Whole Self Wellbeing Videos

Videos by Whole Self Wellbeing. Wellbeing Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Creative Practitioner empowering others to live well

Pause. Breathe. Relax. There is nothing you need to do or be. You are safe.

#reset #recenter #Rebalance #nervoussystemregulation #breathwork #keepitsimple

Other Whole Self Wellbeing videos

Pause. Breathe. Relax. There is nothing you need to do or be. You are safe. #reset #recenter #Rebalance #nervoussystemregulation #breathwork #keepitsimple

Experimenting. Being creative. Getting curious. Finding inspiration. Having purpose. Something new. Something different. Just something. ✨️✨️✨️ #soulpurpose #tryingsomethingnew #takeachanceonyourself #wellbeingtips #dowhatyoulove #findingjoy #findingpurpose #feelgoodfun #curiousmindsarehappyminds #playfulliving #inspirationforlife❤️

I invite you to consider: What does 'wellbeing' mean to you? What does it look like or feel like? The perfect body? 💪 Loadsa money? 💰 High profile job? 👩‍🏫 Quality sleep? 😴 Healthy relationships? 💘 Joy? 💖 Balance? ☯️ Peace of mind? 🧘‍♂️ Is there one specific thing right now, that if I stood in front of you with a magic wand, you'd ask for it to be remedied or improved? And what is that thing? What needs to take priority? What action could you take right now to work towards that goal? Need some help with this? Drop me a message and let's set up a FREE Discovery Call to see how we can work together to have you feeling your bestest yet! ☎️ Or join me on the 21st Feb for my 5wk online wellbeing course! See website (link in bio) for more info x #wellbeingcoaching #wellbeingcoach #wellbeingcourses #feelgoodlookgood #takecareofyou #mindbodysoul #empoweringlives #takebackcontrolofyourlife #yougotthepower #innerpeace #innerstrength #insidebeautymatters #wholeselfwellbeing

𝑨𝙧𝒆 𝒚𝙤𝒖 𝒍𝙞𝒗𝙞𝒏𝙜 𝙞𝒏 𝒂𝙡𝒊𝙜𝒏𝙢𝒆𝙣𝒕? We are already well into the second week of the New Year! 😱 How are the New Year’s Resolutions going?! Have old habits, familiar unhealthy and unhelpful patterns started to creep back in? 🫣 How about we consider these last few months of Winter a time to prepare for Spring - which is after all a natural time for rebirth and renewal - to think about and start laying the foundations for how you’d like this year to progress. 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙬... 🪷 Are you where you want to be? 🪷 If not, where do you want to be? 🪷 Are you living in alignment with your values, aims and goals? 🪷 Are you spending your time, energy, money and other resources wisely? On things that fill your cup, help you get to the place you want to be, to feel the way you wish to feel? 🪷 Where are you ‘wasting’ your time, money and other important resources - things that are not helping you progress? 🪷 We often think we don't have the time, energy, money etc for things we deeply want, yet if we’re honest, we probably ‘waste’ time on mindless, unhealthy, unhelpful things (no judgement!) that with more awareness and willpower, could be directed to a better, more aligned use. 𝙎𝒐 𝒘𝙝𝒆𝙧𝒆 𝒄𝙖𝒏 𝒚𝙤𝒖 𝒔𝙩𝒂𝙧𝒕 𝒑𝙪𝒍𝙡𝒊𝙣𝒈 𝒃𝙖𝒄𝙠? 🪷 Where can you start saying No instead of Yes if it’s not something you really want to be saying yes to…? 🪷 How can you start to live a life more aligned with who you are and where you wish to be? Feeling unsure or stuck? I'd love to help! Get in touch to arrange a little chat about 121 wellbeing coaching or check out my 5-week online group wellbeing course starting next month for more guidance, tips and tricks for happier, healthier living. See ht

Feeling frazzled?!  I invite you to take a few moments out to be still and focus on your breath. When overwhelmed, anxious or stressed we tend to breathe shallowly in the chest area. Breathing deeper and longer using the diaphragm stimulates the vagus nerve and activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Just what we need right now, right? 😊 Sound good? Try this: take a deep breath in for 4 counts and a long, steady breath out, also for 4 counts. Need a bit more?? Try exhaling for longer than the inhale (eg inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 6 or 8 counts, whatever feels comfortable) 💙 #stressless #breatheinbreatheout #BreatheWell #breathewell #breathewellbeing #breathewellbewell

Instead of setting New Year's Resolutions (that tend to fall to the wayside within weeks anyway, if not hours 😆) how about taking some time this Winter Solstice period to go into some deep reflection on where you are in life right now and where you'd like to be, perhaps this time next year? ❤️‍🔥 Reflect on how far you've come this past year and what is or isn't working. ❤️‍🔥 Consider how have you been feeling, your wellbeing? ❤️‍🔥 What would you like to leave behind in 2023? ❤️‍🔥 What would you like to see more of in 2024? ❤️‍🔥 How are you going to get there? It's your time to take control. Start curating the life you want to live. Plan small, achievable steps to get you there and take action (however small) every day ✊ Need some help with all this? Well, you're in luck! I'm currently offering discounts on both my NEW 5-week online Group Wellbeing Course and Private 121 Coaching, starting in January! See Pinned Posts or www.wholeselfwellbeing.com for more info and of course, drop me a PM if interested in booking your space! 💖 #wellbeingcoach #make2024youryear #beauthenticallyyou

Those mornings when you're feeling tired you get out the mat with the intention of just sitting there for 5 minutes and the next thing you know you've flowed through a 20min practice and now feeling alive, energised and ready for the day! LOVE IT 💖🙌 Set the goal: get out the mat for 5 minutes every day without expectations. See what happens. Whatever you end up doing was just what you needed at that time 💞 #getoutofyourheadandintoyourbody #getoutofyourhead #consciousmovement #mindbodyconnection #movetofeelgood

An introductory video to Wellbeing Coaching 🌸 If you're feeling like your life and your wellbeing could be better (maybe you're having trouble sleeping, low in energy, feel overwhelmed, lacking, stuck, lacklustre....) then wellbeing coaching may be just what you need to get back in control 😃 Coaching offers: clarity, accountability, motivation and CELEBRATION 🥳 Drop me a PM if interested for more info and/or to set up a Discovery Call (15-20mins, free, no obligations) to see if we'd be a good match! Love, Lorraine x #wellbeingcoach #selfcarehelp #EmpowermentJourney

Thread the Needle practice
Snippets from my home practice: Thread the Needle (Sam style!) When I started to return to a fuller practice after quite a long break (leg injury and then moving counties) I joined a local class with, Sam, who is not only an outstanding teacher but a truly beautiful soul who radiates the most lovely aura just by being. And he teaches this version of Thread the Needle which I'd never come across before. Am still trying to accomplish the final position, but in the meantime, learning a good lesson in how to fall (elegantly?!?), the Art of Patience and of course Laughing at Oneself. Maybe that's why I love yoga - it reminds me what I love about travelling, as penned so well in this quote by Arthur Ashe: "Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome." #joyofyoga #humility #patiencepays #threadtheneedle #personalpractice #journeys

Whether it's the hot weather or a hot flush, this simple breathing exercise can help cool you down 😎 #breathwork #keepcool #pranayama

Thank you!
A massive thank you to the dear yogis that came along to class last night, on the hottest June 13th EVER apparently! Seemed fitting to learn a breathing exercise that helps cool the body last night! And whilst this month's theme is "Summer Goddess Warriors" there are plenty of soothing, cooling, calming asanas in the mix to help balance out the heating, energising postures. Honouring the male and female energies, Sun and Moon, yin and yang ☯️ If it sounds good, come join us on Tuesday evenings if you're in the Bracknell area, or get in touch for online/private options. Another hot day ahead (am loving this!) so enjoy some sunshine, keep hydrated, keep cool 😎

"Summer Goddess Warriors" is the theme for my Tuesday evening class in Bracknell until end of June. Welcoming in the warmer months with grounding, uplifting poses to fuel and energise the inner power, easy breathwork to cool the body, rounded off with restorative relaxation. All levels are welcome. See pinned ad / PM me / see website for more details. Looking forward to practicing with you! 🤗

A simple creative exercise to unlock your deep desires! Discover what it is you'd REALLY LOVE to be doing with your life. Maybe discover a new passion or a long forgotten one, maybe create a Bucket List to get to work on, or unlock a deep desire for a career change. The results can be very insightful! So grab a pen, some paper, set your alarm for 10 minutes and get writing! Don't overthink it, just keep it flowing. Anything and everything you dream about. No barriers, no limitations. Everything is within your reach 🙌✨🙌 #coachingtips #unlockyourdesire #unlockyourdesires #unlockyourdestiny #ItsInYourHands #itsinyourhands #createyourlife #livelaughlove

A perfect example of how our thoughts and beliefs can hold us back!🙈 It's been six long years of me believing I cannot do a traditional headstand, and many amazing teachers along the way telling me it's just a mental block. I could literally float up in the tripod version, so what gives?? I decided to put it down to my upper arms not being long enough to support me and that was that. Recently though, I found an amazing teacher who once again challenged me with my beliefs and something inside me clicked this time. Within a few practices I was clonkily getting up with the help of the wall. A few more practices and I'm now doing it completely unaided! Not the most graceful I know, but I'm getting there. Now whether you can do a headstand or not makes no difference to whether you're 'good at yoga' or not, or whether you're a good person or not. The lesson learned here was to challenge our beliefs and thoughts, especially when we're telling ourselves we can't do something we would love to do, or that we're not good enough, or feeling fearful for whatever reason. It's quite amazing how our mere thoughts alone can get in our way, so powerful they are. But we can turn that on it's head (no pun intended). If we CHOOSE to think we CAN achieve something, and believe we CAN and WILL do it, our determination to keep trying no matter how often we stumble, can certainly open up the opportunity for success or at least, a better understanding and acceptance of ourselves. Whether this is on the mat, or off it. What beliefs are getting in your way? 🙌🧘🥰

Yoga Nidra for unlocking creativity, improving sleep and total relaxation
This Yoga Nidra practice focuses on unlocking creativity, improving sleep and total relaxation for the mind, body and soul. All you need to do is get super comfy (lying down is perfect for this), cover up well so you don't get cold and be guided. Ear/headphones may work best particularly if there is distracting noise near you. Can be practiced at any time of the day but you might like it at bedtime, especially if struggling to drop off. Contraindications: please get medical approval beforehand if you have any severe mental health conditions or concerns. Otherwise, relax and enjoy! Let me know if you like it (or not!) or have any questions 🌠

Outtakes from my recent return to headstand practice. It's why it's called a 'Practice' :D :D :D

Morning Practice 02/03/2023
Practicing patience, self compassion, forgiveness and humility to help us through life's ups and downs. Currently loving the new flow my practice is taking - almost back up and running to where I left off just over a year ago 💛 Here's a lil snippet from yesterday morning x