Gentle Soul Wellness Videos

Videos by Gentle Soul Wellness. Helping you learn to honor the body you have.

This one was hard, and I recorded it with no intention of actually posting it. But the longer I prayed about it, the more I felt a pull to share because our stories are often more intertwined than we realize. If you’re going through a similar situation, know that I get it, my arms are open wide, and I’m here for you. And I want you to know that so is our God. 💜

Other Gentle Soul Wellness videos

This one was hard, and I recorded it with no intention of actually posting it. But the longer I prayed about it, the more I felt a pull to share because our stories are often more intertwined than we realize. If you’re going through a similar situation, know that I get it, my arms are open wide, and I’m here for you. And I want you to know that so is our God. 💜

Lil sneaky peaky of last week’s episode. I loved recording this one, and I would love for you to listen!

In case ya missed it! New podcast dropped on Thursday, and I’m VERY excited about this one! Make sure your volume is up for a little sneak peak 😊 Spotify:

Probably not what you were expecting, right? Well good! 😉 I can’t say it enough: WHAT WORKS FOR ME MIGHT NOT WORK FOR YOU. Which is why I’m never going to share what I eat in a day, or health practices I would never do. Both would be as valuable to you as the list in the video. It doesn’t translate. We are not in the same place mentally, financially, physically, or spiritually. So that means practices that I do, might not make sense for you, and that’s okay! What’s not okay is feeling like you HAVE to change something because someone (trainer, coach, influencer, doctor) scared you into doing so. That’s not the job description of ANYONE. Whether you’re working with a health coach, a doctor, or someone else, I want to encourage you to evaluate how that person influences change in your life. Is it gentle and something that fits into your current situation? Or do you feel like you HAVE to live EXACTLY like they do? There’s only one right answer here (for any situation), friends. Don’t let anyone else make you believe otherwise. Find the health care team that meets you where you are, empowers you to become someone you are proud of, and celebrates every win with you.💜 #healthcoach #healthteam

Sometimes we think we know who people are, but there’s a lot beyond the surface that we don’t always see! I’m not going super deep (today), but I’m an effort to be full transparent, I want you know who I am beyond a health coach! So here’s 3 fun facts about me that you may or may not know. Drop a lesser known fact about yourself below!👇🏼 can’t wait to learn more about you guys! 💜Also, this has to be posted as a video so that I could share the experience of Disney fireworks 😉

In this house, we aren’t afraid of fries! Super easy recipe for the superior carb 😉

I am so excited to introduce a new "branch/season" of my podcast! My initial show will continue to run and answer the same question of "What is one thing you wish more people understood?" Season 2, however, has a completely different theme - Devotions with D! I've been praying for a way to serve and share the Word, and this was the answer! Here's a little sneak peek...I can't wait to see this journey unfold ☺️ Anchor (listen on the web): Spotify:

As a health coach (and who I am as a person) it drives me CRAZY to see how the media portrays health/wellness, especially around the holidays. Buying a pill to burn fat or avoiding carbs isn’t sustainable. Will you get a fast result? Maybe. But what happens when someone brings in the beautiful tray of cookies, or your family makes your favorite Thanksgiving side? You binge eat and get mad at yourself, or you’re just mad because you “can’t” have that food. I’m here to say, that lifestyle (to quote the youth of today) isn’t giving! You want an approach that teaches you HOW to eat food and WHAT good food is. That’s where you’re going to gain knowledge about your own body and develop habits that you can carry into any season. I would LOVE to help you if you’re looking for this kind of approach. And I have some new coaching options to choose from (stay tuned for more info). 💜

Sister, I’m here to give you freedom in food! Not confine you to a strict plan that overwhelms you and ruins your relationship with the goodness that is food. My first step for every client is to implement more whole foods in a way that they enjoy. You don’t need a menu. And you don’t have to be spot on with serving sizes. Your body knows how to handle foods that are not super processed, and those foods are much more satiating. Eating shouldn’t control you. It should fuel you. #healthcoach #precisionnutrition #wholefood

Go drink some water, you cacti. Half your body weight in ounces to be exact 😉

It’s time. Stop training for a body that looks a certain way. Instead, start loving what your body does for you and then train for longevity in the things you truly enjoy. 💜 #healthcoach #functionalfitness #perfectbody #longetivity

LISTEN! Being barefoot outside is the best. And science even says so. A 2017 study{Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (Earthing)}, among others, found that grounding, or being barefoot on the earth, can be a simple strategy against inflammatory diseases! Why? The earth has a slightly negative charge, which has the potential to restore/stabilize our “internal environment” (using free/mobile electron transfer). This stabilization can result in an instant physiological change (which explains that “ahhh” moment when your feet hit the sand on vacation). I mean I think we can all agree that shoes are foot prisons anyway. So let those piggies play in the dirt!

Small habits that can make a BIG difference in your overall health! 1.) Most food is processed (bc washing a veggie and cooking it are actually forms of processing!). So low processed here means foods that look like they do in the wild! When foods are in their natural form, they will have higher nutrient density, less “added” oils (and other unnecessary ingredients), and leave you feeling satiated longer). 2.) Calories are not all created equal! Sometimes we forget that fun and tasty drinks still add to our total calorie intake, but don’t necessarily make us “feel” full. So, we have a higher intake without realizing it! 3.) We weren’t made to look at screens 24/7! Take in your surroundings. Enjoy who at what’s around you, especially during meals. Food isn’t just simply fuel/nutrients, it’s an experience. It’s a time for catching up with family/friends. It’s not only enjoying each bite fully, but also the person that prepared it (and if it’s you, extra kudos to the chef 😉). 4.) Outside is the best place to be. It’s good for body and soul. The fresh air helps lower stress and anxiety (there’s studies on this) and the sun gives a big dose of vitamin D. Think about how you feel the first time you step outside after being cooped up inside. Relief, right? Take advantage of that feeling every single day. 5.) Move your body! Our bodies were made to move, literally. We don’t have roots holding us in one spot, so take advantage of being mobile! That doesn’t mean you have to join a gym. If you want to that’s, great! But there’s so many ways to move your body, and the most important thing is to find something you truly enjoy (bc that will keep you coming back for more). Pickleball, walking, hiking, cycling, golf…find something you love! Let me know if I can help you with any of these!!