Karyn Haley

Karyn Haley

Karyn Haley's Gut Love is a community for moms with Crohn’s and Colitis. Quiet you symptoms naturally so you can be the mom you always dreamed you’d be!

To Help IBD Symptoms, Target Your Microbiome with These Foods 30/01/2020

🐢 Slowly but surely, the wheels of IBD progress are moving. 👍

Most of the time, it’s frustrating to witness the tortoise pace of Crohn’s and colitis research. I guess research about our bowels isn’t sexy enough.

And we rarely see research dollars spent on anything but pharmaceutical bought and paid for studies that never take a holistic or diet approach to remission.

The world of how the food we eat having a tremendous impact on our IBD symptoms is largely based on anecdotal evidence and hushed whispers in Facebook groups where the chatter is all about healing diets like SCD, GAPS and IBD-AIP (Thank God for those groups of IBD warriors 💪).

That’s why, when the research community finally sits up and takes their head out of a 1950’s sandbox surrounded by pills, it makes me positively gitty!!!!

So today, my dear IBD warrior mama out there— yes YOU— the IBD fighter I know you are... today is a good day to celebrate the researchers of the IBD world for taking a giant tortoise step closer in funding research that can actually make a difference in our lives.

Read about the latest study on the IBD-AIP diet below. It’s promising.

And hey, didn’t the tortoise win the race in the end?

To Help IBD Symptoms, Target Your Microbiome with These Foods A recent study on a new diet called the IBD-AID diet has shown that it may be helpful for people with IBD. The diet focuses on correcting gut bacteria balance with probiotic and prebiotic foods.


Silly, sexy hubby helping out in the kitchen today. 😊 Gotta love a man who makes food art!

Going out of town and want to bring your healthy gut healing food with you? I never go anywhere without cooked carrots. They’re great warm or cold and they’re perfect when you’re out and hunger strikes.

We Asked a Pro for Some Healthy Twists on Classic Asian Recipes & Boy, Did She Deliver 09/07/2019

Think you need to ditch your Asian favorites because you’re following a gut healing diet like Paleo or SCD?

No way!

You can easily swap out soy sauce for coconut aminos. And rice? No problem there either. Cauliflower rice is nutritious and delicious.

I’ve swapped the rice for cauliflower in my own house and my kids didn’t even notice the difference!

Need a new Asian recipe to spice up your same old meal plan? Click the link below.

We Asked a Pro for Some Healthy Twists on Classic Asian Recipes & Boy, Did She Deliver Anyone on the hunt for healthy versions of your favorite Asian recipes should look no further than ChihYu Smith, the blogger behind the increasingly popular Asian-inspired paleo cuisine food blog, I Heart Umami. Smith, who lives, breathes and eats paleo, has released her very first cookbook, Asian P...

Cucumber by Macka B 07/07/2019

This is great. Love a man who writes songs about healthy food!!!

My favorite line... "Wash away the bacteria that cause the odor, cucumber water instead of soda."



Cucumber by Macka B Please check the Official Remix Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdL0CsZLieo&t=1s For more information on Macka B please visit the following links; htt...


With just a tweak or two, this could be your gut healing SCD meal for dinner tonight.

Use a homemade or Rao’s Sensitive tomato sauce and switch out the mozzarella for cheddar or Parmesan cheese.

Dairy free like me?

No worries. Just omit the cheese. I made it last night and it was delish!

*SCD= Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Msg me if you want more info. I’ve got a free SCD Kickstarter Guide that shows how this eating plan can have a life changing impact on your Crohn’s or Colitis.


Easy like Sunday morning.

Happy birthday to my #1 furry gal.

6 already?

Love your white goggles!!! Snuggles and hugs and loads of swimming for this birthday girl.❤️💜💚🧡


Now that just makes me smile 😊

Turn up the volume for the full effect. The coo’s and babbles add to the cute factor.



Oohh, this is worth a watch.

Want to get really clear on how the food you eat plays a role in creating Crohn’s and colitis in your body?

Watch this.

I often think to myself, why IBD? Why didn’t I get Lupus or Graves Disease or any other autoimmune disease?

[Not saying I’d rather have those illnesses. Truth is, they all suck. It’s not a contest. But I’m just saying, why IBD?]

Well, to quote of one the amazing speakers from this video, “the chain always breaks at the weakest link.”

For us, our gut was our weakest link.

To be clear, it isn’t just eating unhealthy food that causes IBD. But food is a big part of the 3 legs of your imaginary stool that collapsed and created autoimmunity.

Leg 1- your genes
Leg 2- leaky gut (the food piece)
Leg 3- the trigger

The collapse of these 3 legs created the perfect IBD storm and this video gives us a good glimpse into the leaky gut piece.

23 Photos That Will Give Every 90s Kid Serious Elementary School Flashbacks 15/06/2019

I’m not a child of the 90s, but most of these were around in the 70s and 80s too.

My fav in elementary school was #9.

Gotta give an honorable mention for #5 and #6.

How about you?

23 Photos That Will Give Every 90s Kid Serious Elementary School Flashbacks This is why school was so much better back in the day.

Zeroing In On An Inflammatory Bowel Disease Culprit 14/06/2019

A cure is coming!!! And no surprise that Harvard’s reaseach is honing in on gut bugs.

We’re getting closer. I can feel it.

Zeroing In On An Inflammatory Bowel Disease Culprit When Harvard University talks, people listen (including me)! So I paid particular attention to a fascinating bit of new research out just this week that definitely takes us a step closer to figure…

EWG's 2019 Guide to Safer Sunscreens 10/06/2019

School's out for summer!!!

Getting ready to hit the beach with your favorite sunscreen? Not so fast mom friend. You'll definitely want to check out this year's EWG guide to see if your sunscreen is safe.

We all want to protect our kids and we all want to be safe when it comes to sun exposure and sunscreen.

Get the latest info on sunscreen from one of my favorite websites in the whole world.

Happy Almost Summer--

EWG's 2019 Guide to Safer Sunscreens EWG assessed more than 1,300 products with SPF and found that about two-thirds still offer inferior sun protection or contain concerning ingredients, such as oxybenzone, a potentially hormone-disrupting chemical that is readily absorbed by the body.

The gut mycobiome: overlooked in digestive diseases 17/05/2019

The gut mycobiome: overlooked in digestive diseases A recent review discusses what it is known about the make-up of fungal communities on the body and their role in host health and gastrointestinal diseases.


Loving my lunch today! Just had to share.

Do you like lettuce wraps? This is a shredded pork lettuce wrap. The cold crunch with the warm seasoned pork is the perfect dish to make me not miss a bun at all.

Delish! 🥰😋



This is the year you take control of your gut health.

This is the year you say goodbye to constant pain, bloating, gas, and multiple trips to the bathroom every day.

This is the year you put that Crohn’s and Colitis in remission so you can embrace motherhood with renewed energy and abundance.

This year, make it your resolution to come on a gut healing journey with me and all the moms in the Gut Love Community.


We’re waiting to welcome you!

Welcome to 2019 and welcome to the rest of your AWESOME life.


My oldest just went to the grocery store— can I get a whoop 🙌 for Wegmans? Love that store—and realized that Brussel sprouts grow on a stalk.

Who says you can’t learn something new while you shop for groceries?

Give this photo a like if you love Brussel sprouts roasted in 🥓


Greek Chicken Traybake | Every Last Bite 05/12/2018

Roasted veggies...

If you're mouth isn't watering, you just don't know the power of the roasted vegetable!!!

Made this delish dish last weekend for my family with rave reviews-- even the teenagers ; )

Greek Chicken Traybake | Every Last Bite A super easy traybake packed with roasted peppers, tomatoes, olives, red onion and chicken. It takes just 30 minutes to make!(Paleo, Grain/Gluten Free, SCD)

Paleo Coconut Crisps (Made with clean ingredients and so tasty!) 07/11/2018

Don't believe the negative-- coconut is AWESOME! Especially for IBD'ers.

Coconut can:
help with diarrhea
lower inflammation
benefit good cholesterol
kill bad gut bugs

One question I get asked all the time about coconut is about the oil-- refined or unrefined?

Here's the dealeeo on that:

Unrefined coconut oil= more health properties= stronger coconut taste= best in raw dishes

Refined= not as many health benefits= less of a coconut taste= best in cooked food

If you like coconut, here's a coconut recipe worth trying. It's easy to make with few ingredients, yet it's tasty and healthy too!

Such a win for gut lovin mamas!

Paleo Coconut Crisps (Made with clean ingredients and so tasty!) Paleo Coconut Crisps satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way. Naturally sweetened with maple syrup, it's a snack that tastes like a treat!


So true! And there's no community who this saying fits more than those with IBD.

Just by the fact that we have Crohn's and colitis means that we struggle to digest and absorb the food we eat.

So, what can we do to make sure we get the most healing benefits and absorption from our food?

Tip # 1 and the most important step is to stop making your food work so hard to get digested!!!!

Eating food that's already broken down (AKA cooked food) is a great way to help your body absorb nutrients-- especially when you're having a flare.

Raw food is hard on the digestive tract. Keep it cooked when your IBD is active and your belly will be so much happier.

Kind of reminds you of warm, cozy comfort food right? And the best news is that there's plenty of easy to digest, gut healthy, cooked foods in season right now.

Butternut squash
Acorn squash
Spaghetti Squash
Celery root

Then, there's foods that are great for gut digestion all year long:

Green beans

All nutritious and easy to digest for our guts.

Happy gut = less pain and bloat.

Amen to that!

Want 4 more tips to help make digestion easier for your gut? Message me and I'll share them with you.

I'll even add a bonus recipe that will make your gut happy and your taste buds even happier!

Free Worldwide Online Premiere - November 1-11 25/10/2018

The buzz on this one is off the charts!

From the same people who brought us Food Matters, this documentary will open our eyes to the world we live in once again.

I can’t wait for Nov 1st. I’m going to watch it with my teens—- after being born in the age of technology at the swipe of a finger generation, I think they could really use this too.

Who’s gonna watch with me?

Free Worldwide Online Premiere - November 1-11 Save your free spot today and get instant access to the first 12 minutes!

This Is The Hottest Commodity Between New Parents (No, It's Not S*x) 21/10/2018

Something we've got alot of here in the Gut Love Community is moms. Some have one kid, maybe two, some even have 3 or 4.

Dealing with IBD and kids... Whoa! It takes parenting and connecting with your partner to a whole new level. No matter what form your gut struggles take, there's one complaint that never changes.

I hear it over and over, from mom to mom in my health coaching practice.

Can you guess the hottest commodity between parents?

I know you've dealt with this. My hubby and I have struggled with it for years. Let's read this article and get a new perspective mama. It can't hurt and maybe it will even make our marriages stronger.

This Is The Hottest Commodity Between New Parents (No, It's Not S*x) Most new parents will face this tension in the early years.

The Best Chef's Knives for the Money 12/10/2018

Cooking gut healing food requires good knives and I'm in the market for some new ones.

I've had the same set of Henckel's knives for about 5 years and after repeated use of my kids (and I have to confess, sometimes me) using them to open Amazon packages, they are a little worse for wear. Yikes!

I think I might try the Misono in this article. I know, it's pricey, but good knives are.


Which one is your dream knife?

The Best Chef's Knives for the Money How do you slice through all the noise and hone in on the best chef's knives? Test every one you can get your hands on, of course. (Don't worry—we did it for you.)

Please Stop Telling Me To "Clean As I Go" 10/10/2018

Leave the dishes or clean as you go?

Personally, I'm a leave the dishes kind of gal. As a proud SCD mama, I accumulate a ton of dishes. If I cleaned as a cooked, I'd never leave the kitchen.

No shame girlfriend... let the dishes wait!

Please Stop Telling Me To "Clean As I Go" I'm a better cook when I do all my cleaning at the end.

7 Symptoms of A**l Cancer, the Rare Disease Marcia Cross Survived 07/10/2018

Bet you've heard you're at risk for colon cancer just by having Crohn's or colitis.

How about a**l cancer?

Let's get to know the symptoms of this rare cancer so we can be on the lookout and get help early.

Unfortunately, having IBD, we already have some of these symptoms. So, for us, it's all about watching out for the mass or lump in the re**al area.

Remember, the bottom line here is that we've got to make friends with our bum.

Ditch the shame and embarrassment ladies! When it comes to talking about p**p and bum issues, Gut Love is a safe space.

Embrace it!
Own it!

Knowing what's going on with your bum and in the toilet can save your life!

7 Symptoms of A**l Cancer, the Rare Disease Marcia Cross Survived It's important to know the signs of the rare form of cancer

Timeline photos 25/08/2018

So rare at a soccer match, but so nice to see.
Boys on both teams coming together— and not at the beginning. At the end of the game to celebrate a job well done— win or lose.
Love that!!



Here’s Q #2 in my new video...
3 Questions You’ve Got to Ask Before Starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Want access to the full 10 minute video? DM me and I’ll send you the free link so you can check it out.

Want to know if it’s worth a watch?
Here’s how you know:
💜If getting to the root cause for Crohn’s and colitis is your jam
💜If you’re searching for a different way to help manage your IBD struggles
💜If you’re curious about how the SCD can help
If you answered HELL YES! this video is for YOU!
DM me if you want to hear more. I’ll send you the link right away.




Hey there dear one! Is the Specific Carbohydrate Eating Plan in Your Future? If your answer is, “I’ve thought about it, but I’m still on the fence,” I’m here to help you find out once and for all if this transformational eating plan is in your future.

I know you’ve searched for natural ways to help your Crohn’s and colitis. And I bet you’ve stubbled across the SCD before. It’s kind of like this underground secret all of us in the IBD community whisper about.

 Does it work?
 Will my provider approve?
 What’s it really like?

It’s time to pull back the curtain and shine a light on this eating plan that might just change your life.

I know your time on Facebook is precious. I know that you are here to connect with friends and family. And you want to know if this video is worth your time. I can help you with that too!

💜If getting to the root cause for Crohn’s and colitis is your jam
💜If you’re searching for a different way to help manage your IBD struggles
💜If you’re curious about how the SCD can help

If you answered HELL YES! this video is for YOU!

I’ll give you the Top 3 Questions You’ve Got to Ask Before Starting the SCD.

This is straight up talk, no holds barred Q’s. In this video, I’ll tell you the unvarnished truth and I’ll tell you honestly who this eating plan is NOT for. We look at the SCD from every angle. And if you decide the time is right, I’d like to invite you to my very special new group coaching Program: SCD Support School.

This brand spakin’ new SCD Support School is a one-of-a-kind program designed to not only give you your SCD Step-by-Step Blueprint with mentor support from a 10-year SCD veteran, but it’s also your place for peer support to hold your hand when it’s needed and give you accountability all rolled into a fabulous and super affordable box with a shiny red bow.

Sounds like a dream come true, right?

It gets even better! Check out all the info about this program and a few extra bonus surprises I’ve got in store for you at this link:


Is the SCD for you? Let’s find out. Go ahead give this video a peek. I’ll see you on the inside!

Timeline photos 22/08/2018

In all honesty, sometimes having teenage kids and a youngster is challenging.
Other times like today, it is a blessing.
So, I could’ve been the one to teach my child how to take “grown up” probiotics, but he’s so much more apt to do it and it’s so much more fun when it comes from his big brother!!!!
Mama’s doing a happy dance.
Check out my Insta story to see how it all went down



Why Sleeping on Your Left Side Is Good for You 22/08/2018

Left side sleeping... what does that have to do with our gut?

Pretty much everything!

This is a great article on the benefits of sleeping on your left side. It goes into many of the organ systems in our body including our small and large intestine. So, pay close attention to that info for the health of your gut.

Here's the bottom line on sleeping positions because I know this is a tricky one. We all have that one position we love--

But, if you can at least try to fall asleep on your left and reposition yourself when you wake up during the night, you'll be helping all your organs work in restorative harmony so they can help quiet your inflammation while you sleep.

Happy sleep dear one!

Why Sleeping on Your Left Side Is Good for You We here at Bright Side know first hand how important a good night's rest really is for our daily activities and energy. So we've decided to check this scientific theory, and we have compiled a list of six potential benefits that may be derived from taking a left-side sleeping position.

Videos (show all)

Here’s Q #2 in my new video...🎥 3 Questions You’ve Got to Ask Before Starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet🤔Want access...
3 Must Ask Question for Starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
5 Kitchen Tools to Make Your SCD Life 10 Times Better
Last call for my FREE workshop*The 7 Healing Gems Every IBD Mom Should Be Consuming Daily master class is happening toni...
If you can relate to this, and you’re spinning your wheels trying to figure out your best natural gut healing options, I...
7 Healing Gems for Crohn's and Colitis
7 Healing Gems for IBD
7 Gems to Quiet Your IBD
7 Healing Gems to Quiet Your IBD
7 Healing Gems Every IBD Mom Should be Consuming Daily
Good old fashioned Chicken Chili 🌶 with a couple secret ingredients to pump up the flavor factor.Can you keep a secret? ...