Videos by Dr. Theresa Larson DPT. Dr. T is a wife, mother, Doctor of Physical Therapy gone rogue, a certified strength and conditioning specialist who focuses on education in the adaptive training, is United States Marine Corps Veteran, and former pro fast pitch softball player.
I do NOT feel like doing this. Yet I am going to do it anyway before I let my 'feelings' hold me back from taking action. Something is better than nothing...and even with a injured toe, I can move. My adaptive athletes have taught me this. Here is a little inside scoop of what I share in my trainings and keynotes... 1. Don't use your paper cut as an excuse for inaction. 2. You are not a special snowflake. You have a body, a can move. 3. If you are in pain, even more of a reason to move to improve your function to help you heal. While you may not be doing thrusters, there are other things you CAN do. Note: My training is offered up for Jensen and her family. #livelikejensen @ffe63 #longevity #movement #alwaysremember Movement Rx Leaders Movement Rx Leaders
How do you make use of what you have where you are? I will show you how I made a little workout for myself while massively delayed at the airport. I will show you how to do squats, hinging motions, presses and more. Move where you are with what you have. No excuses! PS I am offering up all my training for Imogene this mountain pass race for Jensen, @jeff hughs @ffe63 daughter who passed this past year. #movement#longevity #speaker #livelikejensen @movement-rx Movement Rx Leaders
Your health behaviors are contagious! While at the airport waiting for hours, I decided to make one of the bags I was carrying into a weight. Some of the United Club staff were curious about my 'weight' training and had to try it. Was the highlight of my flight delayed experience. #movement #healthiscontagious #longevity #speaker Movement Rx Leaders Movement Rx Leaders
The goal is to die young when you are old (or something like that). I plan on it with what I CAN control about my life. Having FUN is an important part of life...and I think some of you have lost the ability to have fun as you let your lives run you over. The beauty is this can change. You can matter your age. Steven Kotler and I got into a axe and throwing match and just had FUN. Missed a lot, yet hit the targe some too. My prescription for you today is this: take 10 minutes (you would normally scroll and waste precious time) and do something that is FUN for you. #longevity #aging #movement #leadership Functional Fitness MY HEALTH & WELLBEING DISCLOSURE: I am only spending 10 minutes a day, 4 days a week on social platforms which includes engaging intentionally with people. I am doing this to protect and strengthen my mind, body, spirit as well as well as staying present to what matters most. My work and life have expanded because of boundaries like this. Be the change you want to see in yourself and with your kids. #setboundaries
Adapt Your Work Station to Improve Your Performance
Next week I will uncover HOW to make your work station work for you.
If you want to feel less lethargic, improve your posture, experience more energy, feel more active, and be more focused (all good things), then come listen to me dive into this topic next Wednesday.
In the comments please put any questions you have about your current work station set up, posture, aches, pains you have from work.
See you soon.
- Dr. T
How Sleep Can Optimize Your Body Composition!
Listen in tomorrow as to all the reasons WHY and HOW sleep can impact your body composition.
How Sleep Can Optimize Your Body Composition
Tomorrow in our monthly #linkedinLIVE Dr. Marissa Rescott, who has her PhD in sleep, will be talking about the benefits of sleep on how we metabolize food and lose or gain body weight.
Don't sleep in...get up and listen to this goodness
This is the ULTIMATE buddy yoga:).
On a leadership and wellbeing note..
Brain Derived Neuropeptide Factor aka BDNF, a protein that aids in neuronal growth (neuroplasticity) will increase by 32% when you exercise.
I was recently helping our Director of Adaptive Training @physiomeg Megan Graff, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSCS present at American College of Sports Medicine and listened to some Medical Doctors from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School present on ‘exercise and the brain.’
What was shared was this:
-BDNF support neurons, new growth and differentiation aka plasticity.
- BDNF is a crucial link between movement, thought, and emotions.
- A study in 2013 found that 20-40 minutes of aerobic exercise increased BDNF by 32%.
Exercise is medicine for the BRAIN and BODY.
Leaders, if you want to increase you and your teams level of awareness, alertness, memory, and creativity, MOVE MORE.
#longevity #speaker #movementismedicine #leadership Movement Rx @acsm1954 @mrxleaders
Leaders, your well-being matters!
I share in this video how a fellow Marine Corps veteran took action after he experienced my keynote two weeks ago at the Veterans Entrepreneurship Initiative (VEI) in Orlando.
He is changing lives of of those around him by sharing his journey with them.
Network, check out Chad Rickabaugh, Marine Corps veteran and CEO of Revolution Ranch. Chad is improving the way our companies communicate and reach their audience.
Semper Fi brother. Testimonials like this mean the most to me because you took action and are sharing that action with people you care about.
#longevity #speaker #leadership Movement Rx WeBe Life WeBe Life Foundation
What a setting to practice primal movements and testing movement vital signs (aka how strong and aerobically fit you are) during my ‘Longevity 101’ workshop at the ‘Be Well to Lead Well’ retreat.
If you want to see retention, growth, productivity, and engagement with your people then look in the mirror.
Are you the leader who sets an example of what you want to see in your people or are you saying one thing and doing another?
You need to be strong to last.
Get moving network!
#longevity #leadership #bossmom #retreat Movement Rx Men Talking Mindfulness Podcast Per Larson Will Schneider ★ Per Larson
Motion is motion!
I am visiting my family in NorCal (who happen to be Marine Corps veterans) and between all the activities I took 15 minutes to get in some intentional movements for all my major joints - low back, hips, knees, wrists, ankles, shoulders, neck.
It doesn’t have to be complicated.
You don’t need to attend a 1 hour class to accomplish what you need for your body and mind.
No other drug will impact you like MOVEMENT.
Make it a great weekend network!
PS Check out the latest episode of Men Talking Mindfulness Podcast about “How Unplanned Movement Can Save Your Life.” Link is in the comments.
The Power of Unplanned Movement with Dr. Theresa Larson
Sure, you're working out - hitting the gym, running... but what are you doing the REST of the day? Let's talk with Dr. Theresa Larson, US Marine Corps Veteran and former professional softball player turned Doctor of Physical Therapy and movement expert to learn how UNPLANNED movement can help you live a longer, healthier life!
How to Self Assess & Optimize Your Lower Back Health
Leaders, aches and pains are a normal aspect of being human until they become chronic (aka last longer than 3 months).
Low back pain is extremely common...but not normal.
This Wednesday Dr. T will show you how to quickly assess your lower back and offer you a resource on how to help your lower back function they way it is designed!
If your paying a lot of money to have health providers 'fix' you, waiting for someone to tell you what to do, want to learn how to optimize your lower back health, then listen in on Wednesday.
This will be short, sweet, and packed full of helpful info.
If you have questions about other areas of your body list them in the comments or private message me.
Sleep's Impact on Productivity & Pain
Leaders, do you get 7.5 hours of sleep or more a night?
A Mckinsey study found that 43% of business leaders do not get enough sleep at least 4 nights a week.
How do you know if this is you? Maybe you feel anxious, have trouble focusing during deep work, you're wishing for an IV drip of coffee, or maybe you have longstanding low back or neck pain. Maybe you just feel like you're missing the edge you used to have.
In any case, don't miss this session with Dr. Marissa Rescott on how you can optimize your sleep to boost your productivity and improve pain, no matter how long you've had it.
You'll walk away with practical tips for getting more restorative sleep to tackle high performance work with ease and boost your physical recovery.
Pull up test
had quite an audience watching my monthly pull up test today. My goal was 15 and I achieved 15.
My audience consisted of a demon, a queen, superboy and two furry helpers all of whom helped me count my reps.
While my last few reps were not that pretty and have had to switch up my technique I am proud of my progress and how far I have come since July of last year starting at 5, scoring 14.5 on Jan 1, and then regressing a little to 12 on Feb 1.
Pull ups are my 1% better a day reminder. To be good at these takes consistency and being as healthy as I can be in all 5 areas of wellbeing: sleep, fuel, movement- strength, people, and mindset.
Thank you network for your support.
#longevity #wellbeing Movement Rx #speaker #longevity
How Leaders Well-being Impacts Productivity
Tune in Saturday with me to learn what kind of impact a leaders emotional and physical well-being has on their peoples productivity to include their own.
I will share a piece of my own story and we will get into it...
Sunset pull ups
If you think you can or can’t, you’re right!
Here is some movement AND mindset motivation for you.
I’ve added a 35 lb Kettlebell to my pull ups to switch things up this month. It’s a focus on muscular strength over muscular endurance.
While I can’t do many, I am still doing them and adding in negatives while doing less reps.
Everyday I jump on the bar with the added load I get a small feeling that maybe I can’t do it. Yet I go for it anyway. That is a win.
Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
#leadership #veteran #speaker Movement Rx