PG-ish Parenting Videos

Videos by PG-ish Parenting. Personal development for parents to create a life worthy of emulation.

Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic! Yet it can feel that way, especially when you likely didn’t learn about investing, budgeting, 401ks and the like until much later in life 🤔 Tune into my conversation with Maya Corbic on how to not only educate yourself but also raise financially-savvy kids in a world where financial education is often overlooked. Be empowered and empower the next generation! 💰👶 Tune in here: #FinancialSavvyKids #MoneyTalks #financialfreedom #parentinggoals #pgish #pgishpodcast #financialliteracy #financialeducation #buildwealth

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Other PG-ish Parenting videos

Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic! Yet it can feel that way, especially when you likely didn’t learn about investing, budgeting, 401ks and the like until much later in life 🤔 Tune into my conversation with Maya Corbic on how to not only educate yourself but also raise financially-savvy kids in a world where financial education is often overlooked. Be empowered and empower the next generation! 💰👶 Tune in here: #FinancialSavvyKids #MoneyTalks #financialfreedom #parentinggoals #pgish #pgishpodcast #financialliteracy #financialeducation #buildwealth

Sara Olsher went through a divorce, a major move and career change, and cancer treatment all in her daughter’s first seven years of life. When she found herself frustrated with the lack of resources for cancer patients with young kids, she started creating them herself—and her company @mightyandbrightco was born. 💪🏼 Like a best friend to have at your side, Sara’s products help parents and kids talk about (and even thrive) through difficult experiences. 🎧 In our conversation, Sara opens up about her own life and how she’s learning to connect with her daughter, ask for help when needed (is it just me or can we all do better with the asking and receiving side of this?!), and break generational habits of parenting. I know you’ll enjoy this conversation with Sara as much as I did. Check the link in my bio to listen to the whole episode.

After a weekend building fires, which I’m awfully proud of, and finding solace in not only watching the flickering flames but also sharing stories, laughter and s’mores with the company, I realize we intentionally need to make our way back to the campfire daily. Brad Montague says, “the campfire is a place of warmth. It’s a bonfire of BELONGING. A space to share all the things you’ve learned while traveling all over the map (in any given day). A place to rest and listen. A place we can all create.”As an adult, you have things to do—kiddos to raise, a job to maintain, goals to reach, a house to clean, a pet to take care of, and so much more. It can be tough to find time to both fulfill your responsibilities and to take care of yourself.But slow down and return to the campfire. It’s my HOPE that this space and my podcast can become like a campfire, where you learn and grow, share stories, and encourage one another. But also….Physically build a fire in your fireplace or flip the switch on your electric fireplace, make one in your fire pit in your backyard or head to the beach for a bonfire.If that’s unreasonable, close your eyes and stop what you’re doing for 5 minutes, put your hand on your heart and breathe. Either way, make space to sit in the presence of peace, with yourself and community.🔥 Did you know that you relax when watching a fire because your mind is drawn into the flames allowing you to let go of the jumble. In this relaxed state, your blood pressure drops and anxieties are naturally reduced. Boom!

Mama!! You are worthy to feel good again! The Weary to Revived class goes live on Monday and I want to see your beautiful face in our community. Learn more and sign up here:

Feeling overwhelmed? Check out the latest PG-ish episode with Shonda Moralis, LCSW. We discuss so many great tools that allow space to breathe. You’ve got this mama!

This one is really enlightening 😉 Tune in here!

As a parent you’re probably moving fast on most days just to get it all done—and you may be drowning in fatigue and going through the motions 🥱 🎧 on the latest PG-ish episode featuring T.D. Jakes, I’m going to challenge you to reevaluate your time and schedule, and to really question, ARE YOU BUSY OR ARE YOU EFFECTIVE? Link in bio to tune in!

Libby Ward from Diary of an Honest Mom, is a digital creator, speaker, and mental health advocate with a deep commitment to helping moms break cycles of trauma and barriers that hold them back. Through her humor and relatable videos, she lets moms know that it’s okay to be imperfect and how important it is to take care of ourselves. 🎧 Listen to the full talk here:

So much focus in our world today is spent on success, career goals, independence, and go go go. It’s no wonder we’re riddled with stress and anxiety, with barely enough time to feel and breathe. But even if we can’t change our actual circumstances, what if we were to simply shift our mindset to make our thoughts work in our favor? 🎧 on the latest PG-ish episode, Dr. Ali Crum, an associate professor of psychology at Stanford, director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab, and an expert on mindsets and beliefs, shares how we can think about stress in ways that bring out our best, rather than diminish our health and performance. I don’t know about you but sign me up! Listen to the full episode here:

I’ve likely dissuaded them from ever having children now that they know the secret that a mom’s work is never done. And yet they still wonder why I’m tired all of the time 😬🤣

You know the feeling of not getting enough sleep—you wake up groggy, frustrated, and less patient with your kiddo and quite possibly with life. But lack of sleep takes much more toll on your body and mind than you might realize. Take a listen to sleep diplomat and professor @drmattwalker on PG-ish explain that sleep is non-negotiable, because the less sleep you get, the shorter your life will likely to be 😬 Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 🎧 Tune in to the latest PG-ish episode to hear all about it! Link in bio. #sleeptraining #sleepmore #brainhealth #loveyourbody #learningtips #healthandwellbeing #mattwalker #sleepdiplomat #becomingbettergrownups #humandevelopment #adulting #childdevelopment #pgish #pgishpodcast #personalgrowth #consciousparenting #pillarofhealth #progressoverperfection #parentinghacks #youarewhole #youareenough #parenthood #iamwellandgood #honestparenting #rawmotherhood #havehope #truthbombs #parentinggoals #parentingsupport

Let me reintroduce myself... I’m Erin 👋🏽 Ever since I was little I’ve had my nose in a book, a song playing to define the moment, or learning in some shape and form. Which makes sense as to why I continue seeking knowledge and creativity outside of my 8-5 routine in AEC. 🎧 THREE YEARS ago I started PG-ish, the weekly podcast I host. Since parenting, especially as a single mama, isn’t easy, I’m constantly learning to not only expand my adulting skills but also to raise my daughters in an environment that promotes a growth mindset, healthy values, and resiliency. It holds me accountable so that I can bring inspiration into YOUR life. 🥦 PG-ish was a pivot from my previous health coaching which I pursued when I was steeped in the CrossFit world. I’m still certified and geek out on nutrition, mental health, neuroscience, and all things wellness, so ask questions if you have them! Also know that pivoting is a part of life. Take risks, my friend! 📫 I write a weekly newsletter that captures current PG-ish episodes and ongoings in this adulting life of mine. You can sign up for it via the link in my bio above. 👧 I have two wickedly smart and beautiful mixed chicks. Pray for me!! ✈️ Travel is my first love. Whether trekking to South Africa to serve at an orphanage or hiking in my backyard, I have plenty of wild stories to tell. Building a spirit of outdoor adventures into our daily life is key to our happiness. 💃 Endorphins + community is also the source to joy — at some point I’ll likely convince you to eat dark chocolate, entice you into a dance party or a walk, and encourage you to dream big with me. 🧬 Half of my family is Portuguese and Catholic, while the other half got kicked out of Ireland for not respecting royalty/believing. I love Jesus and I’m a Taurus. Combine all of that and let’s just say it’s a wildly loyal yet stubborn mix. 💪🏼 I’m super proud of what I’ve built in the last 6 years post-d

Do you ever feel like you manage life well…until of course the small people in your life don't want to go along with your plans? That’s when the heat turns on, when they find the most inopportune moments to lose it and you find yourself between and rock and a hard place. But the truth is that their cries and outbursts are a way to be seen and heard. Perhaps you have similar breakdown moments and tactics when you want to be seen and heard! 😬 🎧 Tune into Episode 235 featuring parenting educator Lael Stone who will nudge you back to our kids’ side, reminding you that your compassion and nurturing, and how you regulate your emotions has an impact on who they become. You have the power in how you show up to teach either anxiety and depression, or kindness and compassion.

I’d love to know how you’re doing with the back to school transition and what tools you’ve used to bring more joy into your life as you diffuse the anxiety of it all! I cover a lot of ground in this episode but end on a high note with 6 ways to reclaim some space and grace during this back to school season. Above all, know that you’re not alone, you’ll figure it out, and nothing is ever permanent! 👊🏼

Catch up with the latest PG-ish episode before next week’s drops!

My babies are growing up so fast and I’m slowly learning how to navigate their growth in this time that looks radically different than my childhood. Not only that but exploring all of their beautifully unique facets that make them, them. I’m trying to be more aware, listening to their opinions, and not dismissing their thoughts and dreams right away. In the latest PG-ish episode, featuring Marcus Buckingham, we explore how to create the space to see the child in front of you; to embrace opportunities that will help them grow even if it seems scary. Love is about giving them the space to become their own person.

Cheers to doing life together with people who listen, fight, persevere, and celebrate you through it all. When you share, and truly be vulnerable, you realize you have a lot more in common with people and can show compassion and empathy, building trust along the way. I love this reminder from Dan Pink, featured on the latest PG-ish episode, about how when we share our weaknesses, people actually like us more 👊🏼 Here’s to being your authentic self this weekend!

Since FB changed their setup once again, linking to the latest PG-ish episodes isn’t as easy. Catch up with Ed Mylett (my personal current favorite) about the Power of One More and Philippa Perry. Both are excellent and of course oh so relevant to living life these days. Episode 224, with Ed Mylett: Episode 225, with Philippa Perry: