Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing

Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing

I am a Freelance Digital Marketer who helps business owners achieve their goals through digital mark

Website, Social Media, Content Creation, Strategy, Freelance.


And that's a wrap for 2023. 🎉

I've [well and truly] checked out for the year and looking forward to spending some quality time with my boys.

Have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing start to 2024! 🥂🎉

Photos from Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing's post 18/12/2023

As the year draws to a close, I can't help but celebrate the incredible journey it's been! 🙌🏼

To my amazing clients, thank you for trusting me with your dreams and allowing me to be part of your success story.

Here's to the wins, the growth and a bright 2024! 🥂

If you're interested in working together please DM me or email [email protected]


Hey Facebook-Fam 👋🏼

I thought it’s time to reintroduce myself as we work towards setting BIG goals for 2024. ✨

I'm Melissa, based in Melbourne, and I specialise in website design and digital marketing.

As a small business owner, I'm here to support fellow entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their business.

I help with everything from creating SEO-driven websites to developing marketing strategies and coaching. If you're looking for assistance in these areas, I'm your gal! 💪✨

I specifically help business owners who:
✶ Are just starting out, navigating the "how on earth do I launch a new business" phase.
✶ Those who need a website that not only looks amazing it converts
✶ Biz owners who are itching to refresh their existing Squarespace or Shopify site
✶ Those who need a solid plan to identify and execute killer marketing strategy

So, whether you're dreaming of a website makeover, in need of a marketing plan, or just looking for someone to kickstart your business journey, I've got your back! 💪✨

Click on the to schedule a free 15-min chat.


It’s been a huge year at MW Digital! And my lack of social media (whoops, hey 👋🏼) these last couple of months proves that.

2022 has been BIG. I’ve been working hard on digital marketing strategies, web designing and mentoring hundreds of small business owners here in Victoria. I am excited to share my new branding, a new website and showcase all the projects I've been working on in the New Year.

Thanks to my incredible clients for all your ongoing support and are the reason I LOVE what I do. As Tina Turner would say, simply the best!

Now it’s time to rest and recharge for another year of bringing you top-notch digital marketing services. Happy Holidays everyone!


Getting your side-hustle set up? Running a part time business? Know you probably [definitely] should have an online presence but don't know where to start or where your business is going?

This is the dilemma Cathy from FAME faced, so she got in touch for a website that could evolve with their business.

And they [thankfully!] had a lot of good things to say about the process:

"Melissa guided me through the process and was incredibly patient working at the speed I could grasp as a small business owner creating a site to run a part-time business.

I would recommend Melissa to anyone who was in the same position as me, wanting to create a quality online presence but not sure how to go about it. Huge thanks, Melissa!"

Do you need a website that grows with you? Get in touch to make it happen:


Apple Pay. Google Pay. Anyway to pay that means you *don't* have to get off the couch, walk to get your purse, come back to the couch, fill out your card details and hit PAY, is a good way to pay.

If you want to make your online business a success, making it easy for your customers to give you money should be your tip TOP priority.

Getting off the couch during a late night scroll doesn't make for an easy customer journey.

Staying on the couch during a late night scroll does. That's what we're aiming for.

Keep your customers warm on the couch and make it [very] easy for them to buy what you're selling.

Do you use either of these easy payment methods for your online business?


Don't mistake me for another one of those impersonal marketing robots online, with no interests other than the cold, hard, sell. 🙅‍♀️

There is *so* much more to marketing your business than telling people to buy what you're selling. It's why I've spiced up my about page on my site (have you had a look yet?), injecting a bit of me into the marketing process.

By adding my favourite things to my about page, you not only have a treasure trove of gift ideas come my birthday (I'm kidding... maybe 😉), you'll also feel a bit more connected to me, this person you found on the internet.

It's all about building a personal brand people can relate to.

See it in action:


I'm coming out of my wintry hibernation and using this time to freshen up things in my biz [like my lovely new branding, coming soon!! eek!].

I'll also be giving my website a refresh.


Because it's time to run a full audit and conduct fresh keyword research, update my copy, images and a few bits n' bobs behind the screen that you won't see but... it will make your experience on my site much better.

If you think your website could be working harder for your business, then time to reach out.

A website refresh includes:
✨ SEO audit
✨ Fresh keyword research
✨ Competitor analysis
✨ Site optimisation
✨ Implementation

Snag my brain for a website refresh and spring into the slightly [less-icy] mornings knowing your website is working smarter *and* harder for you.

Reach out now:


This feels appropriate today.... 🫠

Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing 27/07/2022

Are you thinking long term about your website platform?

There are *so* many platforms to choose from. Shopify. SquareSpace. Showit. Wix. WordPress.

And that’s not even a comprehensive list [by any means]. Yikes. 🥹

It’s a tough gig to choose the right hosting platform from the start, with so many biz owners thinking to keep costs low and “just get it up and running”, without much thought about the future of their business.

But this is were quality, functionality, a good UX and an even better design is so often sacrificed.

And the scary thing is? All of these things make or break a site for customers, and a bad user experience is going to turn customers away.

So, where does a biz owner even start?

Start by brainstorming the big picture of your business. Think about all the things you might one day want to host on it (a shop, a course, a webinar series) and make sure your platform has all the capabilities to make it happen!

If you know what you need but don’t know where to look, send me a DM and I can help find a platform that works for you!

Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing


BRB, just taking 5 seconds out of my day to text the Melissa of March 2020 [aka: when I first launched my business].

Do you want to know what I’m texting her? 🤳🏽

“Hey girlfriend! You’re not going to believe it, but we’re still in business! You and the business survived homeschooling and lockdown and you're really finding your groove. There are a few things I want you to know before walking this windy road:

First off, imposter syndrome is real [and really damaging]. You’ll second guess yourself. Self doubt will be a common enemy. You’ll have some days where you’ll think you’re not good enough, and want to quit and go back to an in-house role [don’t].

Instead? Join business groups. Surround yourself with likeminded people. Remember why you wanted this lifestyle to begin with.

And most of all? Back yourself.

You *do* know what you’re doing, so keep doing it.

That’s all from me [for now]. Oh, and don’t forget to stock up on toilet paper and masks. Just trust me on that.” 😷🧻


Domain name. CRM. Email Sequence. GMB.

“Ugh, Melissa. Are you going to stop throwing these words at us, or are you going to explain how they work?”

For a new biz owner, or a non-internet-savvy biz owner, these words are going to cause a world of hurt.

But they’re all integral parts of your digital ecosystem, and they need to be set up effectively to:
✨ Get a website up and running
✨ Create professional emails using your domain name [email protected] [as an example]
✨ Keep your clients and customers happy
✨ Reach out to them via email
✨ Help others find you

And if you *know* you need to do all of these things but are running for the hills at the thought, allow me.

I can help set *all* of this up for you, helping get your new business up and running in no time! 😎

Send me a DM or visit to enquire.


Small Biz Pain Point #12983752469087: Bookkeeping and accounting. 😂

If you’re anything like me, the accounting side of your business is a bit of a drag. You know there’s money coming in. You *definitely* know there’s money going out, but how do they all connect?

Early on in biz I was using a trusty old excel spreadsheet with a highlighting system. This seemed to do the trick until I found myself too busy, chasing up payments, and wondering if I accidentally highlighted a cell yellow instead of red. 🫠

I *finally* bit the bullet and set up

Let me tell you: TOTAL game changer.


Two websites for the one, amazing team? Dream gig for me!

BusiHealth is one of the only end-to-end property and business solutions provider dedicated to healthcare.

They’re innovative. They’re interesting. And they’re clever cookies doing great things for their industry.

The BusiHealth website is now live for you to check out, and you can keep your eyes peeled for the second site next month. 👀

Photos from Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing's post 11/07/2022

Of course I'm all for outsourcing your website development to an expert but in doing so keep an eye out for some unexpected costs. 🕵️‍♀️

🔐 Ongoing Maintenance
🛒 E-commerce
⌨️ Additional Coding

When working with a new website client we always start with a strategy session so we are both clear on the objective. Following this you'll receive a detailed contract so you know exactly what will be delivered. Things like ongoing maintenance and SEO are important so be sure to find out if this is something you can manage yourself, or how much will the ongoing fees be?

Let me know, have you been stung with additional website fees in the past?


Story time! Back in the early days of business, I had another digital marketing freelancer copy my *entire* website.

*gasp* 😳

But wait, it gets worse [I know!]. They also copied my pricing guide, freebies and anything else they could get their copycat hands on.

Let me tell you, I was not happy. 😤

But... you want to know my saving grace? I had terms and conditions on my website to protect me from this kind of stuff.

And that’s why you should, too.

I’ve met so many business owners who don’t have any form of protection on their site. Not for a lack of wanting to protect their IP, but purely because they didn’t know this was a thing.

So, if you haven’t already, go snag yourself some T&Cs and get them live on your site right away.

Whether you do or don’t have these protections in place, I’m *dying* to know:

Have you had a copycat in your business?


More than ever your brand *needs* a strong online brand identity.

But, how can you achieve this?

Photography + Great Web Design.

I've got you covered in the web design department but what about the photography!? 📸

I reached out to the very talented Melissa [love the name] Martin who is a Personal Branding Strategist and Photographer based in Melbourne.

Melissa shared her top tips on how to find the *right* photographer for your brand and I unveil how your website can set you apart from your competitors.

Read now on the blog 👉🏼

Photos from Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing's post 13/06/2022

Ready to take your side-hustle to full-time? 🤔

You *have* to be passionate about whatever it is you do or sell, because you have so many hats to wear that it can become exhausting.

Marketing. Financial. IT. Admin. You need to wear all of these hats and more (and sometimes all at once), on top of doing whatever it is you do best.

But there’s one hat I’m more than happy to take off your hands (or head… 😂), giving you more time to stay in your zone of genius.

Website design. 🧢

A website is an investment, but it’s a worthy investment to get you up and running and start generating leads to help YOU make your dream of full-time-biz-owner come true.

Turn your dream into a business, from just $1,500. Send me a DM or submit the contact form on my website to enquire now!


I am head over heels for this site I created for Sarah Lauren Health 🙌

Sarah is a dietitian specialising in IBS, food intolerances and weight loss. Not only does she have years of industry experience under her belt, she’s kind, generous and compassionate, making her the best possible fit for the job!

Her website build was all about functionality and design. We wanted to:
✨ Implement a clean, easy-to-navigate layout
✨ Help leverage leads with a unique lead magnet
✨ Set up a comprehensive blog to help add more value to her clients (and improve SEO)

And most importantly, we wanted the overall look and feel to highlight exactly what it’s like to work with Sarah.

It’s warm. It’s inviting. And it gives a real, honest insight into what it would be like to have Sarah on your side!

What do you think? Do you love it just as much as I do?

Photos from Melissa Willcocks - Digital Marketing's post 06/05/2022

Have you heard of Petit Bear? ✨

Caroline, the lovely owner and idea machine behind Petit Bear, started the biz because her daughter suffered from eczema. She struggled to find products that were friendly to sensitive skin, so she launched her own line of bamboo products that, I kid you not, are the softest things I’ve ever felt. 😍

Launching in 2021, Caroline came to me for a digital marketing strategy, where we worked together on everything from her website and social media, all the way to collaboration recommendations and email marketing.

There’s more, of *course*, but I can’t give away all my secrets now, can I? 😉

A huge thanks to Caroline for trusting me with your strategy. I can’t wait to see how Petit Bear flourishes in it’s second year!

If you’re now thinking you need a digital marketing strategy, slide into those DMs for a virtual coffee and chat!


I’m a big fan of paid advertising, but there’s something to be said for not putting the cart before the horse here.

Yes, paid ads are effective, but they’re only effective when you have all the other elements working for your biz, first.

In particular, an incredibly optimised website.

Whenever you throw money at paid ads, the chances are you’re directing traffic back to your website.

Sure, you might increase your website traffic, but if your customer journey is a minefield, if your website is a scattered mess of information, your audience will never convert [whether you’re looking for leads, sales or something else entirely].

So, before you dive into the big wide world of paid ads, I’d love for you to reach out and chat about where you’re at in the broader digital space.

I can help optimise your website AND your socials to make sure you’re ready to go, so your money isn’t going down the paid ads drain.

What do you say? Are you in? 💁🏼‍♀️

Digital Marketing solutions to help business owners reach their goals.

Let’s lift your digital game!

Life running in business is busy. One minute you're trying to maintain your website, create content, and post to your socials, next minute you're wondering how you can grow your audience and rank higher in google! Oooft.. it's a lot.

What if I told you that together we could build a meaningful and strategic digital strategy for your business that won't leave your head spinning?

I have a Postgraduate in Digital Marketing and have an extensive background in event and project management. Over my career I've worked across a range of different industries.

Videos (show all)

Small Biz Pain Point #12983752469087: Bookkeeping and accounting. 😂If you’re anything like me, the accounting side of yo...
You know you’ve got a dream client when they say “Heck YES” to GIFs on a new website.That’s the joy I had working with @...
Do you think a website is done and dusted as soon as I hand over the keys? Think again 😎Instead, you’ll be met with a he...
Are you on the hunt for a professionally designed, creative website for your business?Trust one of my amazing clients an...
You bet i'm excited!Last night we had the MW Digital Christmas Party. I invited my #1 cheerleader/barista/gin-mixer/soun...
Freelancing, living the absolute dream…. or not? 🤔Head to my blog [link in comments] to read about my experience as a Fr...
It’s meant to sound like a jet engine, right!? 🤷🏼‍♀️#webdeveloper #websites #websitedesigner #websiteswithpersonality #w...
A brand new digital home for Whistler's Plumbing Services. 💻🎉Built on Squarespace, this site is modern, clean and easy t...
Do you repurpose your content? 🤷🏼‍♀️With a little imagination you can easily repurpose your content which will save you ...
Amirite!? 😆Book in a consult with me to discuss website development. DM, Email, Drop a comment below.  I work my magic o...
Are you feeling overwhelmed by trying to create content on your own? Trust me, you are not alone. You may feel like you'...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00