Carl The People-Servant Oshodi

Carl The People-Servant Oshodi

I am that man that is focused! Who've learnt humility, silence, temperance, tolerance & moderation.


Productivity starts in the early hours of the morning (still of the night), while ex*****on starts and are done during the day time.

Be weary of too much sleep and too much slumber!

Always have faith & believe in little or even greater efforts of those thinking you subjected yourself to during the hew hours of the night while others were fast asleep.

Every great, rich and amazingly humane men/women were always awake to ideate, to develop Innovations, solutions and plan their success strategies capable of changing the course of history.

When these ideas have been baked and thoroughly cooked, it is subsequently taken over to the morning, sharp, ready and hungry and with a strong commitment to implement them during the day time.

This rules have always been the trademarks of success people. I say this, because I have tested and tasted the wonderfulness of this strategy.

Take note of this! 👌

Photos from Carl The People-Servant Oshodi's post 07/09/2019


Dear Friends,

In case you don't know, as what I have been doing. Let me share with little personal (0.00001%) secret of what you may not know. Now that you know, you can do alot to promote me, and you can't do nothing by discouraging or becoming a destiny arsonist.

Well such decision was inspired in a bid to join the leadership of my Country and continent in the near future. I am now determined to serve my people, both in Nigeria and Africa.

Hence, I am currently reviewing multidisciplinary level courses leading to Bachelors degrees; both online, offline/campus as well as Distance Learning programme in the following disciplines, all of which forms my current academic review status.

They include:

~ Trade & Financial System Studies
~ Enterprise Development & Industry Studies
~ Government, National Security & Intelligence Studies
~ Global Studies and Disaster Management
~ Economics

This is virtually what has been keeping me busy, often creating the mindset that I really don't have the luxury of time, and won't want to waste any as the duty of the future stares at me, wantoningly.

So, while man are carefree, I am vigilant, and a significant others are sleeping, i am awake. The rough and tough realities within our climes make it so, and i am facing the dire realities.

Overall, i will need all you support, guidance and help for one thing: it is helping me to mind your own business rather than focus on how deficient or efficient, imperfect or perfect, good or bad, etc... We must all understand that LIFE is too SHORT to waste.

I thank you all.

I am Carl Oshodi and i remain your humble servant.


The Spirit of Truth comes up in us to protect us - to fortify us - also to enable us to evolve into a NEW BEING. We are being raised to transform the world - to expand upon the peace of Allah - to increase the vibrational frequency of love in others. We must stay on the alert. We must line up with the “Spirit of Discernment” or our Guardian Angels - to expose the evildoers and the pretenders.

Photos from Carl The People-Servant Oshodi's post 29/08/2019

We shall walk our path, and it doesn't matter how beautiful, handsome, intelligent, wealthy, healthy, famous nor even aspiring you were. Life is a path you must walk through and the Earth and it's sands already bears the many testimonies of the old, young, rich, poor, and all.

Nothing is more sublime than the life we live worth the salt of the Earth and testament of what Heaven look like.

I am not a Good person, yet in many wears the cloth of humility and good conscience. So the thoughts of men (good or bad) about me doesn't matter, what matter is to do good, learn to shape the options of significant others when we can, and before Dawn take a bow.

To all the things I look up to and for, is that; we all walk the Earth for our definite assignments and purposes, and no one man can judge what it is, or when our time is; that each one of us faces and shoulder their responsibilities and SALVATION.

Overall, we are walking the Earth not as Zombies, but as Co-Creators in the Eternal Scheme of things with the Cosmic Intelligence and Universal Master-Creator (God).

In My Soul I Am FREE!


My entire MINDSET


An Evildoer with money will only manifest deeds that produce havoc and chaos upon the world. A Righteous Being with money will manifest the expansion of God’s will upon the whole of society. Money is not the root of evil. The ‘evil mindset’ of Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Narcissists is the ‘root’ of evil.


Am wishing you all absolute consentration of vital life force and may eternal peace profound locate you.


Mystics at Prayer:

Grant me to be beautiful within, and all I have of outward things to be at peace with those within.

~ Socrates


"Man is free to evade reality, he is free to defocus his mind and stumble blindly on any path he wants, but he is not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see. The first great virtue of man was doubt and the first great defect faith.

Man is the creator of his own heaven and his own hell. There are no worse demons than the whispers of one’s own ego.

You can't walk the path before the path becomes yourself. The eagle flies alone; the crow in flocks. The fool has need of company and the wise, of solitude.

Those who claim to possess the deep magical science: take away your recklessness! To do so, you need to place your spirit far above your sphere, make yourselves firm and unwavering and be very attentive and observant to exactly what is conveyed to you.

It is not the gods who decide if man exists; it is man who decides if the gods exist! Remember that man remains in the corner of darkness for fear that the light of truth will shine and allow him to actually see.

You start this life in a certain physical place at a certain time locked inside a physical body. You understand at a very young age that this world is not your world. You feel out of place and you stick out. As you grow up, from a very young age, other children understand too that you are different. They will like you, love you, taunt you, or even hate and fear you.

Adults too react to you and they will even feel inferior to you, they sense your old soul. They may even dislike you or give you labels. In the old days, you would be labeled a witch’s child or an unnatural spirit, but the main thing is that you are not of this world.

So, trapped in a physical body, locked in a material universe, and chained by society’s limited understanding of you, you start to break out of prison, you plan your escape. By what tools will you escape and reintegrate yourself? How will you deal with your situation? Accept your fate until your next reincarnation? Grow? Adapt? Evolve?

There are aspects of you that are pure but there are aspects of you that were tainted during your fall. To work your way back to the Garden of Eden and reclaim your wings and throne, you must first map the Universe. You start by finding the different forces and influences and mapping them, making symbols of them.

Now, understand that many have traversed this road before, so you can avail yourself of symbols that are already there and who are also charged by the many who walked before.

You work with each one of these forces and discover they are a universe in itself, from which everything can be perceived, and you reintegrate them in a purer form. Until your understanding of the universe reaches a certain point where you transcend the limitations of the material and mundane, and you understand the mystery.

That is the point of the Esoteric."



I have learnt this mystery and mastered acts that enhances my true calling.

I have learnt and un-learnt that it is not my duty to convince anyone of the truth that I carry, neither am I of the conviction that I am some sort of prophet with a liberation message.

I am just doing my part in this very wheel of destiny.

Convincing or teaching anyone of what is or what is not isn't within the realm of my ability neither are they within the ambits of my conviction.

I just teach what I know to be true, convinced that once anyone hears it, they can't un-hear it.

It has not been easy grinding those paths, awake while others are asleep and safe, and being resilient and Vigilant whiles are unmindfully busy.

Overtime, I have quaked by depression, loneliness, pains, neglect and rejection.

In putting things better in life, I have been called and known by different names only for a life that is just one, and where our chapters as per time will close someday, even too soon.

My path in this earthly plane is design by God, and it is the Finger of God that wills this very Destiny!

In My Soul I Am FREE



2 Koforidua Street, Wuse, Zone 2