SJA Holistics

SJA Holistics

I rcovered from burnout using a combination of Shiatsu, Reiki & Qi Gong. I can help you do the same.


One year on.....

Safely landed in Goa. Sleeping, settling into the land, and trying to recover from the tail end of a month of illness thanks to My First Cvid! Finally, it took me down!

And today, taking it very easy with beach and sea time, as I reflect on the horrendous experience that unfolded this day last year on Koh Pan Ghan by a so-called friend.

A year on and things are somehow still hard. Why mark the day? Because I can't ignore it.

Just forget about it and move on.....yep, I'm trying. Unfortunately it's not that easy.

But for every vile unhinged manipulative narc, there are thankfully many good eggs - and those who can see a smear campaign for what it is.

It's difficult events that highlight who the real friends are - the ones who check in, whose concern is genuine, whose actions say it all.

Being a human isn't easy, but consistent authentic kindness really does help to smooth the ride.

If you know, you know.

My Shiatsu, Reiki and Qigong practices have taken on new forms - like reassuring always there presences to "just do" when my head hurts too much to think.


To all those I only caught glimpses of this summer, or who I didn't get to see though we tried (!), I'm sorry and really looking forward to seeing you next year. I hope to be more sociable.



Shiatsu swap...

Much needed Shiatsu last night from who lives in the same village as me on the South Downs in Steyning.

If youre a practitioner, therapist, healer etc and not skill swapping with other trained professionals - why not?!

It's a brilliant way to give yourself a boost, and remind yourself that you need looking after too, especially when you are giving out so much to others.

Take care of you!
You are your practice.


Tanya and I have really different styles. That's the beauty of Shiatsu - it is so broad and we work in whatever way is right for you.

Tanya gives Shiatsu on a futon, which is how I was trained.

I also now give Shiatsu on a massage table as I sometimes have lower back issues. Applying pressure to clients on a table also suits my lighter style.

Your Shiatsu style then lends itself to certain patterns of clients.

I tend to attract people who have lost their flow with life, experiencing the symptoms of trauma, substance dependent people and those experiencing mental health challenges who really need a time out from their overactive mind.

Find out more at my website x

Photos from SJA Holistics's post 24/10/2023

Seasonal change....

Greens and blues
Plus reds and oranges.

Earth Element giving way to Metal.

But I was still enjoying summer (Fire) and early autumn (Earth).

Five Element Cycle gives us clues about seasonal energies.

Metal is about refinement, letting go of impurities/what we dont need, so that we go into winter hibernation only with what we really need to carry us through.

As I begin packing my bags for India - I'm wondering what my essentials are?

Books, clothes, candles, music, photos, thoughts, people and memories of the past summer.

What do I need the most?!



Life as a desk-bound worker...

Interesting to see Women in PR launching a campaign today on to raise awareness of burnout in PR world.

I left corporate PR in 2019 after a particularly toxic incident at a global PR company that supposedly had People as one of its core values.

It catalysed an ending that though sad, made space for my holistic work, and allowed time out that I desperately needed, to rebalance and get a handle on my nervous system.

I now use my holistic skills and training to keep me feeling balanced, grounded and able to get back into the flow of my life, when balance is lost or I'm getting close to tank empty.


Details of the campaign:

WiPR launches 'Speak Out! Don't Burn Out! Campaign on

World Mental Health Awareness Day

Today, on World Mental Health Awareness Day, WiPR has launched its latest campaign “Speak Out! Don’t Burnout!’ to shine a light on the myriad of issues that see women in the PR industry face burnout. 

Survey data shows the scale of the problem:

92% of women said that unlike other industries, the PR industry is 24/7 profession, which makes it harder to switch off in the evenings or weekends. 

60% of those who currently feel stressed/anxious or burnt out said they find it difficult to talk about in the workplace.

66% of senior PR women have considered quitting their job due to burnout.

Of those who have experienced burnout in the last 12 months, only 11% say they have been completely supported.


The Shiatsu Greats

Anyone in Shiatsu world will be familiar with Carola Beresford-Cook!

As a deepening of my Shiatsu studies, I'm going to be studying alongside her and various Shiatsu practitioners around the world in "A Year with Carola" and Im pretty excited about it !

I'll be sharing knowledge here as I go, for Practitioners and explaining the benefit for my clients.

Chinese Medicine, and Shiatsu as a part of that, is so vast. It can be a lifetime exploration. There is no end to this journey, which means we can never know enough, and it's also ok to 'know what you know' - which actually becomes an experience rather than a cerebral effort.

Embodying the qualities of each of the 12 meridians that I use when I give Shiatsu, is a challenge for someone like me who is typically dissociated and rather ungrounded!

But my Shiatsu path continues to unfold and I'm now really happy to be studying more alongside this global Shiatsu network



Shiatsu swap...

Fantastic skillshare this past week with very little experienced

Tanya works in the tranquil Body Matters space in Steyning, West Sussex.

Tanya's physical Shiatsu helped me feel more grounded and loosened up my tight hips. Skilled touch is such a great way to be reminded of your physical shell and give it some TLC and a thank you for how hard it works to get me through the day to day. A break from the busy mind was also welcomed.

Lovely to meet Tanya and looking forward to more swaps.

I'll remember to get a pic of us both next time!

Do you share your skills with others?
If not, and you'd like to, head to for an upcoming story about how to organise a swap with another Practitioner.




Summer months...

As colours turn and Earth Element brings in the Autumn Equinox, I'm as usual wondering where summer went.

Grateful to have holed up on the south downs these past few weeks. Some alone time is exactly what I've needed.

Trips into Brighton and Surrey have been light, brief and fun.

So this is kinda a post to say I'm still alive!

I've been laying low in preparation for the upcoming Wiltshire gathering , Equinox celebrations in Glastonbury and then the much anticipated Dorset discussion day with Rory exploring the true meaning of freedom and prophecy as coded in Goethe's synbolism.

Photo a throwback to south London park lazing with .dee.clayton in July and me trying to be more relaxed in front of a camera.

Adventures incoming.
And India on the horizon now too.

Hope you are keeping well, as we slip into cosy jumpers and Yin vibes.



First ever Shiatsu insights....

On a noticeboard in Yoga Point !

I was queuing for a yoga class and happened to read this.

The rest is history!

I'm using a different SIM after my phone was run over by a van last Wednesday (long story) and discovered some old pics.

I snapped this one thinking "this sounds curious" I must read up more about this.

Fast forward 7yrs and I'm now working as a Shiatsu Practitioner in both the UK and India

Id never considered working in the health space.

But I guess fate took a different course.

Thank you also to burnout which made me seriously improve my self care, and commit to learning more about my body and what it needs (and actually listen to the signals)



Individual Vs collective...

New explorations at the intersection of the individual Vs collective.

Where we need to be in community (and how to do that) Vs looking within to fulfill our needs.

Spiritual authority is and always was an inner job.
Roman Christianity distorted this and immeasurably changed the course of human evolution.

And no, I'm not "religious", but when someone says "I will teach you about what is hidden from you", why aren't we curious (Mary Magdalene 6:3)

It's all unfolding...

Energy workers, pls head to



About Burnout Survival....
...I've learned a few things over the last four years of recovering my energy levels, and fundamentally me.

Opening up energy channels and working acupressure points is just one part of the story.

But it's a vital part because making space for these practices every day also ignites a reconnection.

In the rush to do, and pursue my many interests, and complete my Shiatsu studies, I forgot about checking in with myself.


Starting your day with Qigong

Make a fist with your hand.
Gently tap centre of chest - the thymus gland - which produces T-cells that help to boost immunity.

Apply as much pressure as feels right for you.

Tap down the inside and outside of the arms.

Don't forget to tap the kidneys on the lower back - they Ike vibration!




The best welcome to a new day

Make a fist with your hand.
Gently tap centre of chest - the thymus gland - which produces T-cells that help to boost immunity.

Apply as much pressure as feels right for you.

Tap down the inside and outside of the arms.

Don't forget to tap the kidneys on the lower back - they Ike vibration!





in support of Bowel Cacner Uk's Step up for 30 challenge.

30min sessions to come together and relax on a Friday lunchtime.

Keeping it really simple and easy. ☯️

Donate as you feel to Bowel Cancer UK

More info:

Posting joining info soon x


Coming into the final day of the year and the start of some new vibrations.
2021 presented us with enough challenges. Tension, anxiety and stress may be lingering in your system. That is understandable. We are moving collectively through some strong emotions and many of my clients are feeling the symptoms of long term stress.

If you could do with some gentle support, contact me for a session:

in person
at a distance
Guided Self-Shiatsu

Be supported in a safe space whether near or far.




Many people I give Shiatsu to just need an hour of calm.

To be able to completely relax every muscle of their body.

Rest a weary hyper-vigilant mind.

To feel contained and safe.

I said "just" but these days - safe, non-judgemental spaces can be hard to find.


Is it time you visited for Shiatsu?


DM to contact me
Let's discuss your health goals and how Shiatsu could benefit you.

Happy Thursday!


‘Massage breaks the pain cycle’: the return of touch – after almost two years without it 09/11/2021

"Touch is like a vitamin - if we are depleted, there are consequences for our physical health."

A reminder of why massage and touch is so important for our health.

‘Massage breaks the pain cycle’: the return of touch – after almost two years without it For many people, social distancing and lockdowns left them bereft of physical contact. Here, touch experts explain why it is so essential and what we lost in its absence



This week I'm talking workplace wellness. In what ways does your employer help you take care of your health?
Do you take part in any wellness programmes?
What could they be doing better?
What would help you the most right now?

Let me know by DM or email me:
[email protected]

Happy Friday x


Happy Friday!

Here is your issue of this week's Go Slow Friday Letter 💚

If you've ever struggled to choose the right Practitioner for you and the thing you want the session to address, then read this week's post.

If you've any more queries, let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to answer. 🙏



“The reality, of course, is that being traumatised does make you a difficult person to get along with. Because you suddenly get angry, you suddenly shut down or you space out. But more difficult is to live that life: not being able to trust yourself. And there’s always this internal pressure to step up to the plate and keep functioning. So the next piece is a profound feeling of shame about yourself and your reactions.”

From world leading expert on trauma and PTSD. Recommend his book if this field interests you -The Body Keeps the Score.

Pharmaceutical companies should pay for raiding nature's medicine cabinet 17/09/2021

Pharmaceutical companies should pay for raiding nature's medicine cabinet

Investing just 1% of global pharmaceutical spending from now until 2050 could restore about 17 million hectares of floodplain, 82 million hectares of mangrove, 5 million hectares of freshwater marsh, or 282 million hectares of forest.

Pharmaceutical companies should pay for raiding nature's medicine cabinet In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry profited from US$1·2 trillion of global spending on medicines.1 Most of this is simply a cut of the $125 trillion worth of services provided by nature every year.2 Almost two-thirds of all small molecules approved by the US Food and Drug Administration between 1...



Sometimes a.girl just gota have a mocktail.

Briefly escaping Jaipur's sweaty heat for a welcome breather and some AC!

PS Into my fourth month of no alcohol or cigs. Never say never again....but for now, it feels.good to be avoiding these toxins.

Jaipur is pretty full on after the peace and relative calm of Ladakh....a few more days of sight seeing and absorbing the atmosphere and then it's time to move.


THE YOGIS OF TIBET - Rare Documentary Film 25/07/2021

Intriguing doc, enjoyed watching this last night. Am now a bit better informed about Chinese occupation of Tibet, persecution of Tibetans and the guy living just down the road from me right now....His Holiness the Dalai Lama 🙏

THE YOGIS OF TIBET - Rare Documentary Film Original film description:YOGI (yo-ge)An individual who has spent years in isolated retreat practicing secret self-transforming physical and mental exercises...


How much do you use your will to effect change? What if we can instead surrender to what is?

Getting really curious about this and exploring further with Katsugen, a practice from the Shinto tradition, in the form of Surrender Work. Exploring their free video course - intriguing.

Do you have a tendency to over-work (work beyond your capacity) resulting in periods of burnout? (This is Kidney Ki Deficiency in Chinese Medicine). If so - this approach to meditation could work well for you.

At some point... (-from my new book, ‘Hearticulations’)


Such helpful words from Jeff Brown as always....

Photos from SJA Holistics's post 10/05/2021

12.30pm UK / 5pm India

As lockdowns come and go, we must adapt our daily routines and schedules. We may be re-engaging with our local environment and enjoying new freedoms, or retreating into our homes and maintaining communications via technology.

Either scenario may be provoking challenging thoughts and emotions. We can navigate our external world by tuning into our inner world and developing our sensitivity, so that we can experience ourselves on a deeper level.

This session will guide you in how to do this using practices from Eastern Medicine including Qi Gong, Acupressure, Reiki and Shiatsu.

More info:

All proceeds for Bowel Cancer UK 🙏


I am starting Tara Brach's Radical Compassion Challenge today - get involved! I love her approach to meditation, the people she involves in her offerings, her positive guidance, and accessible and realistic wisdom.


On the blog this week I am sharing a few thoughts on how practices from Eastern Medicine such as Shiatsu and Reiki can help us return to balance.

With all the going into and out of lockdowns, it is understandable if we are feeling frazzled and anxious.

I use practices from Shiatsu and Reiki every day to help me return to a balanced  state. Living harmoniously makes us less predisposed to getting unwell. 

This week's Meditate with Me is a solo effort - I have been needing more alone time as Covid spreads throughout India again. The video clip is from the filming session today from my local beach - check out the pinks and greys in that late afternoon sky!

Happy Friday - go slow - and be well ✌️


Sign up to my Friday letters at the link in bio ⬆️


This week's issue is here:
#shiatsu #shiatsumassage #orientalmedicine #chinesemedicine #yoga #acupressure #acupuncture #usuireiki #reiki #qigong #holistichealth #heal #calm #nature #selfcare #selflove #balance #burnout #burnoutrecovery  #practitioner #shiatsuonline #selfshiatsu #holisticindia #holisticentrepreneur #touchforlife #healingenergy #goslowfriday #friday #rest 23/04/2021

Friday means it is time for your Go Slow Friday letter should now be in your inboxes. 🙏

Join here if you are not signed up!

Every Friday you get:

✨ one story from me with an aspect of Eastern Medicine that you need to know about
✨A Meditate with Me video showing the sights and sounds of Goa
✨ A few links to stuff I have enjoyed this past week that I think you will benefit from

Read today's issue here:

Happy Friday! 🙏

GO SLOW FRIDAY LETTER On the blog this week I am sharing a few thoughts on how practices from Eastern Medicine such as Shiatsu and Reiki can help us return to balance. With all the going into and out of lockdowns, it is understandable if we are feeling frazzled and anxious. I use practices from Shiatsu and Reiki every day to help me return to a balanced state. Living harmoniously makes us less predisposed to getting unwell. This week's Meditate with Me is a solo effort - I have been needing more alone time as Covid spreads throughout India again. The video clip is from the filming session today from my local beach - check out the pinks and greys in that late afternoon sky! Happy Friday - go slow - and be well ✌️ ---- GET THE GO SLOW FRIDAY LETTER Sign up to my Friday letters at the link in bio ⬆️ ---- This week's issue is here: . . . . . #shiatsu #shiatsumassage #orientalmedicine #chinesemedicine #yoga #acupressure #acupuncture #usuireiki #reiki #qigong #holistichealth #heal #calm #nature #selfcare #selflove #balance #burnout #burnoutrecovery #practitioner #shiatsuonline #selfshiatsu #holisticindia #holisticentrepreneur #touchforlife #healingenergy #goslowfriday #friday #rest

'An international problem': How to solve your pandemic-related sleep issues 22/04/2021

Hand self-Shiatsu for insomnia.
I wish I had known about this all those years I experienced insomnia.

Giving yourself a Shiatsu hand massage can help you drift off!

'An international problem': How to solve your pandemic-related sleep issues Trouble sleeping over the past year? You're not alone. A sleep expert with the University of Alberta tells CTV News Edmonton, since the beginning of the pandemic, the average amount of sleep loss in North America has been on the rise. She has some tips to help people catch some 'Z's.'

Photos from SJA Holistics's post 16/04/2021

It's Friday!! Another Go Slow Friday letter is winging its way to you soon, sharing more tips from Eastern Medicine to help you get well, feel great and stay well.

This week's letter gives you another Mediate with Me video, this time filmed from at sunset from a beautiful local beach here on south Goa. Listen to the waves and breath, or watch the sun set.

***Sign up here to get today's Friday letter***



Celebrating my discovery of Shiatsu, all the ways I have benefited from being part of the world of Shiatsu since 2016 and all those who have been open to me sharing Shiatsu with them. Thank you 💚🌍


Friday's time to wind down for the weekend - and to help you with that, here is my Go Slow Friday letter.

This week it features:

✨ A new meditation series featuring my Practitioner friends, filmed here in gorgeous Goa!

✨ An acupressure point for Spring energy, that helps to ease frustration and relieve pain. (It's one of the strongest points on the body!)

✨ Upcoming online Shiatsu class (Saturday 9th April) sharing practices inspired by Eastern Medicine, to boost your energy.

It's all here!

Sign up for my Friday letters here:

Happy weekend
Sarah x🌴


Wood Energy of Spring

Sharing acupressure point Liver 3 to help you move with Spring's momentum and drive for new growth - just like a new shoot pushes through soil and towards the light.

Let me know how you experience this acupressure point. It is one of my favourites because it eases pain (and really does!) and helps to unblock stagnant energy, restoring a sense of peace.and improving your vision.




Bringing you the sights and sounds of Goa wherever you are in the world.

Tune in and relax with this new series of unguided meditation videos.

Expect a new video released every Friday in my Happy & Whole newsletter, celebrating Go Slow Fridays.

Sign up here:

Why these videos and why Friday?!

I used to find Friday that weird "non-day" in the week where I had run out of steam so I was not being productive but nor was I giving myself permission to switch off.

Nowadays I try to hold Friday as the day for me to get a yoga class, have some time out and reconnect with myself after the week's activity.

So it's not quite the full relaxation time of the weekend, and nor is it about work/play.

Full blog story here:

Let me know how you find the video!


Our story 25/03/2021

It's rare that I come across a company where I love EVERYTHING they offer. Not surprised it's won so many awards and accolades! Well made ethical incense -

Our story Phool is the world’s first lean solution to the monumental ‘temple-waste’ problem. We convert temple waste into Charcoal-free natural incense & ultra sustainable packaging, enabling dignified livelihoods


A handy overview of everything that is available to you with SJA Holistics.

Shiatsu and Reiki can be received hands-on if you are here in Goa.

If you are further afield then book Distance Healing with Shiatsu or Reiki.

A Guided Shiatsu online session looks at your current health picture and uses Shiatsu-based practices like Acupressure and Shiatsu touch, meditation and breathwork. The session is recorded so you can continue practising the techniques you are introduced to.

To book:

Sign up here for the Happy & Whole newsletter:

Sarah x

Reiki Made Easy: Heal Your Body and Your Life with the Power of Universal Energy 20/03/2021

I received an inquiry about where to start with learning Reiki.

This is a good book to try - "Reiki Made Easy: Heal Your Body and Your Life with the Power of Universal Energy eBook: Lange, Torsten: Kindle Store"

I have not trained with Torsten but I know he is very experienced. I did my Master training with Absolute Reiki in the UK.

Good starting points are also to receive Reiki regularly so you become accustomed to its (brilliant) effects.

Reiki Level One can be learned in a day - but the practice is really about how you integrate it into your life and use the Reiki energy for yourself. Self-treatments are a regular part of the practice regardless of whether you are sharing the Reiki energy with others. Getting this foundation 'right' is essential before moving onto Level Two and Reiki Master.

Reiki is a journey that never ends - even when you reach Master Level, you become a Master by applying the new information to your life in a practice that requires ongoing commitment over years.

Beging your Reiki journey by treating self 🙏

Reiki Made Easy: Heal Your Body and Your Life with the Power of Universal Energy Reiki Made Easy: Heal Your Body and Your Life with the Power of Universal Energy eBook: Lange, Torsten: Kindle Store

Embodied Connection Week - Online Gathering | Embodiment Unlimited 20/03/2021

I love this.
Embodiment and connecting with people around the world.
Plus Mark Walsh is very knowledgeable and entertaining.
Sign up!

Embodied Connection Week - Online Gathering | Embodiment Unlimited Reconnect with the body in 7 days. A FREE online gathering to help you—and those you support—feel human again.

Timeline photos 06/03/2021


I love doing this first thing in the morning as it is so quick and easy, and a gentle way to wake up your fascia.

It is also great for those like me who feel like they have travelled to another dimension in the sleeping state - so coming back to Earth can take some time to adjust to on waking and getting up!

Give it a try - gentle tapping all over the body in the morning. Perhaps gentle taps and light strokes when doing before bed.


Calmed. Balanced. Energised.

....this is how Zen Shiatsu and Reiki can help you to feel, among many other things.

I have been working with Reiki energy since my first Reiki qualification over a decade ago. During this time, I received a Shiatsu treatment and the healing I experienced (body and mind) was so profound that shortly afterwards, I committed to study the Zen Shiatsu Professional Diploma for three years. I qualified in July 2019 and in that year worked at social change charity ChangeGrowLive giving shiatsu voluntarily for six months to people with subtance misuse challenges.

Each Shiatsu session is unique because it works with the energetic landscape of the receiver in that moment. Shiatsu is experiential and personal - the best way to understand it is to experience it for yourself!

I experience Shiatsu as an opportunity to peel back the layers, to bring something to more conscious awareness. This could be like peeling back layers of an onion, or spring cleaning a home to bring clarity and a new perspective, of oneself or the world. There might be subtle shifts to more powerful experiences that unfold over the days after each Shiatsu session.

Videos (show all)

Starting your day with QigongMake a fist with your hand.Gently tap centre of chest - the thymus gland - which produces T...
The best welcome to a new dayMake a fist with your hand.Gently tap centre of chest - the thymus gland - which produces T...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday 09:00 - 20:00