Plingboot Leatherwork Videos

Videos by Plingboot Leatherwork. Based in South West London, Plingboot Leatherwork (me) hand makes a range of leather bags, back pack

First attempt at wheel building. 20” (406) rear wheel for the Cannondale Hooligan. 32hole Halo EX3 rim, shimano Alfine 11 speed hub, Sapim leader spokes and nipples. Did a first build and true, jumped up and down on it, trued it again and it runs straight with less than .5mm of egg to trim out. 😬😊
#plingbootleatherwork #plingbootsimworks #plingboot #bicyclewheelbuilding #wherlbuilding #sapimspokes #shimano #halorims #haloex3 #shimanoalfine11 #cannondalehooligan #cannondalehooligancustom #cannondale

Other Plingboot Leatherwork videos

First attempt at wheel building. 20” (406) rear wheel for the Cannondale Hooligan. 32hole Halo EX3 rim, shimano Alfine 11 speed hub, Sapim leader spokes and nipples. Did a first build and true, jumped up and down on it, trued it again and it runs straight with less than .5mm of egg to trim out. 😬😊 #plingbootleatherwork #plingbootsimworks #plingboot #bicyclewheelbuilding #wherlbuilding #sapimspokes #shimano #halorims #haloex3 #shimanoalfine11 #cannondalehooligan #cannondalehooligancustom #cannondale