

Medicai enables better sharing and communication between patients, doctors & clinics

The Evolution and Impact of Health Information Exchange 07/12/2023

What is Medicai’s role in a system?

👉 Medicai’s APIs plays a vital role in ensuring secure and standardized between different components of the HIE system.

👉 Medicai web platform facilitates among healthcare professionals by providing tools for sharing and reviewing . It enables secure and , supporting teams involved in patient care.

👉 Medicai’s infrastructure provides a centralized and repository for storing medical images. It ensures that these images are easily retrievable when needed for diagnosis, treatment planning, or consultation.

Read more:

The Evolution and Impact of Health Information Exchange Health Information Exchange (HIE) refers to the electronic sharing of healthcare information among different healthcare organizations and systems. The goal of HIE is to facilitate the secure and efficient exchange of patient health information across various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, c...


We recently attended the "Implementation of EU cancer screening recommendations in Romania: barriers and opportunities" event, organized by our friends at Centre For Innovation in Medicine (InoMed).

We had a short intervention during which we explained how Medicai can significantly shorten the diagnosis time by streamlining the screening process and improving access to critical medical imaging data. Thank you, Marius Geantă, for the giving us the opportunity to present Medicai in such a distinguished company.

Alexandru Dragos Nanuti

Inside Stories from Doctors Embracing Medicai's Cloud-Based Imaging Solutions: Dr. Armand Frăsineanu (part 4) 04/12/2023

🙌 We want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the incredible doctors who have chosen our platform for accessing and collaborating on data and other types of files. Your dedication to providing top-notch is truly inspiring, and we're honored to support you in your crucial work.

Inside Stories from Doctors Embracing Medicai's Cloud-Based Imaging Solutions: Dr. Armand Frăsineanu (part 4) Dr. Armand Frăsineanu, Primary Neurologist at Neuroaxis reveals how doctors can harness the power of Medicai for seamless access & collaboration. Learn more…

Cum circulă azi datele tale medicale? Prin WhatsApp și WeTransfer 29/11/2023

Un articol cuprinzător despre gestionarea datelor medicale - Sorana Stănescu punctează multe dintre subiectele pentru care sperăm să oferim și noi un ajutor. Mulțumim, Sorana, pentru menționarea Medicai în această analiză:

"(...)un gastroenterolog de la Spitalul Colentina din București se chinuia să deschidă cu o pensă CD-ROM-ul unui calculator, pentru că avea un pacient grav care urma să fie operat. Bărbatul venise în seara de dinainte de la Buzău, cu CD-ul cu RMN-ul care arăta dimensiunea și localizarea tumorii. Dacă nu reușea să vadă CD-ul, pacientul ar fi trebuit să repete RMN-ul, iar medicii – să amâne operația, într-o secție și așa supra-aglomerată de cazuri complicate.
În schimb, dacă ar fi primit un link când pacientul a făcut investigația, nimic din toate astea nu s-ar fi întâmplat, iar echipa medicală ar fi avut și mai mult timp să se pregătească. Cam asta înseamnă „digitalizarea sistemului medical”.
"De exemplu, 17 spitale din subordinea Primăriei au folosit anul acesta Medicai, o platformă cloud interoperabilă, dezvoltată în România, în care pacienții își pot încărca singuri dosarul medical, investigațiile imagistice ajung automat și la medicul trimițător, și la pacient, iar medici din spitale diferite pot accesa în același timp aceleași documente, pentru a lua decizii rapide.
De exemplu, dacă și spitalul din Buzău, nu doar Colentina, ar fi avut Medicai, medicul ar fi văzut imediat RMN-ul și n-ar mai fi trebuit să depaneze calculatorul cu penseta."

Cum circulă azi datele tale medicale? Prin WhatsApp și WeTransfer De ce contează eforturile actuale de digitalizare în sănătate

5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care 29/11/2023

Doctors can access hospital investigations seamlessly from anywhere, eliminating the need to physically visit the imaging lab or rely on colleagues for study retrieval. This newfound autonomy not only streamlines processes but ensures an efficient flow within the hospital. 🔄💼

Medicai provides doctors with the invaluable capability to receive a comprehensive file containing the patient's entire medical history. This not only enhances decision-making but also contributes to a more holistic and patient-centric approach to healthcare. 📄💙

Here are 5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care

5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care In this blog post, we explore five public hospitals that have wholeheartedly embraced the Medicai platform and are reaping the benefits for both medical practitioners and patients alike.


🩻 Integrating capabilities into Electronic Health Record ( ) systems is essential for delivering comprehensive and efficient patient care. By seamlessly merging diagnostic images with patient records, healthcare providers gain a holistic understanding of a patient's health, enabling more informed decision-making.

💡This integration streamlines diagnostic processes, allowing for quicker access to critical information and facilitating prompt intervention. Learn more:


🙏 A huge thank you to Dr. Armand Frăsineanu for sharing his thoughts and highlighting the impact of Medicai in streamlining workflows in neurology and not only! Your feedback is invaluable in our mission.
Neuroaxis Romania



🏥 Today, Medicai had the privilege of participating in the unveiling of the National Digitalization Strategy for Health, where key stakeholders gathered to discuss the strategic objectives for the digitalization of health in Romania. 🇦🇩

At Medicai, we champion the idea that technology serves as a powerful enabler for the transformation of processes and the management of change, and it should be a helpful, intuitive force, seamlessly integrated into healthcare workflows. Our commitment to interoperability and adherence to standards forms the backbone of what we build, ensuring seamless collaboration and data exchange across the healthcare ecosystem.

We extend our sincere gratitude for the invitation to be part of this crucial dialogue and commend the efforts invested in shaping the future of healthcare. Medicai recognizes the significance of continuous collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as the vital synergy between startups and public administration.

Here's to a future where innovation and collaboration drive a more connected, patient-centric healthcare landscape! 🌟💙

Inside Stories from Doctors Embracing Medicai's Cloud-Based Imaging Solutions: Dr. Armand Frăsineanu (part 3) 22/11/2023

Exciting testimonial from Dr. Armand Frăsineanu, Senior Neurologist at Neuroaxis România, shedding light on the incredible versatility of Medicai in the medical field! Medicai can be used as a real-time library, accessible on-the-go, and an indispensable asset for neurologists, neurosurgeons, surgeons, oncologists, hematologists, and virtually every surgical specialty. Huge thanks to Dr. Frăsineanu, for sharing insights into how Medicai is shaping the future of medical collaboration and knowledge-sharing! 🙌💡

Inside Stories from Doctors Embracing Medicai's Cloud-Based Imaging Solutions: Dr. Armand Frăsineanu (part 3) Dr. Armand Frăsineanu, Primary Neurologist at Neuroaxis reveals how doctors can harness the power of Medicai for seamless access & collaboration.


Are you facing imaging storage challenges, remote collaboration requirements, data siloes and interoperability issues or imaging data integration challenges? Then head to booth #5174 at RSNA. The Medicai team (Mircea Popa, Alexandru Artimon) would love to show you a quick demo for you to see our solution in action! Book a meeting in advance:

Medicai's Free Web DICOM Viewer 21/11/2023

Medicai's web viewer allows healthcare professionals to visualize DICOM images without the need for local installations. This significantly reduces the complexity associated with accessing data, making it more convenient for users.

Learn more about Medicai's Free Web DICOM Viewer:

Medicai's Free Web DICOM Viewer  The introduction of web-based DICOM viewers has completely changed how healthcare practitioners interact with and handle medical imaging data in the quickly changing field of medical imaging. The standard format for exchanging and storing medical image data is called DICOM, or Digital Imaging and ...

Medicai and MEDITICE® Join Forces to Elevate Diagnostic Imaging 20/11/2023

🚀 Exciting Partnership Announcement! 🤝

We're thrilled to announce the partnership between Medicai and MEDITICE®! 🌐💼

MEDITICE®, a cloud-based ecosystem revolutionizing appointment booking and diagnostic imaging center management, is teaming up with Medicai to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and patient-centered care in diagnostic imaging.

🌟 What to Expect:
Medicai will provide cloud-based imaging storage and cutting-edge clinical collaboration features. This collaboration facilitates seamless communication between referring doctors and radiologists, ensuring a streamlined process from consultation to treatment.

💡 Why It Matters:
Together, Medicai and MEDITICE® are paving the way for a future where diagnostic imaging is more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered than ever before. Our shared goal is to empower patients to receive the care they need at the most convenient time and location, and to create a more integrated and patient-centric healthcare experience.


Medicai and MEDITICE® Join Forces to Elevate Diagnostic Imaging

Medicai and MEDITICE® Join Forces to Elevate Diagnostic Imaging The partnership between Medicai and Meditice will help diagnostic imaging centers to: reduce staff burnout, remove data error, improve center efficiency, drive revenue and fast-track patient care through medical collaboration.

Agilitate și viteză pentru inovatorii din sănătate – Medicai 17/11/2023

Am vorbit cu Startarium, despre evoluția Medicai din 2019 (când am câștigat premiul de 30.000 de euro, în competiția Startarium PitchDay) până în prezent:

"În 2022, echipa a pus la punct în doar două săptămâni platforma digitală pe care e construit „The Tumor Board Project” - proiectul care ajută pacienții ucraineni bolnavi de cancer care s-au refugiat în România și Moldova să-și continue tratamentul. Medicai a apărut de-a lungul timpului pe listele Forbes România – 30 under 30, Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE și Financial Times 1000. A primit investiții în valoare de 1,2 milioane de euro din partea GapMinder VC, Roca X (printre primii investitori ai Medicai), Cleverage VC, Plug and Play Ventures și D Moonshots, iar printre partenerii lor cei mai notabili se numără Microsoft și compania farmaceutică Boehringer-Ingelheim."

Agilitate și viteză pentru inovatorii din sănătate – Medicai

Agilitate și viteză pentru inovatorii din sănătate – Medicai Medicai, platforma online de imagistică medicală care permite colaborarea multidisciplinară între doctori și pacienții lor, a adunat investiții în valoare de peste un milion de euro de când a câștigat premiului 2 la Startarium PitchDay 2019. În 2022, echipa a pus la punct în doar două ...


is paramount in understanding the complexities and nuances of chronic illnesses. Medicai aims to become an enabler within this landscape, seamlessly connecting disparate healthcare systems and facilitating the fluid exchange of imaging data. Reducing redundancy and enhancing collaboration ensures a more efficient and patient-centric approach.


We’re thrilled that Medicai has been featured in the AlbionVC European HealthTech Market Map 2023, which includes leading companies across the digital care and digital pharma in Europe. 🚀
Read more here:

Digitalizarea, pasul firesc în îmbunătăţirea îngrijirilor medicale 13/11/2023

Despre Medicai, în Viata Medicala:
"Recent, un startup românesc a implementat platforma sa în toate unităţile sanitare aflate în subordinea Administraţiei Spitalelor și Serviciilor Medicale București. Soluţia propusă de startupul românesc și-a găsit utilitatea și în ceea ce privește tumor board-urile întocmite în spitalele de specialitate din cadrul ASSMB. Dosarele medicale ale pacienţilor oncologici sunt organizate într-un singur loc, iar echipa medicală are posibilitatea să acceseze oricând și de oriunde conţinutul acestora." Mai multe despre proiectele Medicai și colaborarea noastră cu spitalele și clinicile din România, în articolul de mai jos. Mulțumim, Viata Medicala!

Digitalizarea, pasul firesc în îmbunătăţirea îngrijirilor medicale

Digitalizarea, pasul firesc în îmbunătăţirea îngrijirilor medicale Recent, un startup românesc a implementat platforma sa în toate unităţile sanitare aflate în subordinea Administraţiei Spitalelor și Serviciilor Medicale București.

Mircea Popa, Fondator MedicAi: De la Românii Sunt Antreprenori la Inovație în Imagistica Medicală 06/11/2023

🎙 Descoperiți povestea Medicai și pasiunea noastră pentru inovație în domeniul imagisticii medicale, lecțiile pe care le-am învățat până acum și planurile noastre ambițioase pentru viitor, într-o conversație dintre Mircea Popa și Florin Roșoga:

Discover the Medicai story and our passion for innovation in healthcare and medical imaging, the lessons we've learned so far and our ambitious plans for the future -
Mircea Popa talks about it all in the latest episode of Florin Rosoga's podcast:

Mircea Popa, Fondator MedicAi: De la Românii Sunt Antreprenori la Inovație în Imagistica Medicală Astăzi, avem plăcerea de a-l avea ca invitat pe Mircea Popa, fondatorul companiei MedicAi, o platformă online inovatoare în domeniul imagisticii medicale. În 2019, Mircea și echipa sa au impresionat prin proiectul lor la competiția Startarium Pitch Day, acum cunoscută sub numele de Românii ...

What is a zero footprint infrastructure for imaging data? 01/11/2023

Zero footprint infrastructure refers to the concept of creating a digital environment that allows for the storage, viewing, and sharing of medical imaging data without the need for any additional software or hardware.
Learn more about Medicai's infrastructure in the article below:

What is a zero footprint infrastructure for imaging data?

What is a zero footprint infrastructure for imaging data? Zero footprint infrastructure refers to the concept of creating a digital environment that allows for the managing imaging without physical hardware

Medicai supports the digitalization of public hospitals in ASSMB 30/10/2023

Doctors at ASSMB hospitals, open to innovation, have embraced the technology provided by Medicai in huge numbers - several thousand doctors have undergone training and are actively using the Medicai mobile app (iOS and Android) and web app.

Our continued collaboration with the ASSMB exemplifies our shared vision of a modern, patient-centred healthcare system. We are excited about the opportunities this expanded partnership presents as we work together to complete the digitalization of Bucharest's public hospitals.

Medicai supports the digitalization of public hospitals in ASSMB

Medicai supports the digitalization of public hospitals in ASSMB Medicai, the interoperable cloud platform that facilitates the storage and management of imaging data, announces a landmark collaboration with the Administration of Hospitals and Medical Services of Bucharest (ASSMB).

3 ways you can transition you medical imaging clinic to a value based care practice 27/10/2023

➡️ Enhancing Care Coordination and Communication
➡️ Investing in technology
➡️ Engaging patients in their care

Learn how Medicai can help:
3 ways you can transition you medical imaging clinic to a value based care practice

3 ways you can transition you medical imaging clinic to a value based care practice Shifting to a value-based care practice requires a strategic approach that focuses on delivering high-quality care while optimizing resource utilization. In this blog post, we will explore three essential steps to help your medical imaging clinic successfully transition to a value-based care practic...

Exploring the Benefits of Online Educational Platforms for Radiologists 26/10/2023

Medicai's Educational Community is a virtual space where medical imaging professionals, students, and enthusiasts can come together to learn and collaborate.

The community is designed to facilitate knowledge sharing, skill development, and professional growth among its members.
Learn more:

Exploring the Benefits of Online Educational Platforms for Radiologists

Exploring the Benefits of Online Educational Platforms for Radiologists The digital era has opened up a world of opportunities through online educational platforms. These platforms cater specifically to the needs of radiologists, providing a wealth of resources, courses, and interactive tools.


➡️ -Based : The cloud-based storage capabilities of Medicai enable practices to store and access medical images and patient data from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier to retrieve patient information and collaborate with colleagues, even if they are located remotely.
➡️ Viewer: Medicai comes equipped with a DICOM viewer, which is essential for viewing and analyzing medical images. Orthopedic and can use this viewer to examine images and make accurate diagnoses.
➡️ Collaborative Tools: Medicai offers tools that allow multiple healthcare professionals to discuss and annotate medical images in real-time. Orthopedic practices can use these tools during multidisciplinary meetings, enabling better communication and collaborative treatment planning.
➡️ Integration with Systems: Medicai can be integrated with electronic health record (EHR) systems, providing orthopedic practices with seamless access to patient data and imaging results in one place.
➡️ Secure Image Sharing: Medicai allows for secure and efficient sharing of medical images, such as X-rays, , and scans, among healthcare providers. Orthopedic practices can easily share images with , , and other specialists for consultation and collaborative decision-making.

Empowering Neurologists: Medicai's Advanced Solution for the Modern Practice 24/10/2023

As practices continue to adapt to the changing healthcare landscape, advanced medical imaging and collaboration tools are becoming indispensable.
Medicai's approach, with its , , , and design, coupled with its unique features, positions it as a game-changer for neurologists. By offering a holistic solution to imaging and collaborative needs, Medicai empowers neurology practices to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and stay at the forefront of neurological research and treatment.

Empowering Neurologists: Medicai's Advanced Solution for the Modern Practice

Empowering Neurologists: Medicai's Advanced Solution for the Modern Practice Neurology, a medical specialty focused on the intricate complexities of the nervous system, relies heavily on precise diagnostic tools and effective collaboration among healthcare professionals. In the age of rapid technological advancements, medical imaging is at the forefront of patient care, and....

Medic român tratează pacienți de cancer în SUA: Cât e de ereditar și care sunt simptomele frecvente | Newsweek Romania 23/10/2023

Prof. Dr. Doru Paul launched the Heal project more than a year ago together with a group of committed doctors from the diaspora, specialists in the field of oncology, who wanted to make their expertise available to Romanian patients in order to improve the cancer care system in Romania. Doctors and patients or carers can upload the medical documents via Medicai at, and then one of the coordinating doctors will contact them once the case has been discussed. Thank you for the shoutout, Prof. Paul!

Medic român tratează pacienți de cancer în SUA: Cât e de ereditar și care sunt simptomele frecvente | Newsweek Romania Ce semne trebuie să ne dea de gândit, ce tratamente sunt și cât de ereditar este cancerul? Dr. Doru Paul, medic specialist în Divizia de Hematologie și Oncologie Medicală din Weill Cornell, New York a dat multe explicații într-un interviu pentru Newsweek.


How is Medicai used by hospitals within the Administration of Hospitals and Medical Services Bucharest?

➡️ database of cancer patients whose cases are presented to the multidisciplinary committee and online collaboration on these cases
➡️ fast access to imaging performed in private clinic, where patients are referred for CT/MRI
➡️ transfer of patients’ records between hospitals when needed, and thus removing infrastructure barriers
➡️ instant access to the medical imaging investigations, as soon as they are perfomed
➡️ being able to transfer patients' records between hospitals, including imaging, by removing infrastructure barriers
➡️ collaboration between doctors inside and outside the hospital to provide the best and quickest diagnosis for the patient

Would you like to know what it would mean to implement Medicai in your own hospital or clinic? Sign-up for a demo below:


Pacienții pot trimite, prin Medicai, întregul lor dosar electronic cu toate investigaţiile imagistice şi documentele medicale efectuate, indiferent de locaţia (clinică/spitalul/laboratorul sau cabinetul) unde s-au efectuat, direct către medicii din Spitalul Clinic de Obstetrică-Ginecologie „Prof. Dr. Panait Sîrbu“, înainte de consultație.
Astfel aceștia au o cale de acces mai rapidă către specialiştii spitalului, fără drumuri inutile pentru predarea investigațiilor imagistice sau a rezultatelor analizelor recomandate de medicul lor.

Patients can now send, through Medicai, their entire electronic file with all imaging investigations and medical documents performed, regardless of the location (clinic/hospital/laboratory or office) where they were performed, directly to the doctors of the Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynaecology "Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu", before the consultation.
This way they have a quicker access to the hospital specialists, without unnecessary trips to hand in the imaging investigations or the results of the tests recommended by their doctor.

Trimite Dosar Medical – Maternitatea Giulesti Spitalul Clinic Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu

Medicai HL7 & FHIR API | Medicai 16/10/2023

Medicai API provides a powerful and flexible tool for healthcare organizations and developers to integrate medical imaging capabilities into their own applications and workflows. Our API can be integrated with third-party applications, such as electronic health record (EHR) systems, to provide seamless access to medical imaging capabilities. Do you want to learn more?

Medicai HL7 & FHIR API | Medicai

Medicai HL7 & FHIR API | Medicai Accelerate medical imaging innovation with Medicai API - seamless communication between medical imaging software and other systems.

ASSMB implementează un sistem integrat pentru managementul datelor imagistice medicale 11/10/2023

Medicai ofera servicii moderne, digitale pentru pacienții și doctorii spitalelor din administrația capitalei:

➡️ în spitalele de specialitate din ASSMB, Medicai a realizat fluxuri digitale de tumor board (comisii multidisciplinare).Prin Medicai, toate dosarele medicale ale pacienților oncologici sunt organizate într-un singur loc, iar echipa medicală are posibilitatea să acceseze oricând și de oriunde s-ar afla, conținutul acestora.
➡️ dosarele pot fi încărcate direct de pacienți, înainte ca aceștia să vină la consultație, prin linkul public pus la dispoziție de Medicai. Astfel, pacienții nu fac drumuri inutile, iar aglomerația din sălile de așteptare e redusă.
➡️ CD-urile aduse de pacienți sunt încărcate direct în platformă și stocate în arhiva spitalului, ajutând medicii să poată compara direct investigația nouă cu cea anterioară, utilizând viewerul integrat.
➡️ pentru spitalele cu furnizori externi de imagistică, Medicai a reușit crearea unei conexiuni securizate pentru a transmite automat imagistica pacienților ASSMB trimiși în aceste clinici private.

Succesul înregistrat de Medicai în faza inițială de implementare demonstrează capacitatea acesteia de a genera schimbări pozitive în instituțiile publice de sănătate. Prin colaborarea dintre ASSMB și Medicai se va putea duce la final procesul de digitalizare a dosarului de pacient și se va asigura accesul pacienților din București la servicii digitale moderne.

Aflați mai multe din comunicatul de mai jos:

ASSMB implementează un sistem integrat pentru managementul datelor imagistice medicale Medicai, platforma cloud interoperabilă care facilitează stocarea și managementul datelor imagistice, anunță o colaborare de referință cu Administrația Spitalelor și Serviciilor Medicale București…

Empowering Patients: A Comprehensive Guide to 5 Major Legislation Rules Regarding Patients' Access to Data in the US 10/10/2023

In today's digital age, access to our health data is a game-changer. It empowers us to take control of our wellness journey. 📊
🔐 Regulatory support, like HIPAA and the 21st Century Cures Act, ensures privacy and access rights. 📜 In this blog article we explore the major legislation rules concerning patients' access to data in the US.
🌐 Medicai’s patient portal simplifies access and sharing of crucial health information, making informed decisions easier and collaboration seamless. 🤝
Let's celebrate the importance of patient data access in shaping a healthier future! 💪


Empowering Patients: A Comprehensive Guide to 5 Major Legislation Rules Regarding Patients' Access to Data in the US The importance of access to personal health information cannot be overstated, as it enables patients to make informed decisions, manage their healthcare effectively, and engage more actively in their treatment plans.


🤝 Happy to announce the partnership between Medicai and RT Lotus Center Suceava! At Medicai, we are proud to support RT Lotus Center's mission to deliver radiotherapy services at European standards.
Together, we're committed to delivering the best in medical imaging and radiotherapy, with a focus on precision, efficiency, and patient well-being.

5 spitale publice care îmbrățișează tehnologia pentru o mai bună îngrijire a pacienților 06/10/2023

Ne bucuram sa putem sprijini eforturile acestor spitale si impreuna sa realizam progrese in imbunatatirea experientei si a rezultatelor pacientilor.

5 spitale publice care îmbrățișează tehnologia pentru o mai bună îngrijire a pacienților În domeniul asistenței medicale moderne, tehnologia a devenit un aliat indispensabil, transformând modul în care medicii diagnostichează, tratează și îngrijesc pacienții. O inovație în acest domeniu…


🚀 We are at How To Web, the Google for Startups booth! Come say hi 👋


We are happy to announce a new partnership between Medicai and the Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu” Iași!🌟
🏥 In an era where seamless collaboration and quick access to medical data are more crucial than ever, through this partnership we hope to make a significant impact on the way medical professionals organize their workflows and, ultimately, on the lives of countless patients.

🚀 Here's how Medicai and the Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu” are teaming up:
1️⃣ Faster Triage: With Medicai's technology, doctors will be able to triage cases more swiftly and efficiently. This means quicker diagnoses and treatments for patients.
2️⃣ Access from Anywhere: Medicai enables access to medical imaging data from anywhere in the world. This means that medical experts can collaborate with specialists inside the hospital, but also worldwide, ensuring the best care for their patients.
3️⃣ Medical Collaboration: Collaboration among healthcare experts is paramount for delivering the highest quality patient care. This partnership fosters seamless communication, enabling physicians to consult, share insights, and collectively determine the best treatment strategies.

Together, Medicai and the Emergency Clinical Hospital “Prof. Dr. Nicolae Oblu” are on a mission to elevate healthcare standards and improve patient outcomes. We are dedicated to providing healthcare professionals with the tools they need to excel in their crucial work.

A2Z Market Research 25/09/2023

We’ve been mentioned as Key Players in a report issued by 🚀
"Medical Cloud Imaging Platform Market is growing at a +5% CAGR during the forecast period 2023-2030. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market."
Medical Cloud Imaging Platform Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2029 |Google Cloud, PostDICOM, Hyland

A2Z Market Research A2Z Market Research


Gone are the days of carrying CDs from one clinic to another. With Medicai, patients can securely store and easily share imaging data with their healthcare providers, making informed decisions about their health. Medicai places utmost importance on the privacy and security of patients' health information. The data is stored in a state-of-the-art, HIPAA-compliant environment, ensuring that sensitive information is always protected.

5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care 15/09/2023

Meet 5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care

5 public hospitals that embrace technology for better patient care In this blog post, we explore five public hospitals that have wholeheartedly embraced the Medicai platform and are reaping the benefits for both medical practitioners and patients alike.

Medicai and Radical Imaging Partner Together to Integrate FlexView in Medicai's Platform 14/09/2023

"Our mission is to empower healthcare professionals with the tools they need to provide the best possible care to their patients.
That's why we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Radical Imaging, a visionary company that shares our passion for innovation and excellence in the field of medical imaging. Together, we are determined to revolutionize the way medical imaging is managed, stored, and viewed.” - said Mircea Popa, CEO of Medicai.

Medicai and Radical Imaging Partner Together to Integrate FlexView in Medicai's Platform Radical Imaging Partners with Medicai to Provide an All-in-One Medical Imaging Infrastructure, Workflows Management System and Viewer Solution

We make medical imaging collaboration easy for patients, doctors, clinics & hospitals. Medicai enables patient-doctor collaboration, through online sharing and communication, no matter where they are.

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How does Medicai help with medical data management? 🚧💔With Medicai, you can share your medical imaging data effortlessly...
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Inteligența artificială poate fi un instrument eficient pentru sortarea și compararea imaginilor medicale, în special în...
Dr. Sorin Ghiea, vorbind despre modul colaborativ în care folosește platforma Medicai. Pentru a asculta întreaga discuți...
From converting radiology reports into different languages, to writing a summary of the radiology report at a level that...
SIIM 23 @Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) came to an end, an annual meeting where experts and innovato...
We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the growth Medicai has experienced over the past month, as we compare it to the...
#RadiologyInformatics is a specialized field that focuses on the management and utilization of information within radiol...
☁️ #CloudStorage allows specialists and #radiologists from different organizations to access and review #MedicalImages s...
✔️Data Management Complexity: Radiology departments often deal with a wide range of file formats and #imaging modalities...