

❤️‍🩹 Fun, Faith, Life & everything in between. ❤️‍🩹


Today's is more of an image...I often receive this image, but I'm not sure I've ever discussed it with anyone. I'm not sure everyone will connect with this image or description either, because I've learned, fairly recently, that I tend to love deeper than most. I truly care about each person on my friends list. I think about them, I pray over them, I'm just weird like that I guess. So...I'm a nurturer. So when my kids got scared or sad or had negative emotions as youngsters, I'd scoop them up & hold them so tight so they'd feel warm & safe & loved. I still do it now, even though they're both way bigger than me...when I'm out at the store or somewhere & see or hear a child that is in distress, yes, even when they're screaming for a candy bar, I want to do the same with them. I want them to feel loved & seen & noticed & cared for (let's be honest, those behaviors, as children, are not typically because of the candy bar, there's usually a deeper issue). I did this even with my ex-husband! He was SO abusive. SO awful. SO mean. But I felt so sad for him. I can't imagine living with such insecurity & anger & inadequateness...I wanted to just hold him so tight so he would feel safe & loved. I know this is going to sound really strange, but I still do. I pray every day that he finds Jesus. That he finds peace & that his relationships with his kids are healed. It's what God asks us to do. To forgive & to love. It doesn't mean I'm going to breathe the same air he does, that would be stupid & dangerous, but I can absolutely hold space for him & maybe someday I'll hear that he has been redeemed & I'll celebrate that victory because it truly would take an act of God to deliver him from the oppressive spirits within him. All this to say, that God gives me this picture all the time. Because God will speak to you in a way you understand. I get pictures, movies, words, dreams, and you'll know they're impressions from God by the way you feel in the interaction. I suppose that's a post for a different time, but He gives me this picture because that's what He does with us. He WANTS to scoop us up & hold us so tight! He WANTS us to feel His love. His presence. His safety. God loves us SO MUCH & He wants the best for us. When we hurt, He hurts. When we're joyful, He's rejoicing with us. He is a good good father. Will you accept His love today?


I may have to rename my time if I'm not gonna drink coffee lol! I love seeing that it has caught on, though. When I 1st started using this hashtag, it hadn't been used before & now I receive notifications that it's being used all over. Anyway, today my thoughts are all over the place. There's work being done here at the house, I'm all in my feels about my kids & I'm still ruminating on our Bible Study from last night ("Untangle Your Emotions" by Jennie Allen) On top of that, the cookie guy is getting dangerously strange & I'm not really sure how to bring "Shalom" to that chaos as my friend, Erika DeJonge, puts it in her book, "Every Step Adventures with Jesus." So after reading back through my journal from this morning, the main theme of the day is this: God is my refuge & He defeats my enemies (Deuteronomy 33:27), so I cast all of my anxieties (fears) on Him - He WANTS me too (1 Peter 5:7). The Holy Spirit intercedes on my behalf when I don't have the words (Romans 8:26) but there is reaping of joy from the sowing of tears (Psalm 126:5). I am completely provided for by God alone (Philippians 4:19). I have confidence in all of these things & I will be patient in the Lord (Psalm 27:13-14) because there's courage in following Jesus (Acts 4:13).

It is so nice to have faithful friends to share with. They really sowed into me last night & lifted me up. Lifted my family up & gave such encouragement & it was so beautiful to me. This is how God intended it. Some words they gave me:

"Jesus told His disciples to go on ahead of him. He'd meet them on the other side - God is on the other side of our storms/trials"

"Don't take away your child's testimony - we want to protect our kids from bad things, but when they make these choices, it's part of their testimony. Obviously discipline where appropriate, but don't try to control the situation either"

Deep words...thank you, Lord, for putting these amazing sisters in my life. 🥰

24/07/2024 time has filled 1 journal, so now I'm on to the next...this one had a cute little intro which I completely appreciated. Thimblepress owner, Kristen Ley, has a little message for everyone that picks up 1 of her journals & I love it! Anyway, at 1 of our businesses, we've been dealing with a couple of noxious people. It was more funny at 1st, but now they're more like a gnat that just won't stop buzzing your ear. No biggie, my God is bigger than any giant or silly situation (new levels, new devils, right?), but between that & seeing the hatred circulating my social media feed & then attending my friend's son's birthday at his graveside last night, it has me thinking about a dream I've had...the dream was pictures of high profile evil people. Then it was people I know. People from my life that are truly evil. And I heard God speak, "I love these as I love you" & I thought...yikes! But then He reminded me that He looks at me like He looks at Jesus. And I'm a sinner. Dirty & unclean. And nearly all sin is the same, so who am I to judge. So God showed me that while I don't have to like or agree with a person, I do need to love long as they're here, they have a chance to be saved...think about the rejoicing in heaven when Saul, who became Paul got there & saw all of those he had personally martyred? I know it seems backwards & upside down & yes, it is so much easier said than done, but every day, I'm working on this. Catching myself when I have a thought that wants to judge...taking my thoughts captive & praying over these people oppressed by lying & prideful spirits. Of course, my "Jesus Listens" devotional & "Every Step Adventures with Jesus" book would lead me right down this same path. Overcoming fear, letting go of hurts, forgiveness...God is so cool! 🥰


Goodness...more revelation. has just gotten better & better! Today...I wasn't feeling coffee, though 🤣 We will see how I feel in an hour 🫠🤣 Anyway, after devotional time yesterday, a door was opened for some reconciliation. You know, we're human. We can love Jesus & still get it wrong. 1 of my kids was feeling as though I was judging their walk with Jesus. Who am I to judge? My walk was messy too (still is)! So it ended up being a healing conversation basically that their walk will look different from mine or yours or anyone's, but it's THEIR walk. The important thing is walking WITH Jesus. Know Him. Ask, seek, knock & don't stop. Then another moment hit me yesterday a worship leader, I've been asked to raise my hands when off stage worshipping. I felt that was really insincere & unnecessary & I pushed back a bit on it, but yesterday I felt a nudge that's not about the sincerity of the act, it's the obedience & once I'm obedient, the joy will obedience leads to joy leads to sincerity. Backwards, right? But Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that His ways are above ours, so I'm going to try it & see how it goes. Here's to feeling awkward 😅 I love you, Lord, so it's worth it. Every time. 🥰 Then today's devotionals lead right to Isaiah 55: 8-9 & then to John 14 & talking about miracles & faith & I've seen so many. Too many to mention here just in the last MONTH! But I know God is doing a work in me as I continue to change mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually every single day. Doors are opened while others close (for my good). Conversations occur that are healthy & healing. My responses are becoming less trauma, more love. He's working in me. I am so grateful.


Do you ever just sit & weep & you don't even know why? this morning had me in this very state. As soon as I sat down, I felt the need to put on praise & worship music. I fought the unction because it's distracting to me. I prefer to be super focused. I finally did it & settled in. I had to read a few things a few times because my brain is so distracted by music & background noise, but something got me all in my feels...I still don't know what...I feel like I slept pretty well last night, but I recall being up a lot & praying the same thing over & over (don't know why), "not my will, but Yours." "Less of me, more of You." So this morning as I open my "Jesus Listens" devotional & my friend's book, "Every Step Adventures with Jesus," of COURSE that would be the theme of the day. 🥹 I'm realizing that the mistakes I've made in life (& there have been a LOT), have led me right here. To show how God uses really imperfect people to be examples of His love & grace & beauty. He really does turn ashes into beauty. He brings dry bones to life & He takes messes & turns them into messages. God, I thank you for the lessons in my life. I call them "blessons" because I've been blessed through them & have been able to bless others through them. God thank you for the redemptive work you've done in my life & continue to do. Your will, Lord, be done. Less of me, more of you. Search me, God. Know my heart & fill me with the fruits of Your Spirit, Lord. In Jesus's. Amen.


today led me to Chapter 16 of my friend's book, "Every Step Adventures with Jesus" & reminded me of the fact that God actually WANTS me completely dependent on Him. This may sound weird, but...going through stuff with my son has really opened my eyes to the ways God loves us. He is absolutely a provider, He is safety, He is all the "manly" things we think about, but He's also a mother is to her children. He is kind, merciful, full of grace & love...Anyway, it just reminds me that the way that I stand here & love my kiddos through the tough stuff even though they've deeply hurt me or the way I fight for them when they've been wronged or the way I fight for them spiritually when I see them going's only a fraction of how much God does & wants for me. He fights for me every day. Many moms struggle as their children grow up & become more independent. We forget what it's like to not have a life completely dependent on us & it slightly (ok REALLY) breaks our hearts. In this way, God does the same! He WANTS us dependent on Him for our whole lives! He doesn't want us to move out of His basement, he doesn't even charge us rent! He LOVES US! He WANTS US with Him at all times! Isn't that a crazy concept? So today, I'd suggest leaning on Him more. Just try it...see how He responds. Ask Him to lead you today & see where the day takes you. Have a great one, friends! 🥰


today reminded me of this meme. I 1st saw it years ago. I think I was going through a breakup or something...I don't really recall...but I used to see this meme every time I lost something...a friend (no, I'm not talking about death), a particular part of my life (house, comforts, whatever), basically a part of the "me" living in the "world." I called on it many times in the last few years, but couldn't find it. I found it today. Anyway, I love this picture. I think about it every time I go through something big that feels like a loss because it really is true! God removes obstacles in your life that are holding you down or holding you back. He wants us to go from faith to faith. I love how Mike Bickle Official Page put it in his Song of Songs sermon. He was explaining that God never leaves us, but He DOES want us to move from faith to faith, so He will test our the part of the song where the young woman can't get to her love & she's calling on the help of the "women of Jerusalem" (young in faith) to help her find him, Mike says this is essentially God removing His essence. He's there, He wants to see you act on your faith. It painted a beautiful picture, to me...I always want to move from faith to faith & I pray that when I face adversity, I would respond in a way that shows my faithfulness. Because when God removes something from your life, and you respond faithfully, He will replace it with more than you ever thought possible. He WANTS us to be well. He WANTS us to flourish. We are His prized possessions though we certainly don't deserve to be. What a concept. Thank you, Lord, for loving me in my brokenness. ❤️


God is so cool. He has been revealing so much to me lately & providing for me in ways that seem utterly impossible. He's protecting me from things, He's loving me through things, He's just awesome. My mornings are dedicated to time with's revealed that time with Him matters & that His ways are above ours. His economy makes no sense in our world. As I sit with Him daily & set aside time with my family - almost - daily, I'm spending significantly less time behind my desk & yet, somehow, my business is doing better than it was when I was working more...even in difficult financial times, we wanted for nothing. God provided exactly what we needed, when we needed it. He is SUCH a good father. ❤️ I had the vision this morning of Elisha asking God to open his apprentices eyes, when they were surrounded (was it Elisha? Or Elijah with Elisha?) by enemy forces & when his eyes were opened to God's glory, there were armies of angels & immediately they knew they were safe. God tells us that we will face difficulties here on this earth, BUT He is with us & that makes our burdens light. We must walk by faith & not by sight. So I'm just sitting with this today. Considering these truths in all facets of my life. When I'm feeling big feelings or when I'm witnessing scary or crazy things or when certain thoughts, fears, anxieties creep in...I'm making this the truth I stand on. I will choose daily to walk by faith. Not by sight. ❤️


Serious question...

How is tomorrow Thursday when yesterday was Monday???


has left me in humble & happy...grateful tears again, this morning. Oh how He loves us...the story of Ruth is a beautiful one, yes, but reading it again through this "Women of the Bible Speak" Bible Study by Shannon Bream has just opened my eyes a little more. You know...I see so much love & kindness & goodness in the stories of Tamar & Ruth & both are significant to Christianity because Jesus Christ came through them! Both outsiders. Neither Jewish...

It brought me to my sordid past. I've been married a few times. It isn't a point of pride for me. I only ever wanted to be married once. My 1st marriage I was not a good wife. There was so much uncovered hurt & confusion. So much I didn't realize about my mental & physical health that I wouldn't discover until much later. I don't feel, however, that marriage was right for either of us, though. We're both now happily married to the right people & things are well (I think, I guess I could just be speculating, but I pray things are well for them)...but I was a good wife to my 2nd & 3rd husbands. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I was. God revealed & healed those broken parts of me & I loved, was loyal, and wanted to help heal the broken parts of them, but I couldn't (longer story for another day). Enter my husband now. Our marriage feels like redemption to me. I love him the same as I did. I am loyal to him just as I was previously, & he treats me like a queen. I feel like Boaz is a picture of Christ to Ruth (he provides unnecessarily for her, he takes her in as his own - he marries her when he didn't have to - & he shows her unnecessary extreme love & kindness) & I look at my husband in the same way. He does all of these things for me & I think that God draws these pictures for us through the Bible & in real life like dropping manna from heaven to just show us how wide, deep, long, how unimaginable His love is for us (if the eyes of our heart are open to see). Trying to fit all of my thoughts in this little post is so difficult, but basically, while my story is completely different from Tamar or Ruth, their stories resonate with me. I've been abused & treated poorly & lied about, like Tamar, but I've been strong & honest through it & loyal despite it...I've been faithful & honest & loyal like Ruth & feel redeemed outwardly through my marriage but inwardly through the way Christ continues to just reveal things & provide for me in ways I never knew I needed. This is a super uncomfortable share & I've considered not sharing multiple times before posting, but...maybe someone else needs to see this today...we're all sinners. We have free will, but if we learn from our mistakes & keep our eyes on Jesus, we can be redeemed & help light the way for others. I'm a sinner unnecessarily loved by my Father in heaven & I'm so SO grateful for that cross & empty tomb. 🙏


Holy guacamole. I know it has been a while, but I've been deep diving into Song of Solomon with Mike Bickle Official Page for the last 12 days & on the road & spending my "quiet time" with my son (who really needs Jesus right now, let's be honest), so instead of picking up my phone & sharing with all of you, I've been sharing with him instead. Anyway, today I had so many takeaways, however, the story of Ruth hit different for me today. I'm not sure why I'm just now realizing this, but Ruth was an outsider. Not a Hebrew. She followed her mother-in-law to Bethlehem...this is a really big deal. Not just because she was an outsider, not just because she was a woman, but also because she's the lineage of Jesus Christ, Himself! "The Women of the Bible Speak" Bible Study has opened my eyes to many things, but wow this story completely wrecked me this morning. Shannon Bream describes such beauty in this story that I've never noticed before. The lineage of Jesus doesn't contain bloodlines of's bloodlines of CHOICE & this is HUGE! From His birth to His death, His story is so far from religious tradition & challenges everything the Jewish people knew to be true to that point & every step He made & every word He spoke held serious meaning for all who would come after Him...there was symbolism in absolutely EVERYTHING. And the symbolism of Tamar's choice which led to Judah's changed heart & Ruth's choice which took her in completely uncharted territory & from beggar to riches, outsider to insider...does any of this sound familiar to you? Absolutely incredible. God is so cool. Have a great day, friends! 🥰


Whoa...another was in prayer prompted by my "Jesus Listens" devotional by Sarah Young & it occurred to me...God is with me. Even in the mundane tasks. Like washing dishes or doing laundry, spending time with family, He's there. Everywhere is holy ground, if you think about it. You can't hide from Him. Anyway, I was thinking about how safe my husband makes me feel. He gives me security I never had before. He supports me in ways I never felt before. He loves me & helps me, he even holds my purse for me when I ask lol! What does that have to do with anything? Well, I'm glad you asked lol! God does this! My husband might be the physical manifestation of these things, but God is there too. God might not hold my purse, but He sure holds all of my baggage with the junk I've "collected" over the years. He has my back in tough situations. He provides for me in ways I never knew possible. I walk around fairly confident & light when my husband is with me, so why shouldn't I ALWAYS walk confidently? I have the Lion of Judah with me at all times! God is with me always, catching me when I fall, loving me when I'm hurt & providing for me through food, finances, husband loves me, yes, but God loves me in unfathomable ways. How much MORE does God do what my husband does for me? What a blessing this revelation is. I'm definitely going to be ruminating on this for a while! 🥰


Man... has been soooo good lately. I haven't posted because I've been so wrapped up in this 12 part series by Mike Bickle Official Page on Song of Songs (Songs of Solomon) per the suggestion of Erika DeJonge in her book, "Every Step Adventures with Jesus" my Bible is soooo marked up now in a book that I never really understood & it frankly made me uncomfortable to read lol! But now I'm beginning to understand the beauty that is this little book in the middle of the Bible & can't wait to learn more! To find this series, I just went to:

and put "Song" in the search bar. I'm listening to the series from 2014. Ya'll, idk how a sinner like me could receive the insane amount of love that God lavishes on me, but He loves each of us like he loves Jesus & that's just mind blowing to me. Have a great day, friends, and know that you are loved more than your mind can even comprehend. ❤️


Sheesh! has just been so darn GOOD lately! I love it when the Holy Spirit opens my heart & eyes to new ways of seeing/experiencing things I've seen many times before...I have found myself pondering new verses for song lyrics through today's studies. Also, I just absolutely love the heart of Jennie Allen as I completed session 4 of "Untangle Your Emotions" today. I'm looking forward to meeting with my girlfriends next Wednesday to discuss. Project 4 in session 4 had me pumping praise & worship music through the whole house this morning & just basking in God's love & filling me with joy & thankfulness. 🥰 I was brought to so many verses today that were all about God's feelings for me & pointing out that my feelings are absolutely important to God. Psalm 34:5, Isaiah 41:13, Zephaniah 3:17, 2 Corinthians 12:9 Ugh...Oh how He loves us 🥰 On this independence day, I'm reminded that there is freedom in the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:17. Be safe & have fun, friends!


Happy independence day!!! 🇺🇸🎆


Whew! was intense today! 🫠 I think I've been Journaling for 3hrs...this is why I love my slow Saturdays. My mommy heart is broken over things going on with 1 of my kids (but I trust God's plan for him, he's His too)🥹 heart is breaking over some really unfair things going on with our home. 💔 Big things. Expensive things that should never have happened (but God is our provider & we've not gone hungry). My heart is just broken. Personally, professionally, and I think it really shows in my posting or lack thereof, in my conversations, or lack thereof...I think my broken heart shows in a lot even when I try to cover it with a smile or a joke or simply pretend everything is OK. 😪

I'm in a Bible study currently, "The Women of the Bible Speak" by Shannon Bream & between my prayer time & studying this book & workbook, I've realized I have some really productive, but unhealthy coping mechanisms. I'm not just a "fixer," I make things happen. Yes, it's a great thing, very productive, but God doesn't ask us to KEEP peace, there's a difference in being a peacemaker & a peacekeeper. I work so hard at peacekeeping that it looks like I'm trying to control situations. And in a sense, I am, but not to "control," rather to make everyone more comfortable. Even at my expense (mental, emotional, financial, etc). Or I bury myself in work to avoid discomfort...or...I bury my feelings while I'm around people to avoid a scene & find space on my own to let it out. But wait, there's MORE, it gets better lol! 🤣 I'm playing catch up on a Bible Study I'm doing with some girlfriends as the book just arrived yesterday. It's called "Untangle Your Emotions" by Jennie Allen & man it could not have come at a better time (God's funny like that). I open Jennie's book today & watch the video & she's literally naming these coping mechanisms that I literally just realized were coping mechanisms a week ago lol! 🤦‍♀️ Anyway, all of this revelation has come & hit me right in the face in a week's time (maybe 2) along with so many arrows of the enemy & through it all, I'm also reading & learning about Song of Songs or Songs of Solomon (Mike Bickle's series from 2014 at International House of Prayer) being, essentially, a love letter from God &...MAN! It's all just overwhelming & tough & crazy & beautiful & singing tomorrow at church is gonna be interesting lol! 🙃 I feel like I'm always apologizing to the pastor. I'm there to LEAD worship & I'm standing there broken & in tears barely able to squeak any sense of a music note out. But you know what? There's beauty in it. 🥲 God's lavishing His love on me & He shows up in those moments. He shows up so big. So mightily. I'm looking at my current circumstances and know the enemy is all around with weapons drawn, but I have the shield of the blood of Jesus Christ & I stand firm on THAT foundation. I will NOT be moved. 🦸‍♀️ So there you go, doesn't get more "stream of consciousness" than that 🤣 Enjoy your Saturday, friends. I know I sure will! 🥰


this morning was sooooo incredibly revealing & sooooo difficult for me! I've been reading a book written by my friend, Erika DeJonge, called "Every Step Adventures with Jesus." It has taken me quite some time to get to Chapter 14 because while the chapters are short, they're thought provoking. I love her voice throughout the book because personality wise, we definitely connect. I easily follow her through this book because we think similarly. Anyway, in Chapter 14, she encourages the reader to re-read that Chapter for a week & see what you get out of it. So I have. I'm on day 4. And each day I've gotten more out of it. I also felt the inclination today to look up the sermons she wrote about & wow. I'll be spending the next several days listening to the rest of the sermons on Song of Songs or Songs of Solomon. If you're interested, the sermons I'm referring to (that Erika refers to in her book) are out of International House of Prayer by Mike Bickle. I just used the search bar on the website to search Songs of Solomon & they came up. February of 2014, if you need further clarification. Anyway, I've never really understood Songs of Solomon to be anything more than a steamy love story between a couple, but Mike gets you thinking deeper on it...why do you think this book is in the Bible? He gets you to look at it (& draws great comparisons to his observations) as though Solomon is God speaking to us, his bride & how beautiful!!!! But how difficult to accept that a sinner like me can be looked at so lovingly & adored as this book reads?! I encourage you to check it out. Wow. Very thought provoking & lovely. Have a great day, friends! ❤️


After all of the issues we have faced with this build, I'm pretty convinced we won't build again. From plumbing that's still incorrect to appliances not working properly to damages & more, the amount of money & time & energy that have gone into this has been astronomically more than we ever intended or anticipated and has left us in really rough shape. We trust God for our provision, though. We trusted God with this build, so it makes sense that the enemy would throw so many wrenches in it. We lost our food supply, though. The supply that we had built up to get us through these times that we knew were coming & it's all gone. Money just burned. Wasted. It's so difficult to think about, BUT GOD. We have not gone hungry. He feeds the sparrows, why wouldn't he feed us? He has made a way where there seemed no way & I'm still believing He will show up in all of this mess because despite the worldly frustrations, we're still looking up to our Abba for protection & provision. Thank you, Lord, for loving us even in our weakness. This devotional today hit...


Well, folks, Beko freezer for sale! Brand new, but smells like death! I'm asking $900 for it (less than I paid) because I did store meat in it for a week before it decided to trip the GFCI it was plugged into & spoil $3k of meat. Oh. They don't put that warning in their user manuals. They don't bother telling their retailers that information either, allegedly, although Bekins Grand Haven knew this before install & proceeded with the transaction & install anyway. So $900 gets you a freezer that smells to high heaven, but is "functional" according to the manufacturer & retailer. You can plug into an outlet NOT on a GFCI & pray that it works. Oh & it can't be plugged in on the same circuit as any other appliance either. Also not in their user manuals, also known by the installers but ignored that knowledge & went ahead with the transaction & install anyway. 0 stars, do NOT recommend Beko brand ANYTHING or Bekins for anything. Terrible products, terrible customer service, I'm highly disappointed in this "local business" and will forever go to The Home Depot for appliances in the future. I can't believe I'm saying it, but even THEIR customer service is better than Bekins. Yikes!


Up early for a little acting gig & this is what God painted for us to see 😍 What a beautiful blessing. It's gonna be a great day 🥰


We're committed now...I did not realize these were "some assembly required" particle board cabinets from Lowe's Home Improvement. We traveled to Michigan City Lowe's to pick up these "poplar" 36" wall cabinets (the only poplar is the 2 doors 🤣🤦‍♀️). BUT I think I have an idea to make all of this work...stay tuned! (By the way, because I know someone will ask, those legs came from I'll link all the goods once I finish this project, but message me, if you want info sooner)


This is basically how my entire day is going currently. I refuse to let satan bring me down, though! God does amazing things with broken people! 🙏


This is legitimately my absolute favorite part of each day. I wake up early to spend time with Jesus. If I don't make it to workout, I'll be bummed, but if i don't get time eith my Jesus, I'm a mess. It may look like a lot, because it is, but it's not always like this...I will just spend time in the Word, but a gal from our church family wrote "Every Step Adventures with Jesus," so of course I wanted to read it (highly recommend, btw, I love her voice in this whole thing. It's my sense of humor & understanding, so it is working as a great devotional read for me). I'm in a Bible study group with some awesome ladies & we're going through "The Women of the Bible Speak" book & workbook, then I also am working through Sarah Young's "Jesus Listens" devotional because I'm writing a devotional book as well & I like to see how others go about it before I go to print. I think I may begin doing again as so many have asked about it. We will see. Enjoy your day, friends. Let's see what kind of fun we can get into! 🥰

Videos (show all)

Oooooo this salad is sooooo delicious! I love it so much I crave it! Maybe I should do a video on how to make it?#Sweet ...
Man...we just go go go. Constantly we have something going on. We have not, until tonight, taken time to enjoy our littl...
It's late, I know, but I realized I haven't posted part 3 lol! That said, Part 4 could be a while 🤣 I'm still playing wi...
Part 2...Seriously, just have fun! You can do so much in small spaces to make them functional & fun! I'm still not sold ...
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Perfect Day at Coco Cay, here we come!We love cruising Royal Caribbean International!!!!#RoyalCarribean #PerfectDayAtCoc...
Biiiiiiiig Big Lots haul!!!! I'm often asked where I find such cute stuff & I'm telling you, you DON'T have to shop name...
#ThrowbackThursday lol! I'm looking through all of my pics & seeing my growth as a designer but also some fun projects a...
My first flip...and I didn't mean to flip it lol! Really, I was in an abusive marriage, so when someone came along & lov...
This is what has been going on in our personal lives the last few weeks & I was asked to share publicly from someone dir...
My dad jokes are on point 🤣#dadjokes #kids #funny #hilarious #jokes #family
Hours...the 1st season he has not harvested ONE deer...hunting consistently...poor guy...Here I am making friends with a...
