Katrina Kittle Videos

Videos by Katrina Kittle. Novelist. Teacher. Animal Lover. Coffee Addict. New novel, Morning in This Broken World, now out!

Elk in Estes Park.

I love walking down a sidewalk and being this close to gorgeous wildlife. We were careful and respectful and gave the elk wide berth.

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Other Katrina Kittle videos

Elk in Estes Park.
I love walking down a sidewalk and being this close to gorgeous wildlife. We were careful and respectful and gave the elk wide berth.

Fire breathing dragon
Yesterday began with me giving a talk to Dayton’s DAR chapter for Breast Cancer Awareness month and ended with feeding a fire-breathing dragon. Not a bad 24 hours.

Erin Flanagan is ALWAYS hilarious. I hope you’ll join us this Saturday at Barnes & Noble while we’re interviewed by novelist Sharon Short. 2-4 PM. We’ll be talking our new releases, friendships—both toxic and nourishing, the bumpy writing journey, the joys of laminating our goals, and how much coffee the writing life requires. You could score a bookish friendship bracelet. Hope to see you there! 😀💖

At last….

One of Serena’s greatest joys is getting ”to clean” an empty peanut butter jar, and yesterday was The Day. After she worked on the jar for AN HOUR in the house, we asked if she wanted to go for a walk. She ran to the leash—then ran back to her jar—then back to the leash—then back to the jar—then she sat down in confusion/excitement and just started barking. She did decide to go for a walk, but took the jar with her!!! Decisions decisions. It’s hard to be a beagle! Happy Friday! 💖

My sedum brings all the bees to the yard… Happy Monday!

Various bees and bugs enjoying the flowers I planted just for them. So happy they accepted the invitation to my party

May your Friday be full of joy, contentment, and wriggles.

Update on the nest! I saw mama fly off, so I snuck over for a peek. Two of the four have hatched. They look so tiny and fragile. Nothing but mouths wanting food! 😀

Serena’s Happy Breakfast Dance. Find your joy this Friday!!!!

Joey Cat makes these strange wailing sounds when he is carrying his toys. (And it is interesting to note that he makes not a peep when he is carrying Christmas ornaments.) He sometimes sounds like he is trying to speak words. But that last little sound he makes? I think I snuck up on him and really surprised him. 🤣

Start your Thursday with some on-cue beagle blues. I love how she immediately throws her head back and her heart into it. ❤️