Journey to Inner Calm

Journey to Inner Calm

Healing & Wellness for Mind, Body and Soul
with Jenny and Gemma


Some ways to regulate your nervous system to prevent living in fight or flight mode and experiencing overwhelm / burnout.


Often something we forget but so important to keep reminding ourselves ❤️

Science Explains How Meditation Can Lower Stress and Help You Sleep 31/08/2024

Definitely helps me sleep! Xx

Science Explains How Meditation Can Lower Stress and Help You Sleep Meditation can help you relax, assisting with lowering stress and improving sleep. Here's how to do a body scan meditation in 10 steps.


1 week tomorrow! Send me a message if you fancy joining us! 🙂 xx


As we age our bone density and muscle mass starts to decrease.
32,000 deaths are due to falls and not being able to recover.
This is a vital part of our vitality and quality of life as we age.

These classes are aimed at training the muscles in your core to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and steadiness, which then leads to increasing your longevity and quality of life.

5 spaces remaining - £6.50pp

To book drop me a DM

Love and Life

Saz ✌🏻

Robson Green's Weekend Escapes - Series 2: 4. Denise Welch 28/08/2024

For anyone who is new to sound baths here is an episode of Robson Greens weekend escapes where Gabriel from Healing Sounds performs an outdoor sound bath for Robson and Denise. Gabriel will be doing this at our outdoor event on 8th September at High Thistleton Farm. Today is the last day to book at the discount price. Just £35 for an afternoon of relaxing meditation, reiki healing and sound therapy ❤️ xx

Robson Green's Weekend Escapes - Series 2: 4. Denise Welch Denise Welch joins Robson for a day in Allendale. They unwind by painting and pony trekking and relax during an open air sound bath.


Being more present is definitely something I’ve been working on! I realised that I was spending too much time analysing the past or worrying about the future. It’s not always easy and ofcourse there are times you need to spend time planning the future but it’s best if you can live in the present moment as much as possible. When you are not present you miss out on so much and it also increases stress and anxiety.


This is how your light / vibration changes the world (even if you don’t realise it!) ❤️


Slowing down is not always easy when you are used to running around at 100 miles an hour! 🙈 But it’s definitely worth it when you do take the time to do it 🥰


Upcoming events September🎶

Sunday 8th
Shamanic Reiki and Sound Healing Outdoor Afternoon Retreat
Journey to Inner Calm
Gemma Youniversalhealing
High Thistleton Farm, Gosforth

£35pp early bird date until 28th August
£40pp after that date

Message to Jenny or Gemma for bookings

Sunday 15th
☯️Pilates & Sound Bath Therapy - Wellness Afternoon☯️ with Jill
Wellness Within
Senhouse Centre, Whitehaven
Message to Jill for tickets

Saturday 21st
TEGretail Market
Gabe's Special Cakes
King street, Whitehaven
Free event

Friday 27th
Third Eye Chakra Meditation & Sound Bath👁️🌌 Maryport Settlement
The Maryport Settlement

Saturday 28th
Third Eye Chakra Meditation & Sound Bath👁️🌌 Senhouse Centre, Whitehaven
Senhouse Centre, Whitehaven

Spaces are available to book on [email protected]


See our event page more information 🙂 Shamanic Reiki and Sound Healing Outdoor Afternoon Retreat

Photos from Journey to Inner Calm's post 12/08/2024

Feeling great after the Youphoria event in Fell Foot Woods this weekend. Wild swimming, cacao ceremony, yoga, reiki, massage, meditation, dancing, hula hooping, laughter play, loads of crafting and forest school activities for kids (they made pottery, headdresses, dreamcatchers and more!). Highly recommend for a family friendly weekend of relaxation and fun outdoors 👍❤️

I even managed to fit in a Magical Mindfulness session with the kids whilst there where we practiced breathing, grounding and exploring the magic of nature while reading my books ‘Alyssias Magic Balloon’ and ‘Alyssias Magic Tree’ and giving them a quick sneaky peak at my next book which is due out soon - ‘Alyssias Magic Bubble’ 🥰 ❤️ xx

Photos from Healing Sounds's post 04/08/2024

Thank you to those who came to our Group Reiki and Meditation session tonight! Felt like a really really powerful session tonight! 🤩 I’m still feeling the love now! ❤️ and thank you to for being great as always 🥰 # # #

Photos from Journey to Inner Calm's post 16/07/2024

More lovely reviews from my reiki clients making me very happy ❤️


Turbo charging my reiki healing sessions with my new copper pyramid 🤩 Message me to book a session at St. Bees, Cumbria🙌


Sneaky peak at an illustration in progress for my next book - Alyssia’s Magic Bubble 🥰

This book will teach children a lovely simple visualisation meditation they can use to calm down, especially when experiencing sensory overload after a busy day, aswell as protecting their energy in general.

This is particularly important for sensitive and empathic children who often pick up on the energy and feelings of everyone around them, without realising. Or those that are sensitive to loud noises and lights etc.

This technique also helps children to relax and feel more protected and in control of their environment so it can help when they are scared of the dark for example.

I’ll be teaching this technique during my event at Totspot on the 20th July xx


You may not always see the positive impact you have on someone’s life but that doesn’t mean you’re not making one 🥰❤️


Anyone with little ones why not bring them along to this free event in Totspot on the Saturday 20th July where I’ll be reading my magical mindfulness books and teaching them the techniques 🥰 xx

‼️FREE EVENT, we have a new author visiting totspot‼️

‼️Saturday 20th July 10am - 11.30am then can stay and play for as long as you wish‼️

🤎Jenny Prince - ‘After embarking on my own journey to inner calm, I realised that I could adapt many of the tools and techniques I had learned for them too. This inspired me to create a magical mindfulness book series, to support children in learning different tools and techniques that they can use to manage their emotions and energy, and calm their mind and body, in a fun and magical way.’

🤎The event will consist of Jenny reading the books and practising some mindfulness techniques in a fun and exciting way

🤎Practicing mindfulness techniques such as these with children can help them to better understand their emotions, cope with stress and anxiety, build confidence, and handle the challenging or uncomfortable situations they may experience in their lives in a healthy way. The earlier we teach these techniques to children the greater the opportunity to support them in leading calm and happy lives.

🤎Jenny will bring along copies of the books for attendees to purchase at reduced rates if interested afterwards.

Pay for a play and get free access to the event ‼️


Limiting beliefs are the things we tell ourselves about who we are and how the world works, that hold us back from becoming who we are meant to be in life / doing the things we want to do. These beliefs are often subconscious so we don’t even know that we have them until someone points them out to us.

Often the limiting beliefs we form aren’t even based on our own experiences, they are based on the opinions and experiences of others. This can include parents, teachers, friends, partners or the churches, societies, and economies we grow up in.

Even something which seemed insignificant to you at the time could form a limiting belief and have a profound effect on the way you view yourself and the world - a teacher who tells you you will never amount to anything, or a bully who calls you ugly, a parent who tells you its really hard to make money, or a society which tells you that you must get a certain type of job to be seen as successful etc. These stories can become engrained in your subconscious and prevent you from making decisions from your heart - stopping you from going for certain jobs, feeling pretty and putting yourself out there, going travelling, making money or whatever it may be.

Why not have a think about your limiting beliefs? Take some time to really examine your beliefs and how they may be holding you back in certain areas of your life. Then have a think about where those beliefs came from, are they actually true? how are they holding you back? Meditating and / or journaling on this can be a good way of getting to the root of the beliefs.

Then you can work on changing the beliefs that are not true / that you don’t actually identify with and are holding you back. For each limiting belief start by thinking of an opposite empowering belief. Then work on changing your self talk and telling yourself those empowering beliefs instead.

Sometimes just identifying where a belief came from can help you to shift it without much more work! But others may be really deeply engrained and take more work to shift. Really interesting and worth it though!

Videos (show all)

Just some of the beautiful images contained in ‘Alyssias Magic Bubble’ - a magical mindfulness story which teaches child...
The magic of nature 🌈☀️🌳🌊 #journeytoinnercalm #magicofnature #rainbows #rainforest
A sneak peak at some of the beautiful illustrations contained in Alyssia’s Magic Balloon, a magical mindfulness story bo...