Elisha Run Run Run

Elisha Run Run Run

This is my fitness journey.... ready....set....gooooo........ catch up on my story here
www.runoffy Welcome my fellow fitness fanatics!

I am so glad you are here and made the choice to live a healthy lifestyle! We choose how we want our bodies to look and this is the support and motivation on how......


Be a hill seeker! Most of us try to avoid hills, but what's good about flat?! Think about it: flat tires, flat hair, flat pancakes, and the ultimate..... flatlining. Life happens on the hills, they are opportunities to prove to yourself that you're stronger than you ever imagined! If you never attempt the ascent you'll never know the thrill of down the other side ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

Timeline photos 29/07/2020

Wow if you would have told that girl on the left that she would one day hike over 22 miles in one day to stand on top of the highest point in the lower 48 untied states! I would have thought you had lost your damn mind!
I would have also felt really sh*tty just thinking about how far I am from those kinds of people......those people who can do something like that, who are that fit with that much drive, and who are those people that are crazy enough to do those things?!
10 years later it turns out I am those people! That girl on the left is one of those people!!!
I made it by just telling myself keep putting one foot in front of the other, just keep going and don't give up! I went from IMPOSSIBLE to I'M POSSIBLE! If I can then you can too!!!
Anything IS possible!!!!


Synchronized lifting because it's Tuesday and we have a lot of extra time on our hands ๐Ÿ˜

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

Now more than ever I'm trying to dig deep into that motivation because being stuck at home with a bunch of stocked food all day is not good for this ex fluffy girl food addict!
The best advice I can give is: wake up everyday as you would a normal routine day (same times), get dressed as you would your normal routine way, workout as you did everyday just at home. I'm telling you that for the past two weeks I've done a 40 minute body weight only workout and I never left that workout without sweating! It's possible.
Go to bed at your normal bed times. If you sleep in, stay in your pjs, and wake up with no routine in your day it's going to lead to more tiredness, more unplanned snacking, and less motivation!
If you're not working like a lot of us, replace your work hours with a daily plan including nutrition and workout plans, these can includ the kids that need to burn off lots of energy. We have added in daily evening walks that are at least 2 miles.
You can do this, we can do this, we are all in this together!!!! Stay positive stay productive. What is your new daily routine and are you having trouble staying motivated?
What can I do to help you?

Timeline photos 06/03/2020

When I started this journey I had no idea where it would take me.
There are so many ups and downs, struggles, and triumphs. One thing I know is that the journey this never ends. I still have to work my ass off everyday and some days it gets hard. There are sometimes weeks and monthsthat go by and I'm just tired of working so hard everyday. So I take some time off and enjoy the hard work. Then weight starts to creep back on. So I get back to work..... It's a constant battle that I will fight for the rest of my life. I can tell you one thing though, this life is worth it and the adventure and the roller coaster journey is far more amazing than that old life I once lived. YOU are worth fighting for. You will find yourself in the journey and you will never look at your life the same again.
All you have to do is start even if that means you have to start over with every new day!!!! Never give up ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

Timeline photos 17/01/2020

Being the co-founder of I wanted to create something that I would appreciate and sign up for myself. $25 a month for a new peice of workout gear (leggings, sports bras, running jackets etc.) is about what I spend a month walking into TJ Maxx getting my monthly fix of new workout motivation. So we figured why not create this for everyone to get their monthly fix!?! I'm so proud of what we have built so far for the Flex it Pink Athleisure line. Because we all know most of the time after a workout we shower and put clean workout clothes back on. Every once in a while I throw some jeans on to really feel like I gave a good effort to get dressed! This camo jacket was a huge hit in this month's shipment. We need more ideas! What are your comfy go to Athleisure wear. Of course my #1 is leggings, and we knocked the wind breakers out of the ball park.... what are your go to peices workout or leisure time?

Timeline photos 15/01/2020

Enough horse play! This is the year for full on STRONG!!! It's time to thank my body for all it has brought me through! Fuel it with the best nutrition! Never take for granted the healthy lungs that carried me through countless half marathons, the legs that can squat more than my body weight! The arms that I can sculpt any way I want, and still love my kids when they need me to wrap them around them! The shoulders I can build strong for my children to cry on. It makes me sad that for so many years I didn't take care of my body, but this year I will do my best to show it how much I appreciate it for taking care of me all those years even when I didn't take care of it back!!!! Who's with me?!?!?!!!!

Timeline photos 10/01/2020

So our fitness Studio is next to a Pizza Place *I know so cruel right?!* Anyway, I took this screenshot from the video posted yesterday on . It was during a moment was talking and I'm pretty sure this face was the moment a pizza walked by.......
Yep this is what I battle in my head everyday guys ๐Ÿ˜‚ Why can't I look at celery the way I look at pizza?! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Timeline photos 05/01/2020

I've H A T E D this woman...

Actually, I've not loved her at all most of her life.

I've fed her lies and told her she wasn't good enough and have allowed others to tell her she isn't good enough.

I've allowed her to be broken. I've allowed others to treat her disrespectfully. I've allowed her to run through brick walls and battle for others who won't even stand for her.

I couldn't stop others from abandoning her, but I've seen her stand up and be a light for the world and love others despite all that.

I have stood paralyzed by fear while she fought battles in her mind, heart and soul.

This woman has screwed up many times as a partner, as a daughter, as a mother and as a friend because she didn't think she was worthy of self love or the love of others.

She has a smart mouth, a stubborn streak, and she has secrets. She has scars because she has a history. She has so, so many scars...

Some people love this woman, some like her, and some don't care for her at all... But she is beginning to love herself.

She has done good in her life, she has done not so good in her life.

Every mistake, failure, trial, disappointment, success, joy and achievement has made her into who she is today.

You can love her or not---but if she loves you she will do it with her whole heart.

She is dramatic and sometimes she is scatter-brained. She will not pretend to be who she is not. She will make no apologies for who she is. Never will she again.

This woman is a WARRIOR.
She's not perfect, but she has a lot of WORTH.

Gracefully broken, but beautifully standing.

She is LOVE.
She is LIFE.
She is GRACE.
She is BRAVE.
.. and she will never stop learning or moving forward...

She is me ....... ๐Ÿฆ‹

Timeline photos 01/01/2020

Day 1! To me it's not "New Year, New Me" but thank goodness it's the new year and all the holidays, get togethers, and most of all bad food is over!!! Not that I don't absolutely LOVE all that but it's so hard to stay in track with your health goals when all that sugar and dips are right in front of you.
We still have some days off with the kids but my mindset it clear because I threw all the sugar out of my house and I will stay strong from bad temptations!!! Anyone else throw pies, cookies, and candy in the trash?! ๐Ÿ˜œ

Timeline photos 10/12/2019

I keep seeing all this controversial talk about the bike ad. It's a husband that got his wife an nice exercise bike as a gift and she uses it for a year, then shows her husband in a video that it changed her life.
Twitter users dragged the commercial, calling it "creepy," "disturbing," and "cringeworthy," with some implying it was sexist and classist. Peloton said in a statement that it was "disappointed" its holiday commercial had been "misinterpreted."
I have to agree with . Coming from someone who knows first hand that 1 year of physical exercise can completely change your life forever and having a husband who supports that will 1 million percent help that change for the better!
People who have negative comments about that ad, must not know the amazing effects and benefits of physical fitness along with a supportive environment. It can completely change a woman and her confidence in herself ๐Ÿ™Œ
Great job ๐Ÿ™Œ

Timeline photos 26/11/2019

I know it's blurry but when your muscles are poppin' thru the blur you know the burpees are paying off!!! We hit 5,000 burpees today in less than 2 months and we are loving the results!
What are you doing to bank some Turkey Day Calories?!! I'm saving for pumpkin cheesecake ๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿฆƒ

Timeline photos 27/10/2019

Rules to teach other women:
1. Make your bed every day, even if it's right before you get in it.
2. You donโ€™t have to wear underwear... if you're in an accident theyโ€™ll just cut your clothes off anyway.
3. Travel light through life. Keep only what you need.
4. Itโ€™s okay to cry when youโ€™re hurt. Itโ€™s also okay to smash (some) things; but, wash your face, clean your mess, and get up off the floor when youโ€™re done. You donโ€™t belong down there.
5. If youโ€™re going to curse, be clever. If youโ€™re going to curse in public, know your audience.
6. Seek out the people and places that resonate with your soul.
7. Just because you can, doesnโ€™t mean you should.
8. 5-second rule. Itโ€™s just dirt. There are worse things in a fast food cheeseburger.
9. You are a woman, you do not NEED a man!
10. Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Donโ€™t confuse these.
11. If youโ€™re staying more than one night, unpack your bag.
12. Never walk through an alley.
13. Be less sugar, more spice, and only as nice as youโ€™re able to without compromising yourself.
14. Canโ€™t is a cop-out.
15. Hold your heroes to a high standard. Then be your own hero.
16. If you canโ€™t smile with your eyes, donโ€™t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.
17. Never lie to yourself.
18. Your body, your rules.
19. If you have an opinion, you better know why.
20. Practice your passions.
21. Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.
22. Wish on stars and dandelions, then get to work to make them happen.
23. Stay as sweet as you are.
24. Fall in love often. Particularly with ideas, art, music, literature, food and far-off places.
25. Fall hard and forever in love with nothing but yourself.
26. Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me, whenever the situation warrants it.
27. Reserve โ€œIโ€™m sorryโ€ for when you truly are.
28. Question everything, except your own intuition.
28. You have enough. You are enough.
29. You are amazing! Don't let anyone ever make you feel you are not. If someone does....walk away. You deserve better.
30. Be kind and treat others how you would want to be treated.
When your crown slips straighten it and own it like the queen you are ๐Ÿ‘‘โค

Timeline photos 24/10/2019

On a positive note we hit 2,000 Burpees completed in October today and I'm seriously telling you that is the only thing I've added extra this month to my normal routine and nutrition and I've lost 5lbs! So do burpees suck?! Yeeeeessssssss! But do they make a difference?! Absolutely!!!! And you can break them up in sets of 10 throughout your day!
Thanks to for the challenge keeping us motivated thru the Holidays coming up ๐Ÿ™Œ

Timeline photos 17/10/2019

Seriously guys this Burpee challenge is making changes. I don't know of it's just mental since 1,200 burpees in October sounds like a lot or if it's actually making changes ๐Ÿ˜ if you think about it... say 10 calories burned for every 20 burpees that's an extra 600 calories burned in 2 weeks.
Whatever it may be I'm lovin' it!

Timeline photos 16/09/2019

I said this before but it definitely needs to be fresh in people's mind who are on this journey....
I was talking with my best fitness friend today about our transformation journeys. I was telling her I think we are the lucky ones to have started our lifestyle transformations before Instagram was created and all this social media hype. So many people to compare yourself to these days. It makes you question your choices. Why am I not counting my macros? What is macros? Why don't my muscles cut like that girls? How can that girl run so fast? Lift so much?
The truth to our success is we did what we found to work best for us. We didn't have someone else to tell us a better faster way. We found out all the ways that worked towards our success by trial and error. This is your life something you will have to do forever if you want to keep it. So ask yourself is what you're doing today, something you can do daily in your life forever? Or are you just comparing yourself to someone who you truly don't even know what they do or actually did to get there. All you see are photos. You don't see the actual WORK it takes to get those results. Are you doing it for the photos or for your health?
Trust you! Believe in you! Find what works for you! and the only person who you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. If you are better than that person....then you're winning!!! XOXO

Timeline photos 29/08/2019

Yesterday I turned 37 and you bet I ate some unicorn cake!
The older I get the more thankful I am for another year of health, and you also realize many things that weren't as clear when you were younger.
Confidence does not come from a certain body type. The size of your smile is more important than the size of your pants!
You realize a $300 watch and a $30 watch both tell the same time, a Chanel wallet and a Target wallet both hold the same amount of money, a $100,000 house and a $300,000 house both host the same amount happiness or loneliness. A BMW will drive you as far as a Ford.
True happiness is not found in materialistic or bodily things! It is found within, and by the people who you surrounded yourself with.
I am truly blessed!
Here's to another year of health and happiness!!!


My sister and I got a good workout in today and decided to have a little fun after with some ! This was our rough draft you know we're going to practice and get y'all in on this workout because it was a great leg burner ๐Ÿ˜‚
After some practice we'll be back ๐Ÿ’ช

Photos from Elisha Run Run Run's post 07/06/2019

You guys! I now have a High School Graduate!!!
All of a sudden I feel really old!!! This is the beginning and ending of a time.
Dear Vanessa,
I hope you always know you have the power to define who you are. I hope you find your passion. I hope you know that there will be failure but NEVER GIVE UP!!! Remember there is no "easy" in success. Be kind, be respectful, be responsible and respect the earth. Number one ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!
I will forever believe in you!!! Congratulations my beautiful girl who has grown into an such amazing woman!!! Love Always & Forever,
Mom ๐Ÿ˜˜

Photos from Elisha Run Run Run's post 28/05/2019

All the blood and sweat today was a small act to try to pay tribute to all the military and armed forces on this Memorial Day.
This is my 4th year completing Murph..

1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Today is set aside to remember with gratitude and pride all those who served and died for our country and our freedom.
God Bless America ๐Ÿ˜˜ @ Indian Hills CrossFit

Timeline photos 24/05/2019

Hello long weekend! It's so beautiful to see you!!!
Have a great one friends!!!

Timeline photos 22/05/2019

If these shoes could talk, oohhh the stories they would tell.
I'm moving so I'm purging all the things that I don't need anymore.
This pair of shoes was a difficult choice for me to toss or keep.
They were my first pair of running shoes.
They were there for my first full mile, and carried me on to my very first half marathon.
They were there with me every thought that ran through my head, that I would run home with to blog about and eventually start
They kept going all the times I wanted to give up.
They were there on the side of the road the moments I did give up.
They carried my feet hundreds if not thousands of miles.
Wow if these shoes could talk.
What do I do?
They don't serve a purpose anymore, they have too many miles and have been retired for a few years now.
I decided to share my thoughts here so if I ever need a reminder of how far I've come I can come here.
To these shore once needing a break every one minute of running, to going on to run over 2 hours straight without stopping.
Goodbye running shoes, thanks for all the miles and memories โค


Guys there is a difference between endurance and strength training and being an athlete ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am not an athlete! That takes hand to eye coordination, balance, and all those other talents that I do not have!
I think that's why i enjoy being good at workouts, it's the closest I'll ever be to an athlete ๐Ÿ˜‚
Enjoy this Top Golf episode at my expense and ignore the commentary ๐Ÿ˜œ

Timeline photos 28/03/2019

This is crazy guys!!! The photo on the left was on my high school senior trip in 2000. I was a super shy, insecure, chubby young girl who had no idea what my worth was!
The photo on the right was yesterday year 2019, attending my old high school career fair as a business owner in the Health and Fitness Industry/ Personal trainer.
If you asked me 20 years ago if I could have imagined myself standing in this place 20 years later I would have laughed and never in a million years believed that this was my future.
I truly thought I was just supposed to be a little fluffy my whole life ๐Ÿ˜œ and my dream job was something at a desk because I that for my sedentary lifestyle.
Wow guys! Just NEVER doubt your worth! You CAN do things you never imagined were possible!!! All you have to do is get up, and start MOVING towards those goals!!!

Timeline photos 19/12/2018

Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying brick every hour for 1,009,491 days.....
That's not just one workout day, it's not drinking skinny teas, it starting as new diet, it's fueling your body with proper nutrition every single meal, it's getting enough rest every night, and most importantly building and working forever.......
It's creating a lifestyle that you can live with every single day.
So this coming new year when you're starting new things. Make sure they are something they you are ok with doing all year long and beyond.
Create healthy attainable habits and goals! And your results will last!
You can do it!!!! XOXO

Timeline photos 08/12/2018

We got snow!!!!! It's Friday and Christmas cheer is filling the air! Today rang the bell for at our local grocery store, it was so much fun and puts me in a great mood seeing how kind and giving so many people are.
If you have a chance to give your time go to registertoring.com and reserve your local spot.
Have you ever rang the bell? ๐Ÿ””

Timeline photos 06/08/2018

Owning a business is extremely hard work and sacrificing your time from your family. Some days you think is it all worth it...... then you see the fruits of your labor and all those thoughts turn into HELL YES IT'S SO WORTH IT!!!!
Wow wow wow!!!! Look what your virtual run and subscription boxes are doing for the greater good!!! is so near and dear to us ss and we can't wait to see what your miles do with this year's ! You can still help and sign up. We are 90% sold out!
Click on the link in our bio.
This fills our hearts with pure joy knowing we are making a difference!
Big shout out to for being such an amazing charity to partner with.
Be clear about your goal but be flexible about the process of achieving it. In partnership with . We are proud to officially open up the newly constructed well that will enable the community of Masajja B to access clean and safe water. Thank you so much and for your generosity extended to our community.

Timeline photos 27/07/2018

Is it hard?
It is absolutely one of the hardest things I have ever done!
Believe it or not the hardest part is maintenance. It's easy to lose weight there are quick fixes keto, shakes, pills, etc. You HAVE to ask yourself if you can see yourself doing it for years to come. Because if you can't then the weight will come back.
That's why I don't really agree with those methods of weight loss. I think the best thing is small daily changes that you can live with as your new lifestyle forever.....
It is one if the most important choices I have ever made in my life and absolutely 100% worth every bit of hard!
Of course it's harder than the other methods to say no to yummy things more times than yes.
There is not a quick fix that will last longterm. But choosing the harder way is the better way in the years to come.
Set small goals, change little things, soon those little things add up to huge things.
Patience, Persistence, commitment, dedication, determination! You need all those things! Most importantly NEVER GIVE UP! If you can dream it! If you BELIEVE it! If you WORK HARD! You CAN DO IT!

Timeline photos 12/06/2018

Top of the morning to you!!! I mean is there any other way to TOP OFF a 10,000 elevation hike?!!?!! Keep chasing your goals this week! And catch one!!!!

Timeline photos 06/06/2018

A little .
One of my "whys" to tell my family genetic history it can kiss my ass! It stops with me!!!!

Videos (show all)

Synchronized lifting because it's Tuesday and we have a lot of extra time on our hands ๐Ÿ˜ #barbellsdontlie #FlexitPink
My sister and I got a good workout in today and decided to have a little fun after with some @blancobrown! This was our ...
Guys there is a difference between endurance and strength training and being an athlete ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am not an athlete! That take...
#125 hang cleans.  That's about the only cleaning I did all week ๐Ÿ˜œ Hey both of us can't look good.  It's me or the house...
So I missed my normal workout time due to meetings and appointments. @annasfitlife and I decided to sneak in a quick 1RM...
When you're going for 225lbs and the ๐ŸŽถring around the rosey๐ŸŽถ pumps you up ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #liftlikeamom
Finally Friday and *finally* hit 200 LBS on my front squats!!! This makes for a kickass kick off to the weekend!!!!!Happ...
A little fun after heavy squats today! 15 box jumps at 32 inches. Best way to work on beating those mental blocks!!! Now...
Workout of the day: go down the hill walk up the hill.  Repeat x 55 times! Happy New Years! Ready Set Goals!!!
What a way to start a Monday! New back squat PR #240 lbs! Our coach has such good planning to plan 1 rep max week right ...
If you have never done a Deadlift Ladder in your workout you have not had fun yet ๐Ÿ˜œ 1 Minute 105 lbs120 lbs135 lbs150 lb...
My 6 year old made it a goal to get to 10 pull ups and that's exactly what he did.  He practiced everyday,  never gettin...