Women of a Certain Stage

Women of a Certain Stage

⭐️ FREE Courses | Training MENOPAUSE CHAMPIONS cert MENOPAUSE COACHES dip👉🏻 linktr.ee/lchiren ⭐️ Hi, I'm Lauren Chiren. Welcome to Women of a Certain Stage!

My mission is to normalise menopause in the workplace to increase attraction and retention of top talent, support gender equality and improve attendance, performance and productivity. As the Principal Coach and catalyst for change, I lead top executives to maintain peak performance throughout their menopause. I educate large employers on the menopause and implement systems to retain and ensure top


No woman should have to go through menopause alone.🫶

Menopause is a challenging journey for many women, but with the right guidance, women don’t have to go through it alone. As the need for support grows, there's an incredible opportunity to make a difference by becoming a Menopause Coach.

By becoming a Menopause Coach, you’ll be that essential support system, helping women navigate this life stage with confidence, understanding, and compassion. Imagine the impact you can make by guiding women through their menopause journey and empowering them to embrace this transition with strength and clarity.

If you’re passionate about making a real difference in women’s lives, now is the time to step into this rewarding role.💜

If you’d like to learn more about how you can help women thrive through menopause, you can join my deep dive into menopause coaching on Thursday. Click here to register: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/deep-dive-menopause-coach-2024


The demand for menopause coaches is rising! 🌸

With growing awareness and the increasing need for specialised support, the role of a menopause coach is becoming more important than ever. As more women seek guidance through this significant life stage, now is the perfect time to pivot into this rewarding career.

Menopause coaching offers you the chance to provide in-demand expertise in a field that’s rapidly gaining importance. As a certified coach, you'll make a real difference by helping women navigate menopause with confidence, offering them the tools and understanding they need to thrive.🔥

Whether you're looking to enhance your current profession or embark on a new journey, menopause coaching offers a flexible, purpose-driven career path that is both rewarding and impactful.

Now is your time to join a growing field that empowers women and changes lives. 🌟

To learn more about my Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, click here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024-ed/ or drop me a message, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.


Are you thinking about becoming a menopause coach?

Well, you’re in the right place.⭐️

Our next Become a Menopause Coach Diploma starts on 20th September and you could be part of the next cohort.

This 18-week programme runs from 2-4pm UK | 9-11am ETS online each Friday. The course covers an in-depth range of menopause related topics delivered by a panel of experts in their field.

During the course, you’ll learn a comprehensive done-for-you coaching framework that includes scripts, exercises, and handouts ready to deliver to your own clients, colleagues or patients.

The diploma also includes a 12-month post-course support and quarterly training keeping you up-to-date.

If you’d like to find out more about taking your first step into a rewarding career as a menopause coach - message ‘Menopause Coach’ and I’ll send you the details.💜


🌸 We must do better! 🌸

It’s clear: knowledge and support are crucial in managing the impact of our hormones. But too often, women struggle to find accurate, up-to-date, and trusted information.

The Deloitte Women @ Work 2024 survey revealed a startling truth: over a quarter of women face significant health challenges related to menstruation, menopause, or fertility. These challenges—whether it's endometriosis, menopause, miscarriage, or high-risk pregnancy—demand reliable resources and support.

That’s why it’s so important to have trusted resources at your fingertips. Here are some I regularly check in with👇

🔹 Women of a Certain Stage
🔹 The International Menopause Society
🔹 North American Menopause Society
🔹 British Menopause Society
🔹 The Daisy Network

Having access to the right information when you need it can make all the difference.💜

What are your trusted resources? Share them in the comments—we’re stronger when we support each other! 💪


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing menopause.

Menopause is a unique experience for every woman, and that’s why a personalised approach is key. In Module 3 of the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, I’ll introduce you to my signature coaching framework—a proven method designed to adapt to each client's needs.

✨ What makes Module 3 so important?

⭐️ Experience it first-hand: You'll get to practice the framework within your cohort, gaining valuable insight into its effectiveness.
⭐️ Hands-on learning: Work with two practice clients, applying the framework in real-life scenarios to build your skills.
⭐️ Ready-to-use resources: Scripts and handouts from the course will mean you’re fully equipped to guide your own clients with confidence.
⭐️ Confidence: By the end of this module, you'll feel 100% competent and confident in delivering this framework successfully.

This isn’t just about learning—it’s about mastering the art of menopause coaching and ensuring you’re prepared to support every client with personalised, impactful guidance.

Ready to elevate your coaching skills?

Join us and take the next step toward becoming a Certified Menopause Coach. Click here to find out more 👉 https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024/

⭐️⭐️ Don't forget, you can also join my Deep Dive into menopause coaching on Thursday. Message 'Deep Dive' and I'll send you the details.


Morna Dason-Barber, People Director at The Institute of Engineering and Technology, recently completed the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma and is now a Certified Menopause Coach.🎉

👉Here’s what Morna had to say:

“Lauren is a trailblazer and manages to be exceptional and inspirational, at the same time as being humble and human.

I was privileged to have been on a recent cohort of like-minded people, learning and developing skills and knowledge in becoming a Menopause Coach. Her delivery is warm and effective, Lauren has an impressive reach and network and she brings experts into her sessions which adds to the quality of the training immensely.

What Lauren doesn’t know about the Menopause frankly isn’t worth knowing. She leaves you enthused, energised and confident to deliver positive change and I can’t recommend her programmes, or Lauren highly enough.”

Thank you for your kind words, Morna.🫶

👉 If you’d like to learn more about the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, click here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024/


I believe that holistic health is at the heart of menopause coaching. 🫶

Menopause is so much more than a range of physical symptoms, it’s a life transition that affects every part of a woman’s health and wellbeing.

During the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, you’ll learn holistic strategies to help women by addressing the body, mind and spirit. This includes nutritional advice, stress management techniques and emotional support. At the end of the course, you’ll be equipped to offer a comprehensive approach to menopause care.🥰

Through the power of holistic support, your clients will find balance and well-being during menopause, transforming this phase into a period of growth and self-discovery.

👉 Are you ready to embrace holistic health in your menopause coaching practice?

To find out more about the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, click here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024/

This Thursday, I’ll be taking a deep dive into menopause coaching from 16:00 UK | 11:00 EST. Message 'Deep Dive' and I’ll send you the link.


I often get asked what I like to do in my spare time. However, I find it difficult to define spare time.

Being a sole parent and running a business keeps most of my schedule pretty busy.

I guess hiking could be classed as a hobby that I like to do in my spare time, it’s something I love to do when I get the chance and I get so much out of it.

When I do get the chance to switch off, I like to watch something with my son, whether it's at the cinema, a theatre production or just on the TV - it's a great way to relax and spend some time together, so we try and find something to do together whenever possible.

I also like to find time over the weekend to batch cook for the week ahead and whilst I am not sure if this is spare time, I do enjoy a big cook-off and the satisfaction of knowing all my meals are prepared for the next week.💜

What is spare time really?

In a 24/7 'on' world do we have spare time? It can be difficult to find the right work-life balance. Or is it more of a work-life 'flow'?

I love my work and it propels me to want to do more, to help more people and help others to do the same, so perhaps my work is my spare time?!

Let me know, how you define your spare time?

Photos from Women of a Certain Stage's post 15/08/2024

Thinking about becoming a menopause coach?🌺

Menopause is a natural yet complex phase of life that many women face with uncertainty and confusion. However it doesn’t have to be this way, women don’t have to navigate menopause alone.🫶

By becoming a menopause coach, you can provide a support system designed to guide women through this journey with confidence and clarity.

✨ As a menopause coach you will:

🌻 Provide personalised support: Every woman's experience with menopause is unique. As a coach, you’ll provide tailored guidance to address your client’s specific needs and concerns.
🌻 Empower through knowledge: You’ll gain a deeper understanding of menopause, from symptoms to solutions to empowering women to take control of their health and wellbeing.
🌻 Offer emotional and mental support: Menopause is more than just physical changes. As a coach, you’ll help women manage the emotional and psychological aspects, by offering strategies to maintain balance and positivity throughout this phase in life
🌻 Help women navigate change with confidence: You’ll provide women with the tools and support they need to embrace this transitional life stage with resilience and grace.

Are you curious to learn more? Whether you're approaching menopause yourself, or you’re in the midst of it, or you simply want to be able to support others, you’ll discover how menopause coaching can make a real difference to women's lives.

⭐️ The next cohort for our Become a Menopause Coach Diploma starts in September. If you’d like to learn more, please click the link for more information: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024/


🛑 And we think we are making progress?!

“More than one in 10 women think that women’s rights have deteriorated in their country in the last year.

14% of women believe that women’s rights have deteriorated in their home country over the last year.

Of these, about one in three believe that the right to earn an equal wage has worsened, and 15% say that this has personally impacted them.

And 29% believe that the right to live free of violence has deteriorated, with 13% of women"

A direct quote from the Women @ Work 2024 survey by Deloitte.

This made me so sad.

What one thing can you do to lift another woman today?


In a world that’s constantly 'on', our conversations have become more transactional than ever.

We often finish each other’s sentences, rushing through interactions without truly hearing what the other person is saying. This lack of deep, meaningful listening is leaving many of us disconnected and unheard.😞

In Module 2 of the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, we focus on mastering the art of active listening. This isn’t just about hearing words—it's about creating space for genuine connection and understanding.

You’ll learn the essentials of active listening and you’ll practice your skills in a safe and supportive environment preparing you for real-world coaching with guidance from an expert executive coach.

By honing these skills, you'll be equipped to truly hear and support the women you coach, making a lasting impact in their lives.

Are you ready to deepen your listening skills and become the coach that women need? Click here to find out more: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-coach-2024/

Photos from Women of a Certain Stage's post 12/08/2024

Let's hear from Michelle Hindle, a Macmillan Breast Cancer Nurse Specialist Menopause Coach and now Morecambe Bay Menopause Coach.

“Let me share a little bit about my journey to become a menopause coach.

Last year, I thought I was perimenopausal, I had hot sweats, headaches, brain fog, loss of sleep and to be honest I felt absolutely wretched! I did the thing we all do and jumped on Google to diagnose my symptoms which certainly indicated perimenopause!

I then started looking online for information and support and quickly realised I didn’t know anything! With my symptoms worsening, I visited my GP who diagnosed a sinus infection!

A short course of antibiotics soon fixed me, but by then I had a deep interest in learning more about menopause and it all entailed!

As a cancer nurse, I frequently see patients being put into medical menopause through the treatments we offer, but the support just isn’t there. With that in mind, and my interest to learn more, I found Lauren Chiren.💜

I attended Lauren’s free 3-day Menopause The Basics course and to say I loved it is an understatement! I then went on to complete the Become and Menopause Coach Diploma.

I can say with absolute certainty that this course has changed my life, and without doubt, the way I nurse my patients. I now understand Menopause, its management and how to coach- a skill I had never known about, but which has been invaluable to me when supporting patients.

I had the privilege of meeting various healthcare professionals, during the course, who were massively inspiring to me. Lauren Chiren's personal experience of menopause motivated me to do more to help people, and support as many people as I can.

If anyone is considering the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma, please do it! You will never look back!"🚀

To find out more, message 'COACH' and I'll send you the details.


Did you know that regular, moderate exercise can help you manage your menopause symptoms?

From reducing hot flushes to reducing mood stability, there are huge benefits to keeping yourself active – although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all all.

On the menopause diploma, we'll delve deep into creating personalised fitness plans that cater to the unique needs of your client. You’ll learn how to motivate and guide women to include physical activity in their daily lives, ensuring these exercises are not only effective but also enjoyable and sustainable.

This knowledge will help you support women by enhancing their overall health and well-being during menopause and beyond.

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a menopause coach, join one of our weekly Deep Dive into Menopause Coaching webinars. Click here to register: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/deep-dive-menopause-coach-2024/


Are you passionate about supporting others through menopause?💜

When I left my job as a senior executive in financial services due to early menopause, I thought that I would never work again. I found myself in meetings unable to get my words out, having palpitations and my anxiety levels were through the roof.

I thought I had early-onset dementia and to avoid being seen as vulnerable or weak, I left my job.

After three visits to the doctor, I was told that I had just been through premature menopause.

I was the happiest menopausal woman in the world!

It was at that moment that I knew I never wanted any other employer to lose talented and valuable people because of a lack of knowledge and understanding of menopause. Nor did I want any woman to doubt herself when she was at the peak of her career!

I began researching menopause, building a network of experts in their respective fields of menopause including medicine, psychology, endocrinology, nutrition, personal training, mindset, self-care and many more.🔥

Over the last 10 years, I have trained over 150,000 people and have certified over 500 coaches and champions through the Women of a Certain Stage Academy.

My next cohort for the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma starts on 20th September 2024. If you’d like to learn more about this in-depth course, join one of my Deep Dive into Menopause Coaching webinars. They take place each Thursday from 16:00 UK | 11:00 EST.

To register, simply click here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/deep-dive-menopause-coach-2024/

I look forward to answering all your questions and I also have a cheeky offer for you! See you there.✨


What an amazing week!🎉

I love running my Menopause The Basics course, the feedback has been amazing and I’d like to thank everyone who joined me for the live webinars and also to those who watched the replays around their other commitments. Thank you.🫶

Following the course, many people will go back to work and implement at least one idea that they took away from the sessions. This is how we can start to make positive change happen.💪

Others will book a strategy call with me to learn about what else their business/organisation can do to support more women in the workplace. I can then create a bespoke proposal that will work within their business culture and the overall business strategy.

The next steps for others will be to train as a Menopause Champion (a half-day course), a Menopause Coach (a comprehensive 18-week diploma) or a Menopause Mentor (my new self-paced course).

If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch. You can drop me a DM or click here to visit the website: www.womenofacertainstage.com

Together we can increase awareness and help more women through this life-changing transition.💜

👉 Tell me - what one thing will you do differently as a result of joining Menopause The Basics?


I often get asked what my favourite books on menopause are. 📚

It’s a difficult question as I’m not much of a reader to be fair. I prefer to read research papers and if a book is available on audible, I'm more likely to listen to it when I'm travelling or out for a walk.

There are so many books on the market now, that you have to know your reading style and the level of detail you want to get into when choosing a book. I like to learn from people whose work I have studied or done courses with, so folks like Dr Aviva Romm's Hormone Intelligence', Dr Christianne Northrup’s 'The Wisdom of Menopause' and Kathy Aberneathy's Menopause: The One Stop Guide' are among my favourites. 💜

They’re all very different, inspiring and informative.

Tell me, what’s your favourite menopause book I’d love to know.📖

Photos from Women of a Certain Stage's post 07/08/2024

Despite menopause becoming a recognised workplace topic, there’s still so much work to be done. This is why we need more expertise in the workplace including Menopause Coaches, Menopause Champions and Menopause Mentors.

The Deloitte Report 2024 revealed that more women are working through their menopause symptoms. Approximately 40% of women who reported experiencing high levels of pain or discomfort due to menopause say they worked through it, compared with just 20% in 2023. 😞

Only 19% of women experiencing menopause-related challenges say they were supported by their employers after disclosing menopause as a reason for taking time off work, this is a significant drop from nearly 30% in 2023.

Even fewer women said that they feel comfortable discussing their symptoms with their manager, in fact, 14% said they felt uncomfortable in 2024 compared with 10% in 2023. Many said that giving menopause as a reason for taking time off work negatively affected their career, that’s 16% in 2024 compared with just 6% in 2023.

The report also says that one in 10 women say that an employer’s lack of support was a factor in them leaving the organisation – that’s double the proportion who said this in 2023. While nearly half of all women say it’s extremely important for employers to offer paid leave for menopause symptoms, only about a fifth work for companies that provide it.

There is still so much work to be done to ensure that all women feel supported in the workplace. If you’re interested in training as a menopause coach, champion or mentor, please get in touch.

Together we can help make a difference and offer women the support they deserve.💜


With so much conflicting information in the media, it's no wonder women are feeling overwhelmed when it comes to understanding menopause. 😞

From mixed messages about symptoms to unclear advice on treatments, navigating this natural phase of life can be confusing and frustrating.

Module one of the Become a Menopause Coach Diploma is led by leading doctors and nurses who specialise in menopause.

They share their expertise and teach you the facts about how our bodies work and look at the key hormones driving our menstrual cycle leading through to perimenopause and then menopause. It’s vital we understand this so that, as coaches, we’re able to support our clients to successfully navigate menopause.💪

In September, my next cohort of menopause coaches will begin their journey to becoming certified menopause coaches. The diploma is packed full of information and facts about menopause delivered by experts in their field. If you’d like to find out more about the programme, message COACH and I’ll send you the details.


⭐Today’s the day!! ⭐

If you’ve not registered yet, you still have time to join us for my FREE training Menopause The Basics – but you’d better be quick!

Starting at 16:30 UK | 11:30 EST, for 30 minutes over three days – you’ll learn about the fundamentals of menopause.

👉 Today we’ll be discussing the real facts about menopause.

👉 Tomorrow you’ll learn how to successfully navigate menopause.

👉 On Wednesday, we’ll cover managing menopause at work.

Simply click here to register: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/

I’d love you to join the live sessions, but if you’re unable to you’ll receive a recording after the webinar. If you have any questions please get in touch. 💜


Don’t miss out. It’s your last chance to register - Menopause The Basics starts tomorrow!

I’m so excited to get started and help you gain a greater understanding of menopause, whether it’s to support your own experience or to enable you to support others.

Here’s a reminder of what we’ll be covering:
👉 Day 1: you’ll learn about the facts, stages and definitions of menopause.
👉 Day 2: you’ll learn how to successfully navigate menopause and support others.
👉 Day 3: we’ll talk about all things related to menopause at work.

I look forward to seeing you at 16:30-17:00 UK | 11.30-12:00 EST.

⭐️ If you’ve not registered – click here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/.⭐️


Love this time of year!

Going into the garden to pick fresh fruit and veg ❤️


🌴 🌽 🍏


Thank you to everyone who has registered for Menopause The Basics so far.💜

I’m so excited to get started on Monday and take you on a journey to understanding and navigating menopause either for yourself or to support others.

If you’ve not had chance to register yet, you still have time. ⏰

Simply click here to register: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/

⭐ My free, 3-day course runs from Monday 5th to Wednesday 7th August, 30 minutes a day from 16:30-17:00 UK | 11.30-12:00 EST.

Let me know in the comments if you’re joining us and remember to share this post with friends.🥰

I can’t wait to see you there.

Photos from Women of a Certain Stage's post 02/08/2024

With just 3 days to go until Menopause The Basics begins, here are some reviews from previous participants.

If you have any questions or would like more details, please drop me a message. I'm happy to help.💜

Menopause The Basics

✨Monday 5th - Wednesday 7th August
✨16:30-17:00 UK | 11.30-12:00 EST
✨3 x 30-minute calls
✨Register here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/

Let me know in the comments if you’re joining us.👇


We need to stop women from leaving their jobs due to a lack of support for women in menopause.

I know from my own experience that knowledge and support for women in the workplace is vital. Ten years ago I left a senior leadership role because I felt I had no other option. I thought I had early-onset dementia, my confidence changed and I had huge self-doubt, so to avoid being seen as weak and vulnerable I decided to leave my job.

I don’t want anyone to lose their self-belief or think they can’t carry on just because there isn't the right help and support available. We need to create empathetic work environments where there’s open communication, flexible policies, and accessible health resources. 💜

By encouraging leaders and HR professionals to integrate menopause awareness into their strategies, we can create a workplace that understands and supports women benefitting employees and the organisation’s overall success.

In just four days, Menopause The Basics begins and on day three you’ll learn about all things related to menopause at work.⬇️

⭐ You’ll gain a crystal-clear understanding of the impact menopause can have in the workplace.
⭐ You’ll discover why menopause should be top of the list for diversity, inclusion, HR, and well-being initiatives and how employers can provide the support and resources you need to thrive.
⭐ We’ll uncover the hidden benefits of a supportive work environment, including skyrocketing productivity, increased engagement, and a significant reduction in absenteeism and turnover.

🛑 You have a few more days left to register. Tap here to sign-up for free: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/

I can’t wait to see you there.


I’m committed to making menopause less of a mystery.

Menopause is a natural phase of life, but it can feel overwhelming and confusing for so many women, especially with all the misinformation out there.

It's crucial to remember that menopause is a unique experience for everyone and there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Whether you're just beginning this journey, in the midst of it, or supporting someone who is, understanding that each experience is individual will help us all navigate this transition with more compassion and knowledge.💜

👉 On day 2 of my free course, Menopause The Basics, you’ll learn how each person's menopausal experience is as unique as their fingerprint, and why a one-size-fits-all approach simply won't cut it.

We’ll explore the transformative possibilities of a functional approach to menopause, so that you can customise your health and wellness plan to meet your specific needs.

I’ll also unlock the secrets to harmonising your mind, body, and spirit during this transition, embracing the power of self-care and tailored strategies that align with your unique journey.

⭐️ Menopause The Basics starts on Monday 5th August. If you’ve not registered yet – message ‘BASICS’ and I'll send you the link to register.


Did you know that a staggering 86% of people don’t know what menopause is or how it is going to impact them?

We have to change this. 🛑

It's time to start the conversations about this important life stage. Together we can increase awareness and empower each other with knowledge.

My free, 3-day Menopause The Basics course, starting on Monday, is designed to provide you with the knowledge you need to be able to support yourself and others through the menopause transition.

👉 On day 1, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of menopause giving you a rock-solid understanding of this transformative phase.

You’ll learn about the average age of onset, explore the different stages of the menopause transition, and uncover the common symptoms that affect women.

I’ll also go through the definitions of the key terms related to menopause, empowering you to navigate conversations and resources with confidence.🔥

Menopause The Basics starts in just 6 days.

📅 Monday 5th – Wednesday 7th August
⏱ 30 minutes a day over 3 days
⏰ 16:30-17:00 UK | 11.30-12:00 EST
🔗 Reguster here: https://womenofacertainstage.lpages.co/menopause-the-basics/

Videos (show all)

Menopause coaching
Let’s end the week with some wonderful testimonials from some of my past students.   If you’d like to find out more abou...
7 days to go until Menopause The Basics starts. 🎉
Deep dive into menopause coaching
Anxious. Frustrated. Sick. Headache. Tight shoulders. Ignored. No focus. Wired and tired. These are just some of the fee...
Kathy Kattaris
What would you tell your younger self?
Claire Clark
Men are menopause coaches too!
I've been coaching people for over 10 years through menopause and it is just absolutely transformational.✨I still get ti...
Exciting opportunity - I’m seeking 90 platforms for my new keynote!I’m thrilled to share my latest keynote on the evolut...
No one should have to navigate menopause alone.🫶Menopause isn't just a phase; it's a transformative journey that impacts...