Kim Likosky, HWC

Kim Likosky, HWC

Personalized and effective coaching in order to empower women towards healthier living. Strategies


it could go one of two ways.
OMG- I did it again. I ate every. single. one.
Maybe it's not that bad.
No- it's bad.
That means I'm bad.
I'll skip breakfast tomorrow (again)
Just coffee in the morning.
Then just a light snack
(read: candy bar disguised as "healthy" protein bar) for lunch.
That'll make up for all the cupcakes.
Because I need to repent somehow.
And starving myself will fix this terrible thing I did.
huh- that was a lot of cupcakes.
I wonder why I did that.
I was feeling pretty overwhelmed this morning.
Well, I'm not going to let that ruin my day.
What's the next best choice I can make?
I could have some water or tea.
Go for a walk.
Have a nourishing dinner so my body's getting what it needs.
And let those cupcakes go.
Because I've got big goals
and a bunch of measly cupcakes aren't gonna get in my way.
the choice is up to you.

Timeline photos 29/03/2022

So excited to be chatting with Theresa on Thursday! Hop on over to join us!

Timeline photos 14/03/2022

If you want a life filled with restriction, controlling food,
and the unavoidable binge-guilt-shame-starting over that follows,
then please... keep doing what you're doing.
But if you want a life filled with abundance, freedom, and confidence,
it might be time to try a different approach.


Timeline photos 13/03/2022

Have you tried all the things?
All the things that worked before but your energy, stress levels, and daily dive into the chocolate are keeping you stuck.
Counting points, buying the fat-free foods, cutting out carbs, and being "good" all day long?
Only to ruin it all when the cravings hit so hard, you get sucked right into pretzels, chocolate, and leftover pizza like a riptide current you can't outswim.
Just like the riptide current, the way to safety isn't fighting the current.
Instead, learn how to work with your brain and body,
and discover the internal strategies you need to show up in your day feeling strong, powerful, and fully in love with yourself
It's exactly how Katrinna was able to go from worried about fighting the s'mores round the campfire with friends to what she shared below...

"I did not over eat and I did not obsess. I connected with my friend and went to bed feeling light in my body. Win win win!"
Are you ready to stop fighting the food-riptide and take back your power?
Check out links in my bio for more info

Timeline photos 10/03/2022

The biggest problem I see success-driven women struggle with when they've tried so many times to feel good in their body
is FEAR.
~Fear of trying again and failing.
~Fear they'll never get to that place of trusting themselves around food
~Fear they'll always be in the dieting game making food the enemy
And what they don't understand is that the FEAR they feel is normal.
And it's OK.
because we are wired for familiarity.
Our brains will fight like hell to keep us safe and familiar, even when it’s not in our best interest.
What is our brain’s absolute top mission?
To keep us safe.
That means anything different is perceived as a threat to our status quo.
So if portioning your food in tiny, colored containers and exercising harder is how you think you need to force your body thinner, then go ahead and keep fighting yourself.
But here's what gets me-
When the door opens for a new opportunity, a chance to be free from obsessing over food and exercise and be able to love your jeans again, do you grab it and take action?
No. because it seems scary. Because it’s different and what if it doesn’t work?
So you stay stuck in the same patterns you've been in.
You want different results?
A different approach and system that works?
You gotta step up, girl.
See the fear and uncertainty for what it is- your brain’s attempt at keeping you right where you are. That's all it is.
You want your clothes to fit better and to stop fighting your cravings every day?
You gotta change your approach and stop wasting all your time and energy going in circles.


Timeline photos 08/03/2022

I hate to break it to you, ⁠ but perfection doesn't exist. ⁠
No perfect eating plans,
no perfect macros, exercise plans,
body shape, or size…
it's all a lie.⁠
BUT... every woman is beautiful and loving yourself and your body is the gateway to making progress that lasts. ⁠ ⁠
Progress that builds on itself, creates momentum and delivers real results.⁠ ⁠
If you want to have a better relationship with your body and food,
if you want to take a completely different approach immersed in love and kindness,⁠ .⁠
then I invite you to check out the Aligned Body Mind Method
a 4-month VIP coaching experience so you can take back your power from food

it will give you the strategies to make feeling good
your "new normal" so you can confidently hit your goals for good. ⁠

Timeline photos 06/03/2022

moment...⁠ ⁠
It is a process.⁠
Transformation doesn't happen overnight and it doesn't happen by wishing on a genie.⁠ ⁠
It's knowing how to take action that aligns with your goals
(because obsessing about whether carrots or blueberries have more sugar is a waste when you're eating ice cream in front of Netflix every night)⁠
It's breaking down the mental and emotional barriers keeping you from taking aligned action consistently.⁠ ⁠
Sustainable change happens in layers:
action, mindset, and aligning yourself with the best version of yourself.⁠ ⁠
That's why I implement these layers into the Aligned Body Mind Method so women can break free from the power of food and create the sustainable change they desire.⁠ ⁠

Check out to find out more

Timeline photos 05/03/2022

I actually don't have anything to add. ⁠

Except this... if you don't fully 110% believe that first line, read it again.⁠

Do you think you'll be beautiful when...⁠ you see that number on the scale
Think you'll be gorgeous when...⁠ you wear last year's jeans again
You're sure you'll be worthy when...⁠ you lose those extra pounds⁠ ⁠ ⁠
My friend, ⁠ you already are.⁠
The size, shape, and appearance of your body has NOTHING
Zip. Zero. Zilch
to do with your beauty and worth.
Don't believe me?
Read the post above again and be open to the possibility that it's true.
🧡⁠ ⁠


Timeline photos 03/03/2022

Regretting last night's Oreos and chips?
Convinced you can't stop the food struggle you're in?
If you're beating yourself up,
assuming today will be a repeat of tomorrow's mindless grazing,
and rehashing all the bites you "shouldn't" have eaten...
then all you're doing is pulling your past into your present.⁠
And you're creating mental drama and feeling miserable over something that's in your past and no one can change.⁠
The struggle with food isn't about what you ate yesterday.
It's about the drama you're creating in your head today.⁠
The magic is that
today you have the opportunity to choose differently⁠ ⁠
Ask yourself:
⁠What's the next best choice when I'm craving the leftover pizza in the fridge?⁠ ⁠
How can I choose to show up as the best version of myself over the next 5 minutes?⁠ ⁠
What can I choose for dinner that aligns with the healthier version of me?⁠ ⁠
How can I direct my thoughts to set myself up for success?⁠ ⁠
Are you paying attention to your choices today?⁠
Every day is a choice.
And one choice at a time is all it takes to transform your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.⁠ 🧡⁠ ⁠


Timeline photos 28/02/2022

The biggest problem I see success-driven women struggle with when they've tried so many times to feel good in their body

is FEAR.

~Fear of trying again and failing.
~Fear they'll never get to that place of trusting themselves around food
~Fear they'll always be in the dieting game making food the enemy

And what they don't understand is that the FEAR they feel is normal.
And it's OK.

because we are wired for familiarity.

Our brains will fight like hell to keep us safe and familiar, even when it’s not in our best interest.

So if portioning your food in tiny, colored containers and exercising harder is how you think you need to force your body thinner,
then go ahead and
keep fighting yourself.

But here's what gets me-
When the door opens for a new opportunity,
it seems scary. Because it’s different and what if it doesn’t work?

So you stay stuck in the same patterns you've been in.
You want different results?
A different approach and system that works?

You gotta step up, girl.

See the fear and uncertainty for what it is- your brain’s attempt at keeping you right where you are. That's all it is.

You want your clothes to fit better and to stop fighting your cravings every day?
You gotta change your approach and stop wasting all your time and energy going in circles.


Timeline photos 24/02/2022

Unpopular opinion in the dieting world:

Foods are not good OR bad. It's just food. (Drop the judgment because when you judge what you eat, you are judging yourself.)

You don't need more of anything... because there's nothing wrong with you. Shift your perspective and give yourself some grace.

Stop giving away your power... You can make your own rules

If you're not where you want to be with your body and relationship with food...

the answer is not another diet.

Trust me.



Timeline photos 22/02/2022

Remember the last time you came home from vacation

prepared to "be good" to make up for all the times you went overboard while away?

Kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?

Believe it or not...
vacations are not supposed to fill us with "food guilt"

They're meant to be enjoyed... all of it.

Drop the guilt.
Have a plan that aligns with what you truly want

and feel just as good on the last day as you did on the first.


Timeline photos 20/02/2022

Think you've got an all-or-nothing mindset?

I'm either "on" with my plan
or I'm so far into the chips and cookies, there's no turning back.
are you sure about that?

Let me ask you...
have you ever arrived at work late due to construction? Yes?
So did you quit your job because you were late and didn't go back the next day?

None of us are perfect.

So when someone has a cookie and applies "all-or-nothing",
they convince themselves all their progress is ruined...

and they're polishing off the whole package in a flash because they're already "messed up"

I don't buy it.

Don't hate me, but I'm gonna call it out...

The whole "I'm either on or completely off" thing?

it's a line you're telling yourself (even when you don't realize it)...
a belief that isn't backed up by the evidence in other areas of your life.

so why are you buying into this belief about how you relate to food when it leads to more overeating?

Could it be that it's a pattern that justifies diving into cookies and plowing through the fridge at the first slip?

If so, then the problem isn't really the cookies and chips, is it?

Let yourself off the hook.
One cookie won't ruin anything.

It's how you think about the cookie that's pulling you back.

And this is why teaching women how to be better thinkers is where the magic happens.


Timeline photos 17/02/2022

If you know your food struggle isn't really about the food ⁠

but you're still trying to cut back or figure out the right amount of carbs,⁠

then I'm gonna ask you...⁠

what are you doing?⁠

Your car's transmission isn't fixed by changing the oil. ⁠

You need to change your approach or you'll stay in the same pattern.⁠

Change your perspective to align your thoughts, actions, and goals and suddenly the carbs don't matter as much.⁠


Timeline photos 15/02/2022

One small change....
that's all it took for Ellen to not only reach her goals

but create the lifestyle she'd been chasing for so many years. 🥳

because the overhauls and diet plans of the past didn't work (they never do!)

But following a system that combined
❇️ nutritional flexibility
❇️ mindset upgrades
❇️ consistency strategies

in a step-by-step process...

well, you can see the results for yourself. 🤩🤯😄


Timeline photos 13/02/2022

Perfection isn't the goal... because we're not perfect.

We live real lives and that means family events, chaotic schedules, and vacations.

But having a flexible structure

that fits YOUR life and
gives you the freedom

to tune into your body and feel good

(without the guilt and dread of returning home after blowing it on vacation)

means having the confidence that comes with steady progress and crushing goals.


Timeline photos 11/02/2022

I got chills when one of my clients said this to me.⁠

Because perfection doesn't exist ⁠
(despite what diet culture tells us)⁠

But finding a system that gets results without holding your breath and hoping it will work⁠
⁠.. now that's success.⁠


Timeline photos 09/02/2022

"So step out of your comfort zone and make the needed changes now... Do it for you"

Love this-
Stepping out of your comfort zone...
The approach that got you where you are now (and feels comfortable)
is not the approach that will get you where you want to be.
it's up to you to make the changes you want.
You may not know all the steps,
it may be hard at times (it will be)
and you may need some help (we all do!)

And if you're doing it for anyone else but yourself,
it's not gonna last.

But if you've been complaining about where you're at in your journey-
whether it's your health, your relationship with food, or something else-
Taking one step out of your comfort zone and doing it different
may be exactly what you need to shine your light and take back your power.


Timeline photos 07/02/2022

If you want a life filled with restriction, controlling food,
and the unavoidable binge-guilt-shame-starting over that follows,

then please... keep doing what you're doing.

But if you want a life filled with abundance, freedom, and confidence,
it might be time to try a different approach.


Timeline photos 05/02/2022

If you know your food struggle isn't really about the food ⁠

but you're still trying to cut back or figure out the right amount of carbs,⁠

then I'm gonna ask you...⁠

what are you doing?⁠

Your car's transmission isn't fixed by changing the oil. ⁠

You need to change your approach or you'll stay in the same pattern.⁠

Change your perspective to align your thoughts, actions, and goals, and suddenly the carbs don't matter as much.⁠


Timeline photos 03/02/2022

Did you Google another calorie-calculator last night?
Another round of counting, tracking, and following the rules?
I know a lot of you did-
it's what happens this time of year when we're still feeling the post-holiday regret or after polishing off last night's pizza and mint chip ice cream.
We go scrambling for the fastest way to ease the feelings of regret, frustration, embarrassment, and "why do I keep screwing up?!?"
I hear from so many women who struggle to stay on track,
with no idea they have major mindset blockers holding them back from the success they 100% deserve.
The thing is, because of how our brain is wired,
this is a pattern you've gone through before.
And as much as we'd both like to believe this time will be different,
trying to solve a problem with the same approach over and over again
is wasted energy spinning your wheels.
You deserve better than that.
So instead of tracking on My Fitness Pal, counting points, or going gluten-free (yech!)
look at why you're staying stuck in the first place.
because the real reason has nothing to do with willpower or motivation.
And until you release the invisible blockers,
calories, cutting back, and tracking will keep driving you crazy
til you faceplant in the Fritos or chocolate pudding your daughter made
To help you out, I put together the top 5 Invisible Blockers that are keeping you from ultimate body confidence.
Once you identify your personal blockers, (most women connect with 2-4 of them), you can start to dismantle these mindset obstacles for good.
Drop me a DM if you want access and I'll get it to you.


Timeline photos 01/02/2022

Thrilled to be offering the Aligned Action Journal to the women I work with!
Unlike typical journals,
the AAJ takes them through a specific process to...

✅ align with the healthier version of themselves
✅ identify the most impactful daily strategies to focus on (because, like you, they don't have time to waste)
✅ go from "I don't know how to get myself to do what I know I should" to creating follow-through and consistency

as they build momentum and a lifestyle that naturally supports their goals



Timeline photos 30/01/2022

What's the story in your head today?

Are you justifying another cookie because you "need" it?
(Fact: Just because you routinely use cookies to feel better doesn't mean it's a need.)

Are you ranting and raving about your stupid boss, making you bark at your kids when they have nothing to do with it?
(Fact: so your boss is a jerk. You get to choose how you respond- completely your choice)

Or maybe you're beating yourself up for finishing off the leftover pizza last night.
(Fact: You ate 3 slices of pizza. Everything else is just drama.)

Are you adding to the drama by the story you're telling yourself?
Separate the drama from the facts.

And move on to create the life you want.


Timeline photos 28/01/2022

What's your attitude like?
And your effort?

Are you focusing on everything that's wrong and hard?
My jeans are too tight.
I can't say no to sugar.
Ugh- I hate seeing my reflection

Or are you finding what will build momentum?
I can start adding a salad to dinner.
I drank more water today.
I feel so good after a 10-minute walk outside.

As for effort...
Some days we've got a little more to give than others.
No joke.
No matter what "your best" looks like,
are you doing it?
Creating real change in your life is hard sometimes.
I'm not gonna lie.

but you can do hard things.

Attitude + Effort means you have so much power

You just need to know how to apply it to your goals.
That means rewiring your old operating system in order to set yourself up for success.

Want to know more? Send me a PM and let's connect!

Timeline photos 26/01/2022

Stop pulling your past into your present⁠ ⁠
And you can't do a single thing about tomorrow because it's not here yet.⁠ ⁠
But TODAY... today you have the opportunity to create transformation ⁠
because you have power in your choices.⁠ ⁠ ⁠
I'm looking at my choices today...⁠ ⁠
What's the next best choice when I'm craving the leftover pizza in the fridge?⁠ ⁠
How can I choose to show up as the best version of myself over the next 5 minutes?⁠ ⁠
What can I choose for dinner that aligns with the healthier version of me?⁠ ⁠
How can I direct my thoughts to set myself up for success?⁠ ⁠
Are you paying attention to your choices today?⁠
Because one choice at a time is all it takes to transform your relationship with food, your body, and yourself.⁠
🧡⁠ ⁠

Timeline photos 24/01/2022

This is for you if you're staying stuck because you can't do everything you need to in order to lose those 10 pounds. ⁣
⁣.. if you think you have to eat perfectly⁣
⁣..or if you don't even start because you can't get to the finish line in one step.⁣

Progress is progress.⁣
Staying stuck, not changing anything means nothing changes.⁣
Taking action, no matter how small, is a step forward.⁣

Progress trumps perfection. every. time. ⁣


Timeline photos 21/01/2022

You want to change your body, ⁣
we gotta talk about more than what you eat.⁣

It means changing your thoughts, ⁣
how you talk to yourself,⁣
setting intentions for your day,⁣
and having an intentional support system.⁣

Small habits lead to massive changes.⁣

Timeline photos 20/01/2022


Your inner voice is talking to you every day... ⁣
are you tuned in to listen to it?⁣

because there is gold in your intuition and you are meant to pursue what calls you.⁣

And if it is coming from your soul, from that whisper deep inside of you,⁣

trust it.⁣

Fear, insecurity, and inadequacy are rising up only to keep you in your familiar patterns- but you are made for more than spinning your wheels.⁣

That whisper you hear? the calling? ⁣
It wouldn't be there if you weren't ready.⁣

Trust yourself and do it. ⁣
I'm cheering you on!

Videos (show all)

5-minute fix?  Or results that last...
What are you focused on?
The key to getting results without constant restriction
Solutions for an overwhelmed mom
Solutions for an overwhelmed mom
when the struggle isn't actually about the food
the #1 question I ask women so they can shift their perspectiveand go from feeling stuck... to answers and strategies th...
why do we keep buying into something with a 95% failure rate?because I can honestly say, every woman I talk to has done ...
