backgrounds traversing the globe, stories upon stories of pivoting, parenting, and redefining what it means to be a woman with a voice. We’re definitely in it together, and on a mission to empower others - especially our women listeners.

If you need inspiration to pursue your big goals, find encouragment to build community, or support with your podcast and/or YouTube channel, , is your right hand woman. Tune into her show, You Betcha She Did, to hear how women are the true game changers in the world 💪🏼

Meagan and Shelly of , are reigniting the belief that each of us has a gift worth sharing. They spotlight Milwaukee women who are using their calling to make their city, and the greater world, a better place. Unpack with them the stories, vision, and impact these women are making 🌟


Whether you’re a busy parent juggling family and life, or you’re endlessly running on the hamster wheel of work, or you just feel guilty taking the time to focus on your own needs and wants, Lindsay Rae Hancock helps others develop a personal strategy to define what success means to them and take tangible steps to get there. 

Her experiences and insights will have you making shifts to define and reach your own personal idea of success.

👉🏼 Tune in and tell me your favorite action step!
Or DM me and I’ll send you the link to tune in!

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 21/12/2023

I was honored to be on PG-ish Parenting podcast. Erin is a delight and we talked about how we need to prioritize play - for our kids and for ourselves too!

Also, why it’s critical that we give context to our kids for how to learn to connect, communicate, and problem solve through real conversations and human connections.

You can find the episode on Spotify, iTunes, etc. or on her website here:


We all know there’s no such thing as a perfect parent—but then why do we so often fall into the trap of thinking we need to be that perfect parent raising the perfect child?

🎧 On the latest episode of PG-ish, I sit down with Brittney Serpell, who is an author and expert in helping parents create strong relationships with their children.

She joins me to share what she believes is the true goal of parenting. Our discussion focuses on all the highs and lows of parenting, and Brittney’s authenticity about her own experiences gives insight into what works, what doesn’t, and how to create systems and boundaries that create the family culture you long for.

Tune in and let me know what your biggest takeaway is.


A little throwback!

What do you want to see more of on PG-ish?


I have vivid memories of listening to the book “Unselfie” while riding BART on my way into San Francisco for work. This was years ago, pre pandemic, when my kiddos were wee and I couldn’t fathom how life and our mental health would change so drastically for us in only a few short years.

Now, as I have pr***ens on my hands and I no longer have to ride BART into the city everyday, thank the good Lord, I worry about a whole host of other issues, like middle school woes, social media, the rise of anxiety in teenage girls, and how to usher my kiddos into adulthood relatively unscathed 😬

Thankfully we have people like who wrote both “Unselfie” and “Thrivers,” and several other books, to support us parents.

As an educational psychologist for over 40 years, she has never been more concerned about kids than right now. In short, our kids are failing to thrive.

We had a great conversation where we dove into the under current that’s leading to a decrease in happiness, and an increase in stress and loneliness, as well as tangible tools to uncover our kids’ strengths and help them thrive.

Overall, her message is encouraging—it’s not too late to make changes!

🎧 Listen to the full interview on your favorite podcast platform or click the link in my bio.


Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 26/09/2023

Birthing daughters not only made me a mama, but it made me a better person. Grateful for these two!


What if you could tap into a sense of power you hadn’t realized was already in you? 

On the latest episode of PG-ish, author and transformational coach challenges the traditional definition of power by inviting us to create a new world where we hold space and are seen.

She explains why true power actually comes from elevating those around us to make the world better, rather than tearing others down.

🎧Link in bio to hear the full episode.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 18/09/2023

It’s 3am and I can’t sleep. I’ve moved from book to book to end up on here 😩

Thanks to a FB memory, I was reminded that 13(!) years ago I was hanging out with giraffes and my OG brown babies in South Africa.

It seems like a lifetime ago.

Yet one thing remains, ABUNDANCE doesn’t have to do with your status or the amount of money in the bank.

Abundance begins in your mind!

Emotions are contagious. When you tune into joy and abundance, it will overflow into all areas of your life. As will anything you focus on!

What you look for, you find.

Before having my own babies, these kiddos at Kwethu Children’s Village in South Africa were my favorite kids on the planet.

Their tight squeezes, their loud songs, their shoeless soccer games full of laughter = ABUNDANT JOY and a certain freedom I’ve never seen before.

Most of them are orphans. Some have AIDS. And sure, they have bad days like all of us, but they don’t let it slow them down.

Words are powerful.

Today, I challenge you to watch your thoughts, as well as the words you speak, and the messages you’re tuning into.

Use your voice to speak life!

Together we can do so much 🤍

Watch me age from 2005, my first trip, to 2010, my second 🤣


If you’ve tuned into PG-ish on a regular basis you may have heard Marcus Buckingham on the show before.

However, today I get to sit down with him to dive into the importance of discovering your true loves, or what he calls “red threads,” and how those make an impact both at work and at home. As a parent, you know that no two kids are the same, and this conversation will give you the tools to uniquely challenge and love each kiddo just the way they are.

Oh! If you’re not familiar with , he’s a global researcher and bestselling author focused on unlocking strengths, increasing performance, and pioneering the future of how people work (if you’ve taken a strengths finder quiz, you know his work).

I invite you to listen, share with a friend, and post your “aha moment,” so that more parents and leaders can grow alongside their kiddos.

If you love his ideas, pick up his book, “Love + Work,” which has so many good nuggets of wisdom. Whether you’re starting your career, leading a team, or leading little people at home, you can learn from this book.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 02/09/2023

I’ve got ya, mama!

Weary to Revived is a 5-week course designed for ALL mamas that will launch you into:

✨Rediscovering yourself and your values

✨Learning how to create boundaries and implementing them

✨Making better decisions so that your ‘YES’ makes you feel alive

✨Having MORE fun and doing LESS adulting

✨New methods on how to be more productive and efficient

✨Rediscovering how to be empowered and excited about being a woman and mom again


If you’re ready to join the Weary to Revived community, sign up via the link in bio 👊🏼

Better yet, grab a mom friend and do it together 😉

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 24/08/2023

Back in the day (pre-kids era), I came up with this plan: a trip wherever they’d like to go, within reason of course, when my future kiddos hit double digits.

Since my love language is quality time and I’m a sucker for traditions, this felt like a family tradition of wanderlust, adventure, and connection – a perfect recipe for unforgettable memories.

I’m sure you feel it also - raising kiddos in today's world is wildly different than when we grew up. Kids and adults alike are bombarded with messages that tell us we are not good enough, and it can be difficult for children to develop a healthy sense of self-esteem.

Yet fighting for and building connection not only creates deeper intimacy with those you love, but can also build self-esteem, protecting against outside messages and validation.

Everyday touches are key but multiple avenues of connection with my daughters, including our one-on-one, mother-daughter 10-year birthday trip, is an opportunity for me to spend quality time with them individually, share my love of travel, and create lasting memories.

In 2021 I took my oldest to Costa Rica and having just came back from Belgium with my youngest, which she chose based on her love of chocolate, I know this works!

Sure, this tradition is big and unattainable for some, but whatever you choose to do - big or small - can create a strong foundation for growth, safety, and of course a deeper connection with those you love.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 21/08/2023

In a bookstore in Brussels I stumbled upon one of my favorite books, written in French. Thanks to my 5+ years of French back in the day, I got through it fairly well. Thanks school!

However, it reminded me that it doesn’t matter where “home” is as long as you’re consistent, more importantly, consistent with your love - spreading and sharing it.

We may use different vocabulary but we all strive toward a similar, if not the exact same goal: to be known, to be seen, to be loved.

The more I travel the more I’m reminded that no matter where I roam, we’re all doing the same things across the globe - seeking community to belong to, seeking validation, seeking to be touched and saved by love.

As parents, our homes are our first and most important mission field - our children and spouse (if ya have one). Yet we take our “homes” with us wherever we go.

I guess we’re kind of like 🐌 or 🐢 in that sense…but I digress. Seriously, spending 7 straight, jet-lagged days, really only talking to a 10-year old, and my introverted mind is a little loopy….

What I’m getting at is, your demeanor, values, tone, and general approach to life and people, create a home wherever you go.

I always say it, but it starts with YOU - wherever you go, what are you bringing?
What are you creating?

Love changes things ❤️


You know when you see a problem and think of a bunch of ways to solve it but never get the traction to actually do anything about it?

Rhowena Adolfo Patel, the founder of Healing Mama Co, put pen to paper and got down to business after she saw a void in care and preparation for expectant parents during childbirth and postpartum. She and her team are now on a mission to make childbirth easier for expectant parents around the world. 

We cover a lot of ground in this episode and talk all things from traveling the world to motherhood to doing the inner work to evolve as a human.

Check it out and let me know your biggest takeaway.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 14/08/2023

It’s go time….

Prior to a day full of planes, trains and automobiles for my big birthday trip with my youngest, there’s nothing like squeezing in a last minute doctors appointment for my 7th grader. We also won’t talk about me leaving things to the last minute either 🤪

However, I’ll take it because it means I get to hug her one more time before I’m solo with her sister, eating our way through Belgium.

Moms who do it all, I SEE you.

Your mind is full, cluttered even, with all the tabs open, but fatigue and the desire to connect with your littles won’t hold you back, even if it’s a trip to the doc to laugh over all the ridiculous questions on the forms 🤪

Hot top from the doc:
Eat 3️⃣ veggies + 2️⃣ fruit = 5️⃣ servings of fruits of veggies, and love your melon.

Ok I added that last part in but be sure to both protect your brain and check out Love Your Melon hats and beanies which give 50% of their profits to nonprofit organizations around the world that lead the fight against pediatric cancer 👊🏼

Stay healthy, hug more, and check the link in my bio to shop for your newest hat or beanie 😉

P.S. she’s not as grumpy as looks. That’s just her pr***en face 😬🤣


After reading Kate Northrup’s book, Do Less, I felt seen and was inspired to find a different way to live and thrive that wasn’t controlled by the hustle and grind, nor the 24-hour rhythm society is built upon.

Since is committed to supporting ambitious women to light up the world without burning themselves out, our conversation gives a voice to this idea, as well as practical steps to get there, so that you can actually DO less and BE so much more.

Comment below with DO LESS, and I’ll send you a link to the episode 🙂



Sara Olsher went through a divorce, a major move and career change, and cancer treatment all in her daughter’s first seven years of life. When she found herself frustrated with the lack of resources for cancer patients with young kids, she started creating them herself—and her company was born. 💪🏼

Like a best friend to have at your side, Sara’s products help parents and kids talk about (and even thrive) through difficult experiences.

🎧 In our conversation, Sara opens up about her own life and how she’s learning to connect with her daughter, ask for help when needed (is it just me or can we all do better with the asking and receiving side of this?!), and break generational habits of parenting.

I know you’ll enjoy this conversation with Sara as much as I did. Check the link in my bio to listen to the whole episode.

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 14/06/2023

Our identity is tied to the stories we tell ourselves.

Those stories matter.

While I’ve heard this described as several other things, I learned a new theory/phrase today, the the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which states:

our thought processes predominantly determine how we look at the world

Simply put, the language that you use shapes the way you think and how you see the world.

Since your language use shapes your perspective of the world, people who speak different languages have different views of the world.

Makes sense right?

For good or bad, what language are you using that is shaping your reality?

Speak life!

P.S. I presented on other information about understanding your stress, practical tools to diffuse it, and how to lean into your natural cycles to find rest and flow. Doing less can actually produce better results 👊🏼


Jeffery Jay Luhn has been in the art world for 50 years as a professional photographer, author, jazz musician, college professor, and art activist. He has seen firsthand the impact that art can have on our education system, and what happens when kids don’t have access to creative outlets. Our schools may lack the resources needed to give our kids access to art in various forms, but as parents, there are small steps we can take to open up the world of art to our kiddos.

Connect with Jeffery at

Let me know what you think about education these days! 😬

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 19/05/2023


✨Take the trip

✨Eat all of the delicious food.

✨Expect good things and surprises to happen, like running into Bob Goff - someone whose books I’ve read and have been encouraged by to dream big and make the world a better place.

✨Nurture your friendships because community matters on a mind, body and soul level. Friendships of 30+ years are truly a blessing and I can’t imagine life without my people, even when they live states away.

Show me your community and I’ll show you your health!

✨ Plant the seed in your mind that greatness is all around you and in you. Don’t lose hope, and be the hope you want see.

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.”
- Lady Bird Johnson

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 16/05/2023

Over my favorite hash breakfast , we slowly opened the envelope from the ultrasound.

Honestly I already knew what it would say, but with every appendage crossed and a final prayer to fight any and all odds, we pulled out the card.

With pink footprints around the border and “Congratulations, it’s a baby girl” written in the center of the card, it was definitive. “It” was a she.

I cried.

I didn’t want to talk about it.

Mother’s intuition had already kicked in, and I knew it was a girl all along, but what was I to do with a girl?

I didn’t want a daughter!

Raised primarily by my dad from age 10 on, how was I to know how to mother a girl?

Girls were full of emotions and I had been taught to stuff them down and hide them.

Having a girl, no doubt meant I’d have to face them.

It may have taken a week for me to get over it, but I did.

I had to face my own fears and do the work (which still isn’t over) to evolve into a mom of two daughters.

God knew I needed daughters and I couldn’t be more grateful for these dear souls I get to raise. As they grow and evolve, so do I. It’s a beautiful thing.

There’s so many things I want to teach them and help them understand, but that’s what moms are for! It’s a long game, with all three of us evolving!

🎧 Sarah Kay also captures it amazingly well in today’s PG-ish episode. Check it out via the link in my bio!


Author and health/empowerment coach is not only a badass herself, but is on a mission to help people feel strong, safe, and powerful. With a background in martial arts, she teaches skills that are profound for any adult navigating adulthood—especially women.

🎧 In today’s conversation, we talk about the steps she lays out in her book, why it’s important to stand up for yourself, and how simple steps are the way forward.

✨Who’s in for a group session on safety? let’s do this again!

👇🏼Comment below with your biggest takeaway!


Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 08/05/2023


It’s starts with YOU! 

As a parent, you teach what you are. Everything you do around your kiddo is teaching them who to be, how to behave, and how to perceive the world.

The only way to raise a hero is to be one!

Let me introduce you to my guidebook: Becoming a Hero - How to show up as your best self.

This guidebook will redirect you to your top values which become your north star as an individual and a parent.

Download it for FREE via the link in my bio.

Also on my website, you can purchase my Becoming Resilient guidebook. This guidebook breaks down what to do when you find yourself down the path of feeling and thinking terrible, horrible, no good thoughts and feelings. It will help redirect you so that you can be a conduit of kindness and gratitude.

Check them out now via the links in my bio 👊🏼

Photos from PG-ish Parenting's post 19/04/2023

Adding a little sunshine to your feed…..because I need it also!

I was up all night battling a stomach bug or food poisoning or 🤷‍♀️

Now that it’s over, thank goodness, I’m reminded that sometimes as a mom, you just want someone to take care of you. Moms do SO MUCH for everyone else, yet quite often they need a break and want someone else to make decisions, clean up the mess, and take care of them.

Perhaps I’m only speaking my desires as a single mom, but I’m fairly certain even those mamas with spouses might say something similar.

Current situation involves cozying up on the couch after savoring a steak dinner I made for myself. This mama was hungry 🤣

PSA: With Mother’s Day around the corner, speak up and tell those around you how you want to be loved.

And for the men out there tuning in, do something nice for your mama or wife 😉

Videos (show all)

Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic! Yet it can feel that way, especially when you likely didn’t learn about investing, bud...
Sara Olsher went through a divorce, a major move and career change, and cancer treatment all in her daughter’s first sev...
After a weekend building fires, which I’m awfully proud of, and finding solace in not only watching the flickering flame...
Mama!! You are worthy to feel good again! The Weary to Revived class goes live on Monday and I want to see your beautifu...
Feeling overwhelmed? Check out the latest PG-ish episode with Shonda Moralis, LCSW. We discuss so many great tools that ...
This one is really enlightening 😉Tune in here!
As a parent you’re probably moving fast on most days just to get it all done—and you may be drowning in fatigue and goin...
Libby Ward from Diary of an Honest Mom, is a digital creator, speaker, and mental health advocate with a deep commitment...
So much focus in our world today is spent on success, career goals, independence, and go go go. It’s no wonder we’re rid...
I’ve likely dissuaded them from ever having children now that they know the secret that a mom’s work is never done. And ...
You know the feeling of not getting enough sleep—you wake up groggy, frustrated, and less patient with your kiddo and qu...
Let me reintroduce myself... I’m Erin 👋🏽Ever since I was little I’ve had my nose in a book, a song playing to define the...