Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism

Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism

OmniMysticism™ O.S. to Embody Your Multidimensional Self. Liberate Yourself from Limitation & Trauma


Your Greatest Challenge Now?

Share in comments or see comments to share privately.


⏰ It's Time ⏰

We find ourselves in a momentous era, a time destined for significant change—a period where the world may seem to "come apart at the seams."

Yet, it's essential to recognize that within this upheaval lies the potential for a completely new and benevolent world.

You, who you truly are, came here for this. It's why you're here.

However, just as in the myth of The Phoenix, the old must first become ash to allow a resurrection into a new life. This process is nothing to be afraid of, but rather an invitation to embrace transformation and navigate the uncertainties that come with it.

Click link in COMMENTS for the details.

✂️ If you feel called by this message ... IT'S YOUR TIME! Your instructions are BUILT INTO YOU. And it's your job to uncover them. INSIDE. 07/11/2023

If you feel called by this message ... IT'S YOUR TIME! Your instructions are BUILT INTO YOU. And it's your job to uncover them.


There is a way to do this.

✂️ If you feel called by this message ... IT'S YOUR TIME! Your instructions are BUILT INTO YOU. And it's your job to uncover them. INSIDE. 51 seconds · Clipped by Daniel Piatek · Original video "Jordan Peterson SCORCHES Klaus Schwab & The WEF (ARC Forum Highlights)" by RattlesnakeTV


I was guided to do a collective reading, and this is what came out. Check it out over on YT, link is in the comments.

It addresses the experience that you might be having in some aspect of your life or experience that, "Something just doesn't feel right. It's not right. What's going on."

A really great way to look at the experience you're having, as well as how to relate to it and move forward came through.

Check it out. Link in the comments.


Ideally this is the first place to start.

But in practice, usually we need to be beat into submission before we go there.

Or have life leave us with no other choice.

There are many things happening right now that tempt us to try to rearrange a situation ... or change others.

Consider that all of these approaches, while they may seem constructive, may serve your own disempowerment.


Having the experience of being WHOLE means all of our parts are welcome at the table. This gives us mastery of all that we are.

In the Self good and evil are indeed closer than identical twins

C. G. Jung - Coll Works, vol 12


I’m just going to coddiwomple my way into the weekend 🤗

Thank you to Rick Allen at Kenspeckle Letterpress for this wonderful graphic!


For those into archetypes ... do you recognize the imagery? Please post it in the comments!

I’m just going to coddiwomple my way into the weekend 🤗

Thank you to Rick Allen at Kenspeckle Letterpress for this wonderful graphic!


October is a month where our choices become increasingly important.

In these Times, the choices we make create the future that we live in ... in ways that are far beyond our ability to understand what this means.

Being AWAKE. Slowing down & taking time to be in your life, making decisions consciously.

Sunday October 1 2023

Instant karma

"There’s a mysterious door that appears when we stop attaching ourselves to the comfort of what we believe to be are our obstacles. This is where the light of our inner fire appears. This is where we start to see, feel and listen. This is where we stop pretending. And this is where we no longer seek refuge outside of ourselves..." Tanya Lee Markul

October is going to be one of the most intense months of 2023. An energetic crossroads where karma, fate and free will combine to create significant endings, beginnings, turning points and breakthroughs. Feel the ground rumble and shake beneath your feet as Pluto turns direct followed by two wild card eclipses.

If you are ready to own it, this is a power surge….

This week, a web of multiple inner planetary contacts to the deep space karmic points of Eris, the Nodes of Fate, the Super Galactic Centre and the Galactic Centre turns up the dial on your sensory acuity and intuition.

When the old and new Gods conspire, it’s time to pay attention…...

On October 4th, the Messenger crosses the Super Galactic Centre into Libra as Venus finally exits Leo after her extended retrograde renewal and enters Virgo on the 8th. Mars at the end of Libra is conjunct the karmic South Node of Fate, square Pluto, opposite Disruptor Eris and the Node of Fate.

Be discerning-your actions have consequences and almost instant karmic bounce back…..

On the world stage, expect to witness many examples of hubris and personal reckonings.

Art By Elena Ray

Get your free October 1-7 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Get your Personal October 2023-24 Year Ahead Forecast in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

New! Be prepared for the vortex of October’s two wild card eclipses, get: “Making Eclipses Work for You” in the shop: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

“Your October 5D Report is superb, with such potent coaching prompts! The energies moving through the insights you share are sooo powerful and inspirational” Rick J Austin Texas

Photos from Mick Jagger's post 27/09/2023

Well, it seems that I wasn't the only one called to Catania, Sicily. It seems Mick Jagger just blew through town.

Photos from Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism's post 24/09/2023

After 40 hours of travel, my first day in Catania Sicily. It's nice to be back in Europe


Here's a GENERAL READING about RELATIONSHIPS ... I hope you find this to be supportive, helpful and inspirational in whatever is not satisfactory to you in the various relationships in your life.


📸 💜

GET ACCESS - Free Trademark Training! 17/04/2023


I'd like to recommend to you, if you're thinking about this issue for your business, product, service, etc ... check out this free webinar from a Trademark Attorney Practice who is doing work for me, and I have no hesitation to recommend them.

Do you want to protect your brand and avoid costly legal battles? Join our free trademark masterclass on April 19 @ 1 PM CST and learn how to secure your trademarks and brand names.

Register here: https://bit.ly/3zClfPG

In this masterclass, we'll be discussing the BIGGEST and MOST DANGEROUS MISTAKES entrepreneurs make that put their brands at major risk. You'll discover what trademarks really are, why they're so dang important, and how to handle trademark issues like a champ! It's gonna be epic! Caitlyn is seriously amazing at breaking this all down in a way that's helpful and somehow NOT BORING!

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn how to protect your brand and get a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

Register now for our free trademark masterclass and take the first step towards securing your brand's future!

GET ACCESS - Free Trademark Training! After helping thousands of entrepreneurs on the legal side, I'm handing over my exact, step-by-step method for calling dibs on your trademarks.


CLICK HERE for the video: https://share.descript.com/view/pbfZAh6xakP

MY INTUITION - It's led me around the world for the past almost 4 years, helping my life to unfold in wild, unexpected and absolutely magical ways.

MY INTUITION is my superpower. It serves me and my clients mightily.

MY INTUITION presented me with one of the boldest statements I've heard in a long time. What I heard is:

"As long as they want their problem resolved so that their life more aligns with their True Self, what you teach is The Way to resolve any problem or challenge in life."

I'm offering the maiden voyage of teaching this Way AS A GIFT for people for whom this is a good fit.

WATCH THE VIDEO for more information. https://share.descript.com/view/pbfZAh6xakP

And then if you're interested, the link to schedule a chat with me is in the comments.


I Have a Gift to offer you

One way or another, you have been a part of my journey since 2015. Somewhere, somehow, our paths crossed.

These past 7 years have been the most miraculous ... and deeply challenging ... of my life.

The devastating personal challenges that life served up took me to the bottom ... and then, the real bottom. 🙈

What do you do when life takes everything from you?


I learned that a LOT of what we've been taught about life, about making change ... is just plain WRONG.

Especially when the change you want to make is about how to live more and more as the REAL YOU. Not the version that's been made small and twisted up to fit into this box or that role.

To thank you for having been a part of my journey, I'm offering to you what I wish I had known back in 2015. Hell ... way before then, for that matter! 🤣

I'm now offering to you (AS A GIFT) the distillation of what I've learned about making deep personal transformation so that you begin to live the life that you know is waiting for you to live.
I'm talking about the life you created for yourself BEFORE you were born.

For real. No Instagram or YouTube "spiritual blow smoke up your ***" B.S. - I truly mean this.

We have now entered the time for you to live EXACTLY what you planned for yourself. There's more in there than you can even begin to know!


As I learned to listen to and follow the ways in which ALL OF LIFE was showing me how to FREE MYSELF from deep & unseen trauma and conditioning, my life kept transforming in ways I never imagined were possible.

You may not know this about me, but I'm somebody who has dedicated a significant portion of my life to my own transformation - spiritual, psychological, leadership, etc - as well as being dedicated to supporting others.

Surprisingly none of that work (including 9 years as a celibate monk, meditating 2+ hours/day) came close to what I've learned these past 7 years, as my own life transformed and the nature of my work with others did as well.

I kept being astounded at how much my life, and the lives of my clients, was changing in such unexpected (yet entirely welcomed!) ways.

And doubly so as I worked with MY clients who were coaches and healers themselves how to bring this work to their clients. And they were being astounded (and deeply fulfilled) in how their work was transforming, and the results they were now able to deliver to their clients.


I began to deeply understand the problems and patterns that had been plaguing me my whole life as I watched them fade into the rear-view mirror.

MY LIFE kept making more and more sense. Heck, life itself made more and more sense.

And my experience of being ME continues feeling more and more free & full. It's like MORE OF ME is able to live in and through my body.

The direct experience of being Whole, Perfect & Complete is no longer just a lovely idea in my mind. It is a felt, lived experience, one which awaits anyone who takes up the path of Individuating - of truly liberating the Being which is already there, locked up inside.


Let me make this practical:

What is that part of your life where you feel pain, restriction, loss, sadness, frustration, hopelessness?

Where do you already know change is needed, but you don't know what or how, or are afraid of what might happen?

Do you just have a feeling that you're "meant for more" in this life? Or that "there's something for me to do here?"

Is it getting harder to know what choice to make, or even how to make decisions, because of how uncertain and unreliable life is becoming?

All of these experiences (and more) are there to assist you to move into becoming a more fully-expressed version of yourself.

But for many of us, things like fear, self-doubt, confusion, anxiety, worry, practicality, or "it's not possible" keep us stuck in our tracks.


In fact, you'll see them as life showing you the way forward.

And you'll know EXACTLY WHAT TO DO!

To thank you for playing some part in the evolution of my work over the past 7 years ... I want to GIFT TO YOU the training, practice and guidance that can unleash you into living beyond the barriers that fear (in all its forms) creates in your life.

There is no tuition nor fees for this. It is being offered to you as a gift.


But it's also not "open to all." I am looking for people who have a serious desire to change at least 1 thing in their lives before summer comes.

I will personally guide you through making that change ..... while teaching you what you need so that WHO YOU TRULY, DEEPLY, ALREADY ARE sees through your eyes, speaks with your voice, and participates in the world through your deeds.

You don't need to know HOW to make the change. Let's get real ... if you already knew how, it would have changed already. Period!

It's important to realize, and relax into ... "I don't know how to do this."

I will not only show you how, I will be there teaching, guiding, and inspiring you step-by-step.


This is the work that I have only previously offered through my highly personalized 1:1 Mentorship with clients.

This will be the first time I am offering this deeply transformational work in a group format.

And I'm asking you to consider if this is for you at this point in your own journey.

CLICK BELOW if you're interested in accepting my gift, and I will be in contact with the details.

Thank you for your time and attention to read this communication, and to consider if this feels right for you at this time.

As a planet we are at an incredibly unprecedented time, and it's my belief that we all came here to participate in a time of radical change and re-formation of what it means to be a human being on planet earth.

And you and I already have we we need, and what we intended to contribute, locked safely away inside.

I ask you to consider that your Job #1 in life is to take up LIBERATING IT ... LIBERATING YOU!

(Don't worry - that doesn't leave out anything else that is truly important ... nor is it selfish. In fact, if makes ALL OF YOUR LIFE really able to work!)

I have seen time and time again that there is so much more right there inside of people. And it's as much a surprise to them as it is to me as it begins to show up.

This is what my life is about - teaching, guiding, supporting and inspiring others ... INSPIRING YOU ... to Take Up The Adventure of YOUR Life!

I look forward to hearing from you.

With Love,

Ren - Hi Ren 29/03/2023

For anyone who's consciously working with the inner angels and demons.... check out this young man's brilliance and beauty.

Ren - Hi Ren http://www.sickboi.co.ukHi Ren is out now on all streaming platformshttps://renmakesmusic.lnk.to/hirenCreating this song wasn't easy, but I'm so proud of how...


I can't stop laughing.


>> Do You Need Something TRADEMARKED to protect yourself?

This trademark law firm is GIVING AWAY A FREE TRADEMARK APPLICATION. I am a client of theirs and am extremely happy with the professionalism, thoroughness and cordiality with which they work.

To quality for the drawing, you will need to attend a webinar they are presenting, "Ready to Protect Your Brand and Get Legally Legit?"

Register here: https://bit.ly/feb23-indiemasterclass


My last week in Albania. Bittersweet.

I arrived here almost 1 year ago, the most recent destination that my intuition has guided me to since 2019.

And when I discovered this small town in the mountains on the lake, I thought this would be a place where roots would take.

But on Dec 30 2022 I got the word, and began the process of allowing life to show me what was next. I was not expecting it. And as with every other time, I was not happy at first. But I have come to deeply trust how Life guides me. My life has flourished as a result.

Since Sept 2019, I lefty home in Barcelona, then to Pyrenees, Wales, London, Bali, Hoi An Vietnam (where 7 days became 7 glorious months thanks to Covid), back to Spain (Sevilla), Istanbul, Sevilla, Granada, Xátiva, Athens, Rhodes, Kos, Tirana Albania, Saranda Albania and now here in Pogradeç.

That's the geographical journey of the last 3.5 years.

But the internal journey, the deep soul level healing and spiritual growth journey was profoundly more epic than the globetrotting part of it.

Each place had its own theme of growth and healing, another level of clearing out the unfinished business of the past, creating room for more of who I already AM to be embodied.

As my journey expanded and deepened, so did my work with clients.

And now the next leg of my journey begins on March 1 as I leave Albania. I leave part of my heart here. Beautiful country and people who have been very welcoming.

What's next? STAY TUNED. I'm so excited I can hardly contain what I sense lies ahead.



This message rings in my heart as well.

A Call for Unity 25/01/2023

I invite you to watch this well-done video about the need for unity in these times ... and the forces which are always working to fracture and divide.

I believe that this message is important.

However ... how you relate to what is being said here is critical, and I will explore it in the first comment below. But I invite you to take a few minutes and watch the video first.

A Call for Unity In this video, I share a few critical secrets I've learned after serving over twenty years on the frontlines of many of our nation's biggest scandals and protests. Please take 7 minutes to watch this video, then SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE.


Let's have fun. Share "who you are" in the comments. I'll start...

A sociable recluse who needs to find stability.


Nothing will ever be the same again. But is that so bad? I can feel the radical contrast already since the eclipse, that nearly every dimension of everything we do has to change now. Our values are energetic boundaries that set the tone for what comes in and what goes out. They manage the balance of our accounts in life on every layer of relationship. And at this moment, even the Earth herself is being asked to radically upgrade her values, which will require much release before we can accept the new. What if Earth has just installed an epic system update, but out of fear or habit, or both, you’re still trying to play an old sluggish game? What if you’re so used to being unworthy of what good, nourishing, exciting, and true that you’re looking in the complete opposite direction of where the goodness is? There’s much to consider as we transform into the people we’ve always known we could be, but first a radical and thorough inventory of all the beliefs we participate in, that literally shape our perceptions and what appears to be possible or impossible must be completed. What if there were no rules anymore? What if NO ONE has the answers or authority that they appear to? What if you truly do have the pen in your hands and a blank page in front of you right now? One the will download into this reality over the next six months! What reasons are you using to justify not living your wildest dreams? Follow them home. Stalk them like a tiger. Find their source and burn it to the ground! You are free to live your mythology now. And from where I’m sitting, it’s the only thing left worth doing.

Nothing will ever be the same again. But is that so bad? I can feel the radical contrast already since the eclipse, that nearly every dimension of everything we do has to change now. Our values are energetic boundaries that set the tone for what comes in and what goes out. They manage the balance of our accounts in life on every layer of relationship. And at this moment, even the Earth herself is being asked to radically upgrade her values, which will require much release before we can accept the new. What if Earth has just installed an epic system update, but out of fear or habit, or both, you’re still trying to play an old sluggish game? What if you’re so used to being unworthy of what good, nourishing, exciting, and true that you’re looking in the complete opposite direction of where the goodness is? There’s much to consider as we transform into the people we’ve always known we could be, but first a radical and thorough inventory of all the beliefs we participate in, that literally shape our perceptions and what appears to be possible or impossible must be completed. What if there were no rules anymore? What if NO ONE has the answers or authority that they appear to? What if you truly do have the pen in your hands and a blank page in front of you right now? One the will download into this reality over the next six months! What reasons are you using to justify not living your wildest dreams? Follow them home. Stalk them like a tiger. Find their source and burn it to the ground! You are free to live your mythology now. And from where I’m sitting, it’s the only thing left worth doing.


Replay starts at 00:48 seconds.

Today I’ll be on LIVE to briefly share a way of relating to the chaotic, confusing unknowns of world that we now find ourself in. And I’ll take questions from anyone who is there - they can be as personal or not as you wish. I’ll finish after 45 minutes. I hope to see you there.




When seen from the right perspective, even the absolute craziness of the world can begin to make profound sense.


Time for the true you to emerge and own your power!


Things are NOT as they appear. Don't get stuck in finger pointing.


Daniel Piatek (HeroAcademy.com) catalyzes, inspires, and guides others to take up the adventure of your life – becoming who you truly are.

In the book, The Genius Keys: Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom, Daniel teaches you how to access Wisdom & Creativity by connecting with your own Inner Genius.

His groundbreaking “The Hero’s Quest” Process outlines a methodology for a conscious, joyous, and committed engagement with your Inner Genius to unfolding a life which reflects your destiny.

Daniel has continually walked his own path over the past 30 years, experiencing profound life transformations as his alignment with his Inner Genius deepens.

Videos (show all)

Here's a GENERAL READING about RELATIONSHIPS ... I hope you find this to be supportive, helpful and inspirational in wha...
Walking the Obstacle Course of These Chaotic Times
When seen from the right perspective, even the absolute craziness of the world can begin to make profound sense.
Time for the true you to emerge and own your power! #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritu...
Things are NOT as they appear. Don't get stuck in finger pointing. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wa...
The world is waking up to all the faces of Narcissism. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spir...
Keeping yourself safe, sane & sound while healing from deep abuse. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhe...
Body-Based Trauma Healing releases us from aeons of limitation. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualheali...
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse requires accessing our hidden trauma. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritua...
The challenge of waking up and healing from Narcissistic Abuse. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakin...
Healing from Narcissistic Abuse is an "Everest-level" healing process. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery

