Medicai Videos

Videos by Medicai. Medicai enables better sharing and communication between patients, doctors & clinics

📊 The increase in imaging file size and complexity has presented a significant challenge for healthcare managers, requiring innovative solutions to ensure efficient access, storage, and sharing of crucial imaging data. 🚀☁️💻 Enter Medicai, our

📊 The increase in imaging file size and complexity has presented a significant challenge for healthcare managers, requiring innovative solutions to ensure efficient access, storage, and sharing of crucial imaging data.
🚀☁️💻 Enter Medicai, our interoperable platform which helps healthcare providers navigate this complexity and streamlining the management of imaging files. Learn more at:

#MedicaiMagic #ImagingInnovation #ImagingInnovation #HealthcareTechnology #RadiologyManagement #HealthcareEfficiency

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📊 The increase in imaging file size and complexity has presented a significant challenge for healthcare managers, requiring innovative solutions to ensure efficient access, storage, and sharing of crucial imaging data. 🚀☁️💻 Enter Medicai, our
📊 The increase in imaging file size and complexity has presented a significant challenge for healthcare managers, requiring innovative solutions to ensure efficient access, storage, and sharing of crucial imaging data. 🚀☁️💻 Enter Medicai, our interoperable platform which helps healthcare providers navigate this complexity and streamlining the management of imaging files. Learn more at: #MedicaiMagic #ImagingInnovation #ImagingInnovation #HealthcareTechnology #RadiologyManagement #HealthcareEfficiency

How does Medicai help with medical data management? 🚧💔With Medicai, you can share your medical imaging data effortlessly with your healthcare squad. Doctors, nurses, specialists – let them all coordinate for better, more informed care! 🌐 Medica
How does Medicai help with medical data management? 🚧💔With Medicai, you can share your medical imaging data effortlessly with your healthcare squad. Doctors, nurses, specialists – let them all coordinate for better, more informed care! 🌐 Medicai isn't just about your health – it's about the health of communities! 🏘️💙 Use your anonymized data for population health initiatives, because a healthier world starts with each one of us! 🤝 🔍 Medicai supports groundbreaking studies, innovations, and discoveries because every data point is a step towards a healthier future! 🚀🔬

Tomografiile computerizate sintetice oferă o alternativă prin generarea unei imagini asemănătoare tomografiei computerizate din alte modalități de imagistică disponibile, cm ar fi imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică (IRM). Acest lucru elimină
Tomografiile computerizate sintetice oferă o alternativă prin generarea unei imagini asemănătoare tomografiei computerizate din alte modalități de imagistică disponibile, cm ar fi imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică (IRM). Acest lucru elimină necesitatea de a efectua mai multe scanări CT, oferind în același timp informațiile necesare pentru planificarea tratamentului. Află mai multe despre acest subiect, dar și despre alte idei și tehnologii descoperite la European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology Congress 2023, din discuția cu Dr. Sorin Ghiea, aici: Synthetic #CT #scans offer an alternative by generating a CT-like image from other available imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (#MRI). This eliminates the need for multiple CT scans while providing the information needed for treatment planning. Find out more about this and other ideas and technologies uncovered at the European Society of Musculoskeletal #Radiology Congress 2023 from our discussion with Dr Sorin Ghiea here:

Dr. Sorin Ghiea ne-a povestit despre experiența sa și ideile pe care le-a păstrat în urma congresului European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology Congress 2023, despre AI-ul interpretativ și cel non-interpretativ, diferențele în evoluția fiecăr
Dr. Sorin Ghiea ne-a povestit despre experiența sa și ideile pe care le-a păstrat în urma congresului European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology Congress 2023, despre AI-ul interpretativ și cel non-interpretativ, diferențele în evoluția fiecăruia dintre acestea și câteva concluzii despre adopția soft-urilor de AI în radiologie în spitalele din Europa: Dr. Sorin Ghiea told us about his experience and the ideas he extracted from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology Congress 2023, about interpretive and non-interpretive AI, the differences in the evolution of each of those, and some conclusions about the adoption of AI software in radiology: #ListenIn "They have somehow didactically divided these into an interpretative AI that allows you to, helps you diagnose. And here they have discussed a lot of about fracture detection. There are a lot of clinics and software, for example AZMed or Gleamer are two of the companies that, at least in France, have been implemented in hundreds of hospitals, they work on the fracture side and on the measurement side. Measurements are a disaster for us. We waste a lot of time making these measurements, which are very often subjective, because sometimes it seems to you that the angle is not really like that. Although by measurement you mean something exact. In fact, the reality is that it's not always very accurate. The AI can make it accurate, can make it reproducible and there are no discrepancies between what I measure as a radiologist, what the orthopedist measures in his office and so on. So that was one of the discussions. The other discussion was on the rheumatology side, where there are some patterns of lesions that sometimes help you make the diagnosis, which is great, but the consensus somehow was that we're not there yet."

Inteligența artificială poate fi un instrument eficient pentru sortarea și compararea imaginilor medicale, în special în cazurile în care sunt prezente mai multe secvențe într-o singură examinare și mai multe imagini de la instituții diferite.
Inteligența artificială poate fi un instrument eficient pentru sortarea și compararea imaginilor medicale, în special în cazurile în care sunt prezente mai multe secvențe într-o singură examinare și mai multe imagini de la instituții diferite. Află mai multe despre ultimele aplicațiile AI-ului în radiologie din cel mai recent episod al podcastului nostru: AI can be a powerful tool for sorting and comparing medical images, especially in cases where multiple sequences are present in a single examination and multiple images from different institutions. Learn more about this topic by listening to the latest episode of our podcast:

Dr. Sorin Ghiea, vorbind despre modul colaborativ în care folosește platforma Medicai. Pentru a asculta întreaga discuție din episodul 5 a podcastului Limitless Medical Imaging, tune in aici:
Dr. Sorin Ghiea, vorbind despre modul colaborativ în care folosește platforma Medicai. Pentru a asculta întreaga discuție din episodul 5 a podcastului Limitless Medical Imaging, tune in aici: Dr. Sorin Ghiea, talking about the collaborative way he uses the Medicai platform: "(...) having a viewer on the platform, I can look directly at the images in the platform, I can set the key images, point them to the orthopaedist and even send them a message. So there is this chat between the referring doctor and the radiologist or we can do a whole multidisciplinary board on the patient. And there we can discuss cases better than ever. We even have the option to do a video chat if we want to and we have the time. But we have this asynchronous method where I write the message now, the orthopaedist sees it tonight, looks at the picture too, replies yes I agree, I disagree etc."

From converting radiology reports into different languages, to writing a summary of the radiology report at a level that a patient could understand, to even creating an entire report that only needs to be verified by the radiologist, these are just some of the ways in which ChatGPT can be used, especially in medical writing. Summarizing prior reports so radiologists can get a history of the pathology that they’re finding is another use-case. However, this large language model (LLM) is not without its limitations. If the information provided is insufficient, ChatGPT tends to make assumptions about what the user wants—assumptions that can cause problems when providing guidance, or so called “the hallucination effect”, generating concepts and phrases that are not true. This is why it’s dangerous to rely on ChatGPT to make a clinical decision. Find more about this topic in the links below:

SIIM 23 @Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) came to an end, an annual meeting where experts and innovators from the healthcare imaging community converge to shape the future of radiology and imaging. One of the growing trends discussed there was the advantages of cloud infrastructure to store and manage medical images. Cloud offers scalability, eliminates on-premises limitations and enables seamless access to critical imaging data from anywhere, anytime. Dive more into our discussion with Brian Casey from The Imaging Wire, who shared with us a brief summary of the important topics discussed at SIIM: #Radiology #RadiologyInformatics #HealthcareDataAccess #ImagingInformatics #CloudInfrastructure #HealthcareCloud #MedicalImaging #ImagingData #SIIM #SIIM23

We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the growth Medicai has experienced over the past month, as we compare it to the same period last year. We have witnessed a significant increase in the total number of users, demonstrating the trust and reliance he
We wanted to take a moment to reflect on the growth Medicai has experienced over the past month, as we compare it to the same period last year. We have witnessed a significant increase in the total number of users, demonstrating the trust and reliance healthcare professionals and patients place on our platform. Our achievements are a result of the collective efforts of our talented team and the invaluable support of our users, clients, and partners. As we celebrate our growth, it is essential to remember that our success is not measured solely by numbers or statistics. What truly matters is the positive impact we make on the lives of patients and healthcare providers. This highlights the importance of our work and inspires us to continue pushing the boundaries of medical imaging.

#RadiologyInformatics is a specialized field that focuses on the management and utilization of information within radiology departments and #imaging centers. It involves the application of technology, data science, and information systems to improve the
#RadiologyInformatics is a specialized field that focuses on the management and utilization of information within radiology departments and #imaging centers. It involves the application of technology, data science, and information systems to improve the acquisition, #storage, retrieval, and analysis of medical images and related patient data. Here's how Medicai incorporates #RadiologyInformatics principles: ✔️Image Archiving and Retrieval ✔️Workflow Optimization ✔️AI integration ✔️Integration with other systems & more #MedicalImagingPlatform #InnovationInHealthcare #CollaborativeCare #PatientOutcomes #StreamlinedWorkflows

☁️ #CloudStorage allows specialists and #radiologists from different organizations to access and review #MedicalImages simultaneously. This enables real-time collaboration, where experts can discuss cases, exchange opinions, and provide consultations
☁️ #CloudStorage allows specialists and #radiologists from different organizations to access and review #MedicalImages simultaneously. This enables real-time collaboration, where experts can discuss cases, exchange opinions, and provide consultations remotely, even if they are in separate institutions. Learn more about how bringing specialists from another organization is possible with a cloud-based medical imaging platform like Medicai: #MedicalImagingPlatform #InnovationInHealthcare #CollaborativeCare #PatientOutcomes #StreamlinedWorkflows #CloudComputing #Radiology #RadiologyInformatics #MedicalImaging #MedicalData

✔️Data Management Complexity: Radiology departments often deal with a wide range of file formats and #imaging modalities, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and more. Managing this diverse data can be complex and time-consuming. Medicai prov
✔️Data Management Complexity: Radiology departments often deal with a wide range of file formats and #imaging modalities, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and more. Managing this diverse data can be complex and time-consuming. Medicai provides a centralized repository and standardized data format, enabling efficient #DataStorage, organization, and retrieval of various file types. It streamlines data management and ensures easy accessibility for #radiologists. ✔️ #Interoperability Challenges: Different imaging modalities may generate data in proprietary formats, making it difficult to exchange information seamlessly between systems. Medicai, having robust interoperability capabilities, can overcome this challenge by supporting industry standards, such as DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) and enabling seamless integration with multiple imaging devices, PACS systems, and other healthcare IT infrastructure. #RadiologyExcellence #MedicalImagingInnovation #HealthcareTechnology #Collaboration #PatientCare #FutureofRadiology

✔️ Continuity of care: Having seamless access to prior studies allows radiologists to compare and analyze images over time, aiding in the detection of subtle changes or the progression of a condition. This continuity of care enables more accurate diag
✔️ Continuity of care: Having seamless access to prior studies allows radiologists to compare and analyze images over time, aiding in the detection of subtle changes or the progression of a condition. This continuity of care enables more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. ✔️ Future-Readiness: Medicai can easily integrate artificial intelligence algorithms, ensuring radiology centers stay at the forefront of medical imaging innovation. #RadiologyExcellence #MedicalImagingInnovation #HealthcareTechnology #Collaboration #PatientCare #FutureofRadiology

💻 Through Medicai Patient Portal, patients have the possibility to access and review their medical records, including medical imaging reports and images. This access promotes transparency, allowing individuals to understand their conditions better and
💻 Through Medicai Patient Portal, patients have the possibility to access and review their medical records, including medical imaging reports and images. This access promotes transparency, allowing individuals to understand their conditions better and make informed decisions about their healthcare. 🩻 Moreover, having ownership of health information enables consumers to share their medical history, including #MedicalImaging data, with different healthcare providers and specialists involved in their care. This promotes continuity of care and helps healthcare professionals make more accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions. #HealthcareData #PatientExperience #MedicalImaging

💡 “What is the lowest cost archiving solution? How do I bring images across networks of providers? How do I manage referral information?” 🩻 Managing and optimizing the storage, retrieval and sharing of medical images and related data in radiolog
💡 “What is the lowest cost archiving solution? How do I bring images across networks of providers? How do I manage referral information?” 🩻 Managing and optimizing the storage, retrieval and sharing of medical images and related data in radiology departments and across healthcare providers - all of this is what #RadiologyInformatics is all about. Medicai is utilizing and implementing #RadiologyInformatics practices through: - Secure storage and retrieval - Interoperability and data exchange - Workflow optimization - Integration with RIS and EHR - Data analytics and more. #MedicalImaging #DataSharing #HealthcareData #Interoperability

🏥 Health systems typically comprise multiple facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and imaging centers, each potentially using different vendor-specific PACS systems. These systems may have variations in data formats, communication protocols, and sto
🏥 Health systems typically comprise multiple facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and imaging centers, each potentially using different vendor-specific PACS systems. These systems may have variations in data formats, communication protocols, and storage architectures. 💻 Agnostic tools like Medicai can bridge the gaps between these diverse systems, enabling seamless exchange and integration of imaging data, streamlining workflows and facilitating collaboration. 💡 If you'd like to learn more about this topic, tune in to the 2nd episode of Limitless Medical Imaging podcast: #Interoperability #ImagingData #MedicalImaging #MedicalCollaboration #PatientExperience

By leveraging radiology informatics in an international virtual #TumorBoard, radiologists can collaborate effectively, share knowledge, and collectively make informed decisions while reviewing and discussing medical images. This approach transcends geogr
By leveraging radiology informatics in an international virtual #TumorBoard, radiologists can collaborate effectively, share knowledge, and collectively make informed decisions while reviewing and discussing medical images. This approach transcends geographical barriers, fosters #multidisciplinary #collaboration, and enhances patient care by leveraging the expertise of radiologists from around the world. #patientexperience #medicalimaging #healthcaredata #radiologyinformatics

🔗 ⚕️How do you have #Interoperability of #ImagingData and why is that important? 💡 By achieving interoperability of imaging data, healthcare providers can overcome information barriers, improve care coordination, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and
🔗 ⚕️How do you have #Interoperability of #ImagingData and why is this important? 💡 By achieving interoperability of imaging data, healthcare providers can overcome information barriers, improve care coordination, enhance diagnostic accuracy, and reduce inefficiencies in image sharing and interpretation. It enables a seamless flow of data, promotes collaboration among healthcare professionals, and ultimately leads to better patient outcomes. Medicai enables healthcare providers, radiologists, and other authorized personnel to access and view medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds, regardless of the system or vendor used to acquire or store the images, from wherever they are. Learn more about this topic by listening to our podcast episode below: #Interoperability #MedicalImaging #Radiology #RadiologyInformatics #HealthcareData #PatientExperience

Managing complex data sets that require a lot of storage and processing power is one of the key challenges in #MedicalImaging. Learn more about #CloudComputing and how it can help overcome these challenges by listening to our podcast below: https://shows
Managing complex data sets that require a lot of storage and processing power is one of the key challenges in #MedicalImaging. Learn more about #CloudComputing and how it can help overcome these challenges by listening to our podcast below: #HealthcareData #HealthcareIT #MedicalImagingData #DataManagement #DataStorage #DataAnalysis