Roam The Woods Videos

Videos by Roam The Woods. Roam The Woods thinks going into the backcountry should be a fun and rewarding experience for all women.

Rosie doing important "Roam things"

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Rosie doing important "Roam things"

#niner #ninerambassador #ninerfamily

The last mile to Antelope Wells. Thank you to everyone for being part of this adventure.

The finale.

Even though Rosie has been under the weather, we are still rockin the GDMR race route. Here she is on the Gold Dust Trail.

For the last duration of our adventure (hopefully 21 days if conditions allow) we will be dedicating portions of our ride to wonderful & inspiring people in our lives. This first one is for Bill Bailey. You have inspired us in so many ways. We even thought about racing after this ride and decided that's what crazies do. This is for you Bill.

Bike packing Confessions #2 better known as Todd Quits.

Confessions of a Bikepacker

A video of some of the single track we rode @ Whitefish Bike Retreat in Montana.

Sitting with Rosie and she breaks down about her fears in the wilderness.

Although we entered the Flathead Wilderness in British Columbia on high bear alert no one told us about the horses. This is a very wild place.

Re route!

We apologize for the horrible cinematography but this was our morning ride over Chief Joseph Pass in MT. It was snowing!

We've made it out of the vortex of Wyoming on Friday! We are in Montana enroute to Missoula. Things we've learned Wyoming is beautiful but was even windier then Kansas! We've been battling a headwind for a full week and now it's following us into MT.

A snippet of the storm yesterday afternoon. Watch it until the end!:)

Waiting out a storm in Haswell, CO yesterday. Population 68.

What's Kansas without a good storm?

We have a wind advisory today, it said it might make driving difficult. They may have been right.

Roughing it on the TransAm