The Wheel Life Blog

The Wheel Life Blog

This blog is designed to help others in wheelchairs get through life. I hope to share some tips and


This is an old graphic from but I wanted to share it again. This time of year, many people focus on self-care techniques (myself included, I’m a sucker for self-care). Remembering that self-care is more than spa nights, movement, or rest is important. It’s reflecting on your behavior, learning and growing from it, and removing toxic behaviors from your life - both yours and other relationships. Go to therapy, learn how to set healthy boundaries, and know that asking for help is brave and courageous. 💖

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 23/11/2023

Grateful hearts and a table full of blessings. Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and endless reasons to give thanks. 🍁🦃
Chris and I started our own family tradition of sharing a few deep breaths and one token of gratitude with each other before we start dinner, every single night. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude can have numerous positive effects on both your mental and physical well-being (enhanced emotional well-being, enhanced sleep quality, boosted self-esteem, and reduced stress, just to name a few).
What is something you are grateful for in this moment? Tell me in the comments! I am grateful for my health and for YOU! Happy Thanksgiving!


Life has many commonalities with a road trip, like mile markers, future destinations, navigation, and ultimately, getting lost will always happen. You have to get in the driver’s seat of your life.
And, you can’t make decisions speeding down the highway, either. You have to pull over. You have to pull over and pause in order to look at your map (or program GPS 😄). Your car won’t let you program GPS while moving; what makes you think you can do that in your life? You have to stop in order to reflect.
It’s Thanksgiving week, here in the U.S., which is a time many people express gratitude and thanks for the blessings in their lives. I think it’s also a great time to pull over and reflect. (Anytime is a great time for that, really). Think about how you want your life to feel every single day and then what would it take to make that happen? Get detailed in your journaling.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 13/11/2023

What do you need to let go of? What bothers you the most?
Today is a New Moon, which makes for a great time to reflect on how your life is going and to release what is no longer serving you. I spent a good amount of time journaling this morning to get thoughts out of my brain and figure out my intention for the next lunar cycle.
New Moons are great for new beginnings, rebirth, and transformation. What are you allowing in your life that no longer has room? What are you holding on to that doesn’t serve you? Write about it, and then let that s**t go!


Did you vote?! I usually vote by absentee ballot but this time I went in person! They had a lower machine for me to use and everything was completely accessible. 10/10 would highly recommend. Vote like your life depends on it because for some of us, it does!.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 31/10/2023

Happy Halloween from the Chips and Salsa! We joined friends on Sunday for trick or treating and haunted house making and now enjoying trick or treating in our neighborhood 🎃👻🎃


📓 Reflecting on our challenges can be the first step towards conquering them. 💪 What do you struggle with the most? 🤔 Let's dive into the depths of self-discovery and growth together! 💖✨


If you are feeling one certain way more often than others, it’s worth taking a look. Dig into what’s triggering this feeling and what moves you through it. Are there specific things you can do to help yourself through it? How are you reacting to the trigger? Can you reframe it?
Moving helps me through emotions. Feelings can get stuck in our bodies, and we hold emotions in different areas of the body. I hold my stress in my shoulders and jaw, and when I am angry, I feel cold and my chest/throat tightens up.
Your feelings and reactions are 100% your responsibility. The more you dig into them, the more aware you will be in the moment, which will help you move through it.


It’s been one week since you looked at me…
And we got married 🥰


‘Twas the night before the wedding and all through the house…are two very tired people. Tomorrow is going to be epic 🥰. I cannot wait to be your wife

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 27/08/2023

I’ve been feeling crafty lately and wanted to share. Some were gifts and a couple I’m keeping for us. Feels pretty good to create.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 26/08/2023

2 weeks til ‘I do’ and I wouldn’t choose anyone else to do forever with 🥰

I’ll choose you forever and for always

Our engagement session was earlier this year but I don’t think we posted any. I’m so excited to see what you do on our wedding day! Thank you for an amazing engagement session!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 09/08/2023

Happy birthday, Dad!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 24/07/2023

I had my Bachelorette Party this weekend and my girls did not disappoint! After dinner, we headed to for a dueling piano show and it happened to be Christmas in July. Double party!
I haven’t had a night out with my girls in a very long time and this brought a couple of different friend groups together for one big bash. It was so much fun to let loose, laugh, and sing to all the songs they played. 47 days to go until the big day!


*My Sweet 16*
I have been living as a wheelchair user - with a spinal cord injury for 16 years. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 16 years but I am also beginning not to remember life as a walker. Anyone else relate to that?
Recap of my 16 years: I taught (mostly algebra) for 10 years before changing careers, and now 6 years later, became the Program Manager of spinal cord injury research and am the President of a nonprofit that serves the spinal cord injury community; I have been a homeowner for 13 years (3 different homes); married, divorced, alone for 10 years, and now in just a couple of months getting married to my soulmate; gained friends and lost “friends” (if they don’t truly care about you, they were never your friend, let them go and celebrate the peace); I’ve lost myself and am slowly finding out who I really am and how I want to live; I’ve gone from being dependent on my mother’s help to being 100% independent; I’ve learned how to transfer without a sliding board; learned (and fell in love with) kayaking and hiking and being outside in general; and probably so much more. One thing I still can’t do: get off the freaking ground without a midpoint. Can someone PLEASE teach me?!
Since the beginning of my injury, I’ve always said, “Where there is life, there is hope.” And 16 years later, I still believe that full-heartedly. I have become friends with people that cannot move anything below their necks, and they run successful companies and nonprofits. Anything is truly possible. Another quote that I’ve always believed in is,” Where there is a will, there is a way.” The biggest skill that I have learned is how to problem-solve. How can [this task] be accomplished, and what help do I need to bring in? We cannot do it alone (SCI or not). I will always be grateful for my support and my stubbornness not to give up easily (or is it persistence?)
Happy Disability Pride Month! Let’s go celebrate life!


The fight for our freedoms is broad and complex and impacts daily activities like where one can live, work, or go and civic duties like the ability to participate in elections and the legislative process.
The Disability Rights of Ohio hosts a Plan Your Vote Online Event TODAY, July 6, starting at 5:30 pm EST.
​​You can learn more and register at (or send me a DM with ‘vote’ and I will send you the link.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 05/07/2023

I acquired this standing frame recently, and last night was my first attempt at using it. I know I’m not standing all the way up - my legs don’t straighten out all the way due to the lack of ROM stretches I’ve done throughout the years and I was unsure of how far I could go up - note to self, start stretching every day!
This is going to be slow and consistent process. Slowly I will stand up more, and slowly I will start to see the benefits. But, what are the benefits? So glad you asked
Standing is a great way to decompress your spine, stretch it out, and stretch out your organs as standing allows more space than sitting. It also amps up your circulation and strengthens your bones. Additionally, the risks of secondary complications can be decreased or eliminated in as little as 30 minutes of standing per day.
Developing a consistent routine will be the key to seeing the results. Will you help me plan my routine? Research shows you will benefit from standing in as little as 30 minutes a day. Do you think it’s better to stand 3 times a day for 10 minutes each or 10 times a day for 3 minutes each? Share your guess in the comments.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 25/06/2023

I had a great time celebrating this cutie’s 1st birthday today! Happy birthday Madden!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 23/06/2023

is officially in the books, and I think I can call it a success
I am always so motivated after being around this type of energy. Boldness. Fearless. Confident. Worthy.
I had the pleasure of meeting with 4 offices with the focus on speaking about the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act , Disability Access to Transportation Act, and reforms to mobility devices benefit protocols. The entire event consisted of 100 wheelchair users and other disability advocates that met to learn about the most pressing issues for wheelchair users today and take these concerns to Senators and Representatives in the House in every state.
This was the 6rh or 7th time I’ve been to Roll on Capitol Hill. My 6th or 7th time meeting with some of the same offices. I always say that this “isn’t my thing.” I’m always super uncomfortable when speaking about myself and expressing any needs I have (let alone legislation needs). However, it’s taught me just how important my voice can be. My voice matters. And when individual voices come together to express the same needs, the stories can be deafening, and that’s when the change happens.
Don’t shy away from the uncomfortable. Lean into it, move through it, and don’t be afraid to stand your ground. You deserve it.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 13/06/2023

Our wedding shower was so much fun on Sunday! We were so caught up in the moment that we didn’t take that many pictures! Whoops! So, a huge thank you to the friends and family that sent me pictures of this special day.
Chris and I cannot wait to celebrate with everyone in September. The love we have felt is indescribable! Thank you so much to all the friends and family that took time to celebrate with us yesterday!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 03/06/2023

We had fun bottling wine with my parents today for our wedding! It was a really neat process to learn. We bottled, corked, shrink wrapped the topper, and labeled each bottle. We are looking forward to serving this at our reception 🥰
What’s something good on this Saturday for you?! Leave it in the comments

Give Handcycling A Try 13/04/2023

Check out the programs Cleveland Metroparks have for us with disabilities! Cory Anderson shows us kayaking while friends at the Metroparks show handcycling!

Give Handcycling A Try Cleveland MetroparksTry your hand at handcycling! We visited Mill Stream Run Reservation in Strongsville.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 12/04/2023

We are definitely enjoying the warm weather while it’s in NE Ohio! We got out to a trail close to home yesterday for a little stroll through the woods. We saw lots of deer and got a close up of a hawk on the way in! Date night strolls are back! What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Comment below!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 17/03/2023

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! We plan on celebrating tonight with some friends; what are you up to?
Let’s have some fun today and use predictive text to finish the statement above and post it in the comments!


Help get Medicare to provide SEAT ELEVATION for everyone who need it! Medicare Has proposed covering seat elevation on power wheelchairs for some people. Medicare can go further to ensure access to everyone who needs it. Share your story and let Medicare know how and why C elevation does or could benefit you in your daily life. For more information, click the link in my bio. The deadline is TOMORROW March 17th, so don't wait!


Happy belated Pi Day to all my fellow nerdy friends! Having been a math teacher for 10 years, I usually geek out to this day. When I was teaching, my students always received a special treat from me, if they could tell me why I had it. Last night, brought home a pie for us to celebrate with. Did anyone else celebrate?

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 20/02/2023

Motivation Monday Journal Prompt: What is your greatest weakness?
But why journal anyway? Journaling can help you make sense of how you're feeling about a certain person or situation that is troubling or inspiring you. It can also help you understand your triggers. Writing, like anything, improves with practice. When you journal every day, you're practicing the art of writing. And if you use a journal to express your thoughts and ideas, it can help improve your communication skills.
It can also help you get to know yourself. Having a clearer understanding of your thought and behavior patterns helps you to understand other people. Examining yourself requires constant self-awareness and self-consciousness.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 19/02/2023

50+ degree day in February in Ohio on a Sunday Funday means a trip to the trails! Today I was able to try out my new attachment gave me for Christmas! I’m stoked to take this off trail and do more hiking! What did y’all get into today?!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 10/11/2022

What a trip, and what a couple of weeks since the trip. We can’t control what life throws at us, but we can control our reactions and how we show up. I needed some time to get back into my routine and be present in my relationships.
I lived on Cloud 9 for a few days after this trip and I soaked in all the gratitude I could. I love traveling and meeting new people. And, I love being home alone lost in my thoughts and dreams. Life is all about balance and I think many of us haven’t explored as much as we want because of the pandemic and other important issues that need to be addressed.
I urge you to use this as a sign to get out more (or stay in more if you are a busy body always on the go). Find more balance in your life in whatever area is in need. Set some goals (you can get a free template for writing SMART goals by signing up for my email list) and then create action steps needed to achieve those goals. The smaller the task the better!
I have a new blog on my website and you can read all about the conference and how I got my life back to “normal” afterwards.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 04/11/2022

Photo dump 1 of probably 2 from our Las Vegas trip for United Spinal Association’s Chapter Leadership Meeting 2022
I loved everything about this trip. The plane rides were smooth sailing thanks to being able to roll right onto and transfer into a seat. 2 fewer transfers per plane ride helps me save my energy and my shoulders. I always choose to fly Southwest Air if I have that choice!
I had so much fun - inside the conference and outside. I met new friends who are doing amazing things for their local SCI communities, and I always get fired up to bring so much back to Northeast Ohio when I attend this conference.
I’ll post more about what and I did when we were not in the conference in my next photo dump, but I would love to give him a shoutout! He is not a chapter leader, but he continues to show up to support me and actually participates in the event. Many significant others were there but few participated. I am so lucky to have him in my world 🥰

Cleveland Guardians v Mariners Ticket Request 07/08/2022

Cleveland Guardians v Mariners Ticket Request - Saturday, September 3, 2022 starts at 7:15 pm EST - We have 10 sets of 2 tickets (1 set = 1 wheelchair seat and 1 companion seat) - Tickets will be sent out in the order in which we receive the requests. They will be emailed to the email address you input below. Members are responsible for transpo...

26th Annual MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury: Sat, Sep 24, 2022 05/08/2022

Really excited for this to be in person again AND on a Saturday so hopefully more people can come! Registration is open and it’s FREEEEEEE

26th Annual MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury: Sat, Sep 24, 2022 Spinal Cord Injury Forum - Sat, Sep 24, 2022 - Cleveland, OH - online ticket sales

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 12/07/2022

My Life Day - What a 15 years it has been! I’ve traveled the United States, advocated numerous times in Washington DC, met some INCREDIBLE “wheel” people that inspire me every day, I’ve bought a few homes/moved a few times, started a career, and then changed to a new career, became the President of a nonprofit, met the love of my life, started kayaking, and so much more!
I could play a bunch of “what-ifs” and think about what my life “could have been,” or I can look to what my life ACTUALLY IS and all of the accomplishments I worked hard to achieve. I have struggled a LOT during these past 15 years in a number of different areas of life, but the belief in a fulfilled life has never wavered.
Since day one of being a wheelchair user, my motto has been, “Where there is life, there is hope.” I 100% believe that this life is what YOU make it. There are so many opportunities to experience as a person with a disability if you are willing to get uncomfy. Getting out of your comfort zone is where joys and happiness thrive. Sure, it’s scary and can lead to some heavy times where everything feels like a struggle, but through it? Getting through it is a high reward of higher self-esteem, higher confidence in yourself, and happiness.
I choose to celebrate life on each anniversary but also in my daily life. I practice gratitude for everything my life has and all the experiences I have - the light and the heavy. So, I would like to know 1 thing you are grateful for in this moment! Comment below!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 11/07/2022

With my 15-year Life Day tomorrow, I’ve been reflecting a lot about the last 15 years, what I would do differently, and what I’ve learned along the way. You don’t need a life-altering injury to redefine your life, you can choose to live differently each day. But, what would it look like, and what supports would you need to do it?
Get descriptive about how your life would look with the changes you would make. Then, set a couple of small, tiny habit goals to work on. You can live your dream life with some planning and work.

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 02/07/2022

We had such a good time celebrating Elijah and Ethan today with family! Always great to get together, hang out and catch up! What are you doing this weekend?

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 27/06/2022

What do you do on a daily that is an act of self-love or self-care? Or, what do you want to start doing on a daily basis?
I start every day with some silent breathwork and then I make a cup of coffee and read for 15-30 minutes (depending on how much time I have). This lets me start the day in a peaceful mindset and the first thing I do every day is something that takes care of me.
One of my values is serving others. My job is about improving the lives of those living with spinal cord injuries - how to improve the quality of life. I easily hyperfocus on what I can do to take care of others so that taking care of me can get pushed aside. But, starting each day by taking care of myself and my mindset is one of many habits I built around self-love and self-care.
What is one thing you do every day that helps take care of you? Comment below and save this post for the journal prompt!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 13/06/2022

Spent the day connecting with friends and learning about the policies we will be advocating for tomorrow on the Hill! Long day and I’m completely exhausted but looking forward to tomorrow! We had different panelists and speakers covering topics such as the Air Carrier Access Act, Lifting “in the home” restrictions for wheelchairs, increasing the funding for SCI Model Systems, and more!

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 08/06/2022

Today is our 4th first date. (Swipe to see how we have changed over the years). Every year we have recreated our first date. A time to connect with each other, to look at how far we have come, and decide where we want to go from here.
Being in any relationship isn’t easy. It takes work even when you are exhausted and no relationship is perfect. This relationship is perfect for me. , you challenge me when I most need it, in all the ways I need it, but you are also my home, my safety.
I have dreamed my whole life for you. You are always up for the adventure of life. Dating someone with a disability, there will ALWAYS be an “adventure:” Something that is inaccessible, my body deciding on the most inconvenient time to “act up,” dealing with doctors and appointments, or anything else that may come up.
You never act like I am a burden or that anything related to my disability is “wrong.” You have accepted me and you love me for all that I am, all that I’m trying to be, and all the imperfections. I am forever grateful I get to call you mine. I love you so freaking much! 😘🦦🤗. 3 years down, forever to go 🥰

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 16/05/2022

We woke up pretty early this morning to catch the sea turtles still sleeping on the shore. I appreciate having the option to rent a beach chair so I can get on the beach! And greatly appreciate for pushing me around in it! We even saw a monk seal taking a snooze! Both creatures are endangered species 🥰

Photos from The Wheel Life Blog's post 08/05/2022

Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom I know! Your love, kindness, and generosity radiates to others around!
I could pick up the phone, needing anything, and you would move mountains to help me. I deeply appreciate and am so grateful for the love and support you have shown me throughout my life. I love you forever 😘🤗

Videos (show all)

Wheelchair maintenance is just part of life now.  I’ve learned how to do some things for myself (or able to direct someo...
SCI Awareness Month💖I use 3 types of catheters on the regular to help manage my bladder.  I made a full youtube video ab...
#TBT to when my baclofen pump wasn’t working correctly. This was my life all day, every day, for about 3 months.💖This wa...
Happy SCI Awareness Month!💖The annual incidence of spinal cord injury (SCI) is approximately 54 cases per million popula...
Hello everyone!💖I thought I would introduce myself since I’ve had a lot of new followers recently.  So, welcome and I re...