Riveter Strong LLC

Riveter Strong LLC

Specializing in 1on1 online training and macronutrient based nutrition coaching. Let your health become our mission!

We are on a mission to empower people to be strong physically and mentally, so that all may lead a health-centered and fulfilling life.

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 15/09/2022

Some people are so afraid to lose, that they never even give themselves a chance to win.

I truly believe I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. I may never be the best at anything, but you better believe that I’m going to execute as though I already am.

Your only limits are the ones you place on yourself.


What would you do if you knew you couldn’t lose?

Allow that mentality to guide your actions and watch how much you grow. ✨

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 30/05/2022

SO incredibly honored and proud to be 2022 Ms. Figure Minnesota and new IPE Figure Pro!

I’ve been in ‘prep mode’ for this since November, but this was really years in the making!

I truly love this sport with all my heart and I’m so privileged to be able to take part in it! It has truly transformed all that I am, both in and out of the gym!

They say competing can be a lonely journey, but I am so blessed to have so many supportive family and friends in my corner, especially my amazing husband Matthew! I know that none of this would be possible without the people who have helped me along the way!

Now it’s back to my regularly scheduled programming, as I have one more competition planned before I hang up my heels for the season!
Not done yet. 😈


Prep is tough, but so am I.

I felt pretty down this week, having to figure out how to work around an injury. I had moments this week where I started to feel sorry for myself, but quickly gave myself a little kick in the ass to shift my perspective.

Instead of thinking, “why me?” I started to think, “what is this situation trying to teach me?”

I think that the best things that come out of prep are not what happens on stage, it’s all of the work that is done on the journey to the stage. I’m choosing to use prep as a vehicle for transformation and let it reveal what I’m truly made of.

2 weeks until game day. 😤


“I’ll start Monday!”

So, did you?

Unsure of where to start? DM me 💪🏻 and I’d be more than happy to help!


Y’all know I’m a Texas girl at heart. So, I need my BBQ fix!

Being in competition prep, I have to get creative in order to get my fix, but still stay on track.

•Sauté red onion
•Add seasoned 93/7 lean beef
•Cook in liquid smoke
•Add dill relish
•Serve it up. 😉

No, it’s not Rudy's extra wet brisket, but you get to have your BBQ and get shredded too. 😏

Macros with 225g of sweet potatoes:

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 09/04/2022

4 weeks out 2020 vs 4 weeks out 2022

“You’re gonna have to bring a fuller look.”
👆🏻Judging feedback that’s been ringing in my ear since 2020.

You think this is what they meant? 😏


TLDR: True confidence stems from having a positive relationship with yourself.

I used to stand in front of the mirror and rip myself apart until I was in tears. I wish I could go back in time and give this girl a hug because that’s what she needed.

My journey started as a quest to solve my lifelong digestive issues and to stop living a life filled with negative thoughts about my body. I truly felt hopeless and didn’t like the person I was.

When I started showing up for myself and started caring about what I put in my body is when things started to change for me. Physically, yes, but even greater mentally. I started to understand that confidence is really just a reputation you have with yourself. The belief that you can trust you.

When you challenge yourself, even in small ways, those things start to become habit. You then start to realize that you are doing things that are far above your old standards and that is when the confidence starts to build. You just have to prove to yourself that you have your own back.

I can tell you first hand that if you don’t work on your mindset and having a positive relationship with yourself, it really won’t matter how you look on the outside.

True confidence stems from within.

March 29th marks 5 years since I snapped this first ‘progress photo’ and began my journey. I can’t wait to see all that I learn and overcome over the next 5 years.

No idea where to start? Let me make your health my mission! I’d love to help guide you on your journey to confidence.

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 19/03/2022

Most people live small, not due to their lack of talent, but due to their situation not demanding more of them.

Your environment is shaped by what surrounds you. Shake up your environment and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

7 weeks out. 💪🏻


Hate eating meal prepped food⁉️

I get it. I used to always feel like I was eating soggy leftovers. Let me show you how to upgrade 😎

👉🏻Never eat out of Tupperware, if you have an option. That’s just plain sad and it will feel sad. Give your food the respect it deserves and put it on a damn plate. Instant elevation.

👉🏻Don’t put it in the microwave! Unless, you just love to eat nasty soggy food. 🙃 Invest in an air fryer for super quick reheating or use your oven. Your taste buds will thank you.

👉🏻Add seasoning and low calorie sauces! Meal prepped food doesn’t have to be bland! This 2 carb BBQ sauce has been life changing for me during prep 😅 Honey mustard is another great low calorie sauce!

Reheating this meal took less than 8 minutes!


It’s my goal to make my training session the hardest thing I do all day.

Then anything else I do that day is eeeeeeesy street. 😎

I think that’s why I love lifting so much. If I can consistently level up here, I can do so in every other area of my life.

Happy Wednesday, friends. ☀️

👉🏻Tap the link in my bio to learn more about my coaching services



It’s those times when you are unprepared and already hungry that you’re more likely to make poor food choices. Try this to help you be prepared, stay on track and eat GEWD.

👉🏻Weigh total amount raw
👉🏻Season as desired
👉🏻Plug items into custom My Fitness Pal entry. This will help save time logging food and ensure accuracy!
👉🏻Weigh cooked total and divide by the desired number of portions
👉🏻Either place in large container to be weighed when needed or portion out into smaller containers
👉🏻You’re ready to go for flatbreads, tacos, rice bowls, etc. No extra work necessary 😎

I do this weekly to be sure that I always have protein ready when I need it!

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 29/01/2022

Me vs me, always.

Down 10lb since November, slowly revealing my hard work. 💪🏻
Now that I’ve proved to myself that I can successfully cut through the holidays, prep will be no match for me. 😎

Slowly chip chip chipping away! I am officially 17 weeks out from competition number 1! LFG⚒️

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 17/01/2022


Also known as ‘Flexible Dieting,’ tracking macros is similar to calorie counting, but it takes the ideology a step further. Learning to track macros helps you gain awareness and understanding of how the composition of your meals affects your body.

Tracking even for a short time can help give you an awareness of imbalances you might have in your current diet. (Because I bet you’re not eating nearly enough protein!) It can also help to train your eyes on proper portioning, because I know that MY spoonful of peanut butter is much larger than what is listed on the nutrition label. 😏

The biggest benefit of tracking macros is food freedom! Tracking macros helps break down that wall between foods we deem as healthy and others as unhealthy. As long as you’re eating foods you digest well, there is no food that is off limits. How freeing is that? You could literally eat something different everyday if you wanted to. Your plan is never derailed, even if you choose to go out to eat with friends. Knowing how to read a nutrition label and finding something that fits within your macro targets ain’t no thang. 😎

Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain or simply a better body composition, counting macros is a TOOL that can be used to ensure you’re fueling your body properly in order to reach your goals.


Never beat yourself up if you overindulge or fall off track‼️

All too often people believe that they must be perfect in their ex*****on or else they might as well not follow a plan at all. Don’t fall into that mindset. Give yourself some grace and get back on plan. Progress over perfection is the name of the game!

There are 50 weeks left of 2022. Don’t let them go to waste.


Don’t fall for the fads‼️

Many of you may be using the new year as a fresh opportunity to jumpstart your fitness journey.

Be sure to go in with the right approach! Many fad diets are unsustainable, entirely too restrictive and don’t teach you long-term eating habits.

Why not instead learn to compose balanced meals that fuel your body according to your goals, so that you NEVER feel like you’re on a diet?

Sniff out the red flag approaches and start your 2022 off the right way. 💪🏻


Habits we are leaving behind in 2021‼️

👉🏻Wearing Stress like a badge of honor:
•It’s so important to develop stress management skills! Living in a constant state of stress and overwhelm wreaks on both your physical and mental health. We can’t have that.

👉🏻Following diets that cut out entire food sources/macros:
•You can have carbs and sugar, while still making progress…….

👉🏻Not eating vegetables:
•You’re an adult. Learn to like vegetables already! Chances are that you probably just don’t know how to cook them properly. They can be DELICIOUS. If you need some ideas, I got you.

👉🏻Eating entire meals with no protein:
•Protein is the most satiating macro, meaning it will keep you much fuller between meals, among many more benefits!

👉🏻Poor Time Management:
•Time management is really just self-management. You do have the time to do the things. You just need to figure out where you’re wasting it on things that don’t serve you!

👉🏻Playing musical diets/exercise programs:
•Pick a plan and stick with it. You need to give your new diet or program longer than a few weeks or a month to start seeing results. Whether you’re trying to lose fat or build muscle, each requires consistent effort (without cheating!) and TIME. Patience is a virtue!

Ditch the habits that no longer serve you and formulate ones that make you feel better, stronger and happier!

2022, we ready. 😎


Want to burn more fat? PICK UP THOSE WEIGHTS‼️

Did you know that the more muscle mass you have, the faster your resting metabolism will be?

That’s because 1lb of muscle tissue burns almost twice as many calories at rest as 1lb of bodyfat.

Some people are so afraid to lift because they think they are suddenly going to turn into the Hulk. It DOES NOT work that way.

I see so many ladies spending hours on the treadmill, whittling themselves down to nothing and then wonder why they can’t shed “those last 10lbs.” If you’re maxed out on cardio and have cut your calories down to 1200, where are you supposed to go from there?

You must first work on building your physique and building your metabolism. Doing so will put your body in a much better position to burn off bodyfat later, when you enter into a dieting phase.

…….and the best part? You’ll get to eat more food. 😎

Photos from Riveter Strong LLC's post 10/12/2021


Have you ever avoided things like white potatoes or bread when trying to get into shape? Or tell yourself that “You’re being good” because you swapped veggies for a normal burger bun or real pasta for zoodles?


Your body doesn’t have a meter at the entrance of your stomach that reads whether what you just ate was healthy or not.

Different foods simply provide different nutrients. No single food is inherently bad. Eating one salad doesn’t make you healthy, the same way that eating a cupcake doesn’t make you unhealthy.

You don’t need to demonize foods, especially carbs when trying to lose fat! Convincing yourself that zoodles are just as satisfying as a big juicy bowl of pasta is what fuels food restriction and deprivation. Restricting the things you love is what might be setting you up for failure in the first place!

You can build your cake while still eating cake. 😎


“No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” -Socrates

I posted a poll on my FB and IG story the other day and of those who voted:

-46% don’t have a workout routine
-36% don’t track food
-44% have a negative relationship with food
-49% don’t prioritize sleep
-30% don’t mitigate stress
-39% are unsure if they are progressing

I say none of this to make anyone feel bad or guilty about their current habits. Rather, my goal is to remind people how important our day to day habits are for our overall health and well-being. These are not things that just athletes and coaches should focus on and regularly do. These are practices that everyone should learn for good health and longevity.

Health is such a blessing. It’s the catalyst that allows us to live a fulfilling life.

Take an inventory of your daily habits. Are they making you better? Are they helping you grow into a more capable human? Unsure of where to start?

Let your health become my mission!


“I HATE working out. How do I overcome that? HELP.”

My best advice is to start with movement that is easy for you. We are all fed the idea that working out is supposed to be grueling and painful in order for it to count. So it’s no wonder why people have such an aversion to it.

I preach all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, but give yourself some grace in the beginning. Pushing yourself to do things you despise will likely leave you feeling miserable and when you fall off track, feeling guilty for not following through.

Heal your relationship with movement first. What makes you feel good? How about strong and capable? Is it setting the goal of walking your dog everyday before and after work? Is it signing up for that yoga class and learning some basic moves? Maybe it’s checking out a good hiking spot with a friend you haven't seen in awhile!

If you’re ready to make the shift in your life, you don’t have to go 0 to 100. Try to concentrate on movement that allows you to associate pleasant feelings with movement, so that you can start to enjoy exercise again.

Timeline photos 27/11/2021


Support not only in the gym, but outside of the gym. With Riveter Strong, your coach is available every day of the week for questions and general support.

Having a coach gives you an objective set of eyes to monitor your progress, which helps prevent plateauing and keep you progressing in the right direction. Perfection is never expected, but honesty about how you are showing up is imperative. Riveter Strong can help identify pain points that have caused you to get off track in the past, so that you are able to establish healthy habits that will help to keep you fit for life.

With Riveter Strong, you’ll get a personally crafted workout routine and macronutrient based protocols that are built specifically for your goals. Whether you want to ‘shed the last 10lbs,’ build a bigger b***y or simply lead a healthier lifestyle, I can help get you there. I will build you a program you can actually stick to, so you can stop spinning your wheels about where to start!

You will be taught how to gradually push yourself, tackling new challenges with each passing day without any worries of going too hard or being guilt tripped if ex*****on isn’t perfect.

Getting healthy goes far beyond the work done in the gym. You can't out-train a poor diet. You will receive proper nutrition advice from a certified nutrition coach to ensure you are fueling your body properly to support your goals. When it comes to health and fitness, there is no universal, one size fits all solution to progress.

The Riveter Strong app makes it super easy to get the guidance you need. You’ll learn how to compose balanced meals filled with things you enjoy eating, while still progressing towards your dream physique! If you ever struggle to hit a particular macro goal, the Riveter Strong app easily syncs with My Fitness Pal, so that we can review your log together and point you in the right direction!

Workout wherever you want, whenever you want. Online coaching is especially ideal for those with hectic schedules or those who travel a lot. You are never confined by the chains of your coach’s schedule. Whether you’ve been held back at the office, or you’ve decided to take a spontaneous vacation, the Riveter Strong app allows you to take your coach wherever you go!

Workout routines are designed around the equipment you have access to, so you can still reach your goals, even at home.

People avoid things they perceive as painful. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing something you’ve never done before is painful. I am here to validate your feelings, but also push you outside of your comfort zone because that is where true growth comes from.

You are so much stronger than you think you are. I will guide and empower you to level up your mindset and show you how strong you are capable of becoming. Developing mental tenacity makes developing physically much more easily attainable.



Why prolong becoming the person you truly want to be?

Choose to break through the “I’ll start tomorrow” mentality and start today.

Focus on just one small change each day until the new year and thank yourself on January 1st.


Those goals you’re chasing aren’t going to make you feel as good as you think‼️

Anyone who has ever accomplished anything knows that those feelings of accomplishment are fleeting. You feel good for a short while, then it’s on to the next thing.

The truth is that the place you’re trying to get to isn’t really what you want. What you’re actually chasing is how you think you’ll feel once you get there.

“Once I get that job, then I’ll have no problems.”

“Once I lose those 30lbs, then I can finally be happy.”

“Once I can finally buy that house, then I’ll feel a sense of accomplishment.”

Most think that if they can just reach that goal, then they can start to feel good about themselves. All the while, they rob themselves of the joy that can be experienced along the journey.

Switch your mindset. Take an inventory of the emotions you want to experience on a regular basis and go to work on experiencing those emotions. Goal achievement is simply icing on the cake.

You don’t have to wait until you get…

👉🏻That job
👉🏻That person
👉🏻That body
👉🏻That house
👉🏻That life

…to experience joy, happiness, a sense of accomplishment, etc. The pursuit. Is. Happiness! ✨

Watch this reel by therippedredhead on Instagram 14/11/2021

WE ALL START SOMEWHERE! Anyone who is big and strong was first small and weak‼️

“But I don’t know what I’m doing!”

That’s okay! Think about something you are really good at. Now think about the very first time you tried that particular skill. You probably sucked, right? Weightlifting is just like every other learned skill that you get better at with practice! When I first started, I literally used the little pictures posted on each machine that specify which muscles should be working. I took each movement slowly and focused on how it felt.

Also, plan your workouts ahead of time! Having a planned workout before stepping into the gym will ease anxiousness and prevent you from awkwardly hobbling around looking for something to do.

“But what will people think?”

Listen, you are at the gym to better yourself. If anyone at the gym is staring at you, I bet they are small and weak because they are more focused on you than they are on their own progress. Remember that. If it ever gets really awkward, STARE BACK. I promise they’ll stop.

“But I am not big and strong like everyone else in the weight room!”

Anyone who is big and strong was once small and weak! It’s super important to remember that we all started somewhere! Don’t compare your page 1 to someone else’s next book.

Just start!


Watch this reel by therippedredhead on Instagram posted on their Instagram profile: “WE ALL START SOMEWHERE! Anyone who is big and strong was first small and weak‼️ • “But I don’t know…”


You might just suck at the basics‼️‼️

……and it’s not your fault. Many people think that they have to make these drastic life changes in order to get in shape or that they are some sort of exception to the rule. Thanks a lot, society.

You don’t need keto. You don’t need juice cleanses. You don’t need to buy all of the latest supplements.

Simply ask yourself how well you’re executing the basics.

👉🏻SLEEP: Our most powerful fat burner. Are you making sleep a priority, getting at least 7-8 hours each night consistently?

👉🏻HYDRATION: Are you getting enough water throughout the day and not abusing stimulants? (Coffee, energy drinks, etc.)

👉🏻MOVEMENT: Are you getting enough movement throughout the day? It all counts! Walk your dog each morning, take the stairs, park towards the back of the parking lot at the grocery store, etc.

👉🏻STRESS MITIGATION: Most of us live our lives in a sympathetic state and wear stress like it’s a badge of honor. Doing so wreaks havoc on your entire body causing things like slower digestion, a weakened immune system and makes it much more difficult to focus your energy on the things that matter. It’s not cool to be stressed.

👉🏻PROPER NUTRITION: Are you tracking what and how much you’re eating? Are you eating enough nutrient dense foods, prioritizing protein, getting enough fiber, etc, to support your goals?

Try getting just 1% better each day.

It’ll be hard at first, but by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, eventually it will all become second nature. And if you can nail these things, I promise that you will forever make progress!

If you need guidance and support, check out my website. 😉💪🏻

Videos (show all)

Macro Friendly BBQ
Hate eating meal prepped food⁉️•I get it. I used to always feel like I was eating soggy leftovers. Let me show you how t...
MEAL PREP WITH ME‼️•It’s those times when you are unprepared and already hungry that you’re more likely to make poor foo...
Cardio alone won’t change your shape‼️ #RiveterStrong #onlinecoaching #nutritioncoaching
Learning a few basic cooking skills and tricks to make your home cooked meals more appealing might be all you need to ge...
Want to burn more fat? PICK UP THOSE WEIGHTS‼️•Did you know that the more muscle mass you have, the faster your resting ...
BREAK THE CYCLE‼️ Imagine where you could be if you just start! Imagine where you’ll be if you never do. #riveterstrong ...
Dieting does NOT mean restriction ‼️ The best diet for you is the one you can stick to, so why wouldn’t you want to crea...
WE ALL START SOMEWHERE‼️ #RiveterStrong #weallstartsomewhere #yourestrongerthanyouthink #fitnessmotivation #yougotthis