Mindful Angel

Mindful Angel

This page is for those who believe in Angels and even those who don't! Angels will only assist when asked - a bit like a good friend.

Angels can help with every aspect of our lives and this page will hopefully help you to recognise the signs and encourage you to ask for help. I am an Accredited Angel Certified Practitioner (certified by Charles Virtue and Tina Marie Bertoli) as well as a Life Coach. My aim through this page is to reach out, inspire and teach about Angels through my posts. I create most of the posts myself and gi


As some of you will have noticed I haven't been posting every day on here for a few weeks now. I've only done the weekly Tuesday prayer circle. I've made the decision to step back from social media for a while as despite only posting one post a day for well over a year, it still takes a lot of my energy. I know many of you will miss the Tuesday Prayer Circle in particular, but I will still keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I have a few other projects that I'm working on alongside my Funeral Celebrancy work and I don't have the energy to give my pages what they deserve or need at the moment. I know you will all understand my need to step away for now. Sending love, light and thanks to each and every one of you who has commented, liked or interacted in any way on my pages. 💜💗💜


Its Tuesday again and so another chance to place yourself, loved ones or intentions in the circle of prayer. It goes without saying that everyone who is still finding it difficult because of the pandemic are all included in this prayer circle.
It is well documented that group prayer is far more effective than just praying alone so feel free to place yourself or anyone you know in the prayer circle.
Can those who see this post please take a moment to say a silent prayer, send a positive thought or visualise a circle of light surrounding the people requesting help or support. There are times in all our lives when we need some extra help and hopefully, through this post, those in need will feel that they are being held and remembered by many.
As this prayer list grows week on week with more and more people requesting prayers, I do try to reply to each and every comment but please know that if I don't reply to your's it doesn't mean you have been forgotten, it's just that it takes so much time to reply individually, but you are all very much in my thoughts and prayers,
Thanking each and every one of you and wishing you all the best Tuesday you can have. Keeping you all in thoughts and prayers. Stay safe; stay well 💜🙏💜


The start of the week Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue Archangel Raphael Healing deck and it is:
The health condition you’re asking about would benefit from an increase in water intake. There seems to be some dehydration involved, which has lowered your energy and created imbalances. It’s time to increase the amount of water that you (or the person for whom you’re inquiring) drink. Even better, pray over the water prior to drinking it in order to infuse the liquid with healing energy.
Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for motivating and guiding me to drink more water so that my health, energy and appetite stay at optimal levels throughout each day.
Hope this card resonates with many of you and wishing you all a wonderful Monday and a great week ahead # # #


The Friday and weekend Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Messages from Your Angels" deck and it is: "Serena"
“I am the Angel of Abundance. You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how this will happen. Have faith”.
God is the source of all of your good. Release all of your cares and worries to me, and I will bring them directly to God. The more that you surrender this situation to Heaven, the more open you become. Your openness – like outstretched arms – welcomes the gifts that we bring you. When you worry, however, it closes you down. It then becomes more difficult for us to deliver your gifts. You don’t notice your gifts, or you push them away.
God’s infinite creativity means that your financial support will come in unexpected ways. One of the reasons why you worry is because you don’t know how your money will be delivered. You can release these worries by completely relying on God’s wisdom and care. Notice your repetitive thoughts, feeling and ideas. They are our way of communicating Divine guidance to you. As you follow these Divine directives, your supply comes to you on the wings of Angels, without delay or reservation. The more that you can relax and trust, the faster we can bring these gifts your way.
Wishing you all an "abundant" weekend # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Kyle Gray "Keepers of the Light" deck and it is:
"The Divine Director" ~ Intervention and Purpose
Divine intervention is occurring. Know that you are being guided. Happiness is your purpose.
The Divine Director is a facet of the heart of the Creator. According to New Thought teaching, his energy is merged directly with God’s divine plan so that we can access it and understand on a deeper level what will support our true function, which is to be happy. The Divine Director works directly with Angels, and in particular Guardian Angels so that they can fulfil their role of supporting the Earth and all of her people. Right now your Angels are reminding you that your divine purpose on Earth is to remember love and do what makes you happy.
Divine intervention is taking place at this time – what is occurring in your life is providing a real learning curve for your soul. You are becoming aware of a sense of purpose in your life. It gives you a sense of joy – it’s something that brings you pleasure rather than something you have to work for. Know that your career can complement your purpose but not define it. But the path you are on at this time is right, and the Universe is encouraging you to move forwards.
Hope this card resonates with many of you and wishing you all a terrific Thursday # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Healing with the Angels" deck and it is:
A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. You are a natural healer, and your healing thoughts have manifested into form.
Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely – so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over because this card signifies that a healing has occurred. To realise this healing, however, you must first stop focusing on “what is wrong” and instead affirm: “Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now.”
You have natural healing abilities, and this card asks you to have faith that God works through you as an Earth healing Angel. Hold thoughts of love around any situation that seems to need healing. Visualise the situation as healed right now. Then, give thanks to God for this healing, and completely release everything to the Angels. The powerful effects of your healing work touch many lives.
Hope this card resonates with many of you as I'm sure it will as we could all do with some "healing" right now. Sending lots of love and wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday # # #


The start of the week Angel Card comes this week from the Doreen and Grant Virtue Angels of Abundance card deck and it is:
"Have Courage to ask for and accept help"
Asking for help is a sign of strength, as is accepting it as it is offered to you. Very often when you ask God for help, prayers are answered through other people. Be sure to accept this assistance, as well as give it to others as you are guided.
Have you been trying to do everything on your own, Dear One? Because this card is signalling that you need help but have been reluctant to ask for it.
Asking for help takes courage. Often we feel that doing so is a sign of weakness, or that it burdens someone else. This unwillingness to ask for what we need can have a negative spiral effect. The longer we go without asking for help, the longer we go without receiving any. If this pattern continues on long enough, we can even come to the erroneous viewpoint that there is no help to be had at all.
God and the Angels reassure you that they are without limitation. They can be in as many places at once as they are needed. You can never bother them. No problem is too large, and no issue too trivial. They don’t have physical bodies, so they can never tire.
Having the courage to ask for help – from God, Jesus, the Angels, or another person – is an important step toward manifesting abundance. It is such a powerful step that it is almost instantly rewarded by an answer. Tune in to how your body and mind feel immediately afterwards. You may be receiving on-the-spot guidance as to how you can co-create the abundance you are asking for. Flashes of inspiration, sudden invitations or job offers, and other signs present themselves to those who take this leap of faith.
Hope this card resonates with many of you and wishing you all a wonderful Monday and a great week ahead # # #


The Friday and weekend Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Daily Guidance From Your Angels" deck and it is
"Have Confidence"
Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if your confidence wavers, and we will buoy your courage and faith.
This card is a message from your Angels saying "You can do it!" Trust that you have all the ingredients it takes to complete the mission that's before you. Although you may not completely understand how you'll fulfill this task, have faith that you'll be continually guided. The more you can depersonalise this mission and know that it's not about you, the better. Don't listen to the voice that asks, "Who, me?" You are utterly worthy, since you're a perfect daughter or son of the Creator, and the Angels surround you every step of the way.
If this card resonates with you, then it's worth knowing that it came as a "super jumping card" jumping right up into the air before landing at my feet, so please take heed if it applies to you.
Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and a great weekend ahead # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Angels, Gods and Goddesses deck by Toni Carmine Salerno and it is:
"Angel of The Universe"
You are being encouraged to expand your thinking
This card brings the message that you are being guided by your Angels to look at your life and work from a broader, more universal perspective.
The Angels congratulate you for all you have done to date to serve and help humanity and those around you. Yet it is time to move on to the next level. Trust your Angels and the Universe for they will guide you. There is no need for anxiety or fear. You are simply being encouraged to think a little bigger.
Start to imagine yourself and your work reaching and touching larger numbers of people without losing any of the integrity of what you do. Imagine all this happening with ease and only in ways that will make you feel comfortable. It takes no more effort to think big than to think small. There's no need to do anything radical at this time. Remember, to a large degree, we create our reality by what we think about, dream about and imagine. Simply think a little bigger and ask the Angel of the Universe to guide you.
Hope this lovely card resonates with many of you and wishing you all a terrific Thursday # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Angel Therapy" deck and it is:
Your life purpose involves writing; reading, editing or selling spiritually based books.
This card was drawn because you’ve been asking about your life purpose. You already know that you have a deep affinity for sacred and spiritual books. This card affirms that you’d be very fulfilled by taking your love of books to the next level. You’re aware of what this involves because you’ve dreamed of immersing yourself in good books.
This card also means that the answer to your question is within books. So pay attention to titles that are recommended to you, or books that mysteriously fall from shelves, as they contain guidance for you.
This card is a call for you to take definite action towards your book related dreams. Whether you decide to write a book, open a bookstore or read more, take the next step without delay. The Angels are assisting you with this endeavour.
Action Steps
Archangel Gabriel is the “messenger angel” who helps writers, teachers and others involved with delivering spiritual messages. Either silently or aloud, say:
Archangel Gabriel, I call upon you now. Please help increase my courage and confidence to move forward with my book-related desires (tell Gabriel about your dreams related to books). Thank you for motivating and organising me so that I spend time every day devoted to my heart’s true desire, allowing my dreams to be manifested in Divinely perfect ways without delay.
Hope this card resonates with many and wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday # # #


The start of the week Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue Archangel Oracle Card Deck and it is"
Archangel Uriel: “Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.”
You’ve prayed for answers, and they’ve come to you in the form of repetitive thoughts telling you to take steps and make healthy changes. Don’t discount your thoughts or think they’re just dreams or common knowledge. Your thoughts are tuned to high frequencies right now, and are trustworthy inspirations. All great inventions, new businesses and teachings stem from this same universal source of wisdom. You’re tapped in to the Divine wisdom right now, and it’s important to notice and record your thoughts. Then act upon these answers to your prayers!”
Hope this card resonates. Wishing you all a great week ahead # # #


Regardless of who you are spending this day with or what you are doing (not a lot for most of us!); remember that love for yourself is as important as love for another person. Treat yourself with kindness this Valentine's Day and have a wonderful day full of love

Photos from Mindful Angel's post 13/02/2021

Photos from my sunny snowy Saturday walk ❄️💕❄️


The Friday and weekend Angel Card comes from the Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Deck and it is:
"The Divine Physician" ~ Archangel Raphael
Thank you Raphael for shining your Divine light upon my healthy body.
The Angels can see that you need a boost of light and energy at this time. Together with Archangel Raphael , they are filling your body, mind and soul with healing energy. So, take some time out to care for your whole being. Close your eyes and allow Archangel Raphael and the healing Angels to place their hands upon you. You are blessed to receive this card today, because healing is being brought to you on all levels. Accept it.
Healing doesn’t begin in the body; it begins in the mind and soul. It isn’t your body that determines how you feel, but your mind that determines what state your body is in. Think healing, positive thoughts at this time and be grateful for what’s good about your body and your health. As you recognise the health benefits you already have, more will be brought to you. You may well find that the healing Angels are also here to help you heal others, but in order to do this you must ensure that you yourself are in good health. So, heal within, then share what you’ve learned with the world.
Hope this card resonates and wishing you all a great Friday and fab weekend ahead # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Card deck and it is:
This card comes as assurance that the health situation you’re inquiring about is going in a positive direction. Expect a miraculous recovery!
Recovery can also mean finding something you thought you lost. You’ll overcome a presently stressful situation and everything will be okay.
Possible specific meanings. * Hold positive thoughts about recovering from this situation * It’s time to get sober and enter a recovery program for an addiction * Your life purpose involves sobriety recovery work
Prayer: Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for holding my hand throughout my recovery upon the path of radiant health.
Hope this card resonates with many of you who needed to hear this message and wishing you all a terrific Thursday # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Messages from your Angels" deck and it is:
“Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work!”
Congratulations, you have chosen to follow your Divine guidance, and the Universe is flowing in natural rhythm with your decision. When you listen to the messages that your heart whispers, you swim in natural synchronicity with the tide of your life’s purpose. Stay relaxed and confident, and keep moving forward with happiness and grace.
If, along the way, you notice problems occurring, then it’s time to stop and center yourself. When problems occur, it simply means that you’re temporarily out of sync with the Universe’s rhythms. There is no need for analysis or shame when this occurs. Simply pray or meditate, breathe deeply, and wait until you feel strongly about your next move. Your victory is inevitable in this situation, so you needn’t worry that temporary problems will thwart your desire. Whatever happens is supposed to happen, and when it happens is the correct time. Release your doubts to Heaven, and rest assured that a happy outcome is yours. I hope this card brings lots of you comfort and reassurance. Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday 💜💙💜


Apologies for the lack of cards last week; it was a very busy week for me. The start of the week Angel card comes this week from the Kyle Gray "Keepers of the Light" deck and it is:
Archangel Michael ~ Trusting Heaven
You are safe. Angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur.
Archangel Michael is one of the four major archangels in the Abrahamic religions. His twin flame is Faith. He is loved all over the world because he is the patron saint of protection. He wields a bright sword of light to help us detach from dramas, challenges or fears. His name means “he who is like God” and his fiery presence helps awaken our leadership skills and reminds us that we have the capacity to connect with heaven. If challenges are present in your life, call on Michael to bring his sword of light to energetically disconnect you from what’s no longer serving you.
Your Angel team is with you now. You are not in this alone. You may be feeling sensitive or overwhelmed but your Angels are inviting you to take a step back so that they can come in and share their light of miracles. You may feel that your prayers aren’t heard, but that doubt blocks solutions from entering your life. Know that Archangel Michael and his legion of Angels are here to help clear anything that’s not serving you so that you can allow in the miracles of change that you deserve
Hope this card brings you all much comfort as it does me Have a great Monday and a lovely week ahead 💜💙💜


The start of the week Angel card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Healing with the Angels" deck and it is
The Angels are addressing and assisting you with your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the Angels’ help with your love life.
This card signifies that your Angels have heard your appeals for romance. They acknowledge your heart’s yearnings for love. They have received and answered your requests.
Now you will work in concert with the Angels to manifest the romance you are seeking. The Angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination. The Angels’ guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow this guidance, and you will discover the romance you are seeking.
Although we are all in lockdown, I've heard so many lovely stories of how romance is blossoming despite the restrictions so if this card resonates with you, I hope you find the romance you seek and deserve. Have a beautiful Monday everyone # # #


I know lots of you need to hear this right now; so it was perfect timing when a friend and fellow Funeral Celebrant posted it on her page. Sending you all lots of love and virtual hugs 💜🤗💜

It was a grey day in the Hundred Acre Wood. Fat droplets of rain fell from the sky, and Pooh stood by the window and watched them fall, weighed down by the constant presence of his own thoughts.

"It feels a long road, right now," he said at last; and Piglet, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book, looked up. "A long, painful road; and if I'm honest, Piglet: I really don't know just how much more of this I can take."

Piglet nodded his little head. "Yes. Yes, it is very hard right now," he agreed.

"But when does it end?" burst out Pooh, in a voice that sounded like a sob.

Piglet paused, deep in thought.

"I suppose... it's like climbing a mountain," he said at last. "Like climbing a great, colossal mountain, that is larger than anything you and I have ever climbed in our lives. Standing at the foot of it, we can't even see the summit. That's how tall it is. But it's in our path. There is no way forward but to climb to the top. And so we do. One tiny step at a time.

"At first, even though it's strange and new, it almost feels quite easy. We've never climbed a mountain like this before, and so the novelty of it all keeps us going. We sing songs, to keep our spirits up, and take lots of photographs to share with our friends at home.

"But pretty soon the novelty wears off. The mountain is a dark and scary place, and we feel Death's presence, perhaps closer than ever before. We miss our friends. We miss so many different things, that, frankly, we took for granted, because we never realised that a day might come when we might not have them any more.

"But still we keep walking. One tiny step at a time. Towards the summit."

"But what if the summit isn't there?" burst out Pooh. "What if, all of this time, we keep walking and walking, and it just isn't there?"

"The summit is there," said Piglet, with a quiet confidence. "Oh, it's definitely there. We can't see it, because it peaks above the clouds. But it's there."

"I'm so tired," said Pooh, his voice cracked and breaking. "I'm so, so tired."

"I know," said Piglet. "I am, too. And what we'll find is that, some days, we'll make really great progress, and we'll walk ten, twenty, fifty steps closer to our goal.

"On other days, though, taking even one step forward might feel too much. And so we'll stand still, and gather ourselves, until we feel strong enough to step forward once more.

"And then one day," continued Piglet, "we'll make one, great, glorious push upwards. We'll trudge through the darkness, and the pain, feeling like this will never end...and then all of a sudden...there we are. Breaking through the clouds, reaching the summit of the mountain we thought we would never manage to climb. All around us, a sea of pure blue sky. And peace. Perfect peace."

Pooh paused, lost for a moment in the vision of Piglet's pure blue sky. The pattering of the rain against the window brought him back down to earth.

"I believe you, Piglet," he said; and he really did. "But it just seems such a long way yet to climb."

"And it is," acknowledged Piglet. "It almost certainly is. But that's why we keep on going.

"One tiny step at a time."





Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen and Grant Virtue "Angels of Abundance" deck and it is:
Quiet Retreat
It’s time to disconnect from the outer world so that you can discern and process your true thoughts and feelings from your inner world. Create this quiet time for yourself, and you’ll have more clarity about what to do next.
This card is coming to you now to let you know that you can improve your mind, your life, and your flow of abundance by spending quiet time alone in deep thought or meditation. Meditation is a spring-cleaning for your mind, a way of tossing out all the cluttering thoughts that can block manifestation.
It appears that you need to be away from people for a while so that you can hear your inner voice and focus upon what’s next. What is the first thought that comes to mind when you think of a retreat? This is your inner truth, guiding you to take action.
Even Jesus would go away for quiet retreats to replenish his energy and check in with God. So, there’s no need to feel guilty as you disconnect from the world for a few minutes, hours or days. Think of it as an investment in spiritual renewal.
In some cases, this card is a signal to create a quieter environment at home or work. For example, try playing softer music, turning off your television or setting your phone to silent.
Despite lockdown; life (especially inside your mind) can seem pretty noisy so although it may initially seem like a crazy idea of quietly retreating when we're not allowed to go anywhere; if you look at the deeper meaning for this card many of you will find it resonates. Wishing you all a beautiful Friday and lovely weekend ahead # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Angels, God's and Goddesses deck by Toni Carmine Salerno and it is:
"Angel of Relaxation"
Let go of desired outcomes and you will get what you want
Everything will fall into place and become clear when it is meant to, so switch off and take it easy for a while. The Angel of Relaxation has appeared to help you relax. By keeping your focus fixed on all it is you wish to happen, you are, in a way, preventing the natural flow of events to unfold. Surrender any project or concern to the angels in the knowing that all is being taken care of. Focus on all you have achieved to date and on all your many blessings. Take time to nurture and pamper yourself and start to do more of those things, which nourish your soul instead of worrying about the future. By relaxing and letting go of desired outcomes, you create the space for the Angels and the Universe to give you what you want. Trust!
I know we all need to hear this message at the moment, which is likely why the Angels sent it! Difficult as it is, with so much darkness and negativity around, I encourage you through this card to find ways to relax that work for you, meditation, reading, taking a bath, listening to soft music...make your relaxation a priority and have a terrific Thursday # # #


Today's Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Daily Guidance from your Angels" deck and it is:
“Beloved One, everyone is guiltless in truth, as no one can alter God’s handiwork of perfection. Give us your feelings of heaviness so we can lighten your load. Give us any guilt, anger or blame that may shroud your loving outlook. Enjoy the peace within your heart once more.”
This card comes as reassurance that this situation and the people involved are guiltless. If you’ve been harboring guilt, release it to the Angels. Of all the emotions, guilt has the lowest vibrations, so it attracts negativity. If you’re judging others’ guilt, this card reminds you to see the Godliness within them to heal the situation (you don’t necessarily have to continue a relationship with anyone you distrust; however, it’s necessary to purge toxic thoughts and emotions for your own well-being). The Angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake.
Hope this card resonates with many of you. Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday # # #


The start of the week Angel Card comes from the Doreen Virtue "Angel Therapy" deck and it is:
Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose.
Archangel Michael sends you this card in response to your questions about your Divine life purpose. Perhaps you have an idea about what it is but feel intimidated about moving forward. Or maybe you feel blocked with respect to understanding your life mission. These concerns have triggered Michael’s assistance and the message he brings to you through this card.
Your higher self is completely aware of your Divine mission and is ready to move forward on that path. Your higher self is also tapped into the Universal flow of support available to you and your purpose. To reach your natural state, Michael will help you release anything that may be standing in your way, such as ego-based concerns or activities.
Action Steps
Take out two or more sheets of paper and a pen (or if desired, you can conduct this process on your computer/laptop by opening a blank document).
Breathe deeply and relax your muscles. Then at the top of the page, write: “Archangel Michael, what do I need to release to be fully on my path and purpose?” Jot down everything that comes to mind, including your thoughts, feelings, visions or words. The pen may even seem to write on its own, with Michael’s loving energy. Make a note of everything you receive, even if you don’t understand its meaning. Then take the paper (print it off if you did it on your computer/laptop) and ceremoniously destroy it by burning it, immersing it in water, or burying it while simultaneously declaring: “I now fully release anything that is not for my highest good.”
Hope this card resonates with many of you and wishing you all a great Monday and as good a week as you can have. # # #

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Weekend Angel cards
And this .....
Burning of Wishes Ritual
3 Angel cards for the weekend 💜👼💜