Speak to Understand Videos

Videos by Speak to Understand. Speak. Listen. Grow.

Hopelessness is a great deception, preventing you from giving the gifts that you were born to give… the gifts we need more than ever. Happy to be back! I missed you.

Other Speak to Understand videos

Hopelessness is a great deception, preventing you from giving the gifts that you were born to give… the gifts we need more than ever. Happy to be back! I missed you.

Pain. Shame. And the Path Forward. (a repost for those of you without instagram). I don't say this often enough - but if what I talk about here resonates for you - please know that the ideas that I share - the keys to the prisons of shame, trauma, pain, abuse and self-sabotage - these ideas come from a tribe of healers and philosophers throughout time. As the cave drawings from early man attest, we have been trying to make sense of what it is to be human from our earliest days... to this very moment. I take comfort in the wisdom gleaned from our ancestors - who struggled with many of the same things we think are uniquely are own. I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone... and never was. I was rescued and parented and taught - and continue to be taught - by fellow travelers... healing from the same wounds... searching for the same sense of community and belonging... yearning for connection and purpose. Howard Thurman, Jane Steger, Lao-Tse, Plotinus, William Blake, Homer, Stanley Kunitz, Zora Neale Hurston, Marianne Williamson, Paramahansa Yogananda, Buddha, Jesus, The Talmud, Billie Holiday, Henry James, Edith Wharton, Maya Angelou.. and on and on and on... And you... Always you. Every time the path ahead was obscured... what saved me was reaching back, and reaching out... searching for and finding... the mentors I needed...that I need still -to continue on with my own hero's journey. I share their wisdom - through the lens of my own experience - with you. You have a family - a tribe - accessible to you - if you choose to find them. You are are not alone in your miraculous journey into meaning. Thank you for sharing yours with me.

Scars, wounds and the hero's journey. (And yes - we talk about my face).

Letting go of the old story - setting intentions for the new story. (For those of you who do not have instagram!)...

The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Ourselves: Finding the gift in the pain

In The Aftermath: You Remain. You Survive. You Endure. For those moments when you feel - brought down low - when you have fallen into despair - and despair is all you see... Remember: I AM. YOU ARE. WE ARE.... MIGHTY!

Old wounds - self-sabotage - and the courage to face it all.

Christmas - and the stories we tell. Happy Holidays my friends! XO

9/11. I will never forget that... under the witnessing eye of the bluest September sky - we met the ugliest of human impulses - and courage, grace and loving-kindness won. ------- WE. ENDURE. When dark times come… as dark times do… And hatred… And violence… And fear… Feel choking… and present… and personal… We are tempted to believe that darkness is all there is… But try to remember that from the beginning … We have been faced with those who have lost their humanity… And in doing so try to annihilate ours… It is not possible. From New York to Newtown. Birkenau to Boston. Across time… Across cultures… And across the globe… Storms come… And change the landscape for a time. Storms come… And try to make us believe that nothing exists but storm… But we hold tight… Together… In our fear… In our sorrow… In our outrage… We hold tight… Together… In our love… In our courage… And in our faith We hold tight… Together... In our resolve And the storm consumes itself. The darkness fades. The skies clear. And we endure. We. Endure. (Joe Bolduc)

The 4th of July - and a "Declaration" of Independence. What will YOU declare for yourself today?