Welcome Speech Pathologists! STOP dreading Mondays. STOP feeling run down, lack luster. I teach p

15/05/2023 at 50% capacity
Make a healthy amount of mistakes
Take breaks
Breathe (phew! We forget that)
Goof off
Dread some days
Look forward to others

Our inner child loves these permission slips-
What permission slip do you need to write to yourself?

sending hugs


Hey, listen up, because I've got some real talk for you: if you don't choose to rest, your body will choose it for you.

You can try to push through exhaustion and burnout all you want, but eventually, your body will start to rebel. It might be in the form of getting sick, feeling constantly fatigued, or experiencing physical symptoms of stress.

So, do yourself a favor and plan a rest day before your body makes that decision for you.

Take a break, indulge in doing nothing often, and come back stronger and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.

Think about building this into your daily, weekly, monthly... routine. Make it automatic

Your body will thank you for it.



Those two-- just don't go together
I've tried- It NEVER works.

Do you agree?


Sigghhhh, the over-working, crossing things off the list, getting it right, doing more, over-eating, overdrinking, over-scrolling, ignoring your needs, procrastinating... may give you that temporary hit of relief. I get it, no shame.

but ultimately burn you out- to a crisp.

Because surprisingly it takes a lot of energy to avoid or deny negative emotions and stressors, rather than addressing them with intention.

The key here is gentleness

You overcome the "toxic" strategies by acknowledging them without being mean to yourself and Let's take it one step further

thanking yourself for the intention behind those strategies. They do have a purpose- what is it? Let that be heard.

After that give yourself clarity about how they impact you -long term.

Then from there

you gently tweak if you want to.

Need help with this- I got you

of course, you can book a chat with the link in my bio



Dear SLPs, Here's your friendly reminder to create a schedule that actually works for YOU.
You know yourself best, so don't be afraid to schedule those mentally challenging tasks in the morning when you're at your sharpest.

And let's not forget to give everything you need to do a mental parking spot on that schedule. If you're scheduling IEP meetings, you better make sure you've got a block of time set aside specifically for that. And if report writing is on your to-do list, make sure you schedule some report writing time too.

Of course, you might need to be flexible and make adjustments as you go, but seriously, EVERYTHING needs some space on that jam-packed schedule of yours.

And-- FYI, working for free devalues the service we all provide.

You got this! ❤️💕


It's easy to forget to want and be grateful for the things we already have.

Recognizing and appreciating aspects of your day, life, family, job... , even during challenging times. So journal, meditate, or just say thanks to the people and things you have -that you still want.
Gratitude It's one of those tried and true, research-based interventions for reducing stress, improving mood, and increasing resilience.

Toxic positivity, on the other hand, involves denying or invalidating negative emotions and experiences in an attempt to maintain a positive outlook.

It's harmful to dismiss real struggles and difficulties and create feelings of guilt, shame, or invalidation.

Here's where our "all or nothing" thinking can be a real roadblock for us

We think we can't acknowledge the struggle bus AND practice gratitude at the same time.

You can-- but it doesn't come naturally

Practice Gratitude ~hugs Angie


Dear SLPs, Did you know that helpers, like us, tend to... subconsciously go into this helping career as a way to hide, blend in and make ourselves... "good?"

There's no doubt- you are already good before you become a helper---and of course, you are highly skilled,

but most of the time--- parts of us---don't fully believe that.

Hence, the over-working, over-thinking, perfectionism, hyper-productivity... impossible expectations

Sooooo, that's why we struggle to prioritize our own self-care, feel guilty or selfish for taking time for ourselves, or can't admit or even notice that we need help.

But when you can learn to gently lean into the healing of that part of yourself--- you change the world


Don't worry- It does NOT have to be EXACTLY the way you want it. But-- Your daily routine is a microcosm of your life, and the habits and behaviors you cultivate will ultimately shape your future.

Positive, evidence-based habits like moving your body, eating food that feels good in your body, goal-setting, learning, and personal development increase your chances of achieving fulfillment in the long run.

On the other hand, negative habits like self-doubt, approval-seeking, and procrastination, can hinder your future. Don't worry, if you're human, you are going to experience these.. for sure

But aim to start tipping the scales on negativity bias

Think tiny tweaks along the way

What will you start with? xoxo ~Angie


STOP - notice how you talk to yourself

Recovering from burnout is BEEEEEP, but
one effective strategy is to treat yourself like someone you love.

Practice self-care, prioritize rest, speak kindly to yourself, set boundaries, and seek support.

When I work with SLPs I show them how to use the workload method to help them with clarity, set boundaries, make powerful decisions, and stop overwhelming themselves with never-ending to-do lists.

Let yourself truly see and have compassion for your own humanness.

THAT is how you recover from burnout.


Ever get Decision fatigue? If you are an SLP, parent, or human-- of course you have... That feeling of being mentally exhausted and unable to make any more choices. You know this all too well--- but it's worth reviewing
decision fatigue leads to burnout, a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that can have serious consequences on your health and well-being.

You can improve decision fatigue and burnout by frontloading and spending some time planning out your decisions. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Set Priorities: Allocate your time and energy. Prioritize your tasks and focus on the ones that have the highest impact on your future self. This will help you avoid getting overwhelmed and ensure that you're making progress on the most critical tasks.

Automate Routine Tasks: Look for ways to automate repetitive tasks, such as entering notes, paying bills, or packing your lunches for the week. This will free up your mental energy and allow you to focus on more important decisions.

Schedule Breaks: Take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries. This could be as simple as taking a walk outside, doing some deep breathing exercises, or listening to your favorite music. Give your brain a rest, avoid decision fatigue, and stay more focused.

Create Routines: Establishing routines for your daily activities can also help reduce the number of decisions you're required to make.

Practice Mindfulness: Orienting yourself to the NOW and being aware of your thoughts and feelings can help you avoid burnout. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, yoga, or deep breathing can help you stay centered and focused, even when things get hectic.

Decision fatigue leads to burnout. Frontloading helps you make better decisions, feel more in control, and avoid burnout.

Photos from's post 30/03/2023

It’s not just burnout, it’s trauma. It’s not just working too hard, it’s feeling the need to overwork, over-explain, and overthink in order to survive.
Let’s talk about SLP burnout trauma and how to cope and step away from the cycle. What do you think?


It's NOT your fault- Don't worry⁠

One SLP (OR MANY-spread the word) at a time we can start to take back our careers and our lives.⁠

Your Admin or ASHA or State isn't going to do it⁠

at least no time soon⁠

I teach SLPs how to get their energy, time, and resources back. (we were taught the opposite)⁠

What is that worth to you?⁠

What would it mean for your life? (longterm)⁠

To love your career, not be incessantly exhausted by all of it⁠

AND be your fabulous self⁠

Photos from's post 25/03/2023

Dreaming of my gardens today.

You are the only one who can shape your future self. What do you want to give yourself space to think about today? So you can start taking the steps... and I'm here to encourage and support you every step of the way.


If you're feeling burned out and at the end of your rope, don't give up! Take a chance and jump into the unknown - what if burnout recovery is more possible than you think? It starts with letting yourself dream- even a little.

Photos from's post 23/03/2023

Remember that you are an example. Let's support each other in anti-burnout efforts. This is what's best for our clients.

If you need help using the workload model- join my FB group Unstoppable SLP burnouts I can direct you to free resources there to get you started.


But what if you are actually supposed to have times when you aren't "accomplishing" anything?

It.s true

Turns out you're human.


3 parts to self-care and well being

1. The ability to think about and make decisions for your future self. 💭

2. Taking progressive action in favor of your future self. ✅

3. Leveraging your brain in the process. 🧠

So let’s look at why we don’t.

We are givers, and most of us have this flawed line of thinking about self-care that says

-It’s selfish to take care of myself

-I have to choose one or the other (ex. my family or my paperwork)

-This is silly. I can’t be bothered with this self-care crap-

-I’ve got s**t to do
-I don’t have time for this
-I can’t afford it

…And can we all stop proudly wearing our bulls**t, guilt-medal of honor? 🎖

Take that bad boy off.

Guilt is one of those emotions that doesn’t serve you or anyone else. Sure sometimes it makes you do things you think you “should” do. It’s always at the expense of yourself and you're well-being.

Guilt makes you take from one thing to give to the other.

Somebody always loses and usually- it’s you.

So sometimes self-care means doing the hard thing in the moment.

Saying “yes” to yourself when you’d normally say no.

Saying “no” to yourself, when you’d normally say yes. Truly resting when we would normally attempt to over-work, which is unproductive.

Ironically, if you’re not used to practicing self care- it will generally be the most uncomfortable option -which seems contradictory.

Need some hand-holding? I can show you EXACTLY how to get there.


PSA: You are WORTHY and fabulous


❤️. even when you're doing nothing

❤️. even when you're house is a disaster

❤️. you're living out of laundry baskets

❤️. you yelled at your kids

❤️. your session didn't go well with that student

❤️. you said something awkward

❤️. you misspoke

❤️. you couldn't find the right words and didn't say anything at all but wanted to

❤️. you forgot to call that person back

❤️ you got "behind" on your paperwork

❤️. you did a half-ass job

what if you could leverage who YOU are- to start creating exactly what you want in your life?

The world needs you... even when ❤️



I know I'm tired
I know rest is good for me
I know I will feel better

research shows that sleep is crucial to burnout recovery

if I just put my effing phone down

and listened to a relaxation meditation

or read a book, close my eyes

I would -for sure- fall asleep

but noooooo

my brain throws a fit that sounds something like this

I didn't have enough fun today
(so I should endlessly scroll on my phone until I drop it on my face)

But, wait, back the F' up

Is that true? I didn't have fun today?


if I rely on my default, human brain, factory setting

That's True- because

brains scan for problems

It's not natural to actually notice when we have fun

Truth is-

I DO have fun- I didn't see it or let it in

What if before bed you started making a list of the tiny fun moments you had during the day.

Try this consistently for 30 days

let me know how it goes.

Okay- I'll just tell you what will happen

You will begin to see some glimmers of fun in your life. Those glimmers will compound into a steady drip of fun- you'll start noticing and generating even more

your same life will literally be more-funner

and it will be okay- to


make your list- good night.
I love you


But you DO NOT have to change everything ⁠⁠
Or have it be this BIG SUPER PLANNED OUT- rigid schedule ⁠⁠
Nope ⁠⁠
Here’s the thing... routines can be super helpful ⁠⁠
Usually, it’s just 1-2 tweaks- ⁠⁠
that’s where you begin⁠⁠
The point in making things a routine is to make it automatic to ⁠⁠
Significantly reduce decision fatigue⁠⁠
What’s 1 tiny thing you can add or remove from your routine to make things run more smoothly for your future self?⁠⁠
Try that⁠⁠
Begin there⁠⁠
Need help??- I'm full of tips and tricks. DM to book a free consultation with me to see if the next opening in my life coaching program would be amazing and fun for you. ⁠⁠


Dear SLPs
Leave work at work
Haters gonna hate

I said what I said


What do you think?

Actually, this should be more like a circle. This cycle doesn't end, but I believe we can balance more joy connection and satisfaction into the equation.


💯 In grad school our standard of success is 4.0⁠

In the real world, I promise you,⁠

✅. It’s consistent, B-, C work.⁠

FYI- Your career (and life) is NOT an elite, SLP grad school.⁠

And it’s not just about work.⁠

😎 It’s about the person you SHOW UP as⁠

I am a life coach, a school-based SLP, I have a 4 year old and 7 year old.⁠

🦄. Do I perfectly uphold my own expectations??⁠


…Uhm, Hell, No.⁠

💩. It’s a s**t show most days; full on B- or C⁠

But, even my s**t show is enough⁠

🌈. Overall, It’s pretty fabulous …and enough.⁠

✋ Are you stopping yourself from moving forward because it’s B or C work?⁠

❤️. Message me- Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all. No more -stuck in a rut!⁠

Anything worth doing is worth doing badly⁠

Let's chat soon⁠


Did you know- there are some simple tweaks that will improve your career (and everything else in your life)?

wait, what?

Yep, by shifting the communication you have ... with YOURSELF.

and we are communication experts 💜

It impacts EVERYTHING.

your relationships,

your job,

your health,

your money,

and what's even more--

We can start to eliminate burnout culture...

Phew… 😨😨😨

the ways I communicate with myself???

I know- we don’t think about that part (it’s not your fault- our brains mostly just go on default-mode)


I am continually learning and relearning this.

But the steady (and bumpy) process of self- curiosity and gentle willingness is incredibly deep and magical.

Allow yourself to see the communication that’s there.

💜It’s okay if you don’t like it.

💜It’s okay if you like it but other people don’t

When you revamp the communication you have with yourself, you also change the whole trajectory of your life.

💜So be kind,

even when you feel like you did or said something “wrong”

💜speak to yourself with love,

even when you “break the rules” and don’t do what people think you “should” do.

💜compassionately stand up for yourself

even when you don’t do the things you said you would.

and watch things change.

Here’s what to do-

👀 -Reveal the current thinking, perspective, and communication you have with yourself to you, now

😯 -Notice the impact of the relationship you have with yourself now

💡 -Choose (whether or not) to slightly or sharply shift your inner dialogue

💬 -Decide how you want to intentionally talk to yourself

All communication starts with your connection to you.

Thank you for the gifts you share with he world.

You are amazing



Mondays can be exhausting, especially if you're still in the burnout zone. Don't forget to slow down and breathe during your day! Go go go is a path to overwhelm.


Take a look around you.

And then continue your day.

Happy Monday!



The weird thing about honoring yourself is that it mostly doesn't feel great⁠

Sometimes self-care means doing the hard thing in the moment.⁠

Saying “yes” to yourself when you’d normally say no.⁠

Saying “no” to yourself, when you’d normally say yes.⁠

Whole-heartedly resting when we would normally attempt to over-work and over-think⁠
⁠..which is actually counter-productive.⁠

Ironically, if you’re not used to practicing self-care-⁠

Your best bet is sometimes the most uncomfortable option⁠

and remember- rest feels uncomfortable to most SLPs

So many hugs and love⁠

If you'd like a permission slip to take amazing care of yourself⁠

message me -I'll write you one⁠
Happy Sunday-honor yourself⁠



What if just showing up and being curious is enough?

Because it is...


Are you a fork?

Trying to live in a spoon's world?

out of spoons??? whaaaaaa?

You've been trying to live in a spoon-world stabbing at things

taught by the prestigious spoon institute
showing you the right ways
to scoop,
and ... dollop

You've tried for years to scoop, stir and dollop




acting like a spoon won't work for you

equally worthy and useful

you just do it a different way

So go and do it your forking way

Be the powerful mother forker you are

Don't you just love forks?

I help you get your time and energy back and we do it YOUR way. Apply for the next opening in my 1:1 6-month life coaching program. DM to book an initial consultation, get some tips you can use right away, and see if my program would be amazing and fun for you.

Media Source:
Photo by Saymom Leão on Unsplash


Scroll, scroll, scroll...Wait

That's me when I want to zone out of my life.

Then... wait for it...

I say- Dammit!

I don't have time for $h*t 😜

There is a difference between needing to zone out because you can't handle your life

and actually taking the time to goof off and relax on purpose.

Which are you doing now?

What of you rested and did something just and let yourself sink into the relaxation and fun of it?



it’s the “RIGHT” decision

-Be Responsible
-Think it through

It's a process that starts repeating in patterns

in most areas of your life

Without even realizing it

aaand the only problem?

It’s a painfully, slow, stagnant process that causes


Stagnation always causes

Feeling Drained


Then you don’t really make many decisions
because it takes energy you don't have

Nothing changes

And you find yourself in a place (job, relationship, financial situation, body...) you don’t exactly want

Your life happens TO you
instead of you creating your life the way you want it


1. make even a small POWERFUL (courageous) DECISIONS- this one feels 😨 🤮 🤮 🤮- but its okay-it's a normal part of the process.

2. Trying something, anything

3. Have your own back even when you do it wrong

4. Tweak and repeat

The result?


Lightening speed faster than your brain -right now- can even imagine.

If you think you're really far behind- think again

DM to book a 60-minute life coaching consultation with me

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