Jason + Tori

Jason + Tori

We've discovered that the beauty of marriage is only found when you engage in the battle for your re


It’s been a blast for us to put out content weekly, and even more fun to know a few people are enjoying it. Here’s to 100k more 👊🏋️‍♀️🕺💃


In our most recent, podcast episode, we're joined by Jason's twin brother, David, and his wife Lori to talk about all things marriage and family. They've been married for 25 years, have five kids together, and own multiple businesses. We dive deep into the best advice they have for married couples and the parenting best-practices they've used to raise five children who all love Jesus. ��A few highlights:

* Learn their #1 marriage habit that keeps their relationship strong.
* Discover the "cone method" for parenting that ensures the greatest outcome for kids.
* How to balance work/life issues.
* The key to unlocking intimacy.
* How to handle conflict "shoulder-to-shoulder" to ensure deeper connection.
* and a lot more...

Tune in and enjoy the wisdom and humor that David and Lori bring to the table!


Photos from Jason + Tori's post 11/10/2023

Thank you for sharing your favorite go to recipe. Perfect for this fall weather coming in🙌🏼
Isn’t her handwriting beautiful?? Screenshot and slide over to the second picture for instructions💕


If you've ever eaten an Auntie Anne's pretzel you know how incredibly delicious they are. But what you might not know is the incredible love story that lead to its inception.

The story you're about to hear is a story of passion, loss, betrayal, forgiveness, and transformation that will leave you on the edge of your seat! You're going to hear how God's miraculous power working in a marriage that was poised to fail ushered in the events that lead to the greatest pretzel franchise the world has ever known.

Please, grab your spouse and favorite beverage and settle in for a story that's sure to leave an impression on you for the rest of your life.

So go to whatever podcast platform you prefer and enjoy!



Getting ready for one of our marriage coaching calls💕

Photos from Jason + Tori's post 28/02/2023

Date night isn’t the same without - literally cannot live without their chocolate chip ice cream and dark chocolate peanut clusters 🕺🕺🔥🔥💃💃


And here is Andi’s recipe as promised on most today’s podcast. Can’t wait to try this😋
Thank you Andi💕

Chicken Parm:


For the chicken:
1.5 lb chicken breast
2 eggs
½ cup heavy cream or whole milk
1 cup Italian bread crumbs
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 stick Butter
Olive oil
1 cup shredded parm cheese
1 tsp garlic Salt
1/2 tsp pepper

For the sauce:
3 cups halved cherry tomatoes
3 cloves minced garlic
½ cup heavy cream
1/3 cup Olive oil
¼ stick butter
1/4 cup chopped Fresh basil
1 tsp orange zest
Salt pepper to taste

1 cup Parmesan cheese
1-2 cups mozzarella cheese

1 box of thin spaghetti noodles


Preheat oven to 375F.
Using a meat tenderizer, beat chicken down to where it’s all about ¼ in thick.

Next cut up chicken to where it’s in smaller pieces, about 2x3 in each

Beat together eggs, cream, salt and pepper in medium sized bowl

Combine the bread crumbs with flour, parm cheese, garlic salt and pepper

Over medium heat, using a medium sized sauté pan, add the butter and olive oil.
(To determine when it’s ready for the chicken, sprinkle a tiny amount of flour to see if it sizzles immediately)

Once the oil is hot and ready, dredge the chicken in egg, then flour mix before placing in pan. Allow to look 2-3 min on each side and continue this process until all chicken is cooked

Next, using a large sauce pan, combine butter, olive oil, and tomatoes and allow to cook until all the tomatoes have burst and reduced down. Then add remainder of ingredients and simmer until fragrant and thick.

Add half the sauce to the bottom of a 9x13 casserole dish, then place chicken to cover. Add the other half of the sauce on top and finish off with cheese topping.

Bake in oven for 15-18 min until cheese is bubbly and brown. While the park is in the oven, cook the spaghetti but following the directions on the box.

Serve over spaghetti with an optional dash of extra parm cheese and chiffon cut basil. Enjoy!


Do you want to connect deeper with your spouse? Would you like a simple plan to help you do it?

Well, that’s what we are launching today, on Valentines Day - a free 5-Day marriage challenge that will walk you through five simple keys that will draw you closer to your spouse.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

* How to make your heart grow even fonder of your spouse.
* How to rekindle that old romantic flame so you feel like you did when you dated.
* How to deepen your affection for each other.
* How to plug into a proven power source for relational connection.
* How to make positive changes in your marriage that actually stick.

This is a short, fun, and energizing challenge we designed to help you crush it in your marriage. And we built it so you can do it on your own time anywhere you want.

Don’t settle for a mediocre marriage. Don’t settle for a good one either. You can have an incredible marriage - the one you dreamed of having when you dated. Our little challenge will help you get there.

Visit BeautyInBattle.com and join the fun. We’ll do this together!


Who doesn't want a great s*x life in marriage? Research shows the healthiest marriages are those who report having healthy, fulfilling, and frequent s*xual engagement.

In this episode, we dive into an online study of 70,000 people in 24 countries that revealed 13 keys to great s*x. The researchers were curious about what might be different about couples who said that they had a great s*x life, compared to couples who said that they had a bad s*x life.

Here's their findings - Couples who have a great s*x life everywhere on the planet are doing the same set of things. Couples who do not have a great s*x life everywhere on the planet are not doing these things.

So let's figure out what those things are!



22 years🎊


Before oneness in marriage, you need two-ness - two healthy individuals to make up one healthy marriage. But it's not always so easy, especially when the chaos of life hits.

In our latest pod, we're going to look at four powerful questions you can ask yourself to help you become the best version of yourself.

When you're the best you individually, you can be the best “us” relationally.

Hit us up on your fave pod platform 👊👊



Merry Christmas🎄❤️🎄❤️!!

Photos from Jason + Tori's post 18/11/2022

On our way to Notre Dame to watch our son, .benham ball out! David and Lori tagged along to see their boy, who made the trip. Hitting up a little prep work for two marriage intensives next week. If you ever want to join the fun, check out our BeautyInBattle site for details 🔥🔥🕺🕺


Your presence is the greatest present you can give your spouse! But it's not easy, especially in a day when technology and busy schedules saps our focus and pushes us to the point of mental exhaustion.

So what do we do? We can just give up and slide into a relational comfort zone or we can stop what we're doing, take control and do something about it.

That's what we talk about in today's podcast. We're going to talk about two important keys to experiencing presence in your marriage and five practical steps to stay that way.

And we even stayed in our robes to record this podcast. So enjoy!



“Just let me go to Trader Joe’s,” she said. “We need groceries.”


Before oneness in marriage, there's "two-ness." You have to be individually healthy before you can be relationally healthy. The second greatest commandment echoes this when we're told to love others (our spouse) "as we love ourselves."

A healthy life is the foundation for a healthy marriage.

In today's episode, we brought in an expert to show us how we can be the best version of ourselves by thriving in our body, mind, and spirit.

A former middle school teammate with Jason, Dr. John Skelton has worked more than 20 years as an Emergency Room doctor. After seeing thousands of patients struggling with perpetual problems, he started his own Lifestyle Medical practice that focuses on holistic health - mind, body, spirit.

Tune in and find out what causes anxiety and what you can do about it, how to reverse diabetes, how hormonal levels play a role in everything, and a surprising three-step plan to deal with the stress in your life.

God wants you to be the healthiest version of yourself. Every part of you is linked - if one part is sick then it affects every other part, including your closest relationships. Listen to Dr. John as he dives deep to help you get healthy.



Have you ever gotten into an argument with your spouse and you felt like you were getting nowhere? We never have. Ok, that's a lie.

In those moments when you feel as though you're at an impasse, there's a surprising solution that will be uber-helpful for you. But it’s nothing like what you think.

Tune in to our latest podcast at Beauty In Battle to check it out.


Check out our latest Beauty In Battle podcast on using humor to manage conflict.

There are two types of marital conflict - the kind that can be resolved and the kind you have to live with.

Solvable conflict relates to a specific situation or behavior. Unsolvable conflict is more about personality differences and underlying issues.

Most conflict falls into the unsolvable category. But you don’t have to resolve these marital conflicts in order to thrive.

Dr. John Gottman, a world-famous psychotherapist, said that after 40 years of research he found that using humor to be one of the best ways for couples to calm themselves in the midst of a fight.

Humor isn't just good for your marriage, it's proven to be beneficial to your physical body as well.

In this episode, we'll dive into the power of laughter in your relationship and how we discovered it in the midst of a fight outside our County Fair!




Here’s the recipe guys💕Meant to create reel here but apparently was in my personal instagram 🤭


Did you know that Google spent millions of dollars on a research project that revealed the #1 characteristic of the best teams in their business? The good news for us is that their findings can help you immensely in your marriage.

Dive into our latest pod to find out what in the world we're talking about!



Every couple wants and needs peace in their relationship in order to become all that God designed them to be. But it can oftentimes be difficult to get there.

In our latest podcast, we'll tackle five keys that will lead to peace in your personal and relational life, that ultimately leads to a marriage laced with tranquility.

Based on Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, we'll dive into how the peace of God is determined by our peace with others and the practical ways we can get it.

If that sounds like music to your ears, check out our Beauty in Battle podcast on your fave platform 🕺🕺🔥🔥💃💃



Did you know that buried emotions never die? They show up in the strangest places and at the most random times often wreaking havoc on our closest relationships. Insecurities from the past, doubts about the future, fear of failure, overwhelming self-consciousness - all of these and more can creep their way into your marriage and hold you back from becoming the vibrant couple God made you to be.

In today's episode, we'll dive into the two keys to properly dealing with emotions from the past so they won't hold you back in your present and how they can actually become springboards for your future. We'll look at a prophet in the Old Testament, how he helped one of his buddies get to the source of his problem and how he aligned himself with the supernatural.

Our culture rewards people for "holding things together" when they go through tough situations. But doing so can damage you emotionally if you don't properly deal with the stuff you felt while you went through it. Even worse, if you hold onto it for too long, the weight will be too much to bear.

But it doesn't have to be this way. You can thrive emotionally and flourish relationally if you know how to get to the root. Dive in and let's do this together!

Oh, and Tori is finally going to share her world-famous "ranger cookie" recipe. You won't want to miss that.

p.s. We think you'll like our song choice for this week. Epic love song!



Every human being was created to connect with others. This is even more so the case in marriage. But disconnection is the natural tendency in our sin-fallen world.

However, there is a way to connect on a deeper level with your spouse - and it starts with being emotionally intelligent about where to look.

In our latest podcast episode, Tori will share three core "stances" we take to meet our needs and how understanding the one we predominately rely on is the key to connecting deeper with our spouse.



Did you know that married couples who pray together are 90% more likely to report higher satisfaction in their s*x life than couples who don't pray together?

Call us crazy, but we've discovered that incorporating prayer in our marriage does way more than simply increase physical satisfaction - it draws us together unlike anything else can.

Why? Because all truly healthy marriages involve three people - husband, wife, and God. When you bring God into your relationship great things happen.

God is your Father, so He knows what you need more than you do. But He's also your Father-in-Law - He knows what your spouse needs. Better yet, He will give you the keys to their heart if you'll simply take time to listen to Him.

That's what this episode is all about - how to incorporate prayer into our marriage and how to leverage it's power in our relationship.

We'll wrap up with three aspects of prayer that all couples need to do every single day.

Enjoy. This one is a fun one. https://beautyinbattlepodcast.buzzsprout.com/1913512/11304163


New podcast out now. In this episode we welcome back to our podcast Eric and Rachel Beck. Two of our faves, the Becks dive into some of the best advice you can get on how to establish good culture in your marriage. There's so much good content in here it's going to blow your hair back (maybe!!).

And Rachel gives her favorite buffalo taco recipe just for kicks!

So mosey over to your favorite pod platform and enjoy! 👊👊🕺🕺🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️



We've all heard that familiarity breeds contempt. But is that true?

In today's episode, we'll show you a different side of familiarity and how it can help you and hurt you at the same time, and how you can leverage it to your advantage.

Based on a small verse tucked away in Psalms 71, we'll look at the one thing you need to do in order to keep your relational pursuit vibrant.

And, if you hang around, you'll discover how the Roman Colleseum can teach us a thing or two about marriage!

Hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we liked making it!

Oh, and wait for Tori's epic dig on my teeth!!!


How to be WILDLY Attracted to Your Spouse - Beauty in Battle Podcast 24/08/2022

When you and your spouse first met, FEELING came before EXPRESSION. You “felt” something before you expressed how you felt.

But then we get married and the chaos of life hits, and that "lovin feelin" seems to be the last thing on our minds. It's at these moments that we learn a valuable truth - while feeling came before expression before marriage, after marriage expression comes before feeling!

Actions come first!!!

Think about this - you don’t feel healthy and then run three miles do you? You don't feel healthy and then skip dessert do you?

No! You run three miles and skip dessert, THEN you feel healthy. Actions first.

In today's episode we're going to look at a small book in the Bible named after a man who drew a tough assignment from God. His name was Hosea, and if there ever was a man who had to learn this lesson it was him. But the miracle of the story is just as true for you and your spouse as it was for him!

Tune in and see what God did through him to show us how we can be wildly attracted to our spouse.


How to be WILDLY Attracted to Your Spouse - Beauty in Battle Podcast When you and your spouse first met, FEELING came before EXPRESSION. You “felt” something before you expressed how you felt. But then we get married and the chaos of life hits, and that "lovin feelin" seems to be the last thing on our minds. It's ...

Photos from Jason + Tori's post 19/08/2022

This erases all doubt that .benham is well prepared for our coaching sessions! My organization isn’t so spiffy 🏋️‍♀️

If you’re a couple who want to crush it in your relationship and in your calling, check out our coaching packages on BeautyInBattle.com 👊🔥🕺


This erases all doubt that .benham is well prepared for our coaching sessions! My organization isn’t so spiffy 🏋️‍♀️

If you’re a couple who want to crush it in your relationship and in your calling, check out our coaching packages on the Beauty In Battle site 🕺🔥👊

Photos from Jason + Tori's post 17/08/2022

Our favorite meal of the week as promised on today’s podcast 💕Seared fresh tuna in sesame oil. Quick marinade in Bragg’s Ginger & Sesame dressing and then sprinkle some extra sesame seeds on top before you sear. 4-5 minutes each side.
Couldn’t get any easier and so healthy and delicious💕


The most important thing you can do in your marriage is learn how to communicate properly to your spouse. Why? Because communication is all about CONNECTION!

When you dated your spouse you had no problem communicating. But then you got married and all of a sudden communicating became hard.

But it doesn't have to stay that way! In this episode we'll dive into two familiar stories in the Bible that shows the power of communication, and draw out three key elements that are important for us to understand if we're going to connect with our spouse.

Good communication starts with a clear understanding of three things:

1) You need to understand that God brought you together.
2) You need to understand you and your spouse are wired differently.
3) You need to understand that communication is often difficult.

Oh, and one more thing - if you listen all the way to the end Tori will let you in on a little food recipe she discovered was a gamechanger for our family! Just for fun!

Check it - https://beautyinbattlepodcast.buzzsprout.com/1913512/11130404

Photos from Jason + Tori's post 16/08/2022

What an honor to be on channel today! Lots of love to amazing staff💕 Ya’ll were so kind💕

You can watch the interview here - https://www1.cbn.com/waging-spiritual-war-your%C2%A0marriage


Waiting in the green room for our live interview on the 700 Club talking Beauty In Battle on




New podcast episode out today (on your fave platform). And …wait for it …it’s about s*x! This is a topic we've been waiting to tackle. In this episode, we are going to share a three-part framework on how to view s*x as well as four powerful keys to great s*x.

Can't get any better than that, can it?

Today is part 1 of a two-part series on s*xual intimacy in marriage.

Here's a quick sneak peek:

The Purpose of s*x is intimacy
The Product of s*x is LIFE
That’s why it’s Pleasurable
But when the pleasure overtakes the purpose then you forfeit the product.

Here are the FOUR KEYS TO GREAT S*X:



A few weeks ago we had lunch with one of our pastors from church and his wife. The way they interacted with each other was one of the most refreshing and enlightening experiences we've had with a couple. After 22 years of marriage, they are still "madly" in love with each other, love being around one another, all while being in full-throttle parent mode.

We sat in our car afterward and both agreed - "we're gonna get these two on our podcast, period!" Fortunately, we didn't have to threaten them or anything like that! Ha Ha.

We finally got them in the studio and had a powerful conversation. All we can say is that you're going to love these two.

In this episode, Nathan and Tamsey Smith share their story and some very practical marriage advice. They give several things they do to keep their marriage vibrant. The first tip they share is something we're going to incorporate in our own marriage immediately!

So wherever you listen to your podcasts, download this episode and enjoy! https://beautyinbattlepodcast.buzzsprout.com/1913512/11032841-believing-in-your-spouse


Would you like a very simple three-step plan to magnetize your spouse to you?

In today's episode, that's exactly what we'll tackle. We share three keys that will unlock gridlock in your relationship and put you on a path the thrive.

But it's not just for hurting couples - healthy couples can (and should) use these same keys to move their relationship forward and make it even better.

Here's a sneak peek - If you want to magnetize your spouse to you it will involve these three things:

1) Think
2) Talk
3) Touch

Listen in as we dive into the specific ways you can do these things strategically to draw your spouse close to you.

Videos (show all)

New podcast drop
Who doesn't want a great sex life in marriage? Research shows the healthiest marriages are those who report having healt...
Before oneness in marriage, there's "two-ness." You have to be individually healthy before you can be relationally healt...
Here’s the recipe guys💕Meant to create reel here but apparently was in my personal instagram 🤭
Did you know that Google spent millions of dollars on a research project that revealed the #1 characteristic of the best...
Did you know that buried emotions never die? They show up in the strangest places and at the most random times often wre...
Did you know that married couples who pray together are 90% more likely to report higher satisfaction in their sex life ...
We've all heard that familiarity breeds contempt.  But is that true?In today's episode, we'll show you a different side ...
The most important thing you can do in your marriage is learn how to communicate properly to your spouse. Why? Because c...
Would you like a very simple three-step plan to magnetize your spouse to you? In today's episode, that's exactly what we...
Never before have we lived busier lives and needed to put safeguards in place to protect ourselves from the stressors th...
While in college, our old strength trainer used to say, "You’re only as fast as your slowest leg!"  In marriage, this me...