PA State Rep. David Rowe Videos

Videos by PA State Rep. David Rowe. Representing PA's 85th District, including parts of Union, Snyder, Juniata and Mifflin Counties

Democrat Education Funding Plan Would Raise Property Taxes

The House Republican Policy Committee recently met to discuss the impact of House Bill 2370, the Democrats' education funding proposal.

Their initiative would:

✅Place a burden so massive on taxpayers that property taxes would increase all over the Commonwealth.
✅Provide no meaningful measure of accountability for student success.
✅Cut funding to Pennsylvania's cyber charter schools, which educate more than 65,000 students.

Furthermore, the plan spans seven years, locking taxpayers into an expensive funding plan during continued economic uncertainty. Seniors and those living on a fixed income cannot absorb higher property taxes.

As a fierce advocate for educational freedom and fiscal responsibility, I will continue to advocate against harmful proposals like this that put students, families and taxpayers in jeopardy.

Other PA State Rep. David Rowe videos

Democrat Education Funding Plan Would Raise Property Taxes
The House Republican Policy Committee recently met to discuss the impact of House Bill 2370, the Democrats' education funding proposal. Their initiative would: ✅Place a burden so massive on taxpayers that property taxes would increase all over the Commonwealth. ✅Provide no meaningful measure of accountability for student success. ✅Cut funding to Pennsylvania's cyber charter schools, which educate more than 65,000 students. Furthermore, the plan spans seven years, locking taxpayers into an expensive funding plan during continued economic uncertainty. Seniors and those living on a fixed income cannot absorb higher property taxes. As a fierce advocate for educational freedom and fiscal responsibility, I will continue to advocate against harmful proposals like this that put students, families and taxpayers in jeopardy.

Rowe Supports Tax Cuts for PA
This week, House Republicans unveiled a tax cut proposal identical to the plan that passed with bipartisan support in the Senate. The proposal would eliminate the Gross Receipts Tax on energy and cut the Personal Income Tax (PIT) rate from 3.07% to 2.8%. This means more money in every paycheck in Pennsylvania and critical energy savings for everyone who pays a utility bill. We believe you know best how to spend your hard-earned tax dollars. By slashing taxes, we can make Pennsylvania a more attractive place to plant roots and do business.

It's Time to Put America First
Yesterday, I stood with fellow members of the newly formed America First of PA caucus to advocate for putting the Commonwealth and country at the forefront of policymaking. This gave me the opportunity to highlight the rampant corruption in the rare earth mineral mining industry which is subsidized by American taxpayer dollars. Even though Pennsylvania has the potential to have its own thriving mining industry, your tax dollars are routinely sent overseas to subsidize hostile governments and deplorable working conditions, like those in Chinese slave labor camps where dangerous child labor is the norm. By adopting an America First mindset and ensuring we are only spending American tax dollars on American-made products, we can prioritize Pennsylvanians and end taxpayer funding of our overseas competitors.

W&L Nissan Grand Opening
Stop by W&L Nissan in Snyder County for their grand opening between 10am and 4pm today! Enjoy great food and drinks from local vendors, bring the kids for the bounce house, or play a round of mini golf! Make every Saturday a #SmallBusinessSaturday! Buffalo Valley Baristas, LLC #shoplocal

Rowe: Democrat Proposal to Quadruple Tax Rates Would Hurt Consumers
The current Democrat majority in Harrisburg is proposing to quadruple the tax rate on small businesses. This progressive agenda stands in stark contrast to the tax cuts the GOP-controlled House passed last session. Last week, the PA House GOP Policy Committee traveled to Marietta to hear directly from the job creators, entrepreneurs, and industry stakeholders on what quadrupling the tax rate on small businesses would mean to consumers. The answer was simple: higher costs, lower wages, fewer jobs.

Communities across the Commonwealth are struggling with addiction. The House Republican Policy Committee last week traveled to New Castle to hear from experts in substance abuse law, pathology, counseling, and recovery. We must examine how we can best support each other on our state’s path to recovery.

The Federal government spends $15 BILLION dollars annually on tax credits and subsidies for a “green energy” industry that relies on slave camps and child labor in China and the Congo. With just 10% of that money, we could build an industry here in Pennsylvania that would allow us to end taxpayer-subsidized slave labor overseas. The PA House GOP Policy Committee held this hearing on rare earth mineral mining in Clearfield County on August 22nd. Thank you to my colleagues Rep. Dallas Kephart and Rep. Mike Armanini and House Policy Chair Rep. Josh Kail for hosting this hearing to draw attention to the potential Pennsylvania has to become an industry leader in rare earth mineral mining.

House Democrats are ramming through a radical wage hike bill that will cost over 70,000 teenagers in Pennsylvania their jobs. I offered an amendment to rename the bill the “Youth Unemployment Act” to acknowledge the hardship Pennsylvania’s youth wil experience as a result of this radical legislation. The Democrat majority did not support the amendment. 🤷🏻‍♂️

House Democrats Take Aim at Your Second Amendment Rights
House Democrats are taking aim at your Second Amendment rights. House Bill 1018 would create a “red flag” process that could lead to the confiscation of law-abiding Pennsylvanian’s firearms without due process. Unfortunately, the bill was adopted in the House despite my emphatic "NO" vote. Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution makes is clear: “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.”

Legislative Report: Hospital Pricing Transparency
There is a consumer confidence crisis in health care and conceding to the status quo is unacceptable. I appreciate the opportunity to join PA State Rep. Joe D'Orsie to discuss the issue and explain how hospital pricing transparency would empower Pennsylvanians to shop around for the best price on health care services, so we can preserve great health care for patients and practitioners alike.

Democrat Bill Will Increase Property Taxes
House Democrats are pushing through a bill that will impose new fines and fees on public employers that will be paid with taxpayer dollars, leading directly to property tax increases across the Commonwealth. I offered an amendment today that would have at least directed those taxpayer dollars back into the Property Tax Relief Fund to ease the pain of the unavoidable property tax increases the Democrats are causing. Sadly, the Democrat caucus defeated this common-sense amendment.

House Democrats Pass Bill Violating Second Amendment Rights
Yesterday in the Judiciary committee, House Democrats passed a bill that would use a LEGAL gun purchase as justification for the government to SEIZE the firearms of law-abiding gun owners WITHOUT due process. I voted no on this clear violation of our Constitutional rights.

Rowe Cautions House Rules Set Undemocratic Precedent
This week on the floor, I spoke against a resolution that would block all amendments to the Democrats’ rules package. In previous sessions, rules packages have been adopted with bipartisan support. Unfortunately, the Democrats’ rules package was drafted without Republican input, limits representation by shrinking committees, and weakens the minority by blocking discharge resolutions, a procedural option the Democrats made frequent use of during their time in the minority. My colleagues and I had drafted numerous amendments to address these issues but were unable to even debate the amendments because of a party-line vote to block amendments to the rules. I offered this word of caution because there will be a time when the Republicans are in the majority again, and when that time comes, the absolute authority the Democrats have seized will become the operating precedent going forward.

Rowe Comments on Tax Relief Policy to Help PA Families
We should not be punishing Pennsylvanians who are being wise stewards of their money! I am proud to cosponser a bill that would lower the inheritance tax. While I would like to eliminate the inheritance tax entirely, lowering it is a step in the right direction. We need to create a tax environment that welcomes residents and encourages them to stay in the Commonwealth.

Remarks from PA Freedom Caucus Press Conference
Last week, PA State Rep. Dawn Keefer and I formally introduced the PA Freedom Caucus. As the eighth state to establish a freedom caucus, this group of lawmakers is committed to fighting for the freedoms enshrined in our constitutions. Other caucus initiatives include reigning in regulations, zero-based budgeting, and limiting the size and scope of government. I am proud to stand with so many of my colleagues in unapologetic defense of the freedoms our founding fathers fought so hard to attain.

Democrats want less transparency, less parental involvement and fewer options for education in Pennsylvania.

This morning, I spoke at a rally for House Bill 2813, legislation for parental rights in education. It's long past time we put parents back in the driver's seat, and give them the say they deserve in their child's education.

Zeroing In On Inflation and Unaffordable Energy Costs
Today, I participated in another House Majority Policy Committee hearing to examine how out-of-touch, leftist policies are driving rampant inflation. My questions and comments below to several leading industry experts focused on identifying what demographics are suffering the most from unaffordable spikes in energy costs.

Seeking Solutions: House Majority Policy Committee Hearings Tackle Inflation
With workers, families and employers struggling under the weight of nationwide inflation, today, I participated in a House Majority Policy Committee hearing to discuss inflation and how out-of-touch, liberal policies are contributing to the problem. Among the causes of inflation cited throughout the expert testimony are the influx of printed and borrowed money injected into the economy by the federal government; overspending; policies that support large corporations over small businesses, like the governor’s devastating pandemic shutdowns; and overregulation, including the attack on domestic energy that powers our homes, vehicles and businesses. You can watch my questions and comments to NFIB-PA state director Greg Moreland by clicking on the video link below.