Hamilton College Wellness Program

Hamilton College Wellness Program

Whether you run, take fitness classes or work out in the fitness center, Hamilton provides many opportunities to stay in shape.

How to Stay Fit at Every Age and Stage of Life 23/09/2020

Fitness is for everyone!

How to Stay Fit at Every Age and Stage of Life There's a workout for every age. Peloton instructors Sam Yo and Kendall Toole share how your training focus should shift as you get older.

Timeline photos 21/02/2019

Attitude is everything. Be an enthusiast. 🙂

Timeline photos 19/02/2019

You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated- just good food from fresh ingredients. - Julia Child

Timeline photos 18/02/2019

Cut out processed food and clean up your lunch routine with these ideas- save some $$ too by bringing your food from home!
1. Bring your healthy leftovers from last night’s dinner. 🙌
2. Brown rice, veggies, and avacado dressing all in one bowl!👍🏻
3. Quinoa and chickpeas with a touch of feta and some plain Greek yogurt and spices for a powerful protein packed meal 💪🏻
4. Greek salad with edamame- romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives and dried oregano. And s slice of fresh pita- yum!❤️
5. Pack a few jars to last you several days - ramen noodles, miso, garlic, ginger, hard boiled eggs, scallions, mushrooms and veggie broth. 👏
Add your own favorites in the comments!

Timeline photos 14/02/2019

Mindfulness and meditation- today at 5:15 pm. Ahhhhhhh....

Timeline photos 31/01/2019

Stay warm today!

Timeline photos 18/01/2019

Good news! The residence halls will open on Saturday morning so you can get here before the storm ramps up. Travel safely!

media.giphy.com 17/12/2018

Finals are over and we're like...


Timeline photos 04/12/2018

The December Wellness email is packed with ideas to keep you fueled and fit through the end if 2018. Try this smoothie recipe and let us know what you think!

Timeline photos 03/12/2018

Let’s start this week off being intentional about the choices we make that affect our home.

Timeline photos 29/11/2018

Found this quote and thought it could apply to some of us today. We have boatloads of work to finish, meetings to attend, holiday things to do- and we are wearing ourselves out! Today, give yourself permission to rest if you are tired. You can get back to business when you feel better. ❤️

Timeline photos 27/11/2018

For employees and students- mindfulness meditation workshops offered 11/28, 12/5 and 12/12.

Timeline photos 15/11/2018

Blood Fitness Center will be closed from 11/16 through 11/22 - but that does not mean you should skip your workout! Here are a few suggestions that will keep you crushing that consistency streak you’ve got going:
* Workout at home* - find a yoga ap and make yourself bend; do some body weight exercises like squats and push-ups; put on music and dance in your kitchen!
*Use the indoor track* Run, walk, skip- whatever!! Make it fun and give our awesome indoor facilities a try.
*Go to the pool* Swim some laps or grab an aqua belt and do some jogging. Both are great for resistance training while easing pressure on your joints.
*Get outside* Bundle up and enjoy the fresh air. Take a power walk or stroll through the glen. If we get enough snow, try XC skiing around campus.

These are just a few ways to stay active while the fitness center is offline. Have fun and keep moving!!

Timeline photos 14/11/2018

We mean it when we say “attitude is everything.”

Have a great Wednesday!

Timeline photos 13/11/2018

This warm, bubbly pot of goodness is exactly what’s needed to fuel this snowy, cold morning.
2 cups water
1 cup quinoa
1 peeled, sliced apple
1 peeled, sliced pear
Teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cardamom
Coconut flakes
Chia seeds
Throw it all in a pot, bring it to a boil.Let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add nut milk and stir.


Timeline photos 12/11/2018

How to stay healthy during the holidays- tip #1:
Plan to move your body (aka exercise). Try to get your workout done first thing in the morning so that other obligations don’t sidetrack you. But even if you can’t do that, commit to getting it done sometime before the end of the day! Start the week off feeling good by meeting your workout goal.

Timeline photos 09/11/2018

Give Blood Today!

Photos from Hamilton College Wellness Program's post 07/11/2018

Thank you, Mary, for sharing your inspiring (are there better words to describe how meaningful?) health journey with us at today’s Staff Assembly meeting. From feeling poorly, to positive outcomes with the , to dealing with a surprising illness, you overcame procrastination and took your health seriously. What a great lesson for the rest of us! Here’s to your continuing good health! 🙏 for sharing your amazing story. @ Hamilton College

Timeline photos 06/11/2018

When the day starts out grey and dreary, get up and get outside anyway. Tell yourself you’ll do 10 minutes of 🏃‍♀️ or 🚶‍♀️ before you decide to quit. That 10 minutes of moving is enough to boost your mood and kickstart your metabolism. We’re betting that in 10 minutes time you’ll be glad you started. Give it a try the next time a grey day has you like...☹️.

Photos from Hamilton College Wellness Program's post 05/11/2018

Good stuff from

Photos from Hamilton College Wellness Program's post 02/11/2018

Try this yummy recipe for breakfast! I cook in “approximates”, so do the best you can. 🤷‍♀️
Combine 1 mashed banana, 1/2 cup cooked mashed pumpkin, 1-2 eggs, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, spices to taste (cinnamon, ginger, cloves...). Bake in microwave for 2 minutes. Stir. Cook an additional minute if runny. Add raisins, cashews and or dates. This is a recipe that can be changed up and switched out as desired. Experiment with it and see what you come up with. Enjoy!


November is here. The last month of autumn. Turn the page. Move on. Expect the unexpected. And, of course, be thankful.

Timeline photos 31/10/2018

Halloween = lots of candy. Maybe you’re eating a bit more today than your typical Wednesday. 😳If that’s the case, here are some practical suggestions to get you back on track tomorrow.
1. Move! Exercise will help balance your blood sugar. So get going and get to the gym, take a walk or do some yoga. 🧘‍♀️
2. Add a bit of cinnamon to your morning beverage to stabilize your blood sugar. Spice it up and treat yourself. ☕️
3. Don’t skip a meal the day after indulging. Eat a full meal with healthy fats and protein. 🥑🥗🥙
4. (My personal fav) sip on some water and apple cider vinegar to detox your whole body from all that sugar overload. 👍🏻

Have some fun today and recover well tomorrow.
Your welcome!🎃


Tuesday’s lifestyle tip: Sleep!
Because sleep helps you recover after a long day.
Sleep helps muscles and brain functions recharge.
Sleep reduces stress.
Sleep reduces inflammation.
Sleep may help you lose weight.
Plan to shut it down early tonight and get some 💤 .

Timeline photos 29/10/2018

I see you November- and you are looking good!!


Eat well. Feel well. Skip the candy and treats today and grab a piece of fruit instead. Your body will love you for it!

Timeline photos 25/10/2018

You are enough. You are worthy.

This PSA brought to you by Hamilton College Wellness. 🙂

Videos (show all)

November is here. The last month of autumn. Turn the page. Move on. Expect the unexpected. And, of course, be thankful.
Tuesday’s lifestyle tip: Sleep!   Why? Because sleep helps you recover after a long day. Sleep helps muscles and brain f...