HYE NFT Videos

Videos by HYE NFT. HYENFT is a marketplace for Non-Fungible Tokens, a team decentralised across the world. We will be updating about the platform very soon.

HYEDram-ը հովանավորում է մեր երիտասարդներին բատուտի միջազգային մրցույթում

2022թ-ի սեպտեմբերի 20-25-ը Ռուսաստանի Դաշնության, Սանկտ Պետերբուրգ քաղաքում կայանալու է ցատկացանցի միջազգային մրցումներ (Кубок Петра Великого)
Պյոտոր մեծի գավաթի խաղարկությունը։

Մրցումներին նաև Հրավեր է ստացել Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ցատկացանցի ազգային հավաքական թիմը։

ՀՀ պատանեկան թիմը մրցումներին ելույթ կունենա հետևյալ մարզական դիսցիպլիններում՝

1,Վանիկ Վարդանյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց)
2,Մինաս Սահակյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց, սինխրոն)
3,Գևորգ Թորասյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց, սինխրոն)
4,Սոֆիա Բոնդարենկո (Ցատկացանց)

Հավաքական թիմը գլխավորելու է համաշխարհային բազմակի ռեկորդակիր, մանկավարժական գիտությունների թեկնածու, ՀՀ ցատկացանցի ազգային հավաքականի ավագ մարզիչ, միջազգային կարգի մրցավար՝ Դավիթ Ֆահրադյանը և մարզիչ՝ սպորտի վարպետ Յուրա Ասլանյանը։

Մրցումներին կմասնակցեն Ռուսաստանի Դաշնության ամենաուժեղ ցատկորդները ինչպես նաև ընկերական երկրների մարզիկներ, այդ թվում՝ Հայաստանի հավաքականը թիմը։

Մրցումները կանցկացվեն բոլոր մարզական դիսցիպլինաներում անհատական, սի

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Other HYE NFT videos

HYEDram-ը հովանավորում է մեր երիտասարդներին բատուտի միջազգային մրցույթում 2022թ-ի սեպտեմբերի 20-25-ը Ռուսաստանի Դաշնության, Սանկտ Պետերբուրգ քաղաքում կայանալու է ցատկացանցի միջազգային մրցումներ (Кубок Петра Великого) Պյոտոր մեծի գավաթի խաղարկությունը։ Մրցումներին նաև Հրավեր է ստացել Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ցատկացանցի ազգային հավաքական թիմը։ ՀՀ պատանեկան թիմը մրցումներին ելույթ կունենա հետևյալ մարզական դիսցիպլիններում՝ 1,Վանիկ Վարդանյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց) 2,Մինաս Սահակյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց, սինխրոն) 3,Գևորգ Թորասյան (Ցատկացանց, կրկնակի փոքր ցատկացանց, սինխրոն) 4,Սոֆիա Բոնդարենկո (Ցատկացանց) Հավաքական թիմը գլխավորելու է համաշխարհային բազմակի ռեկորդակիր, մանկավարժական գիտությունների թեկնածու, ՀՀ ցատկացանցի ազգային հավաքականի ավագ մարզիչ, միջազգային կարգի մրցավար՝ Դավիթ Ֆահրադյանը և մարզիչ՝ սպորտի վարպետ Յուրա Ասլանյանը։ Մրցումներին կմասնակցեն Ռուսաստանի Դաշնության ամենաուժեղ ցատկորդները ինչպես նաև ընկերական երկրների մարզիկներ, այդ թվում՝ Հայաստանի հավաքականը թիմը։ Մրցումները կանցկացվեն բոլոր մարզական դիսցիպլինաներում անհատական, սի

HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

World Record Breaker Yuri Sakunts
HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

World Record Breaker Yuri Sakunts
HYEDram Stablecoin sponsors Yuri Sakunts to promote Armenia’s strong future - https://www.hyedram.io September 5, 2022 - YEREVAN, ARMENIA - Today, at approximately 10:45am, at the Ministry of Emergency Situations RA, located at Anastas Mikoyan 109/8, Yerevan, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan was on hand when Armenian strongman, Yuri Sakunts, successfully pulled 54 Tons with a single digit (his pinky finger). By accomplishing this feat, Sakunts set a New World Record by pulling two fire trucks weighing 40 Tons and 1 tourist buses weighing 14 Tons for a linear distance of 10 meters on a flat surface. Born and raised in Charentsavan City, Kotayk Region, RA, Yuri Sakunts is a native son with deep Armenian heritage. While only a young man, Sakunts began pulling heavy objects as a hobby merely to test his own potential. However, today he continues to do it an ongoing effort to inspire Armenian youth and to demonstrate the psychological power of pursuing one’s potential. “HYEDram Stablecoin is all about promoting Armenia’s strong future,” said Tiran Antaplian, President/CEO and Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “We are proud to sponsor athletes like Yuri Sakunts as a living reminder that Armenia’s best days are still ahead.” “When I see Armenian youth who are also motivated to accomplish great things, ”Yuri Sakunts added, “I am very positive about Armenia’s bright future.” RA Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, RA Minister of Internal Affairs, Armen Pambukhchyan, and First Deputy Minister of RA, Artyush Grigoryan were in attendance to encourage Sakunts at today’s event. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. (co-founders Tiran Antaplian and Donald Wilson Bush) was joined in financially supporting today’s event by the following groups: King Chip, HIRECLOUT, American Godfather Media, Kingskitchen.la, DiamondStudio and Narek Arshakyan Photography. HYEDram/HYECoin Inc. is committed to revitalizing the Republic of Armenia by supporting innovative programs that promote commun

Օգոստոսի 20-ին ժամը 10.00ից 20.00 օլիմպիական հերթափոխի քոլեջ,Արամ Մանուկյան 31 Boxing & Kick Boxing Match - August 20, 2022 - WATCH LIVE AT Olimpiakan College https://www.facebook.com/olimpiakancollege #HYEDram #HYECoin #YuriSakunts #NarekGevorgyan #BoxingMatch #Armenia #Artsakh #ProfessionalK1Federation #August20 #olimpiakancollege #StableCoins #HireClout #KingChip #AmericanGodfatherMedia

Armenian Strongman Yuri Sakunts Sets New World Record https://www.hyedram.io Yerevan, Armenia, August 4, 2022, Today, in Metropoliteni El-Havaqakayan, at exactly 1:15 pm, local time, YURI SAKUNTS, the Armenian boxer/strongman, broke his own world record in exceptional human strength by pulling two metro subway railcars weighing a total of 65 tons, for a distance of 20 meters, using only with his pinky finger! A large and enthusiastic crowd of energetic supporters was on hand to witness this grand achievement. Sakunt’s first record was previously set on February 25, 2019 when he pulled a wagon weighing a mere 33-tons for a distance of 20 meters, again, using only his pinky finger. “The Armenian spirit never ceases to amaze me,” said Donald Wilson Bush, Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “Yuri is such a great leader and an inspiration to everyone, Bush concluded. “He truly represents the unstoppable Armenian spirit and we are all proud of him today!” Yuri Sakunts, is an amateur boxer and Armenian martial arts champion. He is also a two-time power triathlon world champion and bronze medalist of the power wrestling world cup. Prior to this, Sakunts set four other world records in addition to the one he now achieved. After setting twenty-two records in Armenia, he presently holds more records than any other person in the country. While Sakunts’ list of accomplishments as a five-time world record holder have already been certified by the World Sports Organization (WSO) and Vajra Book of World Records, he is currently making application to have the Guinness Book of World Records to recognize his outstanding achievements. In other pursuits, Yuri Sakunts has supported the youth of Armenia through various athletic programs and, for many years, he has encouraged autistic children to push their boundaries through athletics and strength training. Sakunts’ commitment to improving the lives of children has captured the attention of numerous organizations that are

Armenian Strongman Yuri Sakunts Sets New World Record https://www.hyedram.io Yerevan, Armenia, August 4, 2022, Today, in Metropoliteni El-Havaqakayan, at exactly 1:15 pm, local time, YURI SAKUNTS, the Armenian boxer/strongman, broke his own world record in exceptional human strength by pulling two metro subway railcars weighing a total of 65 tons, for a distance of 20 meters, using only with his pinky finger! A large and enthusiastic crowd of energetic supporters was on hand to witness this grand achievement. Sakunt’s first record was previously set on February 25, 2019 when he pulled a wagon weighing a mere 33-tons for a distance of 20 meters, again, using only his pinky finger. “The Armenian spirit never ceases to amaze me,” said Donald Wilson Bush, Co-Founder of HYECoin, Inc. “Yuri is such a great leader and an inspiration to everyone, Bush concluded. “He truly represents the unstoppable Armenian spirit and we are all proud of him today!” Yuri Sakunts, is an amateur boxer and Armenian martial arts champion. He is also a two-time power triathlon world champion and bronze medalist of the power wrestling world cup. Prior to this, Sakunts set four other world records in addition to the one he now achieved. After setting twenty-two records in Armenia, he presently holds more records than any other person in the country. While Sakunts’ list of accomplishments as a five-time world record holder have already been certified by the World Sports Organization (WSO) and Vajra Book of World Records, he is currently making application to have the Guinness Book of World Records to recognize his outstanding achievements. In other pursuits, Yuri Sakunts has supported the youth of Armenia through various athletic programs and, for many years, he has encouraged autistic children to push their boundaries through athletics and strength training. Sakunts’ commitment to improving the lives of children has captured the attention of numerous organizations that

HYEDRAM / HYE NFT: Yuri Sakunts is with Dan Bilzerian in Armenia! #YuriSakunts #DanBilzerian #ArtsakhNK #Armenia #HYELur #WorldRecordBreaker #HYECoin #HYEDram