Being Strong Is Cool Videos

Videos by Being Strong Is Cool. We are all about getting strong, making training fun, crushing tough workouts and spreading good inf

E: 10 Cal AB
O: 5 Med Ball Cleans (100)
I kept the calories under 20sec. Ouch #beingstrongiscool #bwpersonaltraining

Other Being Strong Is Cool videos

EMOM E: 10 Cal AB O: 5 Med Ball Cleans (100) I kept the calories under 20sec. Ouch #beingstrongiscool #bwpersonaltraining

Fun workout today. 15cal row 10 DB Snatch (70) 15cal row 10 DB Snatch (75) 15cal row 10 DB Snatch (80) 3 Min Rest 15cal row 10 DB C&J (70) 15cal row 10 DB C&J (75) 15cal row 10 DB C&J (80) Have Fun. Thanks @marcusfilly for the workout. I changed it up a little but your workouts are the best. #beingstrongiscool #bwpersonaltraining

Partner Workout 15min AMRAP 1 Works 1 Rests 5 Med Ball Cleans 8 Burpees 12 Cal Row #beingstrongiscool

Set 1 Back Squats 10-10-10-10-10 DB Row 20-15-15-10-10 DB Curls 20-15-15-10-10 Set 2 Good Mornings 10-10-10-10-10 Cable Swimmers 20-15-15-10-10 Cable Curls 20-15-15-10-10 Conditioning 15min 15 Toe to Bar 15 Hand Release Push Up 1 Farmers Walk #beingstrongiscool

Chest and Tri Set 1 Bench 10-10-10-10-10 Pull Overs 10-10-10-10-10 Tri Press 20-15-15-10-10 Set 2 Pec Deck Fly 20-15-15-10-10 DB Bench 20-15-15-10-10 Tri Kickback 10-10-10-10-10

A little position work today. Kept it light and smooth. #beingstrongiscool

If at first you don't succeed!!!! #beingstrongiscool #DEAT

Got a little weightlifting in this afternoon. #beingstrongiscool #DEAT

She's getting strong. 165 last month and 205 today. @e_poljak keep up the hard work. #beingstrongiscool

5 Rounds 10 Cal Row 5 Snatches 135 Temp in the garage started at 95 and finished at 100.9 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #beingstrongiscool

Never too old for hot wheels. #beingstrongiscool #saturdaynightsgetcrazyoverhere @nataliemlambert

Rough start to the afternoon, but ended on a good note! #beingstrongiscool #cantmakethemall

5 Rounds 10 Snatches #75 10 Box Jumps 30" #beingstrongiscool #getsome

Fun little drill I picked up at the NSCA Summit this weekend. Keep it light and quick. #nscasocal16 #beingstrongiscool did these as part of our warm up today. 4x3

Garage throw down. Snatch triples, back squats, Arnold presses, front and side raises. #getsome #beingstrongiscool #ballersintrocomp

Always fun having a buddy drop by for a workout @dibiawesome We finished with 4 rounds (4min AMRAP) 8 DB Thruster 8 Burpees (1min Rest) it was terrible. #getsome #ballersintrocomp #beingstrongiscool

Fun way to end a chest and back workout. 4 Rounds 10 Ring Dips 10 Ring Rows 10 Ring Push Ups. Oh yea w/20lb vest. #beingstrongiscool #ballersintrocomp #getsome

Rough one today. #beingstrongiscool #getsome #ballersintrocomp did some snatches and butterfly pull ups then finished with clean and jerks and toes to bar

New nightly routine. #beingstrongiscool

Fun little complex from this morning. We finished the session off with 5 Rounds 10 Deadlift High Pulls 10 Push Press (115/75) 100m run. #beingstrongiscool #ballersintrocomp