Gentle Soul Wellness

Gentle Soul Wellness

Helping you learn to honor the body you have. Hey there, I'm Dolores!

I have a Master of Science in Education and I am a Certified Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach. I'm here to make wellness a little less overwhelming by sharing my knowledge and helping you honor your body in all areas.


What He’s done!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Our ransom is paid. Death is defeated. And NOTHING changes what He’s done.

I hope you have a beautiful Sunday celebrating our Risen Savior and the future and freedom we have because of what He’s done!


Thank goodness impossible has never stopped You.


It doesn't matter if:
You worked out, or took the day off. You met your step goal. You're trying to lose weight. You forgot to meal prep. Your only option is grabbing something in the drive-thru.

Food is not the reward or punishment, it is the foundation.

Regardless of what anxiety, worry, and doubt tell you, your body is a beautiful, wonderful, intricately designed work of art. It works hard to provide a functioning home for you every single day. Feeding it is not necessarily thanking it, but thanking the One who could have picked any place in the universe for His Spirit to live and still chose us.

Give thanks and eat something tasty 💜

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 03/04/2023

I think that sometimes when we want to make "healthier" choices/habits, we can get overwhelmed with how much we want to change. We take it all on all at once and quickly realize We. Messed. Up.

It doesn't have to be this way.

I am ALL about baby steps. I love to have my clients start with the most minuscule tasks to create a firm foundation of habits they can fall back on when life gets a little, well messy. Because the truth is, it WILL. And there is so much value in having a firm foundation of easy tasks to revert to.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed with where to start, and you want to take the first step towards feeling your best, here are 5 practices that require a minimal amount of time and effort, but can make a HUGE impact on your overall health!
(And I want to emphasize that some of these can be “habit stacked” - go for a prayer walk outside, without music or a podcast, and put your phone on do not disturb. Talk through everything you’re grateful for with the One who gave it all to you while you enjoy His creation. All that’s left is chewing your food 😉)


So many times we find ourselves in circumstances that are really beyond us, but we dwell in worry and fear as if that is going to change the outcome/situation/struggle. Sister, I get it!
I think we all have this innate desire to be in control or fix everything we walk through. But we can't, and we aren't meant to. And living in that space of trying to fix something you don't have the power to is just like getting your car stuck in the mud - the harder you try, the deeper in the hole you go.
So I want to challenge you to walk away from whatever rut your tires are stuck in. I don't mean just forget about it. I mean stop spinning your wheels and instead remember: you can (mostly) control where you spend your time and energy. You can control who and what you're surrounded by. You can control how you talk to yourself, which helps to control your attitude. And most importantly, remember that your worth is not found in your circumstance, it's found in Who you trust through the circumstance. And He is in control of it all.💜


This one was hard, and I recorded it with no intention of actually posting it. But the longer I prayed about it, the more I felt a pull to share because our stories are often more intertwined than we realize. If you’re going through a similar situation, know that I get it, my arms are open wide, and I’m here for you. And I want you to know that so is our God. 💜


"What's for dinner?" ... the dreaded question. It's super easy to get into a rut of cooking the same things, or not knowing what have. I get it!
Sooooo, I wanted to share some of my favorite dinners! If you want a full recipe, shoot me a message, though I should warn you...I measure with my heart so nothing is exact 😉

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 10/03/2023

It seems like “prioritizing rest” is a hot topic right now, but I’m not sure a lot of us fully understand what that means. Kicking off your shoes and taking a nap sounds pretty restful after a long day at work or a hard workout, but what if I told you that this isn’t the only form of rest? Sure, it has its time and place, but I want you to understand that resting takes many different forms.
We might find rest for our minds when we take a break from the constant scrolling comparison on social media.
We can find rest when we leave work at work and take advantage of the time we have to share with the people who fill our cup.
I find a lot of rest for my mind in the stillness and steadiness of watching the sun slowly ascend every morning.
Sometimes rest looks like not having to plan a meal and having a spontaneous dinner out, or ordering in!
Or maybe you can find rest for your brain and body through some gentle movement.
We can ALWAYS find rest for our mind, body, and soul by spending time with the One Who created it all. His yoke is easy. His burden is light. He is the peace that surpasses all understanding.
The point is, rest takes many different forms, and this list is not all-encompassing. Find something that allows your mind, body, and soul to find some rest this week. ☺️ 💜


Happy Thursday! Today I want to come at you with some food for your brain, and not your belly 😉

When we go on any healing journey - whether it be with food, relationships, or our emotions - there are going to be ups and downs, and it's important to allow yourself to feel everything. The hard days don't mean you're going backwards. It's all part of healing.

Sometimes the hard days can wreak emotional havoc. It's hard to carry all of your burdens, but friend, you weren't meant to. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, one body with many parts (Romans 12). When you cut your finger, the rest of your body works to heal it. We support each other in the same way. Surround yourself with the people who care for your soul and will grab your troubles and carry them with you (Galatians 6).

Most importantly, don't forget that the greatest power you have is to let go. It's not an easy task, especially when you feel like your emotions and thoughts are holding you captive. But the freedom, peace, and power in surrendering your troubles to the Lord is unmatched. His yoke is easy; HIs burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). Battles run deep, but His love is deeper. Surrender lets you feel that first hand.



Lil sneaky peaky of last week’s episode. I loved recording this one, and I would love for you to listen!


The power that a 3 digit number can hold over us is astounding. I’ve been there. It’s so frustrating.

But here’s the the thing, that number is not a depiction of how hard you’re working. It can’t show you all of the wonderful habits you’ve created. It can’t show you the self-control and awareness you’ve created.

Most importantly, it doesn’t show you the love that surrounds you, the family and friends that support you, the memories you’ve created, or how much you are valued.

I want to gently remind all of you that you are SO much more than a number on a scale. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and loved beyond your wildest dreams. (Psalm 139)

Keep going. Keep working. Find your value in what matters, not in a number 💜


In case ya missed it! New podcast dropped on Thursday, and I’m VERY excited about this one! Make sure your volume is up for a little sneak peak 😊



Probably not what you were expecting, right? Well good! 😉

I can’t say it enough: WHAT WORKS FOR ME MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YOU. Which is why I’m never going to share what I eat in a day, or health practices I would never do. Both would be as valuable to you as the list in the video. It doesn’t translate.

We are not in the same place mentally, financially, physically, or spiritually. So that means practices that I do, might not make sense for you, and that’s okay!

What’s not okay is feeling like you HAVE to change something because someone (trainer, coach, influencer, doctor) scared you into doing so. That’s not the job description of ANYONE.

Whether you’re working with a health coach, a doctor, or someone else, I want to encourage you to evaluate how that person influences change in your life. Is it gentle and something that fits into your current situation? Or do you feel like you HAVE to live EXACTLY like they do? There’s only one right answer here (for any situation), friends. Don’t let anyone else make you believe otherwise.

Find the health care team that meets you where you are, empowers you to become someone you are proud of, and celebrates every win with you.💜

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 02/02/2023

A little bit of a glimpse into my “why”. If you have any questions, I would love to answer them! 💜 I would also love to know your “why”! What motivates you?? Drop it below👇🏼!


Some big things have been happening on my end, so I thought it was time for a re-introduction!

Hi! I'm Dolores (if you didn't know now you do 😉), and I'm here to help you navigate nutrition and fitness through all seasons of your life and help you honor the body you have.

I am certified through Precision Nutrition and (most recently) Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism. I am also a part-time coach at Summit Systems (and I'm incredibly thankful for the opportunity and the knowledge Casey and Kyler have shared with me).

I'm a former PE teacher/softball/volleyball coach. I spent a lot of time praying before leaving education, and ultimately felt like that chapter of my life was coming to a close. Since then so many doors have opened, so I can't deny that this is exactly where I should be!

On a more personal note, I love ferns, cows, and making TikToks with my husband. I'm a functional fitnesser and an (occasional) runner. Though I love sharing content and improving my own health/fitness, my identity is found in Christ. Strong legs and good pictures are fun, but they don't do much for the soul!

You can expect tips on nutrition, fitness, pregnancy/postpartum training, and much more! I'm on a mission to connect with everyone a little bit more, so drop your favorite emoji below! 🐮



I’m so excited to not only be done with another certification (😅), but also provide guidance and support through exercise to all of my pregnant and postpartum ladies!
battles .postpartum.athlete


In this house, we aren’t afraid of fries!
Super easy recipe for the superior carb 😉


It’s more than a sale, more than a workout, more than an elementary school program.
I will never know or understand all of the scarifies you and your family have made.
But I do know that thank you is not close to enough, though it does come from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for fighting for a country that not only allows me to run a business as a woman, but freely pray to and share the Savior of all nations.
Veterans, you are the heart and soul of this nation. God bless you!! 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🤍💙


I am so excited to introduce a new "branch/season" of my podcast! My initial show will continue to run and answer the same question of "What is one thing you wish more people understood?"

Season 2, however, has a completely different theme - Devotions with D! I've been praying for a way to serve and share the Word, and this was the answer! Here's a little sneak peek...I can't wait to see this journey unfold ☺️

Anchor (listen on the web):


I’m VERY excited to introduce a new tier to my services - Very Merry Macros.

If you’ve been hesitant to commit to monthly coaching or want some guidance through the holidays, Very Merry Macros is for you! With this program, you will receive a breakdown of what exactly macros are, how many servings of each macro you should be eating per meal (specific to your current body weight) and how to measure them, and a guide to help you navigate this plan successfully through all of your holiday gatherings!

Key differences from 1:1 health coaching: This is a one-time purchase. You will not have daily access to me for questions/concerns/adjustments. This is more of a gentle guide for anyone who may not want to financially commit to monthly payments, or just wants a plan for the holiday season.

If you have questions, let me know!! Head over to my website (link in bio) for some more info!


As a health coach (and who I am as a person) it drives me CRAZY to see how the media portrays health/wellness, especially around the holidays.

Buying a pill to burn fat or avoiding carbs isn’t sustainable. Will you get a fast result? Maybe. But what happens when someone brings in the beautiful tray of cookies, or your family makes your favorite Thanksgiving side? You binge eat and get mad at yourself, or you’re just mad because you “can’t” have that food.

I’m here to say, that lifestyle (to quote the youth of today) isn’t giving! You want an approach that teaches you HOW to eat food and WHAT good food is. That’s where you’re going to gain knowledge about your own body and develop habits that you can carry into any season.

I would LOVE to help you if you’re looking for this kind of approach. And I have some new coaching options to choose from (stay tuned for more info). 💜


Have you signed up for the GSW newsletter yet???


It’s time.

Stop training for a body that looks a certain way.

Instead, start loving what your body does for you and then train for longevity in the things you truly enjoy. 💜


Here’s a friendly reminder: health shouldn’t be hard.

Move heavy objects. Walk. Eat whole foods. And most importantly, do things you enjoy.

That’s it.

You don’t need to overthink it.


You ever just have those moments where you’re overwhelmed with your life, not because it’s stressful, but because you can’t believe you are where you are?

That’s me. In this very moment.

Sure, there’s things that I want, but they don’t out weigh the blessings of now. And that’s something that’s taken me a long time to come to terms with.

If we constantly want, we strip ourselves of the joy that we have in this very moment. We look past the fact that this moment won’t happen again. Our circumstances constantly change, and there will probably be a time when we want this moment back.

Part of deep health is being present and grateful. It falls somewhere in the emotional/mental/existential dimensions.

So, I want to challenge you to be lost in the joy of now and pour into your deep health. Step back, count your blessings, and acknowledge your growth.

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 31/08/2022

The final dimension of deep health - Environmental!

I saved this dimension for last because it truly is a culmination of the other 5. If you have poured yourself into improving your physical, mental, existential, and emotional health then your environment has probably already drastically changed for the better - you should feel safe, secure, and supported!

If you're still shaping habits in the other dimensions, looking at your environment can be a great way to support your health/wellness goals. But it's important to remember to CONTROL THE CONTROLLABLE. You can obsess over how the air quality in your area is terrible, but that won't do anything to help! Air quality is bad? Look for an air purifier for your home. Is the food in your home on par with your nutrition needs? If it's not, what changes can you make so that it is supporting your goals? Is your bedroom conducive to a calm, peaceful sleep? If it's not what's an easy fix that makes you feel more comfortable?
You can dive even deeper than just the physical environment you can see - are your cleaning products (home and body) and air fresheners/candles supporting hormone healthy and supportive of a happy allergies/immune system? Check the labels for fragrances, parabens, and phthalates. (I can go deep into this rabbit hole with you because it's an area of my own health that I am focusing on!)

I'm not telling you to throw away everything in your house that doesn't align with your goals! I just want you to realize that there are things you can't control, but you also have a lot of choice in what you can control. Maybe it's time to step back and see if you can support your future-self even more next time you go shopping (food, cleaners, candles, body wash, etc.)

As always, my DMs/comments/email are open to any questions you have!

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 24/08/2022

You didn't think I forgot what day it is, did you?? DEEP HEALTH WEDNESDAY!!!!

This dimension is pretty interesting, at least to me. The people we surround ourselves with matter. I want you to think about who you are around. Are they supportive of what you do/want to do? Do they have the same goals/outlook? Do you feel outcast if you have a different opinion, or are you still listened to? Do they want what's best for you, even when you can't see it?

Take a step back and evaluate the support you're receiving from the people in your environment. Look for the people who are going to help you grow and aid in your goals. If you need more of those people, shoot me a message! I have a lot of resources to share, and I'm also a great hype girl😉.

Most importantly, don't forget to support your friends. We all have room to improve, and it's much easier when we have a "tribe" supporting us.

Photos from Gentle Soul Wellness's post 17/08/2022

Deep health Wednesday, ya'll....and this week's dimension is, well, the deepest!

Existential health isn't focused on just an action, but the "why" behind all of our actions. Why do you want to take care of your body? Why do you care about health? Why do you go to work every day? Feeling like there's no real reason or meaning behind our actions can lead us into a deep spiral of poor, neglectful choices. So it's VERY important that not only find our "why," but also find joy in it!

If you want to add more meaning to your everyday life and grow in your existential health, I want to encourage you to take a step back and answer the questions above. Dive deep into each question. Keep asking why until you get to the root answer. More than likely, you will find that there is one, single answer to the 3 questions! If you can't find an answer, or don't even know how to begin answering what your "why" is, then take some time to volunteer at an animal shelter or a school (trust me, they need it). Or ask a friend if you can tag along to their could even just have a conversation with someone about their "why," sometimes it helps to see someone else's perspective!

Please, please, please reach out if you are struggling in this dimension. I am more than happy to have a conversation and help you explore where your "why" can come/comes from!


LISTEN! Being barefoot outside is the best. And science even says so. A 2017 study{Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (Earthing)}, among others, found that grounding, or being barefoot on the earth, can be a simple strategy against inflammatory diseases! Why? The earth has a slightly negative charge, which has the potential to restore/stabilize our “internal environment” (using free/mobile electron transfer). This stabilization can result in an instant physiological change (which explains that “ahhh” moment when your feet hit the sand on vacation). I mean I think we can all agree that shoes are foot prisons anyway. So let those piggies play in the dirt!

Videos (show all)

This one was hard, and I recorded it with no intention of actually posting it. But the longer I prayed about it, the mor...
Lil sneaky peaky of last week’s episode. I loved recording this one, and I would love for you to listen! https://open.sp...
In case ya missed it! New podcast dropped on Thursday, and I’m VERY excited about this one!  Make sure your volume is up...
Probably not what you were expecting, right? Well good! 😉 I can’t say it enough: WHAT WORKS FOR ME MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YO...
Sometimes we think we know who people are, but there’s a lot beyond the surface that we don’t always see! I’m not going ...
In this house, we aren’t afraid of fries! Super easy recipe for the superior carb 😉
I am so excited to introduce a new "branch/season" of my podcast! My initial show will continue to run and answer the sa...
As a health coach (and who I am as a person) it drives me CRAZY to see how the media portrays health/wellness, especiall...
Sister, I’m here to give you freedom in food! Not confine you to a strict plan that overwhelms you and ruins your relati...
Go drink some water, you cacti. Half your body weight in ounces to be exact 😉
It’s time. Stop training for a body that looks a certain way. Instead, start loving what your body does for you and then...
LISTEN! Being barefoot outside is the best. And science even says so. A 2017 study{Electric Nutrition: The Surprising He...
