Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism Videos

Videos by Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism. OmniMysticism™ O.S. to Embody Your Multidimensional Self. Liberate Yourself from Limitation & Trauma

Here's a GENERAL READING about RELATIONSHIPS ... I hope you find this to be supportive, helpful and inspirational in whatever is not satisfactory to you in the various relationships in your life.

Other Daniel Piatek - Founder of OmniMysticism videos

Here's a GENERAL READING about RELATIONSHIPS ... I hope you find this to be supportive, helpful and inspirational in whatever is not satisfactory to you in the various relationships in your life.

Walking the Obstacle Course of These Chaotic Times
Replay starts at 00:48 seconds. Today I’ll be on LIVE to briefly share a way of relating to the chaotic, confusing unknowns of world that we now find ourself in. And I’ll take questions from anyone who is there - they can be as personal or not as you wish. I’ll finish after 45 minutes. I hope to see you there.

When seen from the right perspective, even the absolute craziness of the world can begin to make profound sense.

Time for the true you to emerge and own your power! #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

Things are NOT as they appear. Don't get stuck in finger pointing. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

The world is waking up to all the faces of Narcissism. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

Keeping yourself safe, sane & sound while healing from deep abuse. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

Body-Based Trauma Healing releases us from aeons of limitation. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse requires accessing our hidden trauma. #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing #shadowwork

The challenge of waking up and healing from Narcissistic Abuse. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery #wakingup #spiritualhealing

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse is an "Everest-level" healing process. #narcissisticabuse #traumahealing #traumarecovery

Learning to believe in yourself opens the door to freedom.

Our true power has been here all along!

Taking the red pill is only the beginning.

Chaos has only just begun...

Everything I need to know I learned from Narcissistic Abuse.

EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW, I LEARNED HEALING FROM NARCISSISTIC ABUSE Narcissistic Abuse is devastating & healing from it can be harrowing ... and free you in ways that were previously unimaginable. Healing out of these patterns allows me to see what is really happening - in my day to day life, and in the world right now. For the last 7 years I have been deeply healing from a lifetime of narcissistically abusive relationships. One surprising result is that I have realized that these dynamics are everywhere on the planet right now, out in the open, plain as day. But it took releasing myself from the patterns that kept me from seeing what was always, already right there to see.

We are entering times of great challenge as we're going through a profound birthing process.

Our inner demons rise to the surface so that we can heal what keeps us unfree.

Fear, anxiety and self-doubt are actually healing trying to happen.

Just feeling better doesn't get to the root of the problem.

Fear seems to be ever-present these days, but not if you root out the seeds inside you.

How you view who you truly are sets limits (or not) on your transformation!

How to Free Yourself from Your Inner Demons & Terrifying Fears I just released a new video to address those things that prevent you from truly being who you were meant to be. Most approaches to healing actually prevent this from happening, because they are not based in the direct knowing of the Whole, Perfect, and Complete nature of who we each are. Freeing ourself, therefore, is not about fixing something that is broken; instead it is freeing us from our deeply held beliefs that we are not already Whole, Perfect, and Complete. This is not simply philosophical. In fact, taking upon oneself this Quest to free our Unique Genius, our individual spark of the divine, becomes something that is ultimately practical while being profoundly mystical and sacredly mysterious. ____ 💥 Here's the link to the FREE COURSE I mentioned in the video - Unleash Yourself: Finally Breaking Free: ➣ https://heroacademy.com/UnleashYourself

For the phoenix to rise out of the ashes, sh*t's gotta fall apart. Look around!

We are like caterpillars now, feeling the restriction of what has always been!

To allow for the birth of something new, the structures holding the old need to go!

Human being is being unimaginably transformed, hence, we live in unimaginable times!