BluWave Wellbeing

BluWave Wellbeing

BluWave Wellbeing, a professional development company makes wellbeing achievable for everyone and is


Do you enjoy having deep and meaningful conversations🤔?
You might be wondering what makes for a deep conversation. For us, deep conversations lead to intimacy🤗, but they can only happen when one feels safe and trusts the other person they are in conversation with. Presence, deep listening, and non-judgment are foundational because it makes someone feel seen and heard, therefore, they are more open to being vulnerable. Deep conversations are heartfelt and can make you feel all warm inside😊.

What creates the space for deep and meaningful conversations for you😉?


Ciao👋! The week is off to a fresh start and here’s a tip💡 to help you plan your week.
Ask yourself, what’s the next RIGHT thing I NEED to do🤔? Not what's the next thing you HAVE to do, but what's the next RIGHT thing. From this, you can build a plan📜. This tip will help you stay focused and prioritize the important things.
Have a focused week. Happy Monday🤩!


How well do you know the people working around you🤔?
The next time you are in conversation with someone, be aware, non-judgmental, and curious. Ask a personal question. Then note how this feels for you or how the other person feels. Over time, you will learn more about the people around you and how they react to different things. It will also help you be more aware of your surroundings😊.
Curiosity is one of the interesting things about life💪. Have a terrific Tuesday🤩!


Hello friends👋! It is a new week, let’s try something new and random to spice up life😉!
To the next person you walk past, look them in the eye, smile 😊& genuinely say hello.
Maybe even add a wave 👋for a little extra flavor :) Smile and make someone’s day!
Happy connecting🤩!


What are your favorite activities to do with others😊?
Research shows that having positive shared experiences with colleagues, friends👭, and family such as vacations, trips to museums, running a race, attending a concert, and going to the movies, increases feelings of self-esteem and decreases feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation. Moreover, having shared experiences also helps build deeper bonds and creates a sense of belonging.
So, invite a friend along this week, or say YES to that invitation. Have a blissful week🤩!


Howdy friends👋! It's a new week and we have a tip💡 to share to keep you in check.
Ask yourself: What’s most important NOW🤔?
Is it really that important to keep scrolling social media right before bed, or is it more important that you go to be? Is getting mad when someone cuts in front of you and sending yourself into flight or flight worth it? What about working after hours or taking time to play with the kids?
What's really important NOW? Take a moment to think about it😊.


Today we are celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women🤩. This is also a day that marks a call to action for the acceleration of women's equality.
As women entrepreneurs and a certified women-owned business, part of our mission is to empower women to rise. Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Collectively we can all and take action for equality💪.
Tag below someone you would like to celebrate today. Remember, ""women are the real architects of society"" - Harriet Beecher Stowe😍.


Hi there👋! As we kick off the week, we have a great tip💡 to spread a little love and kindness.
Take 5 minutes to help someone in your network. Simply ask someone around you how you can help or ask them whether there is something they may need.
It is a well-known fact that when someone feels helpful, needed, and/or supported, they tend to feel more aligned with the end goal (if you apply this in the workplace), and most importantly, they feel a sense of togetherness😊. This then boosts people's spirits all around!
Happy Monday🤩!


Hello friends👋! Our co-founders, Lisa + Lib, love getting out into nature and just taking it in🥰.
For them nature is healing. It helps them experience peace of mind🧘‍♀️, creates an opportunity for them to connect to things outside of work, brings adventure into their lives, and is an opportunity for them to stay connected with each other.
What's your favorite thing to do outdoors? Have a terrific Tuesday🤩!


Happy Monday, friends😊!
So question...if we were to ask you what your strengths💪 are, what would you say🤔? Let us know below what your strengths are.
Strengths can be things that you are good at, enjoy doing, and/or people have told you they appreciate about you (or think are your strengths). Sit with those for a few minutes and then take a moment to appreciate your uniqueness. If you would rather have a little fun😉 and take a survey, we suggest you use the FREE VIA Strengths survey -
Knowing and using your character strengths can help you:
Increase your happiness and wellbeing
Help you find meaning and purpose
Help you with managing stress
Boost your relationships
And assist in accomplishing your goals
Don't forget to let us know your strengths below. Have an amazing week🤩!

How to Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable || Lisa + Lib 23/02/2022

How many times have you been in a situation where you want to try something for the first time, but then an uncomfortable feeling overcomes you, and ultimately prevents you from doing that thing🤔?
We have all been there. And we get it, it doesn't feel super great. In this video, Lisa + Lib share some recent experiences that got them out of their comfort zones and how they overcame that uncomfortable feeling and the fear that comes along with it☺️.
Click on the link below to learn more👇

How to Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable || Lisa + Lib How many times have you been in a situation where you want to try something for the first time, but then an uncomfortable feeling overcomes you, and ultimate...


When was the last time you took the time to appreciate YOUrself🤔?
If it has been a while, this is your reminder to take a moment to appreciate YOU🤩 and all the beautiful ways you share your love and light with the world.
Have an amazing Tuesday full of self-appreciation🥰!


Happy new week friends😊!
We have a fun, mindful exercise for you today to help broaden perspectives or change the way you view something🤩. Exercise: try to actively notice new things and let go of your beliefs.
For example, instead of naming something work, think of it as a time to play, or exercise rather than labor. By letting go of your beliefs in these scenarios, it can mean the difference between delight and dread or weight loss and tiredness. Or maybe you want to scan your room and see if you notice anything new or maybe simply look at a decoration in that room that you have been wanting to get rid of with a fresh new perspective. Our experiences are formed by the words and ideas we attach to them, so be mindful of the beliefs and perspectives you are creating!
Have an amazing week😊!

Being Open to Pivoting In Life || Lisa + Lib 16/02/2022

Hi friend, have you watched this video where our co-founders, Libby Rapin and Lisa Thompson, talk about how a PLAYFUL MINDSET has enabled them to Pivot as entrepreneurs🤩?
Pivoting is fundamentally changing the direction of something once you realize that the current ways of doing that thing aren't meeting the intended needs. Libby and Lisa share a quick tip 💡to help on how to apply play to your daily life to enable you to pivot.
Click on the link to watch it👇

Being Open to Pivoting In Life || Lisa + Lib Co-founders, Libby Rapin and Lisa Thompson, talk about how a PLAYFUL MINDSET has enabled them to Pivot as entrepreneurs. Pivoting is fundamentally changing t...


Heeeey friend👋! What's been good for you today😊?
Take a moment to think about all the good that has happened to you or around you today. Notice how it makes you feel too, or maybe you even notice a little SMILE🙂 showing up. You will be amazed by how your mood will change and your spirits will be lifted by simply being grateful and relishing in all the good you saw and felt around you.
Comment below and let us know what's been good for you today. Have a Terrific Tuesday🤩!


This day is all about LOVE💞! Whether that is showing some good ole' love to friends and family, or more importantly to YOUrself, today we encourage you to take some time to mindfully connect with others, or yourself, in a meaningful way🥰.
Here are some ideas for you!
+ Get your HEART a pumpin' - go for a walk, a hike, or go to a yoga class together
+ Enjoy a HEART-warming meal that nourishes your body and SOUL
+ Meditate - a LOVING kindness meditation would be great today!
+ Unplug and unwind - find time for undisturbed, quiet time so you can be fully present and connect
+ PLAY - play a game or try something new 😉

Not Being Enough is an Illusion || Lisa + Lib 11/02/2022

Raise your hand if you have ever told yourself you weren't doing enough...Chances are most humans have told themselves at some point they weren't enough and/or are not good enough. In this video, Lisa + Lib discuss their experiences with these untrue thoughts and how they managed to flip their mindset. Stay tuned so you can pick up a thing or two from their discussion.
Listen in below👇

Not Being Enough is an Illusion || Lisa + Lib Raise your hand if you have ever told yourself you weren't doing enough...Chances are most humans have told themselves at some point they weren't enough and/...

Preventing Meeting Fatigue || Lisa + Lib 09/02/2022

Hi👋, have you watched this video where Lisa + Lib share some tips on what they do before, during, and after such meetings to set them up for success. They understand how these meetings can be draining and can lead to burnout, so tune in to hear bow they safeguard their wellbeing👍.
Watch it asap!👇

Preventing Meeting Fatigue || Lisa + Lib Meetings can be very exhausting, especially when you are in an all day strategy and/or brainstorming meeting. .In this video, Lisa + Lib share some tips on w...


Have you ever found yourself looking at a long list of things to do or goals you have identified, but feel zero motivation to go after that list or goals🤔??
If so, no worries. Sometimes the motivation just isn't there and that's ok. Honor where you are at😉.
However, if you feel like the lack of motivation is lingering, then take a few moments to reconnect to your WHY. What is your reason for wanting/needing to do something? Once you get this answer, you will be gassed up to carry on💪!
For example, your motivation to exercise might be to improve your fitness, or you might want to buy your first house, so you are motivated to save money. Motivation directs our attention and our energy towards a goal, which is why it’s so vital.
Comment below and let us know, how do you reignite🔥 your motivation when it is lacking?


Happy Monday😊! How are you feeling after a nourishing weekend? Some of you might be flying out of bed to start your week, while others might be feeling a little sluggish. And that's ok😃. The important thing is to simply notice where you are at.
After noticing where you are at, take a moment to tune in and name the emotions that you are feeling. If you are feeling an especially strong emotion, take another moment to decode it. There is always an underlying reason for a strong emotion. Ask yourself🤔, what is at stake that matters to me?
For example, you might notice that you feel angry. When you start to decode it you realize it started after a call with your friend the day before. As you look at it further, you realize you felt insulted by something they said. This makes you second guess yourself and you fear that they will make fun of you to someone else (this is all rubbish by the way).
We are pretty confident that over the next 24 hours you will experience loads of emotions, so slow down and take a moment to decode them so you can become aware of any thoughts that are no longer serving you, fears that need to be left at the curb and limiting beliefs that need to be thrown out the window. Understanding is the first step to change.

Preventing Meeting Fatigue || Lisa + Lib 02/02/2022

Howdy friend👋! Have you watched this video by Lisa + Lib on how to prevent meeting fatigue🤔?
What are you waiting for? Click the link below 👇to learn more!

Preventing Meeting Fatigue || Lisa + Lib Meetings can be very exhausting, especially when you are in an all day strategy and/or brainstorming meeting. .In this video, Lisa + Lib share some tips on w...


Hello, hello👋! Hope you are feeling a sense of HAPPINESS😊 today!
There is nothing better than that feeling of joy, satisfaction, contentment, fulfillment...BLISS🤩. Ahhh...sounds so nourishing and refreshing.
When we feel a sense of happiness we are more motivated and confident that we can reach our goals🎯. We are more willing to take risks or try new things. And heck, our relationships will be better because people will want to be around us. Now we aren't suggesting that you have to be happy all the time, but you can't argue that being happy doesn't feel ridiculously good!
So are you experiencing happiness today? Have a terrific Tuesday😊!


One thing Lisa + Lib do regularly is take time for reflection. Most days, they are taking a least 5 minutes to check in with themselves.
So tonight before you go to bed ask yourself, what did I learn today🤔? What did I try hard at?
This will help you understand yourself better and even help you improve in areas you would like to improve😉.
Wishing you a week full of learning moments and happy Monday!

The Importance of Taking Breaks || Lisa + Lib 28/01/2022

Many people don't know when to take breaks nor do they know the importance of taking breaks😔. Wanna learn more about taking breaks from Lisa + Lib?

Click on the link below👇

The Importance of Taking Breaks || Lisa + Lib The fall is upon us (well in Michigan anyways!), which means we are headed into the cold and flu season. A lot of people may be feeling congested, run-down, ...

The Secret to Changing Your Mindset in 1 Minute || Lisa + Lib 26/01/2022

Hi friend, have you watched this video by Lisa + Lib🤨? Don't you want to know how to quickly change your mindset?
Click on the link below👇

The Secret to Changing Your Mindset in 1 Minute || Lisa + Lib Lisa + Lib have a little secret to share in this video about how they can change their mindset in 1 minute - literally. When they are feeling sad, frustrated...


“Laughing🤣 is, and will always be, the best form of therapy.”
- Dau Voire
Let out those belly laughs. Smile😃 at the mundane. Laughter is food for the soul.
Have a blissful Tuesday😊!


Happy Monday friends👋! Are you feeling pumped up for this week?
Last Monday we asked you to write down your superpowers. Now that you have written down your superpowers, think about what might be possible if you were to use them every day🤔. Maybe you will feel more fulfilled or satisfied. Or you could teach someone a new skill that helps them feel more fulfilled. You will discover that by practicing your strengths every day you will be blessing people around you in many ways, including yourself.
How are you going to intentionally play to your strengths this week?

Setting Your Word/Theme for the New Year | Lisa + Lib 21/01/2022

Lisa + Lib started a tradition a few years ago where they chose a word/theme for the year ahead. This is a word that they want to embody throughout the year. A word that anchors and leads them in the direction in which they would like to follow in the new year. Tune in ( to hear more about why they do this and what their words are for 2022!
What word would you pick for 2022?

Setting Your Word/Theme for the New Year | Lisa + Lib Lisa + Lib started a tradition a few years ago where they chose a word/theme for the year ahead. This is a word that they want to embody throughout the year....

How To Elevate| Letting Go | Lisa + Lib 19/01/2022

‘Out with the old and in with the new’ may be a phrase that we often hear, but do we really know what it means or are we even accepting of this?
In this video (, Lisa + Lib talk about how when we are in the process of elevating ourselves, we might also have to let go of some relationships, be it with people or things, that no longer serve us and are holding us back. They also share with us the process that is involved with this change from grieving the loss and how to handle it.
Comment below by letting us know how you plan to ELEVATE in 2022.
Remember to like, share and SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more life-changing tips! And of course, more PLAY!

How To Elevate| Letting Go | Lisa + Lib ‘Out with the old and in with the new’ may be a phrase that we often hear, but do we really know what it means or are we even accepting of this?.In this vide...


Hey friends👋, it is time to check in. What are you grateful for today😊?
There are so many things to be grateful for, just look within and around you. Many times we forget to turn inward and take a moment to be grateful for ourselves, and all our quirky uniqueness🤩, or how far we have come.
So what are you thankful for today? Remember to practice GRATITUDE today and every day. Have a terrific Tuesday☺️!

About the co-founders

Has there been a point in your life where you sat back and asked, “who am I,” “how can I help,” “how can I serve the world?”

About 5 years ago, these were the questions that kept co-founders, Lisa Thompson and Libby Rapin up at night. They had reached the point of burnout and exhaustion, their mental health was suffering due to stress and their bodies had become physically sick. Both decided to take a holistic approach to their healing by focusing on their mind and body.

While on their healing journeys, Libby and Lisa noticed one major thing missing from both of their lives… PLAY. Play at work, in their personal lives and in the world around them. They had literally forgotten how to play and how to embody a playful mindset, so their journey ended up turning into an adventure of a lifetime because they were remembering, and learning new ways, to bring play into their everyday lives. Their lives quickly transformed because they began to view life in a new way, and were healing as they began to more playfully nourish their souls.

While on this playful adventure, they began to more intimately understand they weren’t alone in their suffering and that the severity of the mental health crisis was having an alarming impact on families, businesses, communities and humanity as a whole. They realized there was a dire need for more accessible wellbeing education in order to take people from surviving to thriving. So, they began to turn their pain into meaning and followed the calling to serve by helping others enhance their wellbeing through coaching, keynote speaking and a variety of live events.

Videos (show all)

Hi there! As we kick off the week, here are a few tips to keep you self-aware and feeling nourished..+Slow down!+Take on...
This is how we get pumped up before we teach a workshop! This workshop we asked everyone to wear a holiday outfit (hence...
Hi everyone, we have missed you! We are excited to share some exciting news in FOUR DAYS! Stay tuned for details on Mond...