Firefly Productions Videos

Videos by Firefly Productions. Full-service boutique production for the entertainment industry; festival and event operations.

Ray Vega’s Quintet christens The Current: Exhibitions & Education. Thank-you, Ray! What a treat..

Got to love the Stowe jazz scene! Every Saturday in February 3-5pm, après-ski ~ come hang.

Bella and The Notables on the 11th.

Other Firefly Productions videos

Ray Vega’s Quintet christens The Current: Exhibitions & Education. Thank-you, Ray! What a treat.. Got to love the Stowe jazz scene! Every Saturday in February 3-5pm, après-ski ~ come hang. Bella and The Notables on the 11th.

Pickles & Chips at Skinny Pancake's Fall Jazz brunch today warming up the dreary weather with this.. wow, just amazing! Thank you Ro Freeman and Geoff Kim.

It’s here.. the Fall lineup for the The Skinny Pancake’s Sunday Brunch Jazz Series!