Wehrwolf Dynamics

Wehrwolf Dynamics

Mythopoetic Death Cult, Asymmetrical Design, Heroic Outlaw Folk Initiative

+Beyond the North



๐Ÿ—ฟR I D D L E O F S T E E L๐Ÿ—ฟ

"Shall I tell it to you? Its the least I can do."

Photos from Wehrwolf Dynamics's post 01/12/2021

"ลšmierฤ‡ wrogom ojczyzny"
Unfathomably based Poles keeping Indo-European Steppe Raider Tradition alive by hunting invaders on horseback. Unfortunately, horses are not a very viable animal where I live (too cold, care and feeding requires modern mechanisms/resources that would not be available after the Great Collapse, rendering horse husbandry mostly unsustainable without modern systems) otherwise Id own horses again. Insanely practical animals, especially for guerilla tactics/manuever-warfare in rugged, impenetrable terrain that limits most vehicles, while relatively quiet, and eco-friendly/sustainable for long term application. Provided the horsemen are knowledgeable and experienced in horse care and husbandry. Horses were THE premier force multiplier that enabled the Indo-Europeans and their nigh-total domination of the Eurasian sub-continent, from Europe to the Indus Valley. Glad to see that tradition still lives in the some of the Sons of Aryas.

Photos from Wehrwolf Dynamics's post 30/11/2021

Follow us on Instagram. Otherwise, well its been fun (not really, hate this fu***ng app) Less social media, the better, and Im consolidating everything on insta and then dumping fb and no I will not make ANOTHER different social media account on "x platform" Im trying to get rid of social media not start more up. Instagram is the only presence we will maintain, all stupid ass memes, propaganda, psyops, effortposts, useful info, and product announcements will be there.

One last tip: Read "Der Wehrwolf" ("The Warwolf" in English) by Hermann Lรถns. Thats where our name comes from. Written in 1910, its a chronicle of peasant folk defending their land and families in 1600s Germany during the 30 Years War, and perfectly encapsulates the Spirit of rural family oriented folk utilizing any means necessary to protecr their community from outsider, the very Soul of our beliefs, and inspiration for our Initiative.

Take heart. Ride the Tiger. Survive Kali Yuga.

Avenge the Murder of the Spirit!

-The Wehrwolf Dynamics Family

Photos from Wehrwolf Dynamics's post 30/11/2021

My wife keeps bugging me to help with the chores. SORRY HONEY IM BUSY BUILDING A MOUNTAIN RANGE OUT OF EVER MORE SACRED MOUNTAINSโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ


Posted โ€ข

As opposed to letting Globohomo indoctrinate my children against me? Duh, thats exactly what Im doing.


Pic of Admin psycho-aurally transubstantiating Heroism, Beauty, Virtue, Wisdom, and Nobility into "Mythopoetic Propaganda of the Soul" in the form of stupid ass memes to propagate the Social Media Brand/Psyop/Doom Cult called "Wehrwolf Dynamics" with the express purpose of "Avenging The Murder of The Spirit" by Globohomo

The Aim of Religion With The Method of Guerilla Warfare
+Beyond the North
+Beyond the Ice
+Beyond Death
แ›‰ Wehrwolf Dynamics




Wtf Ted Kaczynski courtroom sketch is literally a Chad "Yes" Meme ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ


I fu***ng hate the terms "sKinwALkeR" and "wEnDiGo" because it cements conscious acceptance of negative connotations surrounding such beings as envisioned by alcoholic losers and fat nerds on 4chan, when in reality wrathful forces of nature manifested into corporeal form from the chthonic womb of the Urthmuthr and bound to land by the collective subconscious of the folk who share it with the entity are merely a natural "cause and effect" of our own unconscious psyche and its influence on our world, thus resulting in a very intimate relationship between the land, its inhabitants, and the entities as intermediaries between both parties, where friction between the land and its corporeal representative can be mitigated by mutual respect, building trust, setting healthy boundaries, and generosity, and all of this nuance is lost when we simply think "zomg wendigo haha spooky haha scary story lol did you read the latest post on /k/ by a fat autist making up bu****it? Watch out for skinwalkers hurr durr" and perpetuate an "them and us" mindset instead of thinking of ourselves, the land, and the naturally occuring causal extensions of the lands acausal forces (or, nature spirits as it were) as "We."

Oh gnomes are cool af too btw, similar metaphysical state as the large, hyper-aggressive woodland guardians, but much less threatening and much more mischevious, but you should definitely treat them with respect and generosity as well. They might not tear your limbs off and gnaw your bones, but theyll steal your stuf and hide it.

Be nice to your local Genii Locorum


On the Left- actual traditional Northern-European Viking Age clothing
Right- Hollywood McViking TILL VALHALLA BORTHER Cosplay

Now does the s**t on the right look kinda cool? Yeah absolutely, looks pretty cool I guess if caveman chic is your thing, but the problem is modernite bugmen just flock to whatever looks cool and focus on superficial nonsense, getting easily distracted by the "optics" of a concept or idea, amd focusing solely on that, while ignoring/missing out on all the underlying ethos of that comes with said idea/concept. Hence why theres all these low T pagan bozo communities running around claiming thor was a cross dresser who is pro-trans and lgbt and re****ed purple haired feminist"witches" who claim they can "hex fascists" and s**t, conveniently ignoring that Bronze/Iron Age Pagans drowned sodomites in bogs and one of the fundamental values of Magic is "Will to Power," and anathema to their world view.

Globohomo playbook: take tradition/culture/values, commoditize it, and sell it as something people can just buy into as a cheap plastic comsoomer product so people feel theyre " in touch with their roots" while gaining literally none of the true strength that comes from connecting with your roots. Turn "Tribe" into a silly outfit you can put on, a "fashion statement," or tattoo you can get instead of a tightknit community of folk bound to the land and each other by blood, working together to preserve their way of life from outside forces. They take an entire culture and "weltanschauung" and reduce to a consumer product. A tshirt instead of a Way of Life. Cosplay instead of Sincerity. Customers instead of Blood-Brothers.

If you like dreadlocks and facepaint or whatever, go for it, but whatever you do: stop larping. Be 100% sincere. Live by the Values and Beliefs of the People youre supposed to be emulating. Otherwise youre just playing dress up.

And remember to mercilessly bully "pagans" who propagate modernite we**ie ethics and corporate-approved ideologies.

Dont just play with ashes. Preserve Actual Fire.


+Beyond the North
+Beyond the Ice
+Beyond Death
แ›‰ Wehrwolf Dynamics



Tonight is Kaal Bhairav Jayanti

You know what that means ...



She dont miss

This Black Friday, think outside the box.

Not just to be more sustainable, not just because Amazon is flooded with Wish quality cheap Chinese products at full price tags, but because the best gifts aren't feeding into consumerism.

Shop local is the big one you hear a lot of. Support small businesses, especially those of friends and family (because in these times, most everyone has some kind of side hustle...).

But also shop experiences. Buying tickets to a fun event, zoo or museum memberships for a family, even coupons for free babysitting! Gifts that will be appreciated and remembered... not just plastic novelties that are fun for a week before adding to clutter and landfills.




Indoctrinate the youth with this right here


Let's talk Lanolin.

Lanolin is the fancy term for the oily wax secretion that sheep produce that coats their wool to make it repel water.

When you shear a sheep, this wool grease/wax is undesirable if you want fluffy wool for yarn, but very desirable for a lot of other uses. It's therefore a super sustainable byproduct of the wool industry.

It's frequently used in skin care, and cosmetics as it's naturally made form syncs up well with human skin (if you want the molecular biology/chemistry answer as to why it's better, go Google it). If you're a lady with kids, you'll recognize it from breastfeeding/nipple creams, as it heals and protects while being safe for baby to get a lick of.

Beyond skin care, it also has numerous industrial uses as both a lubricant and water repellent for equipment. It's also often combined with beeswax for high quality leather care and balms.

However, because it comes from sheep, it often gets a bad rap.

Vegans especially swear off any lanolin products in favor of options like coconut oil....

But when you're thinking about environmental impact, getting fruit and veggies oils from exotic produce is a *terrible* option. Not only are these grown in tropical regions, that then require lots of fossil fuels consumption to ship it around the globe. The industry itself depends on deforestation, pesticide usage, child labor, or worker exploitation.

Lanolin on the other hand is a natural byproduct of wool. Which sheep NEED to have sheared off. It's not exploitation of the animal, or something the animal needs to keep that is being stolen. There's been experiments done where sheep were left for 5-6 years with their wool intact, and it led to all sorts of skin infections, terrible joint problems from the extra weight, increased parasite load, and in extreme cases... flystrike leading to death from excrement pile up on their rear ends.

So TL;DR, Lanolin is NOT cruel, it's an amazing natural substance.


Bugmen be like "Bro the city is great I swear bro please dont call it a crime ridden s**thole please bro its lovely, really, sure you have to lock up and board up everything and pay armed guards to protect you/your stuff, but its really really awesome please bro just give it a chance bro, the city is just so great bro, think of all the cool ethnic food and themed bars bro"

Stop living in fu***ng cities unless you want to die (unless you are a bugman, because you should.) If these places are BARELY held together by constant oversized police state vigilance during THE BEST of times... how bad do you think its gonna be when The Worst Of All Times hits? Imagine Post-Katrina New Orleans but permanent, and zero outside help. Of read accounts of Wartorn Kosovo and the desperate things people did to stay alive.

If youre not building a rural enclave of likeminded families intending to survive the coming storm through the clever and responsible use of bountiful natural resources (protip: cities have literally ZERO of those, everything is imported and dependent on a fragile system of services) and superior firepower, youre gonna be fu**ed.

If you wait till the hurricane hits to escape Katrina, you are already too late. Do it now. Join your brothers in rural, low pop density states like Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, etc, help drive/keep out the bugman colonists, and secure an Ark for your families survival and future generations.

Tldr: f**k cities all my homies hate cities

Timeline photos 25/11/2021

Stop watching disgusting s**t

Defeating p**n will make you a better man.


Stop forming decentralized rural tribes of self-sufficient armed warrior-culture families discreetly gathering resources and influence to secure a base of support in their local community and expanded area of operation under the cover of "community outreach!" Youre supposed to just impotently stockpile guns, walk around in stupid hawaiian shirts, patches, and tactical gear to show off in public, and join obvious honeypot/steam release valve fronts like the Proud Boys and Boogbois so we can easily identify, track, and entrap you!

Youre making my job harder, the Antichrist is really upset with me rn!


A common perception of homeschooling is that it shelters children. That as parents weโ€™ve narrowed down their worldview, deliberately or not, to something that sits inside our own little walls. Socially isolated, these home-bound children will fall further and further behind on the social development required to interact with people out in the world.

They are, judging by the way theyโ€™re spoken about, actually suffering quite severely. Their chances of becoming functioning adults contributing to society seem all but dashed.

If you share this concern, know that youโ€™re far from alone. But also know that itโ€™s a myth.

I want to ask you a favour:

Stop picturing home educated kids spending their lives at home.

Stop picturing them inside the four walls of a house, day in and day out, never stepping into the sunlight.

Instead, start picturing them at the library, a skate park, a swimming pool, an art gallery, a street market, at the beach, at the park, exploring a museum.

Picture them interacting with all the different people in all those different spaces - librarians, skaters, lifeguards, gallery curators, market stall owners, surfers, park rangers, museum staff...one on one, often, about things that specifically interest them at a pace they set.

Picture them in a karate dojo, a gymnastics hall, a dance class, a music or drama school. Picture the interactions theyโ€™re having in those spaces with children passionate about the same stuff they are.

Picture the varied ages, backgrounds, cultures and world-views of all those people theyโ€™re engaging with throughout the week, and the natural environments in which thatโ€™s happening.

No, home educated children arenโ€™t sheltered from the world. And today, we end that myth.


"Bro this is sustainable bro, just eat yourself bro, haha dont hurt animals, gnaw your own flesh and support monoculture mega-industrial farming clearcutting thousandsof acres of wilderness to grow soybeans for your bugman milkshake, its eco-friendly bro haha!"

Uncle Ted was right.

Which Ted? Uh, the one from Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure of course duh haha, who do you think I meant?



Oh well, everything always resets. Better luck next Golden Age. Just dont forget what we learned in this Kali Yuga.


Gonna bring back Aestheticposting like our MFC roots

We could all use some beautiful imagery to inspire us and help visualize lifegoals every now and then.

Its a sort of Magic if you will.


POV: you moved to Alaska from Seattle to "find yourself" and the locals f**kin hate you


>25yr old woman with no kids


Average psychology denier


Brutal Times Create Rockheads
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times
Rockheads Create Brutal Times


you may not like it, but this is what peak Mannerbund performance looks like.

A father figure, also a purveyor of combat stimulants with an advanced education and understanding of a complex field of human knowledge ..
. and a bunch of big, burly, muscular men.



Yet another reason this platform is garbage and I will be leaving it at the end of this month.



Instead of Lamenting the Loss of Megafauna... why dont we BECOME MEGAFAUNA?
It's easy:
Lift Weights
Drink Raw Milk
Mog Urbanites



Ahhh, if only. But sometimes it is necessary to Ride The Tiger.


Globohomo trys to gaslight you into eating garbage by blaming normal food for the problems they literally created

This is brilliant and should be shared and shared! Especially on today or all days


>sleep on floor
>wake up at 0400
>go for run in dark woods at -20F
>keep eyes peeled for moose and wolves (mostly moose cows with calves)
>return home before daylight
>snot frozen to moustach, beard has icicles
>wife complains that its cold and we should turn up the thermostat
>mfw: ๐Ÿ—ฟ

You're cold? Good. Hyperborea is cold.


She wolf connections to the primary Goddess are very common across Eurasia.
The below was written by Georgi Mishev who wrote the book Thracian Magic: Past & Present which I currently have been reading through. This book shows how Christanity and Bulgarian (as well as other Slavic and Greek) paganism were merged. I also linked his book below.

"21st of November marks the presentation of the Virgin Mary at the temple as a child.

In Bulgaria the day is also known as the Wolf Mother of God and it marks the end of the Wolf Days, a period with various taboos regarding wolves. This association of the Mother of God with Bulgarian wolf folklore contains echoes of a pre-Christian wolf cult linked to a female deity or mistress of the wolves. The protective power of the she-wolf is invoked in some traditional Bulgarian healing / protective incantations. There is also a Bulgarian harvest song in which a woman forgets her child in the fields after she finishes the dayโ€™s work. When she returns she finds three samodivi (wood and water nymphs) in the shape of wolves sitting around the cradle, watching over the child.

Let us celebrate and honor in the next days the Hekate Lykaina (She-Wolf) and Chthonia!"

Thracian Magic: Past & Present https://www.amazon.com/dp/1905297483/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_QJSE9X0PGHMFPJDFDWTJ


"Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior" -Nietzsche

Girls like Winners ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž Get after it Kyle๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช


Kyle the Choomslayer gearing up to go stack some more subversive chomos tonight. Someone ought to start a fundraiser to buy him a nice Daniel Defense, or Knights Armament or LWRC rifle instead of that crummy one he had. Kid deserves a nice sword.


I wish all Goobers a very Cope and Seethe ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ


Bugmen SEETHING rn

Well done kid. Now we sit back and let the urbanites radicalize more decent folk to our side.

Videos (show all)

>sleep on floor>wake up at 0400>go for run in dark woods at -20F>keep eyes peeled for moose and wolves (mostly moose cow...
When my Southron friends visit my Hyperborean Wehrwolf Compound in the Boreal Forest Beyond The North Wind.๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ‘Œ
>"AKSHUALLY">"according to my studies">"Employed at John Hopkins Nerd Farm"SMARTOID ALERT ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿšจ๐ŸšจSORRY BOZO I AINT READING...
"Oho you are APPROACHING ME?!?!?!"Sheepdog attempts to 1v1 an actual wolf. This video is an allegory.#nomoresheepdogsnow...
Lovely little Silver Fox on my way to breakfast with friends at a local diner in town. Good omen.๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿค๐ŸฆŠ
NOT TODAY CHAMPโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค
"With their enemies broken and fleeing, the victorious tribals capture and destroy the abandoned idols and false gods."
This is what successful asymmetrical warfare looks like:LOCALIZED SUPPORT > gucci gear and operator larping.Build a base...
Terps? More like TWERPS, lmao GOTTEM
Just stfu already geez, I literally could not care less about some unfortunate strangers Ive never met.99% of modernite ...